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Thread: DON HOOTON: Steroid Use Outnumber Junkies at Needle Exchanges

  1. #1
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    Thumbs down DON HOOTON: Steroid Use Outnumber Junkies at Needle Exchanges

    I sometimes check the "Taylor Hooton Foundation" website ( The teen who killed himself because of depression, but who's father blamed his son's death on his illegal use of anabolic steroids, to which his son used without a doctors prescription, without proper research, and without any post-cycle therapy what so ever. The father, Don Hooton, has started somewhat of a crusade against anabolic steroids, and some of the shit he posts on his little blog on the website is just check this one out.

    Wales: Steroid Users Outnumber Junkies at Needle Exchanges
    Don Hooton - Monday, March 08, 2010

    Is this where we are headed? A society where the use of anabolic steroids has surpassed the use of other drugs?

    If you've not read any other article that I've posted in this section, please take 5 minutes and read this article in its entirety. Because, I believe this is where we in the US are headed. Why? Because as a nation, vanity and the desire to win at any cost drives our youth's behavior while at the same time we are effectively doing NOTHING to impede the growth of this growing epidemic!


    Figures show Wales' steroid timebomb
    Mar 7 2010 by Graham Henry, Wales On Sunday
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    STEROID use is so rife in Wales, users are outnumbering junkies in using needle-exchange programmes, drug experts have warned.

    Needle-exchange figures reveal that the numbers of users on body-enhancing drugs using the services has rocketed to 80% of the total in some areas.

    Cheap, often fake, internet steroids are flooding the market as more and more young Welsh men attempt to take a quick, easy path towards a body like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

    Fake steroids have been known to include baby oil and drugs normally intended for bulking-up cattle.

    They have also been known to cause a raft of side-effects including impotence, hair loss and the growth of “moobs” – man-breasts.

    Mike Mallett of the Newport needle exchange – where nearly two-thirds of walk-in clients are steroid-users – warned that the trend was growing and that people now had “no difficulty” getting hold of dangerous drugs from the internet and dealers.

    He said: “We’ve seen a steady year-on-year increase in the number of people using steroids.

    “The numbers are creeping up and around 60% of our client-base here are steroid users. A large proportion of them are young males aged 18 or 19 who want to go on steroids before they have done any weight training, which can lead to long-term health problems.”

    Mr Mallett warned that with more steroid-users sharing needles there was a “huge” risk of contracting blood-borne viruses like HIV and hepatitis.

    He said: “Many users prefer to think that they are not at risk from blood-borne viruses because they aren’t ‘junkies’ – but you get hepatitis from the injection technique, not from the drug itself.

    “That hasn’t sunk in with users. There have been many incidents of people sharing needles and syringes, but they say ‘we’re using steroids, not gear’, so are at serious risk.

    “There’s also ‘roid rage’ which is definitely part of the problem – guys want to vent that level of aggression in the gym to work harder and longer and pump bigger and heavier weights, but it may make those that are already pre-disposed to violence more aggressive and possibly spill out in a domestic situation.

    “It’s not going to turn Mother Teresa into Ivan the Terrible, but there are links between steroid abuse and domestic violence.”

    Peter Hinkin, a substance misuse worker at the Bridgend-based drugs charity Ogwr DASH, said that they estimated that 80% of service users were steroid-users.

    He said: “Looking at people in society, they are taking more care of themselves, more people going to gyms.

    “Many that come in to our needle exchange, are those that collect needles for others and do a bulk collection. There’s no record for all these people, so even 80% might not be a true reflection.

    “Younger people do feel more stigmatised and feel intimidated being seen walking through the door of a drug agency – there is a big danger that those practising steroid use don’t see themselves as drug-users.”

    The claims come in a week when ex-policeman Justin Weaver was jailed for running a steroid-dealing ring from a base in Swansea.

    Weaver ran the ring for bodybuilders in South Wales while working as a Metropolitan police officer in London.

    He used his Swansea-based civilian police worker ex-girlfriend Amanda Griffin as a way of checking how police were monitoring his activities.

    Steroid expert Professor Bruce Davies from the University of Glamorgan, has conducted research that shows that a staggering 53% of internet steroids were shown to be fake – with teenage “bigorexics”, obsessed with building a beefcake body, often having no idea what they are taking.

