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    Teen Pleads Not Guilty In Josie Ratley Beating


    An attorney for the Deerfield Beach teen accused of severely beating 15-year-old Josie Ratley at a middle school bus stop last month has submitted a written plea of not guilty.

    Russell Williams, who represents 15-year-old Wayne Treacy, submitted the plea Tuesday morning ahead an arraignment hearing on Wednesday. Russell, who faces a charge of attempted first degree, was not in court. He remains in jail without bond.

    Treacy reportedly attacked Ratley over a text message she had sent him about his brother who had committed suicide. Witnesses said Treacy punched Ratley in the head until she fell on the ground, then continued beating her by smashing her head on the pavement, kicking her and stomping on her while wearing steel-toed boots. The attack didn't end until a teacher pulled him off of her.

    On Monday Ratley underwent a third surgery at Broward General Medical Center.

    During the two hour and fifteen minute procedure, doctors replaced a section of the girl's skull which they had originally removed to help relieve pressure caused by the swelling of her brain after the attack. Ratley will be kept sedated Tuesday and begin rehabilitation on Wednesday.

    Ratley was kept in a medically induced coma for three weeks to aid her recovery. A little more than a week ago she came out of it after doctors weaned her off the drugs. On Monday, Josie's mother Hilda Gotay told the Today Show it was incredible when her daughter was finally able to look at her and recognize her.

    "It was fantastic. It just took my breath away when she was able to look at me and take her left hand and reach to me and hug me," described Gotay. Gotay went on to say that her daughter cries a lot cause she doesn't understand why she is hurt and in the hospital.

    "She's confused, she does not know why she's there and that's when the crying comes in because she doesn't know why she's there and she has a lot of headaches," said Gotay.

    She can now sit up and respond but is still unable to speak, or walk and must use a feeding tube because she can't swallow. She's also has limited function in her right arm, hand and fingers.

    Thirteen-year old Kayla Manson was also arrested in the case because detectives say she knew the attack was going to happen and did nothing to stop it. Manson, prosecutors charge, pointed Ratley out to Treacy before he allegedly attacked her. Manson will be prosecuted as a juvenile to a charge of principal to attempted murder.
    I personally believe she got what she deserved. She was made an example of and this should go down in history as a lesson about being held accountable for everything that you might say. I hope she is able to fully recover just so she can fully comprehend exactly what happened.

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    The aftermath

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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
    I personally believe she got what she deserved. She was made an example of and this should go down in history as a lesson about being held accountable for everything that you might say. I hope she is able to fully recover just so she can fully comprehend exactly what happened.
    You believe it is justifiable to attempt to kill someone because of things that they say? Unfortunately for you, and fortunately for the rest of civilized society, there are few instances where words have severe consequences at all. Libelous and slanderous speech is prohibited, threatening speech is prohibited, and obscene speech is prohibited. However, none of those types of speech are regulated with the use of physical violence. At the least extreme end of the spectrum, you can be fined monetarily for libelous and slanderous speech. At the most extreme end of the spectrum you can be jailed for many years, for threatening speech such as threatening to kill the President.

    In no instance however, is speech punishable by violence. And, it is not illegal if you are essentially "saying mean things." The freedom for people to speak freely, say unpopular, mean, and ignorant things, is actually one of the staples of American society. It's the reason that the founders of this country put the amendment pertaining to free speech 1st, in the Bill of Rights. So, if the fact that speech which you might find offensive is protected by law in this country bothers you, I'd suggest that you start checking out other countries where it's ok to assault someone, cause grievous bodily harm, and even kill them, for saying something which you find unpopular, distasteful, mean, or even hurtful to your feelings, and then look into emigrating to one of those countries.

    Sorry, but I find the fact that you support such actions for unpopular speech abhorrent. I'm not sure if you actually believe what you posted, or you were perhaps just attempting to get a rise out of people. I assure you however, the days of physically assaulting other people because they were "talkin shit," and being able to walk away without legal consequence, is dwindling everyday. Some people do still live in a dream world, where they think that its permissible to assault people for "running their mouths," and often times are people who belong to gangs, pretend to be in the mafia, or just in general try to be tough guys. I can also assure you, that if someone tried to assault me because I said something they didn't like, and knowing full well that a physical assault has the potential to result in death, I'd be forced to respond to that assault with deadly force via my firearm. It seems you are under the impression that its ok to go around beating people up, and at some point if you continue with that behavior you will end up one of two places. Jail, or shot dead by a citizen protecting their lives.

