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  1. #1
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Second hand smoke harm????????????

    So i went to a casino today and was destroyed by fvcking smoke. Its been 10 hours and i still smell/feel the shiat in my sinuses/lungs....OMG!!!!!!! I HATE THAT SHIAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PASS A LAW PLEASE!!!!!!

    question is how freaking harmful is it to be in that environment ....i know it was only a few hours but just curious to know how much i jeapordized my health today and/or if i ever go back will a surgical mask help or wut else can be done.

  2. #2
    DCI's Avatar
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    In Ireland smoking in a public place is banned and thank god because when I go away to places like Spain etc where you can smoke inside I can notice the difference.

  3. #3
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Fvck get over it already. If you dont like it dont go. Sorry but Im an ex smoker but not one of those who now is over the top anti smoking.

    If I walk into some place and dont like the smell, atmosphere or ??? I leave, not stay and complain like a little school girl bitch.

    People smoked in public for YEARS, in the grocery store, at work, in the elevator and hardly anyone complained.

    How much did your jeopardize your health. You will probably be dead in 3 months due to lung cancer....

  4. #4
    makod's Avatar
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    It probably didn't affect your health at all. I was listening to a documentary and they said that if you smoke for less than 5 years you can completaly recover from any damage done.

  5. #5
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Fvck get over it already. If you dont like it dont go. Sorry but Im an ex smoker but not one of those who now is over the top anti smoking.

    If I walk into some place and dont like the smell, atmosphere or ??? I leave, not stay and complain like a little school girl bitch.

    People smoked in public for YEARS, in the grocery store, at work, in the elevator and hardly anyone complained.

    How much did your jeopardize your health. You will probably be dead in 3 months due to lung cancer....
    thankkkkk yooouuuuuu! I was about to let loose on this mfkr till you said it so perfecty. What a whining, scared little fvckn baby.

    Does he REALLY think a single person is gonna come in this thread and tell him hes in danger? (and not be joking?) No, so he obviously just made it to whine/complain and trash talk smokers... not realizing his own brother/sister/mom is prob a smoker.. all this guy needs is a valium for godsake.
    Can NOT believe he even said the words "jeapordized health" does he have any idea what planet this is? He's done more damage to his lungs swimming in a pool (chlorine) and barbecuing food (oh no! deadly smoke!!!!) but I dont see his dumbass making threads about that.

    Try so hard to be kind to people around here but its frikkn impossible with some of the shit I read..
    Last edited by Bojangles69; 03-22-2010 at 12:14 AM.

  6. #6
    stack_it's Avatar
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    You may want to finish your past will and testament and them go put ms bang. Bunch of hookers cuz it's gonna be lights out soon!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    thankkkkk yooouuuuuu! I was about to let loose on this mfkr till you said it so perfecty. What a whining, scared little fvckn baby.

    Does he REALLY think a single person is gonna come in this thread and tell him hes in danger? (and not be joking?) No, so he obviously just made it to whine/complain and trash talk smokers... not realizing his own brother/sister/mom is prob a smoker.. all this guy needs is a valium for godsake.
    Can NOT believe he even said the words "jeapordized health" does he have any idea what planet this is? He's done more damage to his lungs swimming in a pool (chlorine) and barbecuing food (oh no! deadly smoke!!!!) but I dont see his dumbass making threads about that.

    Try so hard to be kind to people around here but its frikkn impossible with some of the shit I read..
    LOL, Valium is a good idea, I wish they still passed that out especially to women like they use to back in the day.

    Yes I almost passed it up and let it slide but I really hate this mentality when like you said there are so many worse things we all do to our body on a daily basis like driving to work in rush hour traffic and breathing the fumes as well as what you mentioned.

    Im not saying he is one but NOTHING makes me more upset than an ex smoker who now has an agenda to clean up the world of smokers.

    One thing that DOES piss me off about smokers are those who just flick their buttes everywhere. I dont like the mess/littering much more than the smoke. Learn to clean up after yourself.

    The ex smoker drama is no less the same as a Born again Christian who is on a mission to change the world and all the sinners. I get people who are polite and ask me all the time if I mind if they smoke because then know I use to. I say sure, it doesnt bother me. I think if it really bothers an ex smoker then they must be like an alcoholic and pre-disposed to addiction.

