Vacation or something ?
Q&A needs alot of help 15 year olds taking halo and junk like that.
Vacation or something ?
Q&A needs alot of help 15 year olds taking halo and junk like that.
isnt that you?
hes trollin
Aren't you 18?? WTF is going on here? For real.... at first I thought you were amusing, now you're just getting annoying. You are not going to win the hearts of the vets and experienced users here.... you are not going to grow on them. Stop trying to act and be something you're not. Just be yourself.... people may forgive your ignorance. who knows
and whats up with your Avatar? Is that your BF?
Last edited by Bertuzzi; 04-28-2010 at 01:05 AM.
for being a
and because he was
big time....
Under my covers...
he's under cover and preparing to ban you lol
he does this for attention.
he is just like a old meber j422323 or whatever the hell that weirdos name was.
bubble speaks better english, but both are low life trolls.
avoid them and they will soon go away
some folks only friend is a keyboard, he needs to get out more
i shall'nt forgive him.. how can you forgive a tard.. that willingly places himself in the tard catagory for the soul reason he will feel superior since his crowd will have a genetically mentally lowered handicap yet he still finishes last int he "Tie your velcro shoes" and always needs assistance when dawning his helmet.. :/
I have to admit out of any member here the second BIG dissappears theres ALWAYS a freakn thread over it, then he comes back.
I don't know about the trolling thing, but gzzz, let the man live his life who gives a shit where he is? Hes a great help no doubt but I must have seen at least 100 threads like this over the last 2 years.
"Hey guys BIG hasn't logged in for 2 mins you think he might be on vacation?"
gzzz this might help
can i run a dbol only cycle?
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