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Thread: Another reason why cops act the way they do

  1. #1
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    Another reason why cops act the way they do

    Think a cop is being rude to you? Just think about what some of them have been through
    Last edited by DSM4Life; 04-29-2010 at 09:02 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    deep in th heart of texas
    haha holy shit.. i would have shit myself if i was the cop.

  3. #3
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    hit a telephone pole afterwards??i wonder if he tried to kill himself after realizing that he just had attempted murder on a cop....hmm

  4. #4
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    Either he was drunk and hit the pole or the cop hit him which made him loose control. I couldn't find the article on it for more info.

  5. #5
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    Not bad reaction time by the cop.
    HE unloaded his whole clip at that car
    prob 17-19 rounds

    I once saw one where the drunk guy came out with a hunting rifle and the cop had to take him down.

  6. #6
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    deep in th heart of texas
    Cop definitely got him.. He put a 2 foot spread right into the back of the drivers seat.. Guys a goner.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-MaN View Post
    Cop definitely got him.. He put a 2 foot spread right into the back of the drivers seat.. Guys a goner.
    Was thinking the same thing.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-MaN View Post
    Cop definitely got him.. He put a 2 foot spread right into the back of the drivers seat.. Guys a goner.
    Lets hope so, the world could do without him

    I just saw the vid again. Cop is lucky b/c the guy pointed the gun at the cop froze/regained himself and then chose to fire. If he woulda fired at first....

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by twotimer View Post
    Lets hope so, the world could do without him

    I just saw the vid again. Cop is lucky b/c the guy pointed the gun at the cop froze/regained himself and then chose to fire. If he woulda fired at first....
    Either that or he some how missed the trigger.... but the cop sure is lucky he didn't fire right away....

  10. #10
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    Here is the entire article-

    The suspect did pull the trigger immediately, but he had attempted to fire an already spent round. He pulled the trigger again, which on a revolver, is able to cycle the action of the weapon, bringing the next round up to be fire, that is the round you see fire at the officer, which was fired on the second trigger pull. The officer fired 14 rounds at the man, striking him once in the back and killing him. He crashed into the telephone pole as a result of the gun shot wound to the back.

    DSM, this video shows the worst of the worst as far as criminals and their treatment of police officers. Police officers deal with a wide range of people on a day to day basis, and often times with the worst in society. Incidents like these however, are rare, and the majority of police officers will finish their careers without EVER having to fire their weapon in the line of duty. I support the work that police officers do in protecting the public and in investigating crime to the fullest.

    However, these types of incidents and this video, in no way absolves police officers who engage in harassment of law abiding citizens. It does not absolve those police officers, who in EQUALLY RARE incidents, use unnecessary force and physically assault law abiding citizens, or abuse their power in certain instances, or violate the civil rights of law abiding citizens. I don't quite understand what you mean by this being an example of "why police officers act the way they do." What exactly was your intention by that title? My first assumption was that you mean that incidents like these give police free reign to treat the general public in a violent and poor manner because of the rare incident where a CRIMINAL attempts to harm an officer? I hope I am wrong in that assumption, because people should be treated on a case by case basis. Your analogy suggests that a person should treat another person based on the most extreme of interactions that they have. If for instance one day I interact with a complete asshole and I am forced to use physical force on that person, then I should assume all people are assholes and use physical force on all of them because of the actions of the person in that extreme interaction. Is that what you are suggesting?

  11. #11
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    I don't think the cop could have handled that any better than he did. Quick reflexes and definetely put a couple through the guys back... sucks to be him.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by thegodfather View Post
    Here is the entire article-

    The suspect did pull the trigger immediately, but he had attempted to fire an already spent round. He pulled the trigger again, which on a revolver, is able to cycle the action of the weapon, bringing the next round up to be fire, that is the round you see fire at the officer, which was fired on the second trigger pull. The officer fired 14 rounds at the man, striking him once in the back and killing him. He crashed into the telephone pole as a result of the gun shot wound to the back.

    DSM, this video shows the worst of the worst as far as criminals and their treatment of police officers. Police officers deal with a wide range of people on a day to day basis, and often times with the worst in society. Incidents like these however, are rare, and the majority of police officers will finish their careers without EVER having to fire their weapon in the line of duty. I support the work that police officers do in protecting the public and in investigating crime to the fullest.

    However, these types of incidents and this video, in no way absolves police officers who engage in harassment of law abiding citizens. It does not absolve those police officers, who in EQUALLY RARE incidents, use unnecessary force and physically assault law abiding citizens, or abuse their power in certain instances, or violate the civil rights of law abiding citizens. I don't quite understand what you mean by this being an example of "why police officers act the way they do." What exactly was your intention by that title? My first assumption was that you mean that incidents like these give police free reign to treat the general public in a violent and poor manner because of the rare incident where a CRIMINAL attempts to harm an officer? I hope I am wrong in that assumption, because people should be treated on a case by case basis. Your analogy suggests that a person should treat another person based on the most extreme of interactions that they have. If for instance one day I interact with a complete asshole and I am forced to use physical force on that person, then I should assume all people are assholes and use physical force on all of them because of the actions of the person in that extreme interaction. Is that what you are suggesting?
    You ever read the paper for Philadelphia news ? There isn't a day that goes by there isn't a shooting. I work in north philly so even i see shootings often. Granted they don't get shot at everyday but down here they get harassed everyday.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by twotimer View Post
    Not bad reaction time by the cop.
    HE unloaded his whole clip at that car
    prob 17-19 rounds