    My post is not meant to be in any way rude or dismissive. I'm simply pointing out some simple tenets of law. I don't like to see people face consequences for things that they say, maybe its the Constitutional scholar in me, that believes everyone should be free to say almost anything that they want without consequences. I almost even disagree with libel, slander, threatening speech, and obscenity being illegal as well.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
    I personally believe she got what she deserved. She was made an example of and this should go down in history as a lesson about being held accountable for everything that you might say. I hope she is able to fully recover just so she can fully comprehend exactly what happened.
    Prehaps you should move to a part of the Middle East where this sort of behaviour is acceptable because there is no justification for that sort of act.

    I wonder how you would feel if this had happened to your sister, or mother or another female member of your family.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by flagg View Post
    prehaps you should move to a part of the middle east where this sort of behaviour is acceptable because there is no justification for that sort of act.

    I wonder how you would feel if this had happened to your sister, or mother or another female member of your family.

  6. #6
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    TGF - Its an act of rage that set the bar for the rest of us. Im not saying what she did was illegal. Not at all. Im saying that she is the poster child for children today who are well aware of the feelings of other kids and insist on finding a sensitive spot and dig at it. You are all saying "Oh she didnt deserve it its just words." Well these same words drive people, kids especially, to do things that seem inhumane.

    Look at columbine - couple of bullied kids shot up their school. Do I think that was ok? No absolutely not, but its the same example of how far "innocent teasing" can push someone.

    Kids are malicious, and no assembly, school video, or class can teach the valuable lesson that this kid taught this girl. There is a chance of repercussion for ALL actions and enough is enough. We can only speculate to what she said, but whatever it was, she deserved what she got.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    Prehaps you should move to a part of the Middle East where this sort of behaviour is acceptable because there is no justification for that sort of act.

    I wonder how you would feel if this had happened to your sister, or mother or another female member of your family.
    Apparently you have never witnessed or have been apart of why thousands of teen suicides take place each year. Kids like this girl, are the reason why kids dread going to school and have to deal with this >> everyday.

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    This isnt a case of "talking shit", this is a case of people purposely hitting psychological nerves in the event to verbally abuse someone. Children feel the same pain from an insult as they do from a wound afflicted physically and this girl is well aware of that.

  9. #9
    xibalba is offline New Member
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    RoadToRecovery i hope you keep this kind of thinking to yourself and dont pass it on to your children. the fact that someone can do this over a txt message goes to show how out of touch and undisciplined kids are these days. i myself am only 23 however it would take a hell of alot more than a god damn txt message for me to react like this. the kid needs life as he is obviously a timebomb

  10. #10
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    Its not something I would teach my kids. You, like everyone , are avoiding my point completely. Its thinking like yours that let kids go overboard with what they say because 'its not a big deal' or 'its just a simple text message'. Kids poke and prod at each other to a point of no end and no one does anything about it because 'its just words'. To make light and oversimplify the situation is endangering the lives of your child. Am I saying one text message is worth getting your head smashed in? No not at all. Im saying its the straw that broke the camels back. If you had a very close loved take their own life, and immediately after have someone make a snide remark or joke about it... who knows what you would do in that state of mind. This is an event thrown on the pile of many other events of the same nature. Just someone actually lost it and acted on their feelings. Unfortunately its a 15 yr old girl who thought that they were funny and had no idea that on the other end of that text message was a very disturbed and soulfully-sad individual with a short fuse. Its the desensitization of our society that makes this girl one of millions who seek to find the weakness of a person and highlight it and emphasize it. It is safe to assume it isnt the first time she has made remarks of this nature due to the fact that people of this nature are repeat offenders for their own satisfaction based on their own insecurities.