  8. #8
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Fvck get over it already. If you dont like it dont go. Sorry but Im an ex smoker but not one of those who now is over the top anti smoking.

    If I walk into some place and dont like the smell, atmosphere or ??? I leave, not stay and complain like a little school girl bitch.

    People smoked in public for YEARS, in the grocery store, at work, in the elevator and hardly anyone complained.

    How much did your jeopardize your health. You will probably be dead in 3 months due to lung cancer....
    youre the girl bitch and i have to deal with this shiat ALL over the fvking place...go i'm not going to leave no muther fvking lay back down with YOURE lilttle school bitch u fvkin pus$y...this is supposed to be a no flame board and i find you attacking ppl all the opinion would have been fine you didn need to run your fvking mouth

  9. #9
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    thankkkkk yooouuuuuu! I was about to let loose on this mfkr till you said it so perfecty. What a whining, scared little fvckn baby.

    Does he REALLY think a single person is gonna come in this thread and tell him hes in danger? (and not be joking?) No, so he obviously just made it to whine/complain and trash talk smokers... not realizing his own brother/sister/mom is prob a smoker.. all this guy needs is a valium for godsake.
    Can NOT believe he even said the words "jeapordized health" does he have any idea what planet this is? He's done more damage to his lungs swimming in a pool (chlorine) and barbecuing food (oh no! deadly smoke!!!!) but I dont see his dumbass making threads about that.

    Try so hard to be kind to people around here but its frikkn impossible with some of the shit I read..
    now a mother fvker i am huh...second hand smoke is a reall issue and i am a fuvking muther fvker...youre the fvking freak

    cant anyone make a post and get opinions and not get attacked on this board anymore

  10. #10
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    bump for OPINIONS please

  11. #11
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    Hmmm yup sounds like a bitch, looks like a bitch, must be a bitch. LOL

    You are funny telling people it's a flame free zone but then fail to control from flaming yourself. hahahahahaha

    Key board warrior. PLEASE come get me...... Ohhhh so scared. LOL

    I gave my oppinion, that is what it was, so did Bojangles69, just did not like our view on it.

    I go back and lay with my little school girl now like suggested, she needs more attention and so do I.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 03-22-2010 at 02:59 AM.

  12. #12
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Hmmm yup sounds like a bitch, looks like a bitch, must be a bitch. LOL

    You are funny telling people it's a flame free zone but then fail to control from flaming yourself. hahahahahaha

    Key board warrior. PLEASE come get me...... Ohhhh so scared. LOL

    I gave my oppinion, that is what it was, so did Bojangles69, just did not like our view on it.
    both of went into attack mode...not just give opinion....yes i'm bitching about it...i feel VERY strongly about your second post i like that you added the flicking of the butts as well...another total disrepect that SOME of smokers have

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    both of went into attack mode...not just give opinion....yes i'm bitching about it...i feel VERY strongly about your second post i like that you added the flicking of the butts as well...another total disrepect that SOME of smokers have
    Yes but no worse than anyone who litters. I think the worse I have ever thrown out of a car is a banana peel or apple core.

    OK, my apologies if I came off to strong. Honestly it is one of my pet peeves this whole smoking issue because it is WAY blown out of proportion. It is another thing (smoking bans) the government has done to make it look like they are helping Joe public but in fact it's only a way for them to make more money and control Joe public and what you can and cant do.

    Like I also said, 20+ years ago no one hardly complained about smokers even though they knew it caused or could cause cancer. And as I said usually the biggest complainers are Ex smokers, same as ex drinkers are advocated for anti drinking and the people usually pushing religion are the worst offenders or have been.

    I dont think any bar, restaurant or casino should be FORCED to not allow smokers. You can choose not to go there if you dont like it.

    In Washington state it was passed a few years back no smoking allowed in Casinos, except for the Indian reservation casinos. Do you know who paid millions of dollars for the Anti smoking advertisements on TV and the papers? The Indian Casinos, so all the smokers would end up going there. It worked.

