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  1. #1
    FranciscoG is offline Anabolic Member
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    Need help responding to Don Hooton

    Thank you for your note, ********,

    1st, you are incorrect. Anabolic steroids are the ONLY illegal drug that Taylor was using. Period.

    2nd, you seem to be hung up on “where did Taylor get his money to buy steroids ”? Like other drug dealers, he was stealing to purchase his drugs.

    3rd, you state that “Some 16 year-old child that is dead set on using any drugs will not listen to this message”. Maybe you are right. I pray that you are wrong. I believe that providing kids (human beings) with the truth about what steroids will do to their bodies and minds can provide them with a reason to say “no” and to stay around from these drugs.

    I am interested in hearing any constructive ideas that you might have to keep our children away from these illegal (felony) drugs.


    Donald M. Hooton


    Taylor Hooton Foundation

    7713 Thistledown Dr.

    McKinney, TX 75071


    214-725-9590 (cell)

    "It's not what happens to you that makes you who you are, it's how you handle it and what you do with it that matters."

    __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ ______________________________

    After reading your foundations articles and link as a medical professional I must comment that I am a bit confused. It seams that there is a message on this website that abuse of anabolic agents by teens and other young people for none medical purposes is wrong; which I fully agree with.

    Perhaps an a centerist conservative I disagree with the over-all message. In the United States children (under the age of 18) are the responsibility of parents/legal guardians. Drug nor guns kill people; sir people kill people. Parents that provide the funds to children to buy drugs contribute to the death of those children. In case of Taylor Hooten did his drug money majically appear or was it given to him by others? Is it not the responsibility of Don Hooten to know what is child is and is not doing? Frankly I have a problem with the over-all message. Some 16 year-old child that is dead set on using any drugs will not listen to this message! Why is it the responsibility of parental monatery over site not stated? This seams like the same old song and dance about ¨it is not my fault the drugs made me do it¨ and that is just wrong.

    Franly sir, I also do not understand why usage of other drugs that Taylor Hooten had in his blood is not stated as a contributing factor to his death! It has been confirmed that steroid use was not the sole drug by Taylor Hooten.
    Last edited by FranciscoG; 03-26-2010 at 02:48 PM. Reason: Added the initial email

  2. #2
    Mooseman33's Avatar
    Mooseman33 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    legal drugs kill more people every year than illegal drugs...

    this guy is just on a crusade against illegal drugs...

    sad, it really is....

  3. #3
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Ever looked up side effects that can happen by using vitamin C. Ever looked up what number the steroids come up when talking cause of death? Hey I can kill myself by constantly using my asthma puffer and guess what its a steroid ....did the steroid kill me? or my stupidity?

  4. #4
    FranciscoG is offline Anabolic Member
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    He was using Clomid, a SSRI citalopram, And HAD TRACE AMOUNTS OF ANADROLONE!

    I am not sure how to respond. I wrote -It has been confirmed that steroid use was not the sole drug by Taylor Hooten-

    He responds

    1st, you are incorrect. Anabolic steroids are the ONLY illegal drug that Taylor was using. Period.

    That is like saying

    ¨John Doe died last night in a car crash. He had alcohol in his blood along with THC. His drunk driving is being discounted and his death is ruled death by pot, because pot is illigal and alcohol is not.¨

  5. #5
    Nooomoto's Avatar
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    He's going to twist it in his mind to see it the way he wants. No use arguing with people like that.

  6. #6
    FranciscoG is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    He's going to twist it in his mind to see it the way he wants. No use arguing with people like that.

    There is a 5 fvcken year study in the EU.

    Amongst 1,127 suicides within 5 years, in an area with approximately 5 million people, the youngest suicide victim with SSRIs was 28 years old. In drug death cases, citalopram was obviously over-represented.

    Juveniles or not you do not prescribe citalopram to people with other drug related depression!

    People are to politically correct. Someone needs to tell the mother fvcker how it is.

  7. #7
    thegodfather's Avatar
    thegodfather is offline Dulce bellum inexpertis
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    Quote Originally Posted by PharmDoc-Cyrus View Post

    He was using Clomid, a SSRI citalopram, And HAD TRACE AMOUNTS OF ANADROLONE!

    I am not sure how to respond. I wrote -It has been confirmed that steroid use was not the sole drug by Taylor Hooten-

    He responds

    1st, you are incorrect. Anabolic steroids are the ONLY illegal drug that Taylor was using. Period.