  11. #11
    firsttimer555 is offline Associate Member
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    you have to look at this from both points, my wife is a school teacher and the stories of bullying would bring most of you guys to tears what these sometimes innoncent children go thru because they may be different or sometimes for no reason at all. No it wasnt right for him to take it that far but she is not free of any wrongdoing in this. just sit back and think how he must of felt being teased about his broyher probaly his best friend also committing sucide. I have 5 children and when they come home saying somone is picking on them is takes alot of you....... BULLYING NEEDS TO BE STOPPED BEFORE IT GETS OUT OF HAND

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    What I do pass on to my children, is treat people as if you want to be treated. Have you ever come across a person who said whatever they wanted because they felt they had a 'right' and said to yourself "Wow, that person needs an ass beating!"?

    This wasnt a hate crime. This wasnt an act of senseless violence. This wasnt an act of gang violence. This was a crime of passion and emotion. Do I think that the assailant is innocent? No. But do I think his actions are justified? Absolutely. He still beat someone to nonrecognition and that, he is guilty for.

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    Quote Originally Posted by firsttimer555 View Post
    you have to look at this from both points, my wife is a school teacher and the stories of bullying would bring most of you guys to tears what these sometimes innoncent children go thru because they may be different or sometimes for no reason at all. No it wasnt right for him to take it that far but she is not free of any wrongdoing in this. just sit back and think how he must of felt being teased about his broyher probaly his best friend also committing sucide. I have 5 children and when they come home saying somone is picking on them is takes alot of you....... BULLYING NEEDS TO BE STOPPED BEFORE IT GETS OUT OF HAND
    Thoroughly agree. Its beyond cruel what goes on.

  14. #14
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    kids are horrible.....

    i've seen some of the shit said between my nephew/his friends over the years.....

    at the same time - this girl very well could have physical and mental disabilities from her injuries...

    should she have been taught a lesson? yes..... but thru these means? no.

    there could have been many other ways to deal with this situation. he wore steel toe boots on purpose, which is a weapon if used with intent.

    the other issue is, their age.

    he'll get a small slap on the wrist, while this girl is in the hospital on a feeding tube.

  15. #15
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    RoadToRecovery, I personally think you are trying to justify this when there is no justification for it.

    Kids are cruel, this a sad fact of life. I was picked on in school and yes, while the mind can entertain some terrible thoughts towards another person because they have deeply hurt you or offended you, there is a MASSIVE DIFFERENCE between thinking fvcked up things and doing fvcked up things.

    I honestly feel bad for this kids brother that died, but he'll get over it. That girl may have brain damage for the rest of her life. Think she's going to get over her personal ordeal any time soon?

    Lets take this to another level. A couple of years back a load of muslim fanatics declared "Jihad" on Denmark because of a cartoon that featured the prophet Mohammed. Well surely they have every right to attack Denmark now? These select few muslims have been offended, and you know how proud Muslims are over their religion, so surely Denmark is in the same boat...whatever happens to them, well they had it coming right?

    Yeah you can say that's a completely different story, but not really. The second you start justifying the kind shit that walking timebomb did to that girl rather than condoning, thats the second you start going backward in time rather than progressing to a more civilised society.

  16. #16
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    I think your origional post was retarded. Now your trying to back track.

    Are you a muslim?

    This boy beat up a little girl. Where I come from, regardless of what the girl said, I would put a shotgun to this boys head and pull the trigger without hesitation.

  17. #17
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    to think that she got what she deserved is just fvking stupid.

    plain and simple, fvking stupid....

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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    You believe it is justifiable to attempt to kill someone because of things that they say? Unfortunately for you, and fortunately for the rest of civilized society, there are few instances where words have severe consequences at all. Libelous and slanderous speech is prohibited, threatening speech is prohibited, and obscene speech is prohibited. However, none of those types of speech are regulated with the use of physical violence. At the least extreme end of the spectrum, you can be fined monetarily for libelous and slanderous speech. At the most extreme end of the spectrum you can be jailed for many years, for threatening speech such as threatening to kill the President.