    He said that there was “no question” that the problem had moved from athletes and bodybuilders to “sophisticated” recreational users who were willing to take cocktails of drugs to pump up their bodies.

    He said: “I never cease to be amazed at the sophisticated nature of these young guys’ ‘polypharmacies’. They have to counteract the effects of different steroids.

    “You have these young guys taking Tamoxifen – a breast cancer drug – to counter the effect of developing boobs from steroids and taking other female hormones to counteract sexual problems.

    “The irony is that they can lose their libido – there are these manly-looking people that can’t do the business.

    “For the NHS, it’s a ticking timebomb – these ‘bigorexics’ are looking to be more powerful and are never satisfied.”

    ‘Every man and his dog in the Valleys is on steroids’

    BODYBUILDER Gary Biddiscombe 52, told Wales on Sunday that young boys were trying to emulate the Hollywood body without having to do the work.

    He said: “We are living in a McDonald’s culture where young guys are not prepared to work hard and eat well to get in condition.

    Most people who buy steroids are not committing a criminal act, most have a job and look at is as a dietary regime rather than drug abuse.

    “It is a growing problem – the male version of the media size-zero syndrome, where guys are desperate to look buff, toned, tanned and have big muscles.

    “It is just the tip of the iceberg – guys are on the steroids and their mates will get their needles, begin injecting and the whole procedure that you need to go through – leading to abscesses, cellulitis and other medical problems on top of that.”

    Mr Biddiscombe – who is now part of a Newport Council committee looking at the problem of steroid use – said that it was a national problem which has an epicentre in the south.

    He said: “The problem is definitely worse in the Valleys – every man and his dog is on steroids and more women as well.

    “It seems to be a Valleys syndrome rather than a city one. There would have to be a very high percentage, it is far more prevalent than people realise.

    “It is growing outside of the bodybuilder culture, no two ways about it. But there is no acknowledgement of that.

    “In football and rugby teams there are guys with 16 or 17st of muscle weight – without taking some enhancements is that possible?

    “The medical profession and the Government must acknowledge that there is a problem. There is not much of a criminal element attached to using steroids, but the cost to the health service will only increase.”
    Last edited by thegodfather; 03-21-2010 at 05:22 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    dont ask for a source thx
    absolutley retarded to say the least.....but the man needs to blame his sons death on something and lets face it hes not going to blame himself which in my opinion is the core of the issue....(not steroids but his sons death i mean)

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    Ottawa, Canada
    Poor soul.... Lost without his center... Desperately trying to do something that will relieve the guilt associated with his sons death.. May he rest in peace .... And mayhe realize.... *sighs*

  4. #4
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    Aug 2001
    Is there going to be a party when Don Hooten dies?

    Does he actually have facts to back up his claims? No.

    What a dumb ass.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    the guys a fvckn tool

  6. #6
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoggage_54 View Post
    ill be honest i find her strangly attractive

  8. #8
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    the fvckn kid had no place taken steroids in the frist place and maybe if his dad wasnt a failure as a father he could accept the fact that his son decided to end his own life not a steroid"withdraw" that made him do it. I dont see him going after the pharm companys for the anti psych meds his son was on that have been known to increase thoght/risk of suicide

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty View Post
    the fvckn kid had no place taken steroids in the frist place and maybe if his dad wasnt a failure as a father he could accept the fact that his son decided to end his own life not a steroid"withdraw" that made him do it. I dont see him going after the pharm companys for the anti psych meds his son was on that have been known to increase thoght/risk of suicide
    Yeah well if that is brought up with him he says the battle isn't with the pharmacies.....

    Here's the thing with this guy..... he REFUSES to acknowledge any other possibility. He is SO anti-steroid that it makes me think he's got a personal agenda and that he's protecting other potential causes for his sons death.

    Here's what we know.....
    - His son died
    - His son took steroids
    - His son took psych meds (w/e they were)
    - His son knew nothing about steroids
    - His son never ran a pct

    It's one thing for Mr. Hooton to blame steroids...... it's another to completely ignor other possibilites that have cause others to commit suicide and to also go on a tyrade to personally gather every steroid on the planet and flush it down his toilet.