    Like I said, as much as it's your pet peeve not liking smoke it's my pet peeve to protect/speak about about public/personal rights and media propaganda.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Yes but no worse than anyone who litters. I think the worse I have ever thrown out of a car is a banana peel or apple core.

    OK, my apologies if I came off to strong. Honestly it is one of my pet peeves this whole smoking issue because it is WAY blown out of proportion. It is another thing (smoking bans) the government has done to make it look like they are helping Joe public but in fact it's only a way for them to make more money and control Joe public and what you can and cant do.

    Like I also said, 20+ years ago no one hardly complained about smokers even though they knew it caused or could cause cancer. And as I said usually the biggest complainers are Ex smokers, same as ex drinkers are advocated for anti drinking and the people usually pushing religion are the worst offenders or have been.

    I dont think any bar, restaurant or casino should be FORCED to not allow smokers. You can choose not to go there if you dont like it.

    In Washington state it was passed a few years back no smoking allowed in Casinos, except for the Indian reservation casinos. Do you know who paid millions of dollars for the Anti smoking advertisements on TV and the papers? The Indian Casinos, so all the smokers would end up going there. It worked.

    Like I said, as much as it's your pet peeve not liking smoke it's my pet peeve to protect/speak about about public/personal rights and media propaganda.
    thanks for the apology...

    and we'll have to agree to disagree on some points but i do agree i didnt have to stay there...but i dont think i should have to walk through it in a lot of public entrances to restaurants NOW THAT they cant smoke inside they hover around the front door....

    to be continued

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    thanks for the apology...

    and we'll have to agree to disagree on some points but i do agree i didnt have to stay there...but i dont think i should have to walk through it in a lot of public entrances to restaurants NOW THAT they cant smoke inside they hover around the front door....

    to be continued
    Agreed there should be better smoking areas and they should not hover around the entrance but again, it wont kill you or even hurt you. If it wasnt for all the media hype you would probably not even think 2x about it. I know my mother HATES smokers but yet as a kid I never once heard her complain about the people smoking inside the grocery stores or anyplace we went. I still remember when they smoked on airplanes and no one hardly said a word.

    Everyone now days is brain washed from all the media hype and ultra sensitive.

    I have been much more offended by the smell of some perfumes or in a lot of cases LACK of perfume/Huygens on some people.

    BTW no need to apologize to me for telling me to go sleep with my little school girl bitch, she is and she knows it.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 03-22-2010 at 06:15 AM.

  16. #16
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    Pass a law, are u fvking kidding me....

    u non smoker cry babies are so fvking annoying...u are the type i blow my smoke at on purpose.
    and u sir, are a non smoking cry baby......

    Pass a law.....what a fvking joke.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    Pass a law, are u fvking kidding me....

    u non smoker cry babies are so fvking annoying...u are the type i blow my smoke at on purpose.
    and u sir, are a non smoking cry baby......

    Pass a law.....what a fvking joke.
    oh, yeh youre the pot head on the board...i should have expected that shiat from you...another flame too...not an OPINION but an outright attack.....

    non smokers if...youre telling me you have NO RESPECT for people breathing YOURE smoke and you do it on purpose?

    come on you can do better than that...

  18. #18
    zaggahamma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Agreed there should be better smoking areas and they should not hover around the entrance but again, it wont kill you or even hurt you. If it wasnt for all the media hype you would probably not even think 2x about it. I know my mother HATES smokers but yet as a kid I never once heard her complain about the people smoking inside the grocery stores or anyplace we went. I still remember when they smoked on airplanes and no one hardly said a word.

    Everyone now days is brain washed from all the media hype and ultra sensitive.

    I have been much more offended by the smell of some perfumes or in a lot of cases LACK of perfume/Huygens on some people.

    BTW no need to apologize to me for telling me to go sleep with my little school girl bitch, she is and she knows it.
    actually this is the type of opinion i wanted and appreciate...very good observation and i agree with media hyping things and creating mountains out of mole hills but it may of sounded bitchy about feeling the smoke in my lungs/nose/nasal for hours til the next morning but it WAS real...and i'd like some more opinions on the issue...i know i dont stand alone

  19. #19
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    I think test+Booze+ a good cigarette is a recipe for happiness, why complain?

