I am going on 10 months of being out of work on worker's comp due to back injury/surgery and Im about to starve

. Seriously, I am probably going to be changing careers as soon as I am released to go back to work. I am ready to make some money! This $500/week WC check is BS! Its been a while since Ive been in the job market so whats hot right now to make some cash. I know this is not the best time to be looking but I am starting to prepare. I am open to going back to college and getting a certain type of degree if that makes a difference.
So post up what you do, whether you like it or not, and if you recommend it to others. I have dabbled in so much stuff Im open to anything "Legal".
Also if anyone has any online cash makers or anything legit (Legal) I could do on the side while Im still laid up to make some cash? If you would rather PM me with info thats cool too. I am not desperate but could use some cash and something to occupy the time Im running out of stuff to do.
I know Im setting myself up for spam so if you only have a few posts dont bother I am only looking for legit member responses!