Was wondering what everybody's thoughts are on this? Good/bad? Right/wrong? etc...
Was wondering what everybody's thoughts are on this? Good/bad? Right/wrong? etc...
Dumb man, all it is saying is that the police can ask somebody for proof of citizenship such as an I.D. or drivers license. Americans have to show a passport in foreign countries. I live in AZ and immigration is a problem here, its about time we do something about it.
im saying its dumb because of all the protesting against it here and how big a deal people are making about it....
The law:
The law, which proponents and critics alike said was the broadest and strictest immigration measure in generations, would make the failure to carry immigration documents a crime and give the police broad power to detain anyone suspected of being in the country illegally. Opponents have called it an open invitation for harassment and discrimination against Hispanics regardless of their citizenship status.
In every state of the USA you HAVE TO HAVE proff of legal status to get a D.L. So if some one has this why would you need to have additional papers to prove XYZ...
i'm all for it.
I was at immigration court on tues with my wife. its such bs. There were 2 guys that went before us. 1 guy was already convicted of statutory rape and the other assault with a deadly weapon. both lawyers made quick bs arguments on why they should be able to stay and the judge rescheduled them for january for hearings. fvck that send them home now.
I live in Aizona and I'm all for it . The media has really been blowing it out of porportion to.
There is a petetion to sign if you for the bill
It's ridiculous that Phoenix, AZ has the 2nd highest kidnapping rate in the world. The Federal Gov't has had plenty of time to step up and get control of that border, and they haven't, so the state of AZ is doing what it can.
Everyone wants to criticize what they are doing, yet no one is heading to AZ to offer them a solution to the growing problem they have. The same problem that is undoubtedly in direct relation to how close they are to the border, and the people coming over that border.
If I were AZ...I'd tell everyone to step up or go **** themselves.
It sounds like the beginning to every nazi movie ive ever seen. Wheeerrrree are your papers!! ! Schnell schnell!
single greatest law signed by a state in years...
i love the law.....
just another case of the federal govt failing...
i support it!
Unfortunately, I don't think the law is going to make nearly the impact people are afraid of. By watching the news, you would think there are SWAT teams scooping up Hispanics left and right. Anyone who lives here in Phx, knows what a joke immigration enforcement really is. All this law does is allow police opportunity to pick up the really bad guys that are trafficing drugs and other illegal immigrants. The cops are not going to start randomly busting people just because of the color of their skin. Even if the police had nothing else to do, it would take all of them years to find, arrest and deport the hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants here.
Until about 3 years ago, anyone could get in a van and drive across, or walk across just a couple miles away from the crossing at the border. When guys got caught, they got a free lunch and a trip back across to Mexico to go try again.
Since the fence construction, Sheriff Joe's unsupported crusade and the complete fallout of the construction industry and economy as a whole, illegal immigration has significantly decreased. Many have simply moved back to Mexico, because there isn't enough work here, however many have stayed.
Personally, I think the lawmakers opened the door to the Liberal standby "racist, Nazi, etc." by not making a better defined law about questioning/detaining people. Why not make everyone show proof of citizenship anytime a law is broken (even traffic stops). Not having your license is illegal anyways, so ask pasty white blue eyed guys like me too. If everyone is asked, then there is not profiling. Just like how we all have to get naked at the airport now.
In reality it has become an overwhelming problem. Schools, medical facilities and other public domains have been drained, and with the failed economy the local and state governments are struggling even more. It really is not a white/brown issue but a green one. Not enough money/resources to go around.
Imagine if several million US citizens on welfare immigrated illegally to Canada, got jobs there but didn't pay Canadian taxes and then sent 30% of their income back to family in the US. All the while they use Canadian healthcare, send kids to Canadian schools, etc.. This would be a huge millstone around the neck of Canada, not to mention a huge upswing for the US. This analogy also shows why Mexico sabotages immigration reform and actually encourages people to immigrate to the US.
I think the law SB1070 needed to be revised (which it already has twice, even though you wouldn't know that by watching the news and seeing the huge amount of boycotts), but the illegal immigration issue is bigger/more complex than this law.