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by jpkman View Post
    oh, yeh youre the pot head on the board...i should have expected that shiat from you...another flame too...not an OPINION but an outright attack.....

    non smokers if...youre telling me you have NO RESPECT for people breathing YOURE smoke and you do it on purpose?

    come on you can do better than that...

    an outright attack....cause u were called a cry baby...

    u were crying, so it was not an attack but the truth...

    and i have nothing against non smokers, why would i....i have issues with cry baby non smokers, u know, like urself.....
    which is why u breathe my second hand smoke when i blow it in ur non smoking cry baby face...

    and i guess cause im the "board pot head" u should have expected this response..
    call ur local congressman, ask him to "make a law"

  21. #21
    Vettester is offline Banned
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    I agree with jpkman ... They should just get rid of it completely in public places. You go into these casinos and just reek of the stuff a day later. I guess we're all entitled to our opinions, and I'll respect your opinion if you feel otherwise. However, don't tar and feather those who advocate non-smoking environments. If I lit up my tires with some mud on the street and sprayed the hell out of your car (at 620hp, I've got a car that will make a mess of anything behind it), you would probably be pretty perturbed. Even though no damage was done, I inconvenienced you to the point where you might need to go wash it, and who knows there could be some minor chip damage.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    an outright attack....cause u were called a cry baby...

    u were crying, so it was not an attack but the truth...

    and i have nothing against non smokers, why would i....i have issues with cry baby non smokers, u know, like urself.....
    which is why u breathe my second hand smoke when i blow it in ur non smoking cry baby face...

    and i guess cause im the "board pot head" u should have expected this response..
    call ur local congressman, ask him to "make a law"
    your post shows your obvious disrespect for people in general so goodbye cheech

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by makod View Post
    It probably didn't affect your health at all. I was listening to a documentary and they said that if you smoke for less than 5 years you can completaly recover from any damage done.
    Not true, the oxidative damage is cumulative. The longer it's been since you've quit, and the less time you've been a smoker...the closer your risks will be to the non smoking population as far as cancer.

    That's why peter jennings died of lung cancer 20 years after quitting.
    he started smoking again 1 or 2 years before getting lung cancer. But the early damage was most likely the problem.

  24. #24
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    I think a casino is about the only place you can smoke besides your house.
    If you don't like it, don't go there, it's a bad habit as well.
    Indian casinos can do whatever they want, they make the laws.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Fvck get over it already. If you dont like it dont go. Sorry but Im an ex smoker but not one of those who now is over the top anti smoking.

    If I walk into some place and dont like the smell, atmosphere or ??? I leave, not stay and complain like a little school girl bitch.

    People smoked in public for YEARS, in the grocery store, at work, in the elevator and hardly anyone complained.

    How much did your jeopardize your health. You will probably be dead in 3 months due to lung cancer....
    I'm an ex smoker as well, but I'm definitely over the top anti-smoking now, especially after having kids of my own. You try walking on the beach or an outdoor shopping mall with your pregnant wife or newborn child while some punk blows a cloud of smoke in her face.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by JasonT View Post
    I'm an ex smoker as well, but I'm definitely over the top anti-smoking now, especially after having kids of my own. You try walking on the beach or an outdoor shopping mall with your pregnant wife or newborn child while some punk blows a cloud of smoke in her face.

    thats a different story. no-one should blow smoke in a childs direction.
    with that being said, us smokers have/should have just as much right to public places as non smokers.

    if u are walking in a outdoor mall and u see people smoking, avoid them, if u walk thru their smoke its ur problem.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by JasonT View Post
    I'm an ex smoker as well, but I'm definitely over the top anti-smoking now, especially after having kids of my own. You try walking on the beach or an outdoor shopping mall with your pregnant wife or newborn child while some punk blows a cloud of smoke in her face.
    c'mon man, relax your a-hole muscles a little bit.
    Yeah second hand smoke is not good for you, but it's not as bad as it's made out to be. And surely not even close to sucking on the cig yourself.
    Studies that followed nonsmokers who lived with smokers found some increase in lung cancer and heart disease. But they studied people who were exposed to lots of smoke, often shut in with chain smokers for years in claustrophobic situations like homes and cars. Even then, some of the studies found no effect. Nevertheless it's been enough to launch a movement to ban smoking most everywhere. And that's good, the stuff smells like shit.
    But lets put it in perspective, you're at the beach or an outdoor shopping mall. You aren't getting too much even though it smells bad.