    That is like saying

    ¨John Doe died last night in a car crash. He had alcohol in his blood along with THC. His drunk driving is being discounted and his death is ruled death by pot, because pot is illigal and alcohol is not.¨

    Well first of all. The anabolic steroids that Taylor Hooton was using were not "Illegal" drugs. If he was using Testosterone Enanthate or Nandrolone Decanoate, he was not using illegal drugs. He was in fact using FDA approved drugs without a doctors prescription. He was not using a Schedule I substance with no medicinal value what so ever. Additionally, since his cause of death was listed as a suicide, therefore it is impossible to say that abuse of anabolic steroids were a CAUSE of death. This would only be true, if perhaps, anabolic steroids caused an increase in RBC's leading to a stroke, deep vein thrombosis, myocardial infarction, etc. In which case anabolic steroid use could have been listed as a precipitating factor leading to complications which caused his death.

    However, in Taylor Hooton's case, he was abusing a prescription drug, without the supervision of a doctor. He was then being treated with an anti-depressant (SSRI) which has a clear 'Black Box Warning' with regards to adolescents and depression. No, such black box warnings exist for testosterone or nandrolone treatment.

    Celexa(Citalopram) - Black Box Warning - Suicidality - "Increased risk of suicidality in children, adolescents and young adults w/major depressive or other psychiatric disorders espeically during 1st months of tx w/antidepressants vs. placebo; weigh risk vs. benefit; in short-term studies of antidepressants vs. placebo, suicidality risk not increased in pts >24yo, and risk decreased in pts >65yo; observe all pts for clinical worsening, suicidality, or unusual behavior changes; not approved for pediatric use"

    That comes straight from my drug dictionary for physicians, on my BlackBerry, from a program called Epocrates Rx, I was referencing the Oxford Drug Formulary guide.

    SSRI's have a clear and documented history with increasing the risk of suicidality in teens, while anabolic/androgenic steroids have no such documented peer reviewed literature with which to make such assumptions. While Don Hooton may believe that his son's use of anabolic steroids "correlated" to the cause of suicide for his son, there is a stark difference between a correlation and a causative effect. You may want to point out the Black Box warning of the SSRI that his son was prescribed.

    Taylor Hooton's case, while tragic, is no different than many other deaths due to misuse or prescription drugs. Anabolic steroids have a long and well documented track record of success in patients with primary and secondary hypogonadism, muscle wasting conditions, and etc. Additionally, SSRI's, SNRI's, have a long documented history with helping patients with major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, agoraphobia, and a number of other life altering mental conditions. As with any prescription drug, caution should always be exercised when using them, and a doctors supervision is always necessary. Physicians will always weigh the risk vs. the potential negative side effects of prescribing a certain drug. When a person (be they adolescents or adults) make the conscious choice to abuse those FDA approved drugs, and to do so without the supervision of a physician, who's fault is it when there is a negative outcome? Of course it is not the drugs fault, it is the user of the drug.

    I would go so far as to agree that Taylor Hooton's misuse of prescription anabolic steroids most likely led to his being depressed as his hormone levels dropped to those of a hypogonadal male, and he dealt with the effects of drastic changes to his physique and abilities because he discontinued exogenous hormones. However, it was his physician who made the decision to prescribe Taylor Hooton an FDA approved drug with a known risk factor of increasing suicidality in adolescents, and therefore to view anabolic steroids as the CAUSE of Mr.Hooton's sons death is simply irresponsible and misguided.

    It is irresponsible and utterly ignorant to use such buzz words as "poisin" and "illegal drugs" when referring to anabolic steroids, which have recognized and legitimate FDA approved uses for millions of people around the world who's quality of lives are improved by these hormones which are often essential for living a healthy and normal lifestyle.

    It is an unfortunate tragedy with what happened to Don Hooton's son. However, it would be no different than a teenager who died from the overdose of the prescription pain killer OxyContin, and then that parent lobbying for the outright ban of that prescription pain killer, which would then cause millions of people who are treated with that drug in order that they may live a more normal quality of life to treat their chronic and often debilitating pain. Of course we do not see large crusades against Purdue Pharmaceutical company for the overdoses caused by these drugs, we see the blame aimed towards the users of these drugs, and rightly so.

  8. #8
    lovbyts's Avatar
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    Nice write up with very good points. That would be good to post to his site if anything.

