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Thread: Shock Collars? I need to shut these dogs up!

  1. #1
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    Shock Collars? I need to shut these dogs up!

    I have 2 large dogs that will not STFU, they bark at everything allday non stop!

    I also cant leave them outside in the kennel, cause they bark too much and I dont wanna make the neighbors hate us anymore then they already do! So when they stay inside allday you could only imagine what two large dogs could do to your house!

    Has anybody had any positive feedback on shock collars to stop them from barking? Or are they just a big waste of money?

  2. #2
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    Check this out.... this guy has good things to say about them!

  3. #3
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    Cant you have the bloody horrible beasts put down?

    failling that yeah an electric shock colar sounds great. Maybe have it re-wired so it re-acts to sounds so every time one of them bark they both get shocked. Wont take them long till they learn to STFU

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by (TLF) CHAMPION54 View Post
    I have 2 large dogs that will not STFU, they bark at everything allday non stop!

    I also cant leave them outside in the kennel, cause they bark too much and I dont wanna make the neighbors hate us anymore then they already do! So when they stay inside allday you could only imagine what two large dogs could do to your house!

    Has anybody had any positive feedback on shock collars to stop them from barking? Or are they just a big waste of money?
    You should have educated them before, when they were puppies.
    What you plan to do is unacceptable.

  5. #5
    Do you exercise (walks) them every day?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    You should have educated them before, when they were puppies.
    What you plan to do is unacceptable.

    Quote Originally Posted by cope8870 View Post
    Do you exercise (walks) them every day?
    This helps A LOT......


  7. #7
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    in no way do i support the use of shock collars on dogs, but yes they do work quite well. It does not take long for the dogs to get the point.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moosedog View Post
    Cant you have the bloody horrible beasts put down?

    failling that yeah an electric shock colar sounds great. Maybe have it re-wired so it re-acts to sounds so every time one of them bark they both get shocked. Wont take them long till they learn to STFU


  9. #9
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    fuk me no, thts cruel. ive an attention seeking dalmatian who constantly whined/barked, i began holding her muzzle for a few secs whilst saying quiet, a wk later i began knocking the door and saying quiet, i knw just have to knock the window once and she stops immediately. squirt bottle of water works to. try exercising them more also, dogs need to communicate, using cruel methods like that is akin to cracking a nut with a sledgehammer
    Last edited by dec11; 04-28-2010 at 08:35 AM.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moosedog View Post
    Cant you have the bloody horrible beasts put down?

    failling that yeah an electric shock colar sounds great. Maybe have it re-wired so it re-acts to sounds so every time one of them bark they both get shocked. Wont take them long till they learn to STFU
    evil prick, why doesnt someone wire you up, see how you like it? i seriousily hope you dont own any animals

  11. #11
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    training a dog is like training a person... you can train them negatively or positively...

    can you guess which is the shock collar??

    It is very effective, and don't rewire it.. any loud noise will cause it to activate..

    those that are hating on him, i suppose his alternative is to put them down, be sued, or have them taken away and some other poor bastard put up with them..

    Do you use a "choke collar" when you walk the dogs?? is that ok?? get the point..
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  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    training a dog is like training a person... you can train them negatively or positively...

    can you guess which is the shock collar??

    It is very effective, and don't rewire it.. any loud noise will cause it to activate..

    those that are hating on him, i suppose his alternative is to put them down, be sued, or have them taken away and some other poor bastard put up with them..

    Do you use a "choke collar" when you walk the dogs?? is that ok?? get the point..
    ive had a few prolem rescue dalmatians, one very vicious, never had to resort to tactics like that and they all have came good, theres a diff in a choke chain and a shocker

  13. #13
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    Shock collars work great... its a good training tool if you don't abuse it. A dog has to know that when you put the collar on it is a GOOD thing. If you just put the collar on when the dog is bad, then he is going to see it as punishment.

    I have a dane and got him one for Xmas when he was pulling ornaments off the tree. Whenever I put it on him in the morning I just make sure I do something that he really likes right after like go on a walk or go throw the ball around. I use it throughout the day when I want to teach him something new... like "heel" we learned that really fast on the first day simply by giving him a buzz when I say heel and pulling him to my heel while on leash (after we had all sorts of fun playing at the park first). After the first day he had heel so good that I don't have to use the shocker for "heel" anymore. So once you teach your dogs to stop barking by saying something like "quiet" or "no bark" associated with the buzz... they will learn it and not need the buzz later on.

