The title pretty much says it all: Since I'm trying to bulk up, I'm wondering how much time I should take between taking my stats...a couple months? More?
The title pretty much says it all: Since I'm trying to bulk up, I'm wondering how much time I should take between taking my stats...a couple months? More?
I think it depends on the time frame of your goal.
Off cycle, I measure about once a year. On cycle I measure before, after cycle, and then again a month or so after clomid.
doesnt' matter small results can be seen in 3 weeks. That's the rule of thumb.
I'm taking a month for me during my bulking phase.
Do you mean your body measurements?!? Do you guys do it yourselves or get it done "professionally"
If you do it yourselves, does it really matter? Hell I like to just measure my biceps every now and then, just makes me feel good
Currently I have 16 inch biceps (mostly fat though).
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