    Nothing will really matter to the father. He is just looking for somewhere to lay blame so he does not feel guilty for his part of the failure.

    Guilt can eat you alive if you let it, even if you put the blame elsewhere. Sometimes you just have to let it go and realize it is what it is and even IF you could have done something about it, it is to late now and you just did not see the signs. Hindsight is always 20/20

    Im speaking from experience. My 2nd wife (divorced) commuted suicide and I saw her the day before. Thinking back I should have seen that she was on the edge but also I did not know all the details I know now. Im very sad and hurt she did what she did but also realize you can not stop someone once they set their mind to it.

    She was not asking for any kind of help but in fact I was offering help with issues she was having with work, financial, medical and life. She was behind on bills due to medical cost. I was helping her sell some of her things and I purchased many knowing she could not get much money for them and helping her in a time of need. She was loosing her residence (rental house) and she had planned on moving in with me for a wile until she got back on her feet; my suggestion. Many other details left out.

    How long should you 2nd guess what really happened or what signs you should have seen or what you could have done?

    He needs to let his sons death go.
    Last edited by lovbyts; 03-27-2010 at 03:45 AM.

  9. #9
    Ernst's Avatar
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    It's like arguing with a wall. You are asking him to admit that it was HIS FAULT and steroids were not the reason that his son died. Not going to happen. Don is a pathetic figure in my eyes. Ultimately his son made his own decisions, including the one to end his own life, and it broke the father's heart. He may not have been the best parent or recognized some of the signs of his son's troubles, but I think he loved his son. Don was not the only influence in his son's life, either. He needs to stop placing blame. The boy is gone. It's over. It's a shame that Don doesn't let his son go and focus his misguided time and energy on more worthy pursuits.

    I read some of the stuff on that site of his. There were some facts stewed in with a lot of bullshit. At least we can agree that high school kids have no damn business juicing.

  10. #10
    RoadToRecovery's Avatar
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    Watching Bigger Faster Stronger will show you that this man has his priorities mixed up. It also shows that he is not able to come to terms with his sons death and accept different angles on his suicide. His son was obviously using drugs that may have caused suicidal tendencies but you cannot prove this either.

    My point is, he is able to put himself in the dark because he has no absolute answer. Therefore, he will pick and choose what he deems responsible.

    The best way to approach someone like this, is to be professional... establish well proven facts and do not make him feel cornered. Just be able to rebut everything he says until he has exhausted his resources and has no definite answer.

  11. #11
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    Godfather, you bring up great points. But I fear that it leaves Donald with too much leverage for a nonsense rebuttle. Any one with an open mind and a clear head will agree with you. I know I do.

    OP - If I were you, Id pretty much use godfathers post as a template and adjust it grammatically to aim it towards Donald and send it to him. See what kind of uneducated response you get and keep us posted.
    Last edited by RoadToRecovery; 03-27-2010 at 08:14 AM.

  12. #12
    FranciscoG is offline Anabolic Member
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    Fast forward to 5:45- 6:30

  13. #13
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    Wow - I watched that. He claims that his son put on 30lbs of muscle on his upper body in 90-120 days. Talk about a killer stack huh lol. This man is delerious.

    He also lists these as symptoms of steroid use :
    A sudden desire to work out at the gym
    Very very fast weight gain.
    Acne on the back
    Puffy Face and wrists that come from water retention
    Developing of breast and enlarging of the nipples
    Bad breath

    Its bizarre how people like this can establish a face on television. Bad breath? Come on Donald. All of these things could have been attributed to other things like say puberty. But to claim that his son was on this substance for 90-120 days shows the lack of research he has done. Not denying that steroids dont cause 2 of those 6 symptoms but the others are just ridiculous.

  14. #14
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    Very simple, after watching that video just tell him "If I were your son I would have commited suicide too"

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    Very simple, after watching that video just tell him "If I were your son I would have commited suicide too"
    Ahh I knew someone was going to go there.

  16. #16
    warchild's Avatar
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    the guy just cant face that his son would kill himself livin the live don hooton provided, upper class, europe vacations, money, nice house, and a high salary. so steroids must have caused it.

  17. #17
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    don hooton reminds me of the southpark episode where rob reiner took the boys to the tobacco factory to spread bvllshit propaganda....

  18. #18
    FranciscoG is offline Anabolic Member
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    Mr. Hooton,

    You asked if I had constructive suggestion and frankly, I do.