    You put it at the lowest possible setting and work your way up until you get a response. My dog is 140lbs, but gets a good response at the 3 setting (goes all the way up to 8).

    By no way is it cruel... the shock is not really a shock hell I used the thing on myself just to see what it felt like. It's just like those gag pens that vibrates really fast then you hit the button.

  14. #14
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    Well im glad some of you had positive feedback on this!
    And yes one of the dogs gets all the exercise he needs, the other one is a bull mastiff and wont get her lazy as too do anything.

    I know training them when they were pupps would have been the correct way to go about it but hey that didnt happen, so im making up for it now.

  15. #15
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    I have a blue nose pit and I know where your coming from. If you have a kennel in a certain part of the yard and tarp the sides they might not bark as mutch, they bark at what they see, birds etc. shock collars are for training only. Your dogs have a right to bark during the day because most people have jobs and are working. Talk to them and ask if it bothers them. My dog is a nut and nobody has ever said anything. It's like us working we have a right to make noise from say 7 a.m. to 6 or 7 p.m. My guy stays inside during the day, you could put a doggie door for the small one, there's a million things but the shocking is def kinda prehistoric

  16. #16
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    I have a pit and a boxer. They are both dumb as rocks but well trained when kept on a short leash. I tried an electric fence with a shock collar because I wanted to get my dogs trained to go outside by themselves so I wouldn't have to actually walk them on leash early in the morning and late at night...dont mind evening and during the day.

    Well I went through the almost one month of 'training' required for the dogs to get accustomed to the electric fence while on a leash and treating them for responding to the sound before the shock etc. All seemed well.

    As soon as I disconnect the leash and all they have on is a collar they haul ass full speed at the electric fence... yelp and convulse when they 'hit it' then fall and slide across the grass or pavement until they are just out of range of the shock....then keep on hauling ass...One of em, i swear, would tempt fate and go just close enough to get a small shock then go back and keep doing it...then just haul ass.... i think he likes the shocks

    Good thing the pet store took it back, i would have been pissed for 400$ worth of an electric fence that did nothing.

    So, shock collars. You can try it, but if the dogs are crazy like mine, it wont do anything.

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  18. #18
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    i couldnt care less how much you guys promote shock collars, unnessecary and cruel. just another quick fire lazy arsed method, some ppl just need a kick in the head

  19. #19
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    You have to exercise them, they are going nuts.

    Shock collars will only work for a time, especially if they are stubborn. Eventually they will learn to be desensitized to the pain caused by the collars...and then what?

    The dogs don't understand that you are in charge, and are running your shit. You need to take control back. Shock collars will only provide a temporary solution.

  20. #20
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    I Also say its cruel have you ever put one of those on before?

    We have a fvckn min pin and got the weakest collar petsmart had, I put that shit on my neck and barked (as a joke to my brother) and it stunted me and felt literally like a cattle prod, I involuntarily teared up it was that painful. The FIRST time I put it on my dog and she barked, I SWEAR to god she jumped about 3 feet in the air and yelped! They are PAINFUL, we never used them again, just threw them in a drawer.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by declan11 View Post
    evil prick, why doesnt someone wire you up, see how you like it? i seriousily hope you dont own any animals
    LOL who woke up in a bad mood this morning then?

    Anyways as "some" here seem to have no sense of humour I would recommend you watch "Ceaser the dog whisperer"

    He has had loads of great episodes that you can easily download that cover this kind of problem. Its all about "calm assertive energy" It shows you how to show your dog that you are the leader of the pack in a way that dogs understand. That way your dog will know its place, respects your and ultimately bahaves like you want it to.

    It takes a long time but well worth investing if you love your old pooch!

    I spent the first 6 months of my dogs life training everyday, shes one of those that never needs a lead, never attacks animals and always walks by my side. I learnt a lot from the ceaser books and series. Might be worth a look bro before you wire them up.

  22. #22
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    Watch Ceasar, he knows his shit.

  23. #23
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    I dont like the idea of using these things on animals..

    However i believe every newbie between the age of 17/25 should be fitted with one when joining this site......

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    I dont like the idea of using these things on animals..

