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Thread: Constantly upset stomach

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Soul Society

    Constantly upset stomach

    Ok I have no idea where to post this one but what's clear is I require assistance. Ever since I started eating and training the proper way I constantly have gasses. Not regular gas, I'm talking the nastiest thing ever. Here's my diet in hope one of you can tell me what's wrong. I'm very serious this could cost me some friendships and even my marriage. The wife is getting fed up and says if I don't fix it I'll have to go back to eating like a regular Joe. That means I'll become a 140lbs piece of crap again which is not an option and I'll rather divorce. Anyways here's the diet

    Lean Diet
    Anticatabolic Shake 6:00AM
    1 scoop(32g) of whey protein
    5g glutamine
    1 cup of water
    P24g. C2g. F2g.

    Breakfast 6:30AM
    1 whole egg
    5 eggs white
    1tbsp olive oil
    1/2cup of sweet potato fries
    1 multivitamin
    1 cup water
    P38g. C42g. F18g.

    Snack 9:30AM
    60g of oatmeal
    1 scoop of whey protein
    1 cup of water
    P32g. C40g. F3g.

    Lunch 12:30PM
    8 oz turkey, chicken, beef or fish
    1/2 cup broccoli , spinach , carrots etc
    1 cup of brown rice or sweet potato
    1g vitamin C
    1 cup of water
    P50g. C50g. F12g.

    Snack 4:00PM
    2 slices of whole grain bread
    6oz of tuna
    2 boiled eggs white
    1tbsp of light mayo
    Tomato and parsley
    1oz of almonds
    1g of Omega 3 EFA
    1 cup of water
    P57g. C25g. F22g

    Pre Workout 5:30PM
    1 cup of black tea
    5g of arginine
    5g of creatine monohydrate
    2g of beta-alanine

    During Workout 6:30AM
    1 servings Scivitation Xtend
    3.5g leucine
    1.75g isoleucine
    1.75g valine
    5g glutamine
    1g citruline malate
    15g dextrose
    2 cups water

    Postworkout 8:00PM
    1.5 scoop whey protein
    5g creatine monohydrate
    1 cup soy milk
    40g of oatmeal
    1 small banana
    P48g. C54g F8g.

    Diner 8:30PM
    8 oz turkey, chicken, beef or fish
    1 cup sweet potato or brown rice
    1/2 cup broccoli , spinach , carrots etc
    1 cup of water
    P50g. C55g. F12g.


    Thats about 200cal over my tdee

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    in the kitchen
    Try cutting out dairy and eggs (including whey, stick to real foods only) and see if that helps you.
    I used to have absolutely horrible gas, but it completely went away as soon as I cut out eggs and dairy.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Sounds like the wifey wears the pants here...

    Try cutting dairy and excess protein.

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