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Thread: Seriously...

  1. #1
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    If you feel that you have to:

    Look at your abs in the mirror
    Slam the weights in the smith machine when re-racking
    Throw 20lb dumbells across the gym after incline curls
    Use the flatbench for bb curls then slam the weight down
    Let go of the cable machines halfway through the motion
    Use 15 different sets of dumbells and drop them all while standing


    Then you are a tough guy. You scared me away from my gym.... so now I am finding another gym tomorrow. I just don't want you 165lb guys to kick my ass. I am running away

  2. #2
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    And if I can hear you laughing and yelling drinking stories when I am blasting Rage Against the Machine through my headphones... then you are super cool

  3. #3
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    Have a nice day you phaggots

  4. #4
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    You been making new friends again?

  5. #5
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    I just quit my free gym. I can't take it anymore. Nobody goes there to lift weights.

  6. #6
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
    stevey_6t9 is offline RIP Aziz "Zyzz" Sergeyevich Shavershian - Veni Vidi Vici
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    i guess having kids does make you grumpy

  7. #7
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    Probally since I have been getting about 2-3 hours of sleep per night for the last week. That, and Tren Enanthate

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    I've only been training 1.5 years but I got to say my gym is great. There's only one guy who's about 65kg and trains in his jeans and poses in the mirror but it's a good laugh.

  9. #9
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    I have a bloke in my gym, who Im sure thinks his the terminator... He walks in wearing his sunglasses... Walks like he is a machine and cant walk past a mirror without looking at his arms. That coupled with all the above mentioned gets my blood boiling...

  10. #10
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    You guys are bothered pretty easily. Since I recently switched gyms, it is full of clowns and idiots. But ya know what? Unless they are doing something completely unsafe which has a chance of injuring them, or more importantly, me, then I don't really care what they do while they're there.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    You guys are bothered pretty easily. Since I recently switched gyms, it is full of clowns and idiots. But ya know what? Unless they are doing something completely unsafe which has a chance of injuring them, or more importantly, me, then I don't really care what they do while they're there.
    Then what do you do when it is as packed as a club on a Saturday night?

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    The Murder Mitten
    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    If you feel that you have to:

    Look at your abs in the mirror
    Slam the weights in the smith machine when re-racking
    Throw 20lb dumbells across the gym after incline curls
    Use the flatbench for bb curls then slam the weight down
    Let go of the cable machines halfway through the motion
    Use 15 different sets of dumbells and drop them all while standing


    Then you are a tough guy. You scared me away from my gym.... so now I am finding another gym tomorrow. I just don't want you 165lb guys to kick my ass. I am running away
    You train with ferocious bubble?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexISthrowed View Post
    You train with ferocious bubble?
    lmao. Thanks, I needed that lol

  14. #14
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  15. #15
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    Good post. I get aggravated wit the dudes who wanna talk and tell stories while holding up the bench or machine. And the dudes who throw down the 20lb Dbs?? Lol. Classic. I see it all the time from the teenagers looking to impress each other with there massive 11inch biceps

  16. #16
    i hate the army guy who grunts and groans like he's squatting 900lbs and you look over (cuz obviously that's what he wants) and he's doing something retarted like one legged squats with a towel and backpack and rubber bands and chains and whatever the hell else he can find to help make him self look like A RETARD. DAMMIT.

  17. #17
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    or kids that come in trying to rep with the BAR ONLY on bench. Then their buddy slaps on some big ole 25's and does 2 reps. And the bar only dude says "sweet dude! Thats 115lbs!"
    Yeah, they are fvcking swole..and can do simple math....
    And im not joking about this. It happened last week....

  18. #18
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    I find the "cheap" gyms are packed in this area. We have a "fitness 19" that's just about giving away memberships just to get as many heads in the door as possible. We lost a few members from our gym due to the prices, but they weren't serious about lifting so no loss.

    I would still imagine you get respect Bigkuntry. When Im out of town lifting at the cheap gyms, people steer clear. It's funny, if I ask someone "how many sets do you have left", they get up and say "go ahead, its yours". I don't want to take the equipment, just trying to find out when you will be done.
    Last edited by Bossman; 04-20-2010 at 12:50 PM.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by androbolic_09 View Post
    or kids that come in trying to rep with the BAR ONLY on bench. Then their buddy slaps on some big ole 25's and does 2 reps. And the bar only dude says "sweet dude! Thats 115lbs!"
    Yeah, they are fvcking swole..and can do simple math....
    And im not joking about this. It happened last week....
    i have no issue with this. everyone has to start somewhere. dont be the jerk who thinks people not as strong are less of a person.

    as long as these kids are trying there best and trying to grow...