    However i believe every newbie between the age of 17/25 should be fitted with one when joining this site......
    That would be fun

    to the op. get off your ass and train them like they should have been before, if you cant be bothered to do that you dont really care about them anyway so give them to a GOOD home

  25. #25
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    I trained German Shepherds for the police force... Everything from basic obedience, mantrailing, bite work etc etc Do some reading bro, plenty of ways to correct this common issue.

    They are pack animals indeed but a heavy handed approach sometimes just destroys the bond. Dogs in my opinion are like children, they all have their unique personality that you need to tailor your training technique to...

    I always got the best results (even from the real stubborn angry dogs) by being assertive and fair.

    Which ever technique you use, be consistent... Voice inflection goes along way without any physical force. If u have a good relationship with your dog, they will WANT to please you and do the right thing...

    So when the penny drops and they dont bark at the postman remember to re-enforce this new good behaviour with a pat and praise, or a game... Dont just scream at them from the lounge SHUT UP...

    Anyway if you need any more specific info, ask

  26. #26
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    Thumbs down

    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    I Also say its cruel have you ever put one of those on before?

    We have a fvckn min pin and got the weakest collar petsmart had, I put that shit on my neck and barked (as a joke to my brother) and it stunted me and felt literally like a cattle prod, I involuntarily teared up it was that painful. The FIRST time I put it on my dog and she barked, I SWEAR to god she jumped about 3 feet in the air and yelped! They are PAINFUL, we never used them again, just threw them in a drawer.
    You speak, right you!!!

    Do you remember what you wrote in the past? because I did not:


    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    Did I ever tell you what I do for a living?

    When I was a little Bo,(not little little, had just turned 18) my dad brought me to work with him a on commercial vessel where I met all his "sealer" buddies. I really had no idea what a sealer was back then, I thought they sealed things for a living. Like boxes or containers and stuff. Boy was I wrong.

    My dad went on to explaining the rules.

    "Canada only allows 3 ways of doing this" (I still wasn't even sure wtf was going on)
    "You can use a rifle or shotgun, provided the caliber is above 22, (canadas laws) but absolutely NO pistols or handguns".
    "Or you can use a 'hakapik', if the pik breaks, and its under 4 feet in length you can be arrested" he warns me.

    I'm getting really nervous and excited at this point.

    We docked the boat by this vast body of ice where men literally went running off the boat with what looked like baseball bats. There was a frenzy of men slipping all over the ice it was hilarious.
    But sure enough I see them storming (had to be at least 200 men) across the ice into this mass of black baby seal pups.

    Now stay with me, there is a point to all this.
    My dad yells "hurry! follow me!!" and I chased after him as one of the seals he had just clubbed had somehow managed to literally slide down the ice as he got on his feet and limped into the water like he was drunk.

    My dad goes running after this injured, bleeding seal and I'm trying to not cover my eyes at this point. Grabed it by its hind flippers, but the fvckn thing slipped out of his grip and went swimming out into sea.
    He goes "watch this", as the seal is bouncing up and down on the surface of the water trying to swim away, my dad takes out a shotgun and blasts the head right off it, as guys in the boat reach down with a net and scoop its corpse into the boat.

    I was laughing my ass off. Even a PETA member would have laughed their ass
    off watching that things head explode like a watermelon.
    That day we got **42,000** seals on ice between all the men. Clubbing one after another after another, what was once a huge ice landscape was literally painted red with seal pup blood.

    I thought it was a bit messed up, till we dock home, some guy comes walking over to my pops and counts out **$6,000** for literally 2 hours work. And it was that day that I realized my calling in life. Over time I got just as quick as my dad (you gotta be quick otherwise they hit the water and your outta luck) and in only 3 years I had already bought my first home (was 21 at this point).
    So you can sit there and defend your cats and dogs. You can threaten me by locking me in a room so your husband can have prolonged anal sex with me. (which I don't really consider a threat fyi I'd prob enjoy it too much) But I want you to know, between me and you, when those baby seals are screaming for their worthless little lives, I will always be there, with a club over their head giving them a purpose in this world. To be made into coats.


    You should just be ashamed of living yourself, PUSILLANIMOUS HUMAN BEING.
    You deserve to end up like that poor animal, you and all those bastards who are perpetrating those actions.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    You speak, right you!!!