    You'll probably send your kid out to cut the grass someday. And he'll probably smell the exaust from the engine while he's doing it.
    It's far from telling him to go suck on the tail pipe of your car though.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    thats a different story. no-one should blow smoke in a childs direction.
    with that being said, us smokers have/should have just as much right to public places as non smokers.

    if u are walking in a outdoor mall and u see people smoking, avoid them, if u walk thru their smoke its ur problem.
    You have the right to be in those places, you shouldn't have the right to smoke in those places. What's wrong with having designated areas?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    c'mon man, relax your a-hole muscles a little bit.
    Yeah second hand smoke is not good for you, but it's not as bad as it's made out to be. And surely not even close to sucking on the cig yourself.
    Studies that followed nonsmokers who lived with smokers found some increase in lung cancer and heart disease. But they studied people who were exposed to lots of smoke, often shut in with chain smokers for years in claustrophobic situations like homes and cars. Even then, some of the studies found no effect. Nevertheless it's been enough to launch a movement to ban smoking most everywhere. And that's good, the stuff smells like shit.
    But lets put it in perspective, you're at the beach or an outdoor shopping mall. You aren't getting too much even though it smells bad.

    You'll probably send your kid out to cut the grass someday. And he'll probably smell the exaust from the engine while he's doing it.
    It's far from telling him to go suck on the tail pipe of your car though.
    I take it you don't have kids

  29. #29
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    why should a smoker be a second class citizen and have to stay in a designated area.
    hell, we pay more in taxes then non-smokers....

    about the kids, keep them away from smoke. u dont have to walk thru an area where there are smokers..and if they do, it wont hurt them..
    that being said, i do not like smoking by a entrance way to a building, everyone should be respectful of eachother, not just smokers being respectful of non smokers..

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    why should a smoker be a second class citizen and have to stay in a designated area.
    hell, we pay more in taxes then non-smokers....

    about the kids, keep them away from smoke. u dont have to walk thru an area where there are smokers..and if they do, it wont hurt them..
    that being said, i do not like smoking by a entrance way to a building, everyone should be respectful of eachother, not just smokers being respectful of non smokers..
    You don't have to stay in designated areas, only when you are partaking in acts which are harmful to those in your immediate surroundings.

    Are you saying that second hand smoke is harmless?

    I agree about respectfulness, but the majority of people in general are inconsiderate...everyone knows this. You can't leave it up to them to decide when to be courteous....especially when the consequences are harmful.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by JasonT View Post
    You don't have to stay in designated areas, only when you are partaking in acts which are harmful to those in your immediate surroundings.

    Are you saying that second hand smoke is harmless?

    I agree about respectfulness, but the majority of people in general are inconsiderate...everyone knows this. You can't leave it up to them to decide when to be courteous....especially when the consequences are harmful.

    in the sense we are talking about it is 100% harmless.
    u are speaking about walking by someone smoking, that will not do anything bad to ur health besides make u smell...

    ur child will not have 1 ill affect walking by a smoker.....

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    in the sense we are talking about it is 100% harmless.
    u are speaking about walking by someone smoking, that will not do anything bad to ur health besides make u smell...

    ur child will not have 1 ill affect walking by a smoker.....

    "What is a safe level of secondhand smoke?

    There is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke. Studies have shown that even low levels of secondhand smoke exposure can be harmful. The only way to fully protect nonsmokers from secondhand smoke exposure is to completely eliminate smoking in indoor spaces. Separating smokers from nonsmokers, cleaning the air, and ventilating buildings cannot completely eliminate secondhand smoke exposure (4)."