  20. #20
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    im not tryna be a jerk. they were playing with the weight machines. they were jumping from machine to machine and weights to weights. If they are there again when im there, ill tell em that they can get hurt if they dont watch out. but its not like they were being serious about lifting....
    and besides, there are posts above me saying that people throwing down the 20lb dumbells and stuff like they done something. maybe that s all they can lift, and maybe its their way of feeling like they did something. jeez chill out....

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    I find the "cheap" gyms are packed in this area. We have a "fitness 19" that's just about giving away memberships just to get as many heads in the door as possible. We lost a few members from our gym due to the prices, but they weren't serious about lifting so no loss.

    I would still imagine you get respect Bigkuntry. When Im out of town lifting at the cheap gyms, people steer clear. It's funny, if I ask someone "how many sets do you have left", they get up and say "go ahead, its yours". I don't want to take the equipment, just trying to find out when you will be done.
    Not even close. Military gyms are different. Ninety percent of the people are weaklings. They are protected by their military rank, so they feel as if they are untouchable. I am only a Staff Sergeant, and most of the other guys are 20 year old officers. They think they rule the gym. They are irresponsible since it is free equipment. They do not have any consideration. Once I leave Korea I am going to join a YMCA. Usually their gyms are full of eye candy, and it is never too packed

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    Not even close. Military gyms are different. Ninety percent of the people are weaklings. They are protected by their military rank, so they feel as if they are untouchable. I am only a Staff Sergeant, and most of the other guys are 20 year old officers. They think they rule the gym. They are irresponsible since it is free equipment. They do not have any consideration. Once I leave Korea I am going to join a YMCA. Usually their gyms are full of eye candy, and it is never too packed

    what character, the cop or indian?


  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    If you feel that you have to:

    Look at your abs in the mirror
    Slam the weights in the smith machine when re-racking
    Throw 20lb dumbells across the gym after incline curls
    Use the flatbench for bb curls then slam the weight down
    Let go of the cable machines halfway through the motion
    Use 15 different sets of dumbells and drop them all while standing

    Then you are a tough guy. You scared me away from my gym.... so now I am finding another gym tomorrow. I just don't want you 165lb guys to kick my ass. I am running away
    lol i know where your coming from, my last gym was the same, just chavs flexing there chicken wings had no interest in training it got like a youth club, people just came in to talk shit and hang out on the machines.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    Not even close. Military gyms are different. Ninety percent of the people are weaklings. They are protected by their military rank, so they feel as if they are untouchable. I am only a Staff Sergeant, and most of the other guys are 20 year old officers. They think they rule the gym. They are irresponsible since it is free equipment. They do not have any consideration. Once I leave Korea I am going to join a YMCA. Usually their gyms are full of eye candy, and it is never too packed
    watch out for that. dont want to pitch a tent in the middle of the gym.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by kalspic View Post
    watch out for that. dont want to pitch a tent in the middle of the gym.
    You are damn right LOL. I am horny as **** now... and my wife and I can't have sex for six more weeks!! She just had a baby. I cannot jack off enough! Six times a day at least just to keep my mind off of sex. Damn this testosterone enanthate

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by alexISthrowed View Post
    You train with ferocious bubble?
    LMAO!!! I literally busted out in laughter with that one.... fvckin hilarious! I wanna see him attempt a come back on that shit

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    You are damn right LOL. I am horny as **** now... and my wife and I can't have sex for six more weeks!! She just had a baby. I cannot jack off enough! Six times a day at least just to keep my mind off of sex. Damn this testosterone enanthate

  28. #28
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    Hahahaha awesome.

    I'm glad someone else gets as pissed off about these clowns as i do .

  29. #29
    I workout in a military gym fool of 20 yr old marines I feel your pain. That being said one of the guys wanted to lift with me while deployed and I agreed. First day he threw down 50lb dumbels and hit my foot I told him if he every did that shit again I would destroy him. He now gently places his weights on the ground.

  30. #30
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    You are damn right LOL. I am horny as **** now... and my wife and I can't have sex for six more weeks!! She just had a baby. I cannot jack off enough! Six times a day at least just to keep my mind off of sex. Damn this testosterone enanthate
    tell her to give you daily spit and shines

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    Not even close. Military gyms are different. Ninety percent of the people are weaklings. They are protected by their military rank, so they feel as if they are untouchable. I am only a Staff Sergeant, and most of the other guys are 20 year old officers. They think they rule the gym. They are irresponsible since it is free equipment. They do not have any consideration. Once I leave Korea I am going to join a YMCA. Usually their gyms are full of eye candy, and it is never too packed
    I'm with ya. I've been training in an MWR for the past few months. I'd say they're 3 maybe 4 other men that go to train. I swear the rest are just killing time untill a phone opens up. It's nonesense, quit doing curls on the squat rack and go play on the eliptical.

  32. #32
    How do you quit a "free" gym? lol

    But I feel ya bro. I've bounced around gyms in my local area cause of "phaggots" like the ones you have described.