    1) Although, you suggested ¨Anabolic steroids are the ONLY illegal drug that Taylor was using. Period.¨ I believe you misunderstood my question; I asked: ¨Franly sir, I also do not understand why usage of other drugs that Taylor Hooten had in his blood is not stated as a contributing factor to his death! It has been confirmed that steroid use was not the sole drug by Taylor Hooten.¨
    According to this unbiased source:

    A SSRI, citalopram, was detected.

    Celexa(Citalopram) - Black Box Warning - Suicidality - "Increased risk of suicidality in children, adolescents and young adults w/major depressive or other psychiatric disorders espeically during 1st months of tx w/antidepressants vs. placebo; weigh risk vs. benefit; in short-term studies of antidepressants vs. placebo, suicidality risk not increased in pts >24yo, and risk decreased in pts >65yo; observe all pts for clinical worsening, suicidality, or unusual behavior changes; not approved for pediatric use"
    That comes straight from my drug dictionary for physicians, on my BlackBerry, from a program called Epocrates Rx, I was referencing the Oxford Drug Formulary guide.

    It is also a established fact that usage of Citalopram along with narcotics lead to VIOLENT suicides, at a highly uneven rate, when compared to other SSRIs according to the Germans. You do not have to take my word for it and this is regardless of age:

    In drug death cases, citalopram was obviously over-represented.

    Again I simply do not understand why usage of this drug is not stated as the contributing factor to his death on the website. I am pro-responsibility and pro-truth 100% of the time; not just some of the time.

    2) I worked at Dallas general for 2.5 years so I seen it all. I have transfered to Mexico for the next 12 months post a messy divorce; I have also seen it all here. My prior home which my ex now owns is right in the middle of Plano off of Park.

    You stated ¨you seem to be hung up on “where did Taylor get his money to buy steroids ”? Like other drug dealers, he was stealing to purchase his drugs.¨

    Allow me to elaborate.

    In Mexico there is not a youth anabolic/androgenic steroid problem (AAS), why? Because of MONEY! One pre-loaded amp of Sos250 by Organon is $13. The average Mexican makes $600 a month. Kids can not afford to pay $300+ for anabolics. Late last night I went to our data out-ging sales. WE have sold ZERO AAS in the last month. State side a 10 CC (only 200 MG a CC) vial of Testosterone Depot is $97.00. The black market of cheaper bath-tube make AAS do exist state side, which operation ORD did not stop.

    This is due to legality issue.

    Of course Pro-Hormones ( many of which are just plain AAS that have not been schedules yet ) are sold legally at many health food stores state side. This a major problem. Many PH have lead to health issues such as gynocomastia in children. But many are legal.

    A child here, as in the US, is the responsibility of the parent. There is no privacy rights to children´s (not that there are state side) place in the home. Frankly here if the child commits a crime the parents can be held as responsible civilly. So if a 16 year-old steals that theft is the responsibility of the parent to indemnify.

    So allow me to make two points:

    a) Financial responsibility, parents simply stating my child is a drug dealer of a thief is not good enought; it is the legal responsibility of the parent to care for the child.

    b) Current scheduling of anabolics as drugs has not worked and never will. They are prescription drugs that should never be used by children even if sold as legal PHs. Unless they are unscheduled as a schedule 3 to a schedule 4+, and prices to purchase them are skyrocketed then it will be the same old song and dance. Same old bath-tube labs. Same old easy access.

    3) You stated: 3rd, you state that “Some 16 year-old child that is dead set on using any drugs will not listen to this message”. Maybe you are right. I pray that you are wrong. I believe that providing kids (human beings) with the truth about what steroids will do to their bodies and minds can provide them with a reason to say “no” and to stay around from these drugs.

    This was tried in the early 1990s with the D.A.R.E. program and it failed miserably.

    Talk to a street cop in Dallas that have been on the force for 20 years. Kids looked at drug dealers with the cars and the women and wanted to like them. The D.A.R.E. program introduced cops into class rooms to curb this. It failed.

  19. #19
    FranciscoG is offline Anabolic Member
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    ^My response.^

  20. #20
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    You need to edit it some (grammar mistakes)...but other than that it's perfect. Factual and to the point.

    I'm eager to see his response.

  21. #21
    RoadToRecovery's Avatar
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    Mr. Hooton,

    You asked if I had constructive suggestion and frankly, I do.