  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty View Post
    ill be honest i find her strangly attractive


  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schmidty View Post
    the fvckn kid had no place taken steroids in the frist place and maybe if his dad wasnt a failure as a father he could accept the fact that his son decided to end his own life not a steroid"withdraw" that made him do it. I dont see him going after the pharm companys for the anti psych meds his son was on that have been known to increase thoght/risk of suicide
    I disagree mate thats an old out to blame the parents at the end off the day the father already blames him self The bottom line the kid did not do his research, like most kids these days whether its drink,drugs,glue,lighter fuel and legal drugs which are the rage in Scotland right now and like all so called legal shit they are worse than illegal ie hash Es coke speed. In this country a kid just dropped dead using legal drugs.Like all trends at the time someone dies then theres always a stink but you are right the kid had no place take steriods so one hundred percent its the kids fault, However as a parent I think the guy is try to deal with the pain of his loss rightly our worngly he blames steriods.So the father is not a failure in my eyes.

  12. #12
    i didn't read it all... but just based on the facts (if they are actual facts) that steroid users outnumber junkies at a needle exchange, is that really a big ****in' surprise? What junkie is gonna give two shits if he takes his used up, dirty needles to a proper recycling center.... If anything i think it shows that a "steroid user" is a normal, responsible member of society....
    this guy is obviously misinformed and uneducated.... i'm sure his efforts will eventually dissipate.

  13. #13
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    Where did the money come from for Taylor to buy drugs?

  14. #14
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    this guys a joke

  15. #15
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    Sucks that his kid died...but that dude annoys the shit out of me with his rhetoric. It's his own fault for not noticing what his son was doing. Shit, my mom noticed when I started using gear...and she's not all that bright.

  16. #16
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    Im sure he is taking into the fact that some steroid users are legit HRT/TRT usres? NOT
    If people are going to share needles to save $0.25 then they are just stupid and asking for problems.
    His son should have had some basic education/knowledge on needle sharing but at the end of the day it was his choice to be stupid.

    Agreed, the guy is just looking for a place to lay blame.

  17. #17
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    Nothing like a good old heroin cycle to shred some body fat

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friend View Post
    Nothing like a good old heroin cycle to shred some body fat
    LOL, there is always the meth diet also.

  19. #19
    Teenagers live for the day, and dont think about tomm. I feel really bad for that guy, I responded about 2 months ago to a 15 yr old girl who hung herself. Try doing CPR on a kid with both parents crying and screaming standing over you. If the guy feels better blaming steroids then fine, nobody will ever truly know, shit happens.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    LOL, there is always the meth diet also.
    Crack & rice crispies will get you ripped.

  21. #21
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
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    he needs to let go.

    ive seen plenty of stories of kids necking themselves after being bullied on facebook, so are we to banish facebook?

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by OH REALLY View Post
    this guys a joke
    word is he got caught stealing computers and ran a deca only cycle...i wouldnt even call it a cycle. on psych meds, depressed. his dad is milking his death for all its worth. admin has ties to don hooton is a rumor floating around

  23. #23
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    well the article is bs, but at least i notice a difference in how the american stories are.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by warchild View Post
    word is he got caught stealing computers and ran a deca only cycle...i wouldnt even call it a cycle. on psych meds, depressed. his dad is milking his death for all its worth. admin has ties to don hooton is a rumor floating around
    hes deff milking the death and proly profitting(does he work?)from it in sum way or another but i doubt hes got ties w admin here. but iv been wrong before

  25. #25
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    i'd give it to that daddy

    give him some of my testosterone injection

  26. #26
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    Dear Mr. Hooden,

    I am sad to inform you that I knew your son. My name is Petey and I was taking dance lessons with your son at the time. He was hiding them from you because he was afraid you would think he was gay, which he was. You may ask "Well gosh how do you know that Petey?" and my answer is cause I fvcked him in the ass and spit on his face. And he liked me to call him "daddy".. which was odd. Anyway, not only was your son a gay whore, but he hated you. He hated knowing you, knowing how dumb you were, and how ignorant you were towards steroids. If you had been a little less ignorant he could have been less afraid to talk to you, but he'd still be dead cause he got his idiot genes from his father.
    Rather than accepting responsibility as a parent, you give a bad name to a wonderful drug and only make kids wanna use steroids more so they don't have to be a sad miserable waste of life like you.
    I am sad your son is gone, my little gay whore or not, at least he had the brains to realize steroids were not lethal (by his choice to use them). He did not have the brains however to escape his idiot father. It was like idiocy chained to moronocy, so he killed himself. It was the only way he could escape you.
    And for the record, steroid users do not share needles. The articles you are reading were written by monkeys. Please do not have any more kids Mr. Hodden.