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by vetteman08 View Post
    I agree with jpkman ... They should just get rid of it completely in public places. You go into these casinos and just reek of the stuff a day later. I guess we're all entitled to our opinions, and I'll respect your opinion if you feel otherwise. However, don't tar and feather those who advocate non-smoking environments. If I lit up my tires with some mud on the street and sprayed the hell out of your car (at 620hp, I've got a car that will make a mess of anything behind it), you would probably be pretty perturbed. Even though no damage was done, I inconvenienced you to the point where you might need to go wash it, and who knows there could be some minor chip damage.
    That would be considered damage to me and I have had people who did this. It's not appreciated when you have spent months working on a car, doing countless hours of body work, several days of painting, wet sanding, paining, wet sanding, clear with pearls, wet sanding, clear, wet sanding and buffing/polishing. Chips become a big deal.

    A couple people who have been inconsiderate in the past have woke up the next day to broken windshields or worse. Yes I have confronted them about it and they blew me off so they where fair game.

    Not quite the same as smelling of smoke.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by JasonT View Post
    I'm an ex smoker as well, but I'm definitely over the top anti-smoking now, especially after having kids of my own. You try walking on the beach or an outdoor shopping mall with your pregnant wife or newborn child while some punk blows a cloud of smoke in her face.
    If he does it on purpose he will be smoking through a wired jaw. Im not talking about people who are obvious disrespectful. I am referring to just the every day events and most of us are around much worse health risks but due to media hype everyone is overly sensitive.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by JasonT View Post

    "What is a safe level of secondhand smoke?

    There is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke. Studies have shown that even low levels of secondhand smoke exposure can be harmful. The only way to fully protect nonsmokers from secondhand smoke exposure is to completely eliminate smoking in indoor spaces. Separating smokers from nonsmokers, cleaning the air, and ventilating buildings cannot completely eliminate secondhand smoke exposure (4)."
    did u even read what u posted. we are talking about being outside in a public place, we are talking about someone walking by smokers..

    u post shit about indoors....indoors....dammit man we arent talking about that..

    and the snapper head who started this thread called me the "board pot head"

  37. #37
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JasonT View Post
    You have the right to be in those places, you shouldn't have the right to smoke in those places. What's wrong with having designated areas?

    I take it you don't have kids
    You are being the hyper sensitive type. Do you lock your kids in a safe room and only let them out to see the sun every once in a while? I have kids, almost grown. Ive let her get burned when she was little, be exposed to most of environmental conditions, she has had sun burns, she has rode her bike with no helmet, I allowed her to crash her quad several times.

    If you protect kids to much how are they ever going to learn to survive in the real world without mommy and daddy? They need to experience and learn with limitations but still allowed to fail.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by JasonT View Post

    "What is a safe level of secondhand smoke?

    There is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke. Studies have shown that even low levels of secondhand smoke exposure can be harmful. The only way to fully protect nonsmokers from secondhand smoke exposure is to completely eliminate smoking in indoor spaces. Separating smokers from nonsmokers, cleaning the air, and ventilating buildings cannot completely eliminate secondhand smoke exposure (4)."
    Dude!!!! LOL stop believing all the media hype already. LOL God if you believe all those studies and what you read instead of using common sense and opening your eyes and looking around you then you had better stay away from AAS also. I can find you some horrendous studies that show it's 1000x worse than smoking or most any drug for that matter. LOL

  39. #39
    ReX357's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    Pass a law, are u fvking kidding me....

    u non smoker cry babies are so fvking annoying...u are the type i blow my smoke at on purpose.
    and u sir, are a non smoking cry baby......

    Pass a law.....what a fvking joke.
    You're pretty cool heh?

    You play tough guy on here but if you blew your smoke at me I'd punch your fvcking teeth in you fvcking clown.

    I smoked for several years but have been done for a while now. Smoke is pretty gross altho I make no deal of it when people are smoking around me. Smoking inside public places is not allowed where I'm from.

  40. #40
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    tough guy, i speak my mind.
    ur the tough guy....and here is a news flash, im very respectful of where i smoke, but if u were to be a crybaby about it, and be a whinner, i would blow my smoke right in ur face.
    knock my teath out, please...oh i forgot, ur from "hell"

    and u call me the tough guy......

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