    1) Although you suggested ¨Anabolic steroids are the ONLY illegal drug that Taylor was using. Period.¨ I believe you misunderstood my question; I asked: ¨Frankly sir, I also do not understand why usage of other drugs that Taylor Hooton had in his blood is not stated as a contributing factor to his death! It has been confirmed that steroid use was not the sole drug by Taylor Hooton.¨
    According to this unbiased source:

    A SSRI, citalopram, was detected.

    Celexa(Citalopram) - Black Box Warning - Suicidality - "Increased risk of suicidality in children, adolescents and young adults w/major depressive or other psychiatric disorders especially during 1st months of tx w/antidepressants vs. placebo; weigh risk vs. benefit; in short-term studies of antidepressants vs. placebo, suicidality risk not increased in pts >24yo, and risk decreased in pts >65yo; observe all pts for clinical worsening, suicidality, or unusual behavior changes; not approved for pediatric use"
    That comes straight from my drug dictionary for physicians, on my BlackBerry, from a program called Epocrates Rx, I was referencing the Oxford Drug Formulary guide.

    It is also a established fact that usage of Citalopram along with narcotics lead to VIOLENT suicides, at a highly uneven rate, when compared to other SSRIs according to the Germans. You do not have to take my word for it and this is regardless of age:

    In drug death cases, citalopram was obviously over-represented.

    Again I simply do not understand why usage of this drug is not stated as the contributing factor to his death on the website. I am pro-responsibility and pro-truth 100% of the time; not just some of the time.

    2) I worked at Dallas general for 2.5 years so I seen it all. I have transferred to Mexico for the next 12 months post a messy divorce; I have also seen it all here. My prior home which my ex now owns is right in the middle of Plano off of Park.

    You stated ¨you seem to be hung up on “where did Taylor get his money to buy steroids ”? Like other drug dealers, he was stealing to purchase his drugs.
    Allow me to elaborate.

    In Mexico there is not a youth anabolic/androgenic steroid problem (AAS), why? Because of MONEY! One pre-loaded amp of Sos250 by Organon is $13. The average Mexican makes $600 a month. Kids can not afford to pay $300+ for anabolics. Late last night I went to our data out-going sales. WE have sold ZERO AAS in the last month. State side a 10 CC (only 200 MG a CC) vial of Testosterone Depot is $97.00. The black market of cheaper bath-tube make AAS do exist state side, which operation ORD did not stop.

    This is due to legality issue.

    Of course Pro-Hormones ( many of which are just plain AAS that have not been schedules yet ) are sold legally at many health food stores state side. This a major problem. Many PH have lead to health issues such as gynocomastia in children. But many are legal.

    A child here, as in the US, is the responsibility of the parent. There is no privacy rights to children´s (not that there are state side) place in the home. Frankly here if the child commits a crime the parents can be held as responsible civilly. So if a 16 year-old steals that theft is the responsibility of the parent to indemnify.

    So allow me to make two points:

    a) Financial responsibility, parents simply stating my child is a drug dealer of a thief is not good enought; it is the legal responsibility of the parent to care for the child.

    b) Current scheduling of anabolics as drugs has not worked and never will. They are prescription drugs that should never be used by children even if sold as legal PHs. unless they are unscheduled as a schedule 3 to a schedule 4+, and prices to purchase them are skyrocketed then it will be the same old song and dance. Same old bath-tub labs. Same old easy access.

    3) You stated: 3rd, you state that “Some 16 year-old child that is dead set on using any drugs will not listen to this message”. Maybe you are right. I pray that you are wrong. I believe that providing kids (human beings) with the truth about what steroids will do to their bodies and minds can provide them with a reason to say “no” and to stay around from these drugs.

    This was tried in the early 1990s with the D.A.R.E. program and it failed miserably.

    Talk to a street cop in Dallas that has been on the force for 20 years. Kids looked at drug dealers with the cars and the women and wanted to like them. The D.A.R.E. program introduced cops into class rooms to curb this. It failed.

  22. #22
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    Here are all of your spelling and grammar mistakes fixed that office found.

  23. #23
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    He is NOONE. Don't feel like you gotta prove yourself to him on his grounds. Do you REALLY wanna teach this mfkr a lesson?

    Start a website called the anti-don

    Then advertise it here, have an open board on the first page that discusses what a genuine idiot this guy is.

    "STEROIDS "!!! Over Lexapro?! Are you KIDDING ME?

