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Thread: HELP!!!! Son's computer was hacked....

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Vegas, bitches!!!

    HELP!!!! Son's computer was hacked....

    My son's computer was hacked. Apparently the offender installed a proxy server on to his computer that allows him access whenever he chooses. He stole all his passwords and have been ****in with his facebook and email. He even posted something that has college coaches questioning him (he's a top football recruit here in Nevada).

    Please help!!!

  2. #2
    Well install a firewall, spyware removal program or reinstall windows all together, what do you need help with?

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Vegas, bitches!!!
    I needed help with prevention of this happening again...and to remove this guy from being able to do it again.

  4. #4
    Firewall is your best bet, i have always used zone alarm its free, there are others is just a matter of choice. Also check the following link, click on both security scan and virus scan Firewall can be downloaded from

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Vegas, bitches!!!
    thanks brotha!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    I would play it safe dude... change all of his passwords starting with email, then facebook.

    Then format your computer...

    Then firewall the new set up.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    It's called Ubuntu. The latest version of it was released this week. You'll never look back.

    I haven't used Microsoft software in over a year and I'm glad I've rid that cancer from my life.

  8. #8
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    Jan 2006
    It's just a run of the mill trojan that takes control of some of your computers features. Just run a spy ware removal.

    As far as Erectile there...i'm pretty tired of people preaching anti microsoft. Fact of th ematter is the only reason why there are less virus's and hacks for linux based os's is because of the simple fact that they are less popular. Ubuntu and other linux flavor's installed are VERY weak with default installation. But because someone isn't going to spend hours writing a hack for an OS used by very few (comparitively to microshit), it is seen as stronger.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
    As far as Erectile there...i'm pretty tired of people preaching anti microsoft. Fact of the matter is the only reason why there are less virus's and hacks for linux based os's is because of the simple fact that they are less popular. Ubuntu and other linux flavor's installed are VERY weak with default installation. But because someone isn't going to spend hours writing a hack for an OS used by very few (comparitively to microshit), it is seen as stronger.
    I'm pretty experienced with hacking. I actually have my own website but I can't give a link to it here because everyone in my "real life" will know I'm on steroids.

    Step 1 of hacking a computer over a network connection is to perform a "port scan" on the victim computer. A port scan will give you a list of "open ports" on the computer being targeted.

    Typically, a port scan on a fresh install of Microsoft Windows will reveal about 3 open ports. That's 3 ways you have of f***ing around with the computer and trying to gain access to it.

    Once you've figured out which ports are open, you can run a piece of software such as "fast track" which automatically performs hacking attempts on the victim computer. When it has gained access, it will tell you, and you will have a choice of what way to control and interact with the victim computer.

    Now here's the thing... if you port scan a default installation of Linux or Mac OS (which are both derived from the original Unix operating system), then there will be no open ports. This is the most important thing in preventing hacking of your system.

    But let's say you need to have an open port on your computer because you have enabled something like File Sharing. On a Microsoft Windows computer, this leaves you WIDE OPEN for attack... and a diligent attacker will sooner or later gain access.

    There are other ways of hacking a computer across a network, such as "client side" attacks. One common strategy is to place yourself between the victim computer and the router so that all traffic gets passed through your own computer. You can alter the traffic and change it to say stuff like "Your Flash player is too old to play this YouTube video, you need to upgrade" and then you can let the poor user download a trojan horse program to their PC.

    Linux happens to be the operating system of choice for use by hackers... and who knows more about hacking than hackers? They are a close community who work together to ensure that their operating system is secure.

    When an operating system, (or even just a normal program), has a flaw in it that allows it to be taken control of, its known in hacking as a vulnerability.Microsoft Windows has had several thousand vulnerabilities over the years, and more are discovered daily. I'm not exaggerating, they are discovered DAILY.
    Linux, on the other hand, gets a vulnerability discovered about once a year, and it's Big Newswhen a vulnerability gets discovered because it happens so rarely.

    Also, zimmy, you make a good point about Linux being "less attacked" than Microsoft Windows. All the trojan horses bouncing around the internet are designed to manipulate a Microsoft Windows machine. These trojan horse programs won't even run on Linux, nor an Apple Mac.

    Linux is secure because it's secure, plain and simple, not simply because it hasn't been targeted as much by hackers.

    Ubuntu and other linux flavor's installed are VERY weak with default installation.
    This is false, and I know it's false because I tested it out myself with my own hacking tools. When I installed Ubuntu onto my laptop about 6 months back, I got a friend to come around with this computer and I tried everything I could to hack my Linux machine. First thing I did was port scan my laptop... and my laptop didn't even reply... it didn't even reply to say that ports were closed... it simply sat there silently and refused to communicate.

