How to you handle it? Do you tell them? Do you have any stories?
How to you handle it? Do you tell them? Do you have any stories?
On my first cycle, which was 3 months long, I increased my body weight by 24.6%.
Everyone I saw, everywhere I went, noticed.
Everyone. Everywhere.
I was getting comments like "You're a thousand times bigger", and of course many people were spreading rumours that I was on steroids.
I just denied the rumours and told everyone I stopped drinking, fixed my diet, and trained twice a day. Nobody with half a brain believed me though.
I've gained about 80lbs in 3 years, and bf% went up slightly....people ask all the time. Usually I deny it and play the old "diet, good training, sleep pattern" bs. Once people make up their mind, that's that, there is no changing their opinions. When I go out on weekends, I rock a medium size shirt at 250lbs, so I am constantly hearing "roided motherfvcker...juicehead..." under peoples breaths. I take it as a compliment![]()
I put on 20Kgs before i cycled and use to have people accuse me all the time so I just got use to denying it. Now im on I still deny it!!! Only couple people know , others suspect but if they dont see it with there own eyes its only romours
i have never gained QUICKLY.. i have bloated heavily though.. but never gained mass in any expedient manner.. also i have never been asked how i gained my size so quickly.. as to "how did you get so big"
1 answer w/ 3 words.. food and time
Kind of the same boat as tai, my gains come in slow.
People that used to know me from highschool have asked me about juice. I was skinny as fuk, I weighed 110 pounds during my last year in highschool. I now weight 176pounds, after training for a little under 2 years, but my BF% is slightly higher though, cutting as of now.
Lol I looked like a piƱata filled with fat and water, on a deca/test cycle I did when I was consuming a little over 5k cals a e/d. When I was on that sh1t it was so obvious I was usingi have bloated heavily though
Never ever going to do that pure bulk type thing again, when you're that bloated it just looks disgusting and very obvious you're on something.
Last edited by Kiki; 05-01-2010 at 08:00 AM.
LMAO man..... I gotta see what you look like in those shirts. I rock XL's and they're tight.....
I was 175lbs my senior year in highschool..... as of this morning i'm 242.5lbs..... people know LOL. I also get comments from guys at clubs..... "Look..... all the girls surround the juice head" blah blah blah..... eff em LOL
No, they usually just ask me why I go to the gym so much and never get any bigger.![]()
I tell them Im eating more spinach and I walk away
The only people I believe are the ones that say sh!t like:
No way man, those things make you grow tits and shrink your d!ck up, no thanks
I've been questioned several times in the past as well. A lot of my friends know I've done cycles and many of them have as well. People at work have questioned me a lot too, but they see the healthy lifestyle first hand with the frequent meals and if I go to happy hour drinking water and split a 1/2 hour into it.
Dead sexy, ******... dead sexy.
I would say that most people who see me on the street would assume I'm using steroids.
I'm really not trying to sound egotistical or anything there, it's just the vibe I get, and from the feedback I get from new people I meet at clubs and whatnot. I kinda figure it's like an ice-breaker now... haha
... I don't wear medium shirts outside though! (hilarious pic) lolll ****** too funny bro
People dont assume im on steroids.. they KNOW im on
yea im 6' 155lbs solid muscle i just tell everyone i take steroids. i eat that shit for breakfast lunch and dinner
In the past few months, I have upgraded to Larges...still tight but at least they don't look
You guys have no idea on the amount of dirty looks I would recieve in the fvcking mediums, but the girls loved it![]()
I wear a 2x at 250 and 5'8" and I think that's borderline too tight.....
If you had put a decent base on before AAS (everyone did this, right?) a size increase wouldn't be as noticeable. When people say they put 30lbs on for consecutive years, a good portion of that is most likely fat. Being fat makes you look big, but not in a good way.
what kind of girls love a 250lb man in a medium shirt ******?
I cheated
Last edited by Bossman; 05-02-2010 at 05:34 PM.
Umm.... people ask you if you use steroids? Or "speed"? If you're 6 foot 155lbs you sound like your as big as DJ Qualls. And he looks like an ethiopian. I'm 5' 4" 168lbs (about 11-12% bf), and I don't EVER get comments about steroids, so if you weigh less than me, and are 8 inches taller, I find you FOS that a single person has ever even murmered the word "steroids" around you.
Not to be an ass but I saw this post and thought wtf.
ahh ok! Thanks for clearing that up I can at least apologize before he sees it. My bad there warchild.
I had no idea thats what he was refering to.
These are a couple of vids of me made this past winter.
wearing a 2x UA shirt
wearing a 2x boby building dot com shirt, spotting my training partner
Most of the people I talk to in the gym know I use so they just look at me and say "back on?"
i tell them yes, then they think I'm being a sarcastic dick head and assume I am not really on anything.
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