    OMGGGGGG this whole entire case reeks of SHIT. You know whos REALLY TO BLAME? The idiot fvckn psychiatrist who had his son quit cold fvckn turkey.

    HE is the reason Taylors fvckn dead. It was a collective effort of a kid who just happened to have terrible resources, his dad was an idiot, is shrink had him come of steroids COLD TURKEY!?! He should have his fvckn license pulled for murder, the father should be locked up just for being an idiot.

    Lets make a website I'm serious, we'll aim is at exploiting the shit out of this fvcker. He is giving steroids a bad name because his son was not smart, made bad decisions, and his dead because an idiot psychiatrist imo.

    I really don't understand how this shrink wasn't charged. Mr Hooton is an idiot. You have nothing to prove to HIM, you have something to prove to the thousands of uneducated kids buying into his hype. For godsake I bet you the next 50 people who post know you NEVER fvckn stop cold turkey, but the shrink didn't know this?

    I wanna kill this mfkr I really do. What a white trash pos he is.

  24. #24
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    And if you seriously wanna know what I think, I think Don Hooton is a murderer. I think somewhere deep down he knows he killed his son and as long as he can keep blaming steroids he'll never need to fvckn accept that.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    And if you seriously wanna know what I think, I think Don Hooton is a murderer. I think somewhere deep down he knows he killed his son and as long as he can keep blaming steroids he'll never need to fvckn accept that.

  26. #26
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    The thing thats cool is if we started a website, a lot of the search terms that would bring up taylors site would similarly bring traffic to an anti-hooton foundation of the sorts.

    Then we can focus on the issues of ssris, doctors taking patients off drugs that are KNOWN to cause depressive rebounds, why this whole issue was made about steroids , what Don Hooton has to hide, what the shrink has to hide.
    How thousands of teens use those 2 drugs responsibly (ME) and never die. I was ON my first cycle when I was just coming off Lexapro (citraprolam) and never lost my mind. On days I was getting depressed I KNEW all I had to do was take a small dose of my lex to bridge the taper.

    Coming off of SSRIS is NOTHING, I mean NOTHING like coming off steroids. The suicidal rates for SSRIs are significant while for steroids its almost nonexistent.
    Fvck this I'm sending this POS a message myself.

    I see pharm is trying to be formal and polite, but being that way is exactly how this mfkr keeps telling lies, noone challenges him, everyone cares about being sensitive cause of the dead son subject. Fvck that, I have no sympathy, if you're gonna call ANY drug a poison call meth a poison, cause it is.
    But something that is prescribed to dying aids and cancer patients? Something thousands of men of precribed cause it enriches their lives? Steroids are a godsend for the person with a brain. I can't believe this happened because even I would have know the second I saw the kid how to deal with the situation.
    Both him and a psychiatrist tried to help this kid and fvcked up terribly doing it. Throw the mfkr on pct, ween him off his lex, no suicide. That fvckin simple. Stop the kid cold turkey and this is a POSSIBLITY, shit happens.

    The real problem in this country is you need a license to drive but any fvckn moron can have a kid. This story is a great example of that fact. The taylor hooton foundation HAS NO FOUNDATION because it is built on lies, propaganda, and a father who will NEVER accept the responsibility for the death of his son.

    He should be suing the shrink, instead he makes a website and talks shit about steroids, how fvckn convenient, all I wanna know is wtf hes getting out of it.

  27. #27
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    Ok just sent Don Hooton an email lol.

    I'm sorry but people need to stop treating him like some righteous crusader of the anti-steroid underworld.
    I have more then 1 reason to believe he is a legitimate POS. I also told him if he didn't change some of the innacurate "information" on his website I'd be forced to start
    A site that would be centered to avoiding the dangers a teen could experience taking advice from Don Hooton seriously.

    I'm dead serious I have hated this POS since they day I heard of his sons death, he really needs a reality check. Lets see if he responds back lol. (I wasn't as confrontational as I sound, I did leave a lot of bait for him to bite on)

    And sorry pharm for hijacking your thread. He has no idea my association btw.

  28. #28
    RoadToRecovery's Avatar
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    Any response bo?

  29. #29
    toothache's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PharmDoc-Cyrus View Post
    Watched the whole video.....what an ass!

  30. #30
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    Pharm - Did you send it yet?

  31. #31
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    Haha I got a response!

    He told me what I'm doing is a "violation of federal law", to advocate the "proper use" of steroids . OMG this guy is an idiot. It was actually a very long reponse too, and he agreed that the psychiatrist was at fault for "murder" (which is how I worded it) but he also said they have no medical protocal for steroids so he couldn't hold him responsible for it.