    So let's say you want to hack my Linux laptop by using a "client side" attack... well you're gonna have to go find a trojan horse program that will actually run on Linux, and then you'll also have to be able to fool me into downloading and running an executable file.

    Microsoft Windows has proven itself over two decades to be an insecure operating system. This is why Linux is by far the dominant operating system in security-critical fields; most internet web servers are running Linux.

    I use Ubuntu and I love it. It's user-friendly, it's easy, and it's got everything I need and I want (I can type documents, do spreadsheets, burn DVD's, watch YouTube, download movies by BitTorrent).

  10. #10
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    Apr 2010
    If you have Cable Internet, you might wanna see if your ISP can assign you an IP in a slightly different range. The down side to high speed internet is that your IP (Internet address) pretty much stays the same, and this same joker can start re-probing your system. If you can get your IP changed (differently enuff) then your hacker will be bothering the poor b*stard down the street ...

  11. #11
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    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by ErectileTissue View Post
    I'm pretty experienced with hacking. I actually have my own website but I can't give a link to it here because everyone in my "real life" will know I'm on steroids.

    Step 1 of hacking a computer over a network connection is to perform a "port scan" on the victim computer. A port scan will give you a list of "open ports" on the computer being targeted.

    Typically, a port scan on a fresh install of Microsoft Windows will reveal about 3 open ports. That's 3 ways you have of f***ing around with the computer and trying to gain access to it.

    Once you've figured out which ports are open, you can run a piece of software such as "fast track" which automatically performs hacking attempts on the victim computer. When it has gained access, it will tell you, and you will have a choice of what way to control and interact with the victim computer.

    Now here's the thing... if you port scan a default installation of Linux or Mac OS (which are both derived from the original Unix operating system), then there will be no open ports. This is the most important thing in preventing hacking of your system.

    But let's say you need to have an open port on your computer because you have enabled something like File Sharing. On a Microsoft Windows computer, this leaves you WIDE OPEN for attack... and a diligent attacker will sooner or later gain access.

    There are other ways of hacking a computer across a network, such as "client side" attacks. One common strategy is to place yourself between the victim computer and the router so that all traffic gets passed through your own computer. You can alter the traffic and change it to say stuff like "Your Flash player is too old to play this YouTube video, you need to upgrade" and then you can let the poor user download a trojan horse program to their PC.

    Linux happens to be the operating system of choice for use by hackers... and who knows more about hacking than hackers? They are a close community who work together to ensure that their operating system is secure.

    When an operating system, (or even just a normal program), has a flaw in it that allows it to be taken control of, its known in hacking as a vulnerability.Microsoft Windows has had several thousand vulnerabilities over the years, and more are discovered daily. I'm not exaggerating, they are discovered DAILY.
    Linux, on the other hand, gets a vulnerability discovered about once a year, and it's Big Newswhen a vulnerability gets discovered because it happens so rarely.

    Also, zimmy, you make a good point about Linux being "less attacked" than Microsoft Windows. All the trojan horses bouncing around the internet are designed to manipulate a Microsoft Windows machine. These trojan horse programs won't even run on Linux, nor an Apple Mac.

    Linux is secure because it's secure, plain and simple, not simply because it hasn't been targeted as much by hackers.

    This is false, and I know it's false because I tested it out myself with my own hacking tools. When I installed Ubuntu onto my laptop about 6 months back, I got a friend to come around with this computer and I tried everything I could to hack my Linux machine. First thing I did was port scan my laptop... and my laptop didn't even reply... it didn't even reply to say that ports were closed... it simply sat there silently and refused to communicate.

    So let's say you want to hack my Linux laptop by using a "client side" attack... well you're gonna have to go find a trojan horse program that will actually run on Linux, and then you'll also have to be able to fool me into downloading and running an executable file.

    Microsoft Windows has proven itself over two decades to be an insecure operating system. This is why Linux is by far the dominant operating system in security-critical fields; most internet web servers are running Linux.

    I use Ubuntu and I love it. It's user-friendly, it's easy, and it's got everything I need and I want (I can type documents, do spreadsheets, burn DVD's, watch YouTube, download movies by BitTorrent).

    Not gonna bother correcting all the inacuracies. There are way more than 3 open ports on windows default installs and about 5 on linux which btw is not unix at all. I'm glad you found something you like ...great. Glad you have a "hacking" web site. Not gonna tell you or anyone else my credentials. You think you are right, and I know I'm right. I graduated from script kiddie to in the know along time ago.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    R.I.P T
    I would install the firewall that zimmy recommended and also to remove spyware you can use this

    its free and should get the spyware

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Well put Zimmy...

