I think it's one of my new favorite things when I get the hater stare from some scrub that wishes he was as big as me.
I think it's one of my new favorite things when I get the hater stare from some scrub that wishes he was as big as me.
Maybe you have a cocky attitude. Only the bigger guys use to sort of look at me a little that way until they got to see me all the time and we started saying hello and such. I dont really talk to anyone much but most of the smaller guys try to chat me up once in a while and we talk a little about routine, diet and such but I have never had any hater looks that I know of.
All dudes that are bigger (clearly have done or are on cycle) are cool and will give advice and shit. I would try to help anyone that asks, but I'm always bumpin metal psyching myself up. My gym is a little more on a personal level than Im sure urs is, cuz I see these people in and out of the gym everyday. It's hater vision, Im sure of it... and I love it. It makes me want to go all out on every rep of every set more than I already do.
got a lot of lover stare lately!
Last edited by jbm; 04-02-2010 at 04:50 AM.
mmm gym sluts
Why is it more personal level and you see them in and out of the gym? High-school maybe?
I belong to two gyms. One near my house so it's only 3 minutes drive or less and one near my work for the same reason.
Do you discriminate against the guys smaller than you? Still I dont get it. Most all the smaller guys just give me the nod, smile, hey hows it going or ask questions? maybe where you are they just have attitude or they think you have attitude? Do you have attitude???
*seats and gets popcorn*
^^^ lol
not high school but it might as well be, its a military gym. I can have an attitude with people I don't like, but I rarely talk to anyone other than the people I know. I'm sure it's just a different atmosphere from your gym. Personally the atmosphere I like most comes from hole in the wall gyms, there is just this sense of everyone is busting their ass and doesn't have that hater vision.
OK so it's a bunch of kids just out of High school?
Last edited by LatissimusaurousRex; 04-02-2010 at 05:39 AM.
not all of them are out of high school, it's just a majority of people are in their early to mid 20's and gotta try to be all hard for the 4 chicks that workout there
Last edited by DarnGoodLookin; 04-02-2010 at 05:40 AM.
why did you edit ur post?
i timed it perfectly so you'd respond to "...."
no jk. I just hate these senseless posts and don't know why i even said anything so i retracted it.
Sounds like a tough crowd. They need more KP so they remember who the enemy is.
it's in the AR lounge, there is a lot of senseless stuff in here. If you have ever encountered the hater stare you would know what I'm talking about. Just like terraj knows what I'm talking about.
Stop shadow boxing in the mirror and people will stop mad dogging you.
lmao, I'm not that guy.
Whats even better than the hater stare, is what I like to call "Skullcap,wifebeater Mr. Animal Pak" they are about 160-175 lbs, skullcap over the eyes, doesnt speak to anybody, usually imaginary lat syndrome comes with their presence too. Also "Mr. hoodie sweatsuit Rocky mother****er" they can usually be seen right after the holidays when Rocky 1-6 is played religiously, and some fat lard gets a spark in his ass to go out and be tough for 2 days. I think every gym should have a couple
Cant compare a military gym to a regular gym. Ive been to military gyms all over (Norfolk, Cherry Point, Great Lakes etc etc) in the military and nine times out of ten everyone in the gym has no idea what they are doing and they are generally out of shape.The military in general is an immature social club to begin with, so to combine it with a masculine sport like body building/power lifting you tend to get people that become very jealous. Glad to be a civilian again.
Well I'm the 170 lb 5'9" guy but no hater.
At 41, 6 months into training again I was in the middle of about 8 monsters on the bench. Struggling to put up my 205 on rep #4 on my 4th set. I sat up and looked over at these guys with 405 and shit on their bars and said "you guys aren't very good for my ego". They all busted out laughing and we chat up all the time now, and totally unsolicted they offer me a spot whenever needed.
Just gotta break the ice sometimes. Most are probably just intimidated.
The 19 year old punk BoZ In Da Hood guys you'll never change, so screw em, but most folks are otherwise good. At least I like to believe so.
IMO anyway.
Last edited by sarasotafloridabrian; 04-02-2010 at 08:51 AM. Reason: miss spelling
I was All city football player in highschool. I also had a gym in my highschool. Not sure the relevance, just feels good 2 remind myself of previous greatness..![]()
this thread makes me roll eyes
I think YOU'RE paying too much attention to other people.
Maybe your fly was open
how big are you to be getting looks?? your profile says your 5'11'' 195 at 13%BF...
I have been in the military for 8 years, and that frame would not be getting hater looks at all.
I think it may all be psychological!
I also agree you pay attention to other people too much. Stop lookin at people and they will stop looking at you.
Go to the gym and do work
You could also be paranoid. Or have low self esteem.
they are probably just looking at you because you're so massive...
I have in many threads made fun of military gyms for form and big headed guys that aren't anything special..
but to say somebody 5'11'' 190 at 13% BF is getting a lot of looks?
though it is true about 50% of the people in military gyms are weak little guys, there are also so very very huge guys and very strong guys. .
military gyms are just more filled with younger or new guys to working out attempting to start working out or knowing they need to but never taught how. . . its just diet has to be very on point because of the mass amount of cardio and look periods of feild training
Last edited by quarry206; 04-02-2010 at 04:58 PM.
I just cannot stop posting on this thread. I believe the reason for me being unable to control myself has to do with how pathetic this post really is. sorry op but for you to actually spend time worry about what other people think about you leads me to believe you have some issues. Get over yourself. I workout for the personal satisfaction not to impress others. You may just be a young buck who has not figured out who they are yet, but when you do you will realize how insignificant this thought process you have going on now really is. You should not derive your feeling of well being from others. Do not take this personally. When I was young, foolish, and without meaning I had the same train of thought.
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