    In no instance however, is speech punishable by violence. And, it is not illegal if you are essentially "saying mean things." The freedom for people to speak freely, say unpopular, mean, and ignorant things, is actually one of the staples of American society. It's the reason that the founders of this country put the amendment pertaining to free speech 1st, in the Bill of Rights. So, if the fact that speech which you might find offensive is protected by law in this country bothers you, I'd suggest that you start checking out other countries where it's ok to assault someone, cause grievous bodily harm, and even kill them, for saying something which you find unpopular, distasteful, mean, or even hurtful to your feelings, and then look into emigrating to one of those countries.

    Sorry, but I find the fact that you support such actions for unpopular speech abhorrent. I'm not sure if you actually believe what you posted, or you were perhaps just attempting to get a rise out of people. I assure you however, the days of physically assaulting other people because they were "talkin shit," and being able to walk away without legal consequence, is dwindling everyday. Some people do still live in a dream world, where they think that its permissible to assault people for "running their mouths," and often times are people who belong to gangs, pretend to be in the mafia, or just in general try to be tough guys. I can also assure you, that if someone tried to assault me because I said something they didn't like, and knowing full well that a physical assault has the potential to result in death, I'd be forced to respond to that assault with deadly force via my firearm. It seems you are under the impression that its ok to go around beating people up, and at some point if you continue with that behavior you will end up one of two places. Jail, or shot dead by a citizen protecting their lives.

    My post is not meant to be in any way rude or dismissive. I'm simply pointing out some simple tenets of law. I don't like to see people face consequences for things that they say, maybe its the Constitutional scholar in me, that believes everyone should be free to say almost anything that they want without consequences. I almost even disagree with libel, slander, threatening speech, and obscenity being illegal as well.
    Blah blah blah.

    If I had a dead brother and some bitch made fun of him, I'd kick the shit out of her.

    If someone makes fun of a dead family member of mine, I disregard every right that person has to "say anything they want without consequence." They're getting ****ed up. Bottom line.

    Of course I wouldn't try to kill the person, just give them an old fashioned ass kicking.
    Last edited by Abominator; 04-21-2010 at 11:44 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by twotimer View Post

    I think your origional post was retarded. Now your trying to back track.

    Are you a muslim?

    This boy beat up a little girl. Where I come from, regardless of what the girl said, I would put a shotgun to this boys head and pull the trigger without hesitation.
    No, you wouldn't. This statement is equally retarded.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by twotimer View Post

    I think your origional post was retarded. Now your trying to back track.

    Are you a muslim?

    This boy beat up a little girl. Where I come from, regardless of what the girl said, I would put a shotgun to this boys head and pull the trigger without hesitation.
    How can I backtrack 3 sentences lol. I didnt give any definition to my original post nor does anything I say contradict it. I stand behind my original post 1000%.

    And that last line is ridiculous.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    RoadToRecovery, I personally think you are trying to justify this when there is no justification for it.

    Kids are cruel, this a sad fact of life. I was picked on in school and yes, while the mind can entertain some terrible thoughts towards another person because they have deeply hurt you or offended you, there is a MASSIVE DIFFERENCE between thinking fvcked up things and doing fvcked up things.

    I honestly feel bad for this kids brother that died, but he'll get over it. That girl may have brain damage for the rest of her life. Think she's going to get over her personal ordeal any time soon?

    Lets take this to another level. A couple of years back a load of muslim fanatics declared "Jihad" on Denmark because of a cartoon that featured the prophet Mohammed. Well surely they have every right to attack Denmark now? These select few muslims have been offended, and you know how proud Muslims are over their religion, so surely Denmark is in the same boat...whatever happens to them, well they had it coming right?

    Yeah you can say that's a completely different story, but not really. The second you start justifying the kind shit that walking timebomb did to that girl rather than condoning, thats the second you start going backward in time rather than progressing to a more civilised society.
    Civilized? If you think posting group beating on a teenager on youtube is your idea as an advancing society then we are on the right track. Were not talking about political terrorism. Were talking about kids. Your analogy holds no water pertaining to this topic. However, what I will agree with, is that if you knowingly play with fire you are going to get burned.