  33. #33
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    I find the "cheap" gyms are packed in this area. We have a "fitness 19" that's just about giving away memberships just to get as many heads in the door as possible. We lost a few members from our gym due to the prices, but they weren't serious about lifting so no loss.

    I would still imagine you get respect Bigkuntry. When Im out of town lifting at the cheap gyms, people steer clear. It's funny, if I ask someone "how many sets do you have left", they get up and say "go ahead, its yours". I don't want to take the equipment, just trying to find out when you will be done.
    i wish they'd steer clear of me.. but no .. the lil tards will so much as come up to me and ask me where they can buy needles at.. SERIOUSLY?! i have had people come up.. THAT I DONT KNOW.. and go .. hey man do you know where i can get some needles at? like wtf

  34. #34
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    Planet Shitness was doing a promotion - $10/month no contract..... so i decided to sign up to use their cardio stuff. While there..... I saw a guy not lift one weight and talk to 6 different women. He was in his 50's...... and was there before me and left after me.

    It ridiculous..... people stare at me when I walk in..... make me feel like I don't belong there.....


  35. #35
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    Right now I work out at good life.

    I watch the same guy(pretty fat) lift his shirt over his belly look in the mirror, leave it up and walk around.

    One day he lifted it up as he walked by and looked at me

    I said really loud, "that was ****ing gay"
    Everyone heard me and looked (some smirked), funny thing was he kept on walking. I was actually hoping for a confrontation.... I found out later that he doesn't speak english, just some stupid mexican fml

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa View Post
    i wish they'd steer clear of me.. but no .. the lil tards will so much as come up to me and ask me where they can buy needles at.. SERIOUSLY?! i have had people come up.. THAT I DONT KNOW.. and go .. hey man do you know where i can get some needles at? like wtf
    LOl, I had this 19 yr old kid ask if he could give me money and buy the "supps" he thought I needed. I pointed him to a woman I knew who worked at a local nutrition shop and said, see her. The kid still trains at the same gym. Some just don't understand it takes time, with or without supps.

  37. #37
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    Ok I had legs and shouldrs yesterday at the gym. I got there at 8pm, and the gym closes at 930pm. No big deal. Sixty minutes is plenty of time if I superset.

    So, as soon as I walk in, I do the usual. Fill up my shaker cup with cold water. Sign out a towel. Put on my wrist straps and my headphones. As soon as I walk into the gym.... my jaw dropped to the floor. There were about 30 135lb Koreans in this gym. Mind you, it is about as small as the lobby in McDonalds. So, I waited for the adjustable bench for my shoulder presses. It took me 20 minutes to get it. Once I got it... all of the dumbells from 65lbs to 110 lbs were gone. So, I decided to roll the bench over to the smith machine and wait. Well, there were Koreans doing situps under the smith machine. Then there was another group waiting behind them. They were next. They were doing benchpresses with only the bar. Ok, so no shoulder presses. I decide to go for some front or side lateral raises. Well, all the dumbells from 30-50lbs are gone. So I say fvck it, just make it a leg day. Ok, well the squat rack is taken by 5 koreans doing some "cross-country-ski aerobic exercise.

    So, I had to settle with leg extensions. I did about 13 sets of leg extensions. Then I went home. This was a day or two ago. I am still pissed.

    ........Is there a gym out there..... where people go to lift? Where people are courteous? Where people use the machines for their purpose? Where I can get in and out in 90 minutes or less?

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    I find the "cheap" gyms are packed in this area. We have a "fitness 19" that's just about giving away memberships just to get as many heads in the door as possible. We lost a few members from our gym due to the prices, but they weren't serious about lifting so no loss.

    I would still imagine you get respect Bigkuntry. When Im out of town lifting at the cheap gyms, people steer clear. It's funny, if I ask someone "how many sets do you have left", they get up and say "go ahead, its yours". I don't want to take the equipment, just trying to find out when you will be done.
    Thats funny, I belong to 2 gyms. One has 3 or more of everything so if something is being used i can usually make due with another.

    The smaller gym I also go to the same thing happens to me. If I ask someone if I can work in or how many sets they have left they get up and leave.

  39. #39
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    Those closest gym to me is dirt cheap it was inside of the local college.. Never again. Never seen so many retards doing I don't even know what in my life.. I am now at the ymca

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by BigKuntry1984 View Post
    Not even close. Military gyms are different. Ninety percent of the people are weaklings. They are protected by their military rank, so they feel as if they are untouchable. I am only a Staff Sergeant, and most of the other guys are 20 year old officers. They think they rule the gym. They are irresponsible since it is free equipment. They do not have any consideration. Once I leave Korea I am going to join a YMCA. Usually their gyms are full of eye candy, and it is never too packed
    Lol, I feel you BK. I been training at Navy gym in Japan....only cause it free, (I am not in the service). Those kids are painful....Put your weights away you MOFOs!

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