    I'm trying to use psychology though to make him talk, more than getting on his bad side right now. I geniunely wanna pick this guys brain. I will post all the responses when I get back, don't want him googling and finding it here, then he won't take it seriously anymore.

  32. #32
    warchild's Avatar
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    keep up the great work! shut thatr idiot hooton down!!!!!!

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    Haha I got a response!

    He told me what I'm doing is a "violation of federal law", to advocate the "proper use" of steroids . OMG this guy is an idiot. It was actually a very long reponse too, and he agreed that the psychiatrist was at fault for "murder" (which is how I worded it) but he also said they have no medical protocal for steroids so he couldn't hold him responsible for it.

    I'm trying to use psychology though to make him talk, more than getting on his bad side right now. I geniunely wanna pick this guys brain. I will post all the responses when I get back, don't want him googling and finding it here, then he won't take it seriously anymore.
    Love it....I will be paying close attention to this thread.

  34. #34
    RoadToRecovery's Avatar
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    you gotta post your to and from emails Bo. I wanna read each side.

  35. #35
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    OK absolutely will do!

  36. #36
    FranciscoG is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    The real problem in this country is you need a license to drive but any fvckn moron can have a kid. This story is a great example of that fact. The taylor hooton foundation HAS NO FOUNDATION because it is built on lies, propaganda, and a father who will NEVER accept the responsibility for the death of his son.

    He should be suing the shrink, instead he makes a website and talks shit about steroids, how fvckn convenient, all I wanna know is wtf hes getting out of it.
    Fantastic point of view!

    I agree 110%.

  37. #37
    FranciscoG is offline Anabolic Member
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    Sadly, Mr. ______________, if I read your email literally, there is nothing we can or should be doing about the illegal use of anabolic steroids by American adolescents.

    · Education won’t work,

    · We live in affluent society, so lack of money won’t keep our kids from taking these illegal substances, and

    · Our kids bear no responsibility for their own behavior because parents are responsible for their children’s behavior.

    I was hoping that you might make some constructive suggestion that might contribute to helping keep our kids off these drugs. But, I find nothing in either email that makes any positive contribution to the dialogue.

    Good luck to you.


    Donald M. Hooton

  38. #38
    FranciscoG is offline Anabolic Member
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    How does he get to that from my last email?

    Complete ignorance of SSRI. Would not even touch the issue.

    Does not at all address the issue of parental responsibility, but instead states that well rich societ blah blah blah....

    Jesus talk about lost - I am at a complete loss.

  39. #39
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    I could not think of why you guys would even bother with this.

    Surely you have something better to do with your time...

  40. #40
    FranciscoG is offline Anabolic Member
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    My response

    Mr. Hooton,

    Unfortunatly, I agree with you. I do believe that there is not a way to have a positive exchange here what so ever.

    Sir, with all do respect I just can not understand your mentality.

    1) I asked if you believed that SSRI was a contributing factor to death? As any honest foundation that should be mentioned not just steroids but perhaps The Nile is not just a river in Egypt. Not only is it not mentioned you completely and utterly ignor this VERY dangerious issue in public and here via email. Kids die every day from SSRI via violent suicides but for some reason or another this, although clearly proven, is not something you mention or address.

    2) Education has not and will not work. D.A.R.E failed. History is self-repeating.

    3) Yes in an affluent society parents do have money. But, I find your argument to be ludacris. As if to suggest by Dylan Klebold´s (Columbine massacre) father that: ¨well my son stole, sold drugs, and used his allowance to buy that gun that he used to conduct the massacer. ¨ More over, ¨We live in a society that children can make money from stolen goods and drugs; it is not my fault that he killed all those children.¨ concluding with, ¨I will preach anti-gun responsibility but as a parent that over saw the event I am not responsible, it is the illigal gun usage not my failed legal responsibility to care for my underage child.¨

    4) Children and parents BEAR RESPONSIBILITY.

    It is sad after 5 days of exchanges, that you have not addressed that steroids are not a stand alone cause of death. True to form, you do not in public so why should anyone be suprised! You seam not to at all address that parents need to play a role in a child´s life, and not as an enabling parent which is exactly what one is when a blind eye is turned. With all do respect a man´s home is his castle and what goes on under that roof is his responsibility.

    Take care,


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