    Do you remember what you wrote in the past? because I did not:



    You should just be ashamed of living yourself, PUSILLANIMOUS HUMAN BEING.
    You deserve to end up like that poor animal, you and all those bastards who are perpetrating those actions.
    Im sure Bo is working on a 5 paragraph response to some how justify his hypocrisy. Not sure if anyone knows but he is a phyc major.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Im sure Bo is working on a 5 paragraph response to some how justify his hypocrisy. Not sure if anyone knows but he is a phyc major.
    oh no, how can anyone glorify an action like this??!! i'd love to meet evil bastads like this and give 'em a good dose of their own medicine, fukn disgrace to the human race. i hope he has a painful death someday

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moosedog View Post
    LOL who woke up in a bad mood this morning then?

    Anyways as "some" here seem to have no sense of humour I would recommend you watch "Ceaser the dog whisperer"

    He has had loads of great episodes that you can easily download that cover this kind of problem. Its all about "calm assertive energy" It shows you how to show your dog that you are the leader of the pack in a way that dogs understand. That way your dog will know its place, respects your and ultimately bahaves like you want it to.

    It takes a long time but well worth investing if you love your old pooch!

    I spent the first 6 months of my dogs life training everyday, shes one of those that never needs a lead, never attacks animals and always walks by my side. I learnt a lot from the ceaser books and series. Might be worth a look bro before you wire them up.
    it wasnt morning and i wasnt in a bad mood, some of us feel privlegded to have animals around us. lol, look who woke up and tried to back track this morning

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Im sure Bo is working on a 5 paragraph response to some how justify his hypocrisy. Not sure if anyone knows but he is a phyc major.
    ^^^^ LOLOLOL

    Quote Originally Posted by declan11 View Post
    oh no, how can anyone glorify an action like this??!! i'd love to meet evil bastads like this and give 'em a good dose of their own medicine, fukn disgrace to the human race. i hope he has a painful death someday
    Pretty sure Bo said that to get a rise out of Bjj's wife..... don't think he actually did it...... still a mean story tho haha


  31. #31
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    Man oh man, Some of you guys have no clue when it comes to animal training and how things work. To much Disney as kid? Shock collars are not cruel when used as a tool and they do not hurt the dog. You can't test it on yourself and guage how it will feel to a dog! Dogs have lots of hair, and it works on them as a static shock which is not what you feel if you put it on your own skin. On low levels dogs feel it as a vibration more than a shock, moderate levels are a tingle, and high levels it gets more of a jolt but tis still harmless. Now saying that a shock collar is rarely needed if things are worked the right way in training. Calm assertive training goes a long way and will work on 99% of all animals out there that are pack animals. Choke collars are not cruel either unless your a moron and use them wrong! You don't choke the dog! To use one right the collar has to be pulled up to the base of the head and not down on the neck where you will choke the dog. They are not used to drag or pull dogs along forcing them to comply, again unless your an idiot. They work kinda like the shock collar having the ability to correct the animal by startling it not hurting it.

    I have found that most people that think certain things are cruel truly do not understand how the tool or method is used. Ofcourse there are plenty of things that are cruel that I firmly do not think is right but too many come to conclusions and then compare an animal to a human. All is takes is a little research into the animal kingdom to figure out where many training methods come from. Just watch Discovery or Animal Planet a few weeks. Why do you guys get so upset and cry cruelty on something like a training collar when Nature itself is 1000% times more unforgiving than any human. Cats break bones in their prey when training their cubs to hunt so the prey can't escape. The cubs play with it until they figure out how to kill it or it dies from shock. This happens in all predators! Some way more crueler than others. Should PETA demand that all of them be removed from the world because they are cruel to their prey? NO because they are precious beautiful animals and its just nature.

    Animals are great and I love all the animals that I have. They are treated fairly and with respect as all should be under ones care. But I will not try and change methods of training one that is based on natures way of order "but not as brutal" to appease a human that thinks its cruel because they are uneducated. Flame away cause I know its coming.
    Last edited by matt77; 04-29-2010 at 10:44 AM.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by matt77 View Post
    Man oh man, Some of you guys have no clue when it comes to animal training and how things work. To much Disney as kid? Shock collars are not cruel when used as a tool and they do not hurt the dog. You can't test it on yourself and guage how it will feel to a dog! Dogs have lots of hair, and it works on them as a static shock which is not what you feel if you put it on your own skin. On low levels dogs feel it as a vibration more than a shock, moderate levels are a tingle, and high levels it gets more of a jolt but tis still harmless. Now saying that a shock collar is rarely needed if things are worked the right way in training. Calm assertive training goes a long way and will work on 99% of all animals out there that are pack animals. Choke collars are not cruel either unless your a moron and use them wrong! You don't choke the dog! To use one right the collar has to be pulled up to the base of the head and not down on the neck where you will choke the dog. They are not used to drag or pull dogs along forcing them to comply, again unless your an idiot. They work kinda like the shock collar having the ability to correct the animal by startling it not hurting it.