    I dont want to lose track of original topic but let me ask you a question based solely on your example. A white man walks through a black dominant neighborhood wearing a sign that says "I hate N*ggers" and winds up beaten to near death. He didnt deserve it because its just words right? Freedom of speech right?

    Back to the original topic. My stand point remains - this girl deserved it based on my assumptions. I dont know much but what I do know is that she sent a provoking text message to this kid about his recently deceased brother. It gets tacked on to bullying in my eyes.

  22. #22
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    my point- ur a piece of dog trash.

    sayins she got what she deserved.....just scummish

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    Oh boohoo.

    Lets try to refrain from the insults or I might drive to your house and kick your head in

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    Lets face it. The kid didnt use a weapon; he used his hands and brutally beat her half to death. I think its a great way to send a message. I will say that she doesnt deserve to die. But she deserved the action. I guess Im a terrible person because I believe that all bullies whether they are one in a physical or emotional fashion deserve this type of retaliation.

  25. #25
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    Bullying is not cool but if that teacher hadn't pulled that kid off he'd have probably killed the girl.

    And over what? A text message!

    This debate is boiling down to two things, consideration for someone who got made fun of over a deceased relative and someone who kicked a girl half to death.

    Kids are kids and say stupid things. But people grow up. You think 10 years down the line that girl would have done the same thing? The point is, 10 years from now she could be a drooling vegetable and he could be jobless owing to an inability to get a job because of a criminal record.

    Kids do ****ed up things but there's nothing that warrants that kind of response, what the hell does a 15 year old girl, or any 15 year old for that matter, know about sensitivity?

    EDIT: But whatever, we'll pretend like he's some sort of tragic hero when all he's done is ruin two peoples lives.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
    Lets face it. The kid didnt use a weapon; he used his hands and brutally beat her half to death. I think its a great way to send a message. I will say that she doesnt deserve to die. But she deserved the action. I guess Im a terrible person because I believe that all bullies whether they are one in a physical or emotional fashion deserve this type of retaliation.
    Yeah fair enough a bully, but what did you say earlier...treat others as you yourself are treated? So how is beating someone to near death over a text treating as a like response? And for ****s sake, he's a guy and she was a girl. This wasnt bullying, this was reacting in the worst way to an IMMATURE text message.

    Go onto YouTube, and look at the millions of retarded and cruel things that people say on there. Lets round them up and beat them half to death!

  27. #27
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    TGF - Its an act of rage that set the bar for the rest of us. Im not saying what she did was illegal. Not at all. Im saying that she is the poster child for children today who are well aware of the feelings of other kids and insist on finding a sensitive spot and dig at it. You are all saying "Oh she didnt deserve it its just words." Well these same words drive people, kids especially, to do things that seem inhumane.
    I never said what HE did was righteous. I dont know if his intent was to kill her but his reaction I truly feel from the bottom of my heart was warranted. I am not digging any deeper than that on his part because I dont know what his true intent was. I assume that if murder was in his mind, he would have made a stop and picked up a pocket knife.

    My message is that this is what bullying can lead to. It has in the past and will in the future and knowing this, she got what she deserved. I cant say that she deserves to be brain dead... but a beating from an inch of her life is acceptable.

    At 15, kids can be very compassionate and well aware of feelings so I dont even want to hear that they didnt know better shit. These arent a couple of toddlers flagg. Regardless, my message is being oversimplified to just a text message resulting in near death. Its more than that. Words are weapons my friend and the pen is mightier than the sword.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Abominator View Post
    No, you wouldn't. This statement is equally retarded.
    Theres no way I can prove it,

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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    Go onto YouTube, and look at the millions of retarded and cruel things that people say on there. Lets round them up and beat them half to death!
    Grab the patty wagon. Im in!

    Listen, this is beyond my point. Im talking about strictly bullying on a emotional and physical level. Not just a case of joking around. Im talking about sincerely hurting someones feelings on a day to day basis. When a person lives to make another person feel pain.