It's unfortunate that it has brought so much strife and ill will here in AZ, but hopefully it will wake people up to what a serious problem we have and bring about comprehensive federal reform.
In closing, I think the reaction to this law has been blown way out of proportion, especially other govenment agencies instilling boycotts.
i support it 1000%
Where the GodFather when you need him?
Oh, and since BigSexy started this thread:
Yes we can!
about time
i think it's bs to say that a hispanic citizen can be questioned or asked just because they are hispanic. HOWEVER, I believe in the right of power of the state. This is a state problem that the elected state rep's are trying to resolve. If the voters are allowing it, then the state is ok with it via democratic process.
Now if people are huffing and puffing because they didn't call there reps 1000 x to try to get it squashed and the only people who did call or write are people for it...well who's fault is that?
The power of the state IS LAW unless it is a constitional matter. So as long as the cops don't abuse it, I don't see it as a problem. Of course the cops will abuse it and this will become undone very shortly...but hey..that's just life.
Sorry if I'm not in the mood for a long winded response. There are sections of the bill I agree with an do not agree with. However, I believe a SCOTUS would find it unconstitutional on it's face, since it targets a specific "ethnicity." A better approach, would have been to write the bill as a national security and states interests bill. That way, the issue would be better protected, and race/ethnicity would not even factor into it. This is not a hard problem to solve.
If Arizona was SERIOUS about resolving immigration reform, they would levy serious fines against businesses who employ illegal immigrants(they may already do this), but MOST IMPORTANT of all, they would provide a significantly higher number of resources and man power AT THE BORDER where the problem is originating. The end.
agree with godfather
I look at it like this......
If I was hispanic and a cop asked me to show proof of citizenship (I.E.drivers liscense - since you need to show a birth certificate to get one) I wouldn't mind showing him my liscense and then getting on my way.
The people that make a big deal out of this are the ones who have familly that may get affected by this..... Point is - If you want to be in america..... doit the right way. If you can't do that..... then you deserve to be forced to go back. Every other friggin country does it to us...... it's about time we start.
my wife is all for it. We were talking about it the other night. She has a heavy accent and they could ask her for her papers. She didn't think it was a big deal. I agree with Haz the people so concerned about it are here illegal or know people that are,
taken from a friends facebook
I do not know one state that does not have a qualifying criteria. But if there is one I would sure like to know.
I know for a fact that AZ does require a birth certificate, military id, green card or whatever.
**** it.
As long as there is legal contact the cop has to ask.
So send the cops door to door and fix the shit over night.
Its not gonna happen overnight that's for damn sure. I can't disagree with a lot of the posts expressing frustration with this. Its a problem, no doubt about it. We've got to start somewhere and the best place to start is at the means of highest infiltration=Arizona. TX and CA perhaps are next.. who knows. I'm frustrated as well with people who know nothing about the problems that exist with illegal immigrants and either downplay the matter or use it to bash the system that's is acting upon the problem. Even SNL pokes fun at the issue but makes it seem like we're a Nazi country or something. Morons..
I think the point was to get attention.. and it did, attention = power and funding..
since they can't vote in the state, they come off as pro citizen pro usa, protectionist for jobs...
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Don't Let the Police kick your ass
I live in AZ. The states already passed a law years ago to impose heavy fines for any business that hires illegals. Their suppose to e-verify all employees. The thing is illegals can get new documentation 7 days a week.
I'm for the new immigration law. I will not give the illegals already living her amnesty. There breaking the law by being here illegally. There are plenty of poverished nations in the world, America is not the silver spoon to these nations. Come here but come here legally through the proper channels.
****ing illegals come here and pop out babies and get on welfare, free medical, and use up our public education system. They take advantage of our system, which were actually put together to help American families in need. Those free hand out were not set in place to just feed the Southern borders. Call the Red Cross...
not sure about this law, but if Arizona thinks they need it then go for it, just don't know how well it will work.
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