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Thread: having kids

  1. #1
    awesome1's Avatar
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    having kids

    Im 21 and I have no desire at all to have children and I never have. I'm brining this up because I'm on TRT so I may be infertile in the future. Should I get some sperm frozen at a sperm bank or something (lol?). Have any of you older guys not wanted to have kids but then changed your mind as you got older?

  2. #2
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
    Bertuzzi is offline AR's Common Sense Ninja
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    I'm almost 27 and still don't want kids.

  3. #3
    cobra305's Avatar
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    When I was younger I wanted kids, now I am about to turn 29 and i do not want children. I have a nine year old step daughter and that is all I need. Never had to stay up late losing precious sleep and never had to change shitty diapers.

  4. #4
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    I want kids. Bertuzzi can you impregnate me.

  5. #5
    suprman09's Avatar
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    There is a good chance you will change your mind. Better safe than sorry.

  6. #6
    Shinalynn's Avatar
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    I didnt want kids growing up at 19 I got knocked up, she is now 9 and I didnt want anymore until she was about it really depends on whats going on in your life. I agree with PP you should freeze them..JUST incase.

  7. #7
    Igifuno's Avatar
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    I have two girls and I'm done. A lot of people ask if I want to try once more to go for a boy. I'm pretty convinced I just make girls though.. so.. no thanks.. I'm all set.


  8. #8
    awesome1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    I have two girls and I'm done. A lot of people ask if I want to try once more to go for a boy. I'm pretty convinced I just make girls though.. so.. no thanks.. I'm all set.

    LOL my neighbor had three boys in a row. She gave up on having a daughter.

  9. #9
    GS4's Avatar
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    you might change your mind in the future, I have a newborn son, besides the lost sleep and shitty diapers, I couldn't be any happier, Im 31yrs.

  10. #10
    CMonkey's Avatar
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    The wife and I didn't want any kids, then we had an "oops". She is now 3 yrs. old. I wouldn't change anything, it is so much fun watching her grow up. I was 32 when she was born.

  11. #11
    stevey_6t9's Avatar
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    you can still have kids on TRT

  12. #12
    BgMc31's Avatar
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    Me and my wife had our first child at 17 (girl, condom broke). Initially I thought it would wreck my future, but I didn't. We had our next at 20 (boy, pill baby), and our 3rd at 22 (boy,IUD baby). My wife and I both finished both high school and college, I played professional football, etc. Now I'm 36, my daughter is a junior at Stanford, my oldest boy is a top national high school football recruit, and my youngest boy is a top AAU basketball player (not to mention not a bad football player either). The best part of all this is by the time all my kids are out the house, I'll be 41, still young enough to continue to enjoy life and since they will be gone earlier, that means retirement earlier for me and the Mrs.

    Besides any accomplishments I've had, being a father is by far my greatest accomplishment. I wouldn't change it for the world!!

  13. #13
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by awesome1 View Post
    LOL my neighbor had three boys in a row. She gave up on having a daughter.
    My mom gave up on having a daughter after me, I was her 5th son in a row.

    Regardless, she loved every single one of her sons like any great mother would.

    As far as the OP, its a tough call bro. I'm 27, soon to be 28, and STILL can't wrap my head around the concept of bringing my own children into this world.

    I'm not saying uneducated people overpopulate the world, but I notice certain OVEReducated people for some reason all just never wind up having kids. Even in school I notice it with some of my professors.
    Having kids is good for a few reasons:

    1) When you pass on you leave your own specific genetic trademark behind. (never sold me cause I never cared about leaving anything behind)

    2) When YOU get older, there will be someone on this planet to love you as much as YOU loved YOUR OWN parents, and who can take care of you as you get older. (kind of sells me on having kids)

    3) If you have 2 or more children, they will experience less overall pain I believe when their parents die. I have 4 brothers, I know I'm gonna be a mess when my parents die, but I'm still going to have 4 brothers that I love to death, who will be here to help motivate me and get me through tough times in life like this.

    You can see, there def benefits to having kids, but I'm simply not willing to do it at this point in my life. When I look at how much my own parents sacrificed for me, and for their own children, I just can't understand WHY or WHAT drove them to make that sacrifice because they literally DID sacrifice their entire lives for their children to do well and prosper.
    I'm not willing to do it, so I most likely will never have kids.

    But I still am only 27, who knows, on my 35th b-day I may have a mid-life crisis and change my mind. I'm more convinced than anyone that I'm not having kids, but I'm still openminded enough to the fact that life DOES JUST CHANGE. People change, so mayyyyybe it might not be a bad idea to get just a couple of your soldier frozen.

    Especially if you're making threads about it, you're obviously concerned about it, so it would seem like a rather smart move to me, EVEN IF you don't want them. Once you lose the ability to actually have them, thats it, your trademark is gone most likely 4ever. So its more a judgement call than anything. G/luck!
    Last edited by Bojangles69; 05-02-2010 at 10:38 PM.

  14. #14
    awesome1's Avatar
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    Bojangles that really helped me thanks man

  15. #15
    Arian's Avatar
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    Definitely enjoy being a father. There's nothing like walking into the house and hearing my daughter yell "Daddy!". Can't compare to anything.

    On a side note, I have noticed before that it seems like the majority of the guys on here don't have kids and it seems like a lot of pro's don't either. Guess you have to be pretty into yourself to reach that level and you just can't do that with kids. Well, not and be a good parent.

  16. #16
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arian View Post
    Definitely enjoy being a father. There's nothing like walking into the house and hearing my daughter yell "Daddy!". .
    Rulh says the same thing to me when i walk in the house but i think it might a slightly different meaning...

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