    I have found that most people that think certain things are cruel truly do not understand how the tool or method is used. Ofcourse there are plenty of things that are cruel that I firmly do not think is right but too many come to conclusions and then compare an animal to a human. All is takes is a little research into the animal kingdom to figure out where many training methods come from. Just watch Discovery or Animal Planet a few weeks. Why do you guys get so upset and cry cruelty on something like a training collar when Nature itself is 1000% times more unforgiving than any human. Cats break bones in their prey when training their cubs to hunt so the prey can't escape. The cubs play with it until they figure out how to kill it or it dies from shock. This happens in all predators! Some way more crueler than others. Should PETA demand that all of them be removed from the world because they are cruel to their prey? NO because they are precious beautiful animals and its just nature.

    Animals are great and I love all the animals that I have. They are treated fairly and with respect as all should be under ones care. But I will not try and change methods of training one that is based on natures way of order "but not as brutal" to appease a human that thinks its cruel because they are uneducated. Flame away cause I know its coming.
    oh is tht right? ive owned dogs for 27yrs and have never, even on difficult cases, had 2 use shit like tht so pray tell me, why do they all of a sudden become nessecary say as to 20yrs ago when dogs were being trained perfectly well without them? as i stated its just for lazy c**ts who have no clue on how to train a dog and want the least bothersome way out

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    Quote Originally Posted by declan11 View Post
    oh is tht right? ive owned dogs for 27yrs and have never, even on difficult cases, had 2 use shit like tht so pray tell me, why do they all of a sudden become nessecary say as to 20yrs ago when dogs were being trained perfectly well without them? as i stated its just for lazy c**ts who have no clue on how to train a dog and want the least bothersome way out
    Did you even read past the first line? Did I say it was required? I said it was another tool than "wasn't" required! As technology advances methods do also, well sir if you have been training dogs 27yrs I'd love to know your methods. Do you train working dogs/Police service dogs or just obedience train peoples dogs. You do know how working dogs were trained 30 years ago compared to current methods, right? Have you ever seen professionl German or Dutchdog trainers work. They can produce one of the best service dogs in the world with their methods? They use very assertive training methods that work. I don't belive in all their methods as they are borderline to far but its better now than the way it was done 50 years ago. They do use shock collars now when needed but usually not if the animal is trained properly from whelping.

  34. #34
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    im talking about pets here, treats etc work perfectly well, dogs will do anything for food, so theres your main tool

  35. #35
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    Your right dogs will train from "treats" if conditioned to do so and if its the proper breed. Behavioral problems will always be solved better using assertive training and by displaying you are the Alpha member of the "pack". Remember dogs will always respond better to instintive training methods when dealing with behavioral issues because the reward of food is not used in the wild in pack animals, domination is.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BJJ View Post
    You speak, right you!!!

    Do you remember what you wrote in the past? because I did not:



    You should just be ashamed of living yourself, PUSILLANIMOUS HUMAN BEING.
    You deserve to end up like that poor animal, you and all those bastards who are perpetrating those actions.
    as fvked up that story was, when he posted that in the arguement with that lady, i think BJJ wife, it was fvkin hillarious....cause i knew he was messing around.
    and it was game over at that point, Bo went for the kill shot...

    people who do that are evil, and i agree with BJJ, but when he posted that shit, it was lights out......

  37. #37
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    i used to live by bo. And i can tell you there are no baby seals in that area.

    Cause he killed them all

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by matt77 View Post
    Your right dogs will train from "treats" if conditioned to do so and if its the proper breed. Behavioral problems will always be solved better using assertive training and by displaying you are the Alpha member of the "pack". Remember dogs will always respond better to instintive training methods when dealing with behavioral issues because the reward of food is not used in the wild in pack animals, domination is.
    pet dogs arent in a pack

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