    Sincerely - Petey aka Bo

    all I need is an address

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    Dear Mr. Hooden,

    I am sad to inform you that I knew your son. My name is Petey and I was taking dance lessons with your son at the time. He was hiding them from you because he was afraid you would think he was gay, which he was. You may ask "Well gosh how do you know that Petey?" and my answer is cause I fvcked him in the ass and spit on his face. And he liked me to call him "daddy".. which was odd. Anyway, not only was your son a gay whore, but he hated you. He hated knowing you, knowing how dumb you were, and how ignorant you were towards steroids. If you had been a little less ignorant he could have been less afraid to talk to you, but he'd still be dead cause he got his idiot genes from his father.
    Rather than accepting responsibility as a parent, you give a bad name to a wonderful drug and only make kids wanna use steroids more so they don't have to be a sad miserable waste of life like you.
    I am sad your son is gone, my little gay whore or not, at least he had the brains to realize steroids were not lethal (by his choice to use them). He did not have the brains however to escape his idiot father. It was like idiocy chained to moronocy, so he killed himself. It was the only way he could escape you.
    And for the record, steroid users do not share needles. The articles you are reading were written by monkeys. Please do not have any more kids Mr. Hodden.

    Sincerely - Petey aka Bo

    all I need is an address

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post

    Mr Mallett warned that with more steroid-users sharing needles there was a “huge” risk of contracting blood-borne viruses like HIV and hepatitis.
    I guess I better stop buying used needles off ebay

  29. #29
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    I think most people have this image in their head when they think of steroid users.

    As for me I rinse my needles out in the toilet to avoid aids and hepatitis after a long test binge.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    Dear Mr. Hooden,

    I am sad to inform you that I knew your son. My name is Petey and I was taking dance lessons with your son at the time. He was hiding them from you because he was afraid you would think he was gay, which he was. You may ask "Well gosh how do you know that Petey?" and my answer is cause I fvcked him in the ass and spit on his face. And he liked me to call him "daddy".. which was odd. Anyway, not only was your son a gay whore, but he hated you. He hated knowing you, knowing how dumb you were, and how ignorant you were towards steroids. If you had been a little less ignorant he could have been less afraid to talk to you, but he'd still be dead cause he got his idiot genes from his father.
    Rather than accepting responsibility as a parent, you give a bad name to a wonderful drug and only make kids wanna use steroids more so they don't have to be a sad miserable waste of life like you.
    I am sad your son is gone, my little gay whore or not, at least he had the brains to realize steroids were not lethal (by his choice to use them). He did not have the brains however to escape his idiot father. It was like idiocy chained to moronocy, so he killed himself. It was the only way he could escape you.
    And for the record, steroid users do not share needles. The articles you are reading were written by monkeys. Please do not have any more kids Mr. Hodden.

    Sincerely - Petey aka Bo

    all I need is an address

    Send it to him.

    I am going to write him an email as well.

  31. #31
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    Feb 2010
    **** hootons dad, he should go hang himself.

  32. #32
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    Aug 2001
    After reading your foundations articles and link as a medical professional I must comment that I am a bit confused.

    It seams that there is a message on this website that abuse of anabolic agents by teens and other young people for none medical purposes is wrong; which I fully agree with.

    Perhaps an a centerist conservative I disagree with the over-all message.

    In the United States children (under the age of 18) are the responsibility of parents/legal guardians.

    Drug nor guns kill people; sir people kill people. Parents that provide the funds to children to buy drugs contribute to the death of those children.

    In case of Taylor Hooten did his drug money majically appear or was it given to him by others? Is it not the responsibility of Don Hooten to know what is child is and is not doing?

    Frankly I have a problem with the over-all message. Some 16 year-old child that is dead set on using any drugs will not listen to this message! Why is it the responsibility of parental monatery over site not stated? This seams like the same old song and dance about ¨it is not my fault the drugs made me do it¨ and that is just wrong.

    Franly sir, I also do not understand why usage of other drugs that Taylor Hooten had in his blood is not stated as a contributing factor to his death! It has been confirmed that steroid use was not the sole drug by Taylor Hooten.

  33. #33
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    Aug 2001
    ^^^ That is what I sent.

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