    I once saw one where the drunk guy came out with a hunting rifle and the cop had to take him down.
    i was actually thinking the oppsite, after he saw the gun, and had it pushed into his face, and then had a round shot at him, and then after all that he pulled his weapon... 3 seconds had passed from when he saw it until he pulled.. he got lucky

    the cop was thinking it was a normal stop and froze, ya he won in the end, but if the driver wouldn't have been slow because of being drunk the slow reaction time, the cop should be dead.
    Last edited by quarry206; 04-30-2010 at 04:37 AM.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by quarry206 View Post
    i was actually thinking the oppsite, after he saw the gun, and had it pushed into his face, and then had a round shot at him, and then after all that he pulled his weapon...

    the cop was thinking it was a normal stop and froze, ya he won in the end, but if the driver wouldn't have been slow because of being drunk the slow reaction time, the cop should be dead.
    I have to agree. He pulled away then briefly paused not until then his brain kicked in and said WAKE THE @$%@ UP.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    I have to agree. He pulled away then briefly paused not until then his brain kicked in and said WAKE THE @$%@ UP.
    He was dazed at first, his brain kicked in when the gunshot went off.

  16. #16
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    Id sake the cop for not being able to shoot straight....

  17. #17
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    Cops view....they see a he bigger? If yes, harass. Is he a minority, if yes harass. Is he well off, if yes harass. Is he all of the above, KILL THAT MOTHERF*CKER.

  18. #18
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    what if the cop is a minority, should we assume he will harass white folks?

  19. #19
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    HOLY CHIT that cop is lucky.....


  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    what if the cop is a minority, should we assume he will harass white folks?
    no they harass everyone. it is a requirement they also harass minorities

  21. #21
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    haha the gun range i frequent has alot of local law enforcement that go there and lets just say most of them have poor gun handleing and shooting skills for someone who carries a weapon on themselves to work everyday. Also I agree that the cops reaction time was slow and it probably wasnt on purpose. But there is the two second guideline that cops are taught to follow when it comes to a suspect drawing a weapon. You pretty much have to let the perp fire a round at you first to completely justify your actions. Im glad im not a patrol officer. Takes balls to be one here in Dallas.
    Last edited by C-MaN; 04-30-2010 at 09:06 AM.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-MaN View Post
    haha the gun range i frequent has alot of local law enforcement that go there and lets just say most of them have poor gun handleing and shooting skills for someone who carries a weapon on themselves to work everyday. Also I agree that the cops reaction time was slow and it probably wasnt on purpose. But there is the two second guideline that cops are taught to follow when it comes to a suspect drawing a weapon. You pretty much have to let the perp fire a round at you first to completely justify your actions. Im glad im not a patrol officer. Takes balls to be one here in Dallas.
    try working in the feild.. trust me just because LEO's wear guns on their hips does not mean they know how to shoot them.. they only have to hit a human sized target 38 out of 48 times from 7 meters in the state of florida, and still then alot of them have to try more than once to pass.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-MaN View Post
    haha the gun range i frequent has alot of local law enforcement that go there and lets just say most of them have poor gun handleing and shooting skills for someone who carries a weapon on themselves to work everyday. Also I agree that the cops reaction time was slow and it probably wasnt on purpose. But there is the two second guideline that cops are taught to follow when it comes to a suspect drawing a weapon. You pretty much have to let the perp fire a round at you first to completely justify your actions. Im glad im not a patrol officer. Takes balls to be one here in Dallas.
    Dallas isnt bad at all

  24. #24
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    haha ya thats why we always have one of the highest murder rates per capita every year

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-MaN View Post
    haha ya thats why we always have one of the highest murder rates per capita every year
    where did you get that information? I never heard even close to that. And i just searched and every list i can find for 2008 or 2009 Dallas isn't even listed and most list go to 15 cities.

    i lived alot of places. Dallas as a city is not dangerous at all

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-MaN View Post
    haha ya thats why we always have one of the highest murder rates per capita every year
    just looked up more info

    houston has 16.3 murders per 100,000 and they are ranked 46 in the country
    Dallas has 13 murders per 100,000 so where do you think they rank?

    I live in dallas now. Its not even comparable with other cities. Texas people always think they rank the best at everything
    Last edited by gixxerboy1; 04-30-2010 at 10:09 AM.

  27. #27
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    haha. ya we do. Even when it comes to crime. LMAO Everything is better in Texas

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mooseman33 View Post
    what if the cop is a minority, should we assume he will harass white folks?
    actually in my experience...the minority cops harass other minorities EVEN MORE because they don't have to keep it on the down low like the rest of the cops.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
    actually in my experience...the minority cops harass other minorities EVEN MORE because they don't have to keep it on the down low like the rest of the cops.
    just in my opinion, using black males for example..

    the stereotype of black males. the thug, drug dealing, un-educated person is a small percentage. but from my experience working in law enforcement. a lot of black people in general hate people that try to push that life style or fit into it.. because it brings a stereotype to the whole race. and in the big picture it hurts black people that are educated and wear their pants at their waist with no criminal back ground. . . I actually know black males that are strict on some minor infractions mainly because they hate it personally.

    so its not that they do or don't have to "hide" it, its just that to a lot of especially black males it actually is offensive to them. because pop culture image is taking over and hurting quality educated peoples lives.

    as many people know since she is a member of this forum, my wife is black. and she has received many comments in her life about "acting white" or white sounding.. but it is only because she speaks correct English, a genius IQ and been in nothing but honors classes to include being in an honors program in college. . . . but why is being educated mean you are less black? so like i said i think many people in the black community are just getting tired of the thug or "keeping it real" image pop culture gives.

    but only my opinion....

  30. #30
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    Wow just amazing.

    A cop that is not so fat that he can actually see his balls!

    How often does that happen?

    Does any department have a min standard?
    Last edited by FranciscoG; 04-30-2010 at 05:22 PM.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by C-MaN View Post
    haha ya thats why we always have one of the highest murder rates per capita every year
    Look up camden, NJ......


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