    Ill say it again. I dont think this girl deserves death, or brain damage. But I do think her action deserved that reaction. Thats not just saying 'Haha your fat'. Thats really cutting to the core of someone and really striking strings of the heart.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    Yeah fair enough a bully, but what did you say earlier...treat others as you yourself are treated? So how is beating someone to near death over a text treating as a like response? And for ****s sake, he's a guy and she was a girl. This wasnt bullying, this was reacting in the worst way to an IMMATURE text message.
    I agree with this completely. I almost want to say that he didnt intend to kill this girl but to cause the same amount of pain to her that she caused him.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
    I never said what HE did was righteous. I dont know if his intent was to kill her but his reaction I truly feel from the bottom of my heart was warranted. I am not digging any deeper than that on his part because I dont know what his true intent was. I assume that if murder was in his mind, he would have made a stop and picked up a pocket knife.

    My message is that this is what bullying can lead to. It has in the past and will in the future and knowing this, she got what she deserved. I cant say that she deserves to be brain dead... but a beating from an inch of her life is acceptable.

    At 15, kids can be very compassionate and well aware of feelings so I dont even want to hear that they didnt know better shit. These arent a couple of toddlers flagg. Regardless, my message is being oversimplified to just a text message resulting in near death. Its more than that. Words are weapons my friend and the pen is mightier than the sword.

    Ok so if your mom, girlfriend daughter.... Made fun of some kid at their school/work and that kid got upset one day and beat her to an inch of their life./.... what tune would you be singing then?

    I see what point your trying to prove, however, choosing this situation to try and prove it

    you really missed the mark

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
    I agree with this completely. I almost want to say that he didnt intend to kill this girl but to cause the same amount of pain to her that she caused him.
    Everything in life is situational, and until anyone has been put in the same situation, it's impossible to say what anyone would do.

    I would like to think that if a 15 year old kid sent a message about a recently dead sibbling of mine, as pissed off as I would be, I'd rise above, but I can't say with 100% convinction that I wouldn't want to do something.

    I'm pretty damn certain I wouldn't have reacted in such a violent matter. Sure, pay her back somehow but that was too far. It's like, where does it end? Will an angry brother or boyfriend want to take retribution on this guy now, attack him or attack a female member of his family?

    I'm pretty glad I live in a part of the world where it's not acceptable to beat a woman if she offends a mans sensibilities. Stories like this are sad cause no one wins, and it always stirs a lot of bad feeling among other people, ironically, which is probably what this kid was feeling at the time of the attack.

    Re-reading that article, I seen a 13 year old girl has been taken into custody because she knew of the imminent attack? I think it's unfair to say she is an accomplice to attempted murder because are you telling me this girl knew that was going to happen?

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    Quote Originally Posted by twotimer View Post
    Ok so if your mom, girlfriend daughter.... Made fun of some kid at their school/work and that kid got upset one day and beat her to an inch of their life./.... what tune would you be singing then?

    I see what point your trying to prove, however, choosing this situation to try and prove it

    you really missed the mark
    But this isnt about my mother/ girlfriend/ or daughter so to try to hit home with this situation isnt going to be successful. Its always less severe when a family member does something that you are against. I was in law enforcement a few years ago and arrested people for the dumbest shit. Would I have arrested my mother if she committed the same stupid crime? Probably not.

    If you think I am off base then that is totally ok twotimer. Thats the beauty of a public forum. Do I think you are a terrible person if you think im wrong? Absolutely not. According to most of you, its actions that make you terrible not thoughts right?

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
    Oh boohoo.

    Lets try to refrain from the insults or I might drive to your house and kick your head in
    i will gladly give u directions.....

    insults are exactly what u deserve for this. you are not a man, u are a coward, a real sicko to think she got what was deserved.
    i understand saying shit for the reaction, believe me i do, but this is just garbage, i live 1 city over from this girl and this shit is far from right, this kid is a pathetic loser, and i for one am glad his brother is dead, one less sick fvk around.....

