Hey gang.

Just thought i'd vent some frustrations to you guys.
About two weeks ago I started getting some bad pain in my left foot (under the 4th digit at the ball of the foot).

I have been treated for a possible neuroma, which more or less is an agitated nerve four years ago - shot of cortisone and some other nonsense and I was good to go.

Anyways, pain down right unbearable - I went back to the doc - tried another cortisone shot etc, no dice this time.
So since friday i've had a nice hard "shoe" on my foot clomping around.
No cardio.
No leg lifts.
Doc said I can lift the rest of my body as I see fit, but its difficult without bracing / supporting weight with your left leg.
If it is a stress fracture I have 4 weeks in this damn thing.

To add insult to injury i'm in outside sales and work on construction jobsites - pretty sure my sweet new footwear is not going to cut the safety reqs.

I have a 3 phase bone scan wednesday morning. After this at least I'll know whats wrong with it one way or another and we can procede from there. Just so very annoying.