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  1. #1
    oldschoolfitness's Avatar
    oldschoolfitness is offline Associate Member
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    Cool suboxone/subutex

    I was in suboxone treatment for 2 years and currently taking subutex because of the generic availability. just wondering if anyone else out there is taking this medication and how to feel it affects your test levels when cycling or in general. thanks

  2. #2
    Hazard's Avatar
    Hazard is offline AR-Elite Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by oldschoolfitness View Post
    I was in suboxone treatment for 2 years and currently taking subutex because of the generic availability. just wondering if anyone else out there is taking this medication and how to feel it affects your test levels when cycling or in general. thanks
    Didn't know those meds affect your test levels.....? Im not sure why they would..... they just fill the opiod receptors.

    subutex is worse for you man..... it doesn't have the opiate blocker in it like suboxone does.

    Anyways..... i'm not on suboxone but my wife is.....

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  3. #3
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    subs aved my life...

    but never take what the doc prescribes or u will never get off.
    i took bare min. and was off them in less then 2 months...

    now just use when i relapse....

  4. #4
    kalspic's Avatar
    kalspic is offline Senior Member
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    i took a suboxone for rec use once. railed almost the whole thing...bad idea. but i have also taken it to get off the addicting and it works wonders. you dont need to full dose to have it help. i took a quarter of one for a few days and it pretty much stopped my addiction completly.

  5. #5
    oldschoolfitness's Avatar
    oldschoolfitness is offline Associate Member
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    thanks for the replies. Hazard you may be right test levels might not be affected. one of the side effects (according to the dr.) was loss of sex drive. although i haven't experienced it i was wondering other ways it might be effected. like loss of size or strength and loss of energy.

  6. #6
    mncp1008's Avatar
    mncp1008 is offline New Member
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    I was taking subtex for a little while, but I never worked out on it. It only takes about a week to rid of all the opiate withdraws I'd think your best bet would be to stop taking them. I've heard even taking those for a extended period of time can give you just as bad withdraws as the opiates.. I dont know .. but I just got off them about last week and I feel 10 times better now that I'm off the opiates and the damn subs.

  7. #7
    Schmidty's Avatar
    Schmidty is offline Test Is Best!
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    i dont think it would effect ur test lvls at all but i could be wrong... becareful man the sick from subox is way worse then dope sick from what i hear

  8. #8
    oldschoolfitness's Avatar
    oldschoolfitness is offline Associate Member
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    you guys are right i know i should be off, but it's just to easy to get a rx of oxy's or norco's with the injuries to my vertabre (c5-c6 dislocated and broken back) all this was repaired and i do very well besides some pain. i just have to much to loose by even taking the chance. however the day may come when i get fed up with it; like i did with the others. currentley take 2mg a.m. and 2mg p.m.

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