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    i will gladly give u directions.....

    insults are exactly what u deserve for this. you are not a man, u are a coward, a real sicko to think she got what was deserved.
    i understand saying shit for the reaction, believe me i do, but this is just garbage, i live 1 city over from this girl and this shit is far from right, this kid is a pathetic loser, and i for one am glad his brother is dead, one less sick fvk around.....
    LMFAO. Im not a man because of my stance on this topic? Im a coward and a sicko because of how I feel about this? haha. Id like to think that after 5 years of defending the freedoms of the US people I would be able to utilize them myself. Oh boy that is great. I am really laughing over here.

    You poor poor sensitive person you.

    Tell me, what about this exactly makes me a coward? Im curious.

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by RoadToRecovery View Post
    But this isnt about my mother/ girlfriend/ or daughter so to try to hit home with this situation isnt going to be successful. Its always less severe when a family member does something that you are against. I was in law enforcement a few years ago and arrested people for the dumbest shit. Would I have arrested my mother if she committed the same stupid crime? Probably not.

    If you think I am off base then that is totally ok twotimer. Thats the beauty of a public forum. Do I think you are a terrible person if you think im wrong? Absolutely not. According to most of you, its actions that make you terrible not thoughts right?
    stuff like this is the sh!t i see everyday when I watch the news and I always shake my head and wonder where this world is going.

    I actually used to think of myself as a terrible person, compared to your thinking, im a fuking angel.

    This boy, your "hero", should be gased, hung, shot whatever. Hes just wasting air. I am still not over my initial shock of your response to this post. I am still waiting for someone to jump on this thread and back you up....probly wont happen.

  37. #37
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    your way of thinking.

    thinking it is acceptable for a man to beat a young girl nearly to death, stomp her head with steel toe boots...because she insulted his loser coward dead brother..

    yeah, that makes u a coward in my book..and spare me the whole defending our country shit, u are in insult to the military if u feel she got what was deserved...
    an absolute POS...

    but thats just my view, i could be wrong...

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    your way of thinking.

    thinking it is acceptable for a man to beat a young girl nearly to death, stomp her head with steel toe boots...because she insulted his loser coward dead brother..

    yeah, that makes u a coward in my book..and spare me the whole defending our country shit, u are in insult to the military if u feel she got what was deserved...
    an absolute POS...

    but thats just my view, i could be wrong...
    please stop hahaha.

    the defending my country shit was an indirect rebuttal to your coward comment.

    And I didnt know a 135 lbs 15 yr old boy constituted as a man in your book.
    You need to re-read this entire thread and actually comprehend the words you read because luckily you are wrong.

    You sound like a feminine rights activist. Are you a woman?

    I could be wrong too

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by twotimer View Post
    stuff like this is the sh!t i see everyday when I watch the news and I always shake my head and wonder where this world is going.

    I actually used to think of myself as a terrible person, compared to your thinking, im a fuking angel.

    This boy, your "hero", should be gased, hung, shot whatever. Hes just wasting air. I am still not over my initial shock of your response to this post. I am still waiting for someone to jump on this thread and back you up....probly wont happen.
    You also need to do alittle bit re-reading.

    I never said what HE did was righteous. I dont know if his intent was to kill her but his reaction I truly feel from the bottom of my heart was warranted. I am not digging any deeper than that on his part because I dont know what his true intent was. I assume that if murder was in his mind, he would have made a stop and picked up a pocket knife.

    My message is that this is what bullying can lead to. It has in the past and will in the future and knowing this, she got what she deserved. I cant say that she deserves to be brain dead... but a beating from an inch of her life is acceptable.

    At 15, kids can be very compassionate and well aware of feelings so I dont even want to hear that they didnt know better shit. These arent a couple of toddlers flagg. Regardless, my message is being oversimplified to just a text message resulting in near death. Its more than that. Words are weapons my friend and the pen is mightier than the sword.
    And for someone agreeing

    Blah blah blah.

    If I had a dead brother and some bitch made fun of him, I'd kick the shit out of her.

    If someone makes fun of a dead family member of mine, I disregard every right that person has to "say anything they want without consequence." They're getting ****ed up. Bottom line.

    Of course I wouldn't try to kill the person, just give them an old fashioned ass kicking.

  40. #40
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    Everyone who is in shock and awe over my comment need to calm down and open your mind a little bit. Have any of you actually experienced being bullied?

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