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    How about password protecting that wireless modem?

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaNiCC View Post
    I would install the firewall that zimmy recommended and also to remove spyware you can use this

    its free and should get the spyware
    I love that one. It's free and usually gets what most of the other pay for programs miss.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
    Not gonna bother correcting all the inacuracies.
    So that's the end of the debate?!

    If I'd know it was that easy to end a debate I would have just replied to your previous post with "I'm not gonna bother correcting you".

    There are way more than 3 open ports on windows default installs
    You say that as if it's something to boast about.

    Open ports = Possible ways of getting hacked

    An operating system should have no open ports at all until the user explicitly opens one.

    and about 5 on linux which btw is not unix at all.
    Give me a second and I'll do a port scan on my own laptop. Here's the results:

    Starting Nmap 5.00 ( ) at 2010-05-06 20:53 ICT
    Interesting ports on localhost (
    Not shown: 999 closed ports
    22/tcp   open  ssh
    Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.35 seconds
    The only reason port 22 is open is because I opened it myself!

    Both Linux and Mac OS are direct descendants of the Unix operating system. If you don't believe me then educate yourself:*nix

    Linux and Mac OS have the same simple command line programs (stuff like cp mv whoami pwd find ls) because the were inherited from Unix.

    I started out as a Microsoft Windows user, I had the first version ever of Windows on my PC. Soon afterwards I had Windows 3.11 for Workgroups. Then Windows 95. Then Windows 98. Then Windows Millenium. Then Windows XP.

    Microsoft Windows XP was the last ever Microsoft operating system I used, because I discovered Linux and made the switch.

    Having been using Linux for about 2 years now, I'm glad I abandoned Microsoft software.

    I'm glad you found something you like ...great.
    Thanks, yeah, Linux is pretty cool.

    Glad you have a "hacking" web site. Not gonna tell you or anyone else my credentials. You think you are right, and I know I'm right. I graduated from script kiddie to in the know along time ago.
    "In the know"???! You're using Microsoft software buddy. Go to any PC security specialist and tell him that you're relying on Microsoft to keep your company secure.... they'll probably have a stroke.

  17. #17
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    Ok then... i really don't feel like getting into it...but for one i was not defending windows I was showing that linux based os's are not as secure as you think.

    I don't have to educate myself because I am a RHCE and SCSECA.

    Now I really hope you can just leave it be. You don't agree with me, great. Like i said, You think you are right and I know I am right. If you want to try to make your point further...check a few linux distro's sites so you can see that they recommended patch security recommendations to put in place after install so that simple things like bind can't be exploited to allow root access.
    Last edited by zimmy; 05-09-2010 at 07:42 AM.

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by ErectileTissue View Post
    So that's the end of the debate?!

    If I'd know it was that easy to end a debate I would have just replied to your previous post with "I'm not gonna bother correcting you".

    You say that as if it's something to boast about.

    Open ports = Possible ways of getting hacked

    An operating system should have no open ports at all until the user explicitly opens one.

    Give me a second and I'll do a port scan on my own laptop. Here's the results:

    Starting Nmap 5.00 ( ) at 2010-05-06 20:53 ICT
    Interesting ports on localhost (
    Not shown: 999 closed ports
    22/tcp   open  ssh
    Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 0.35 seconds
    The only reason port 22 is open is because I opened it myself!

    Both Linux and Mac OS are direct descendants of the Unix operating system. If you don't believe me then educate yourself:*nix

    Linux and Mac OS have the same simple command line programs (stuff like cp mv whoami pwd find ls) because the were inherited from Unix.

    I started out as a Microsoft Windows user, I had the first version ever of Windows on my PC. Soon afterwards I had Windows 3.11 for Workgroups. Then Windows 95. Then Windows 98. Then Windows Millenium. Then Windows XP.

    Microsoft Windows XP was the last ever Microsoft operating system I used, because I discovered Linux and made the switch.

    Having been using Linux for about 2 years now, I'm glad I abandoned Microsoft software.

    Thanks, yeah, Linux is pretty cool.

    "In the know"???! You're using Microsoft software buddy. Go to any PC security specialist and tell him that you're relying on Microsoft to keep your company secure.... they'll probably have a stroke.
    my dude knows how to download and run a port scanner.. such a hacker... seriously though, i'm glad you know how to use wikipedia homie. ur 5 page essay on linux was a bit unnecessary.

    anyway back to the original topic, i agree with what everyone else said. zonealarm and malware bytes are both awesome programs and should keep you safe.
    Last edited by obvikid334; 05-08-2010 at 02:41 AM.

  19. #19
    boz's Avatar
    boz is offline R.I.P. T-Gunz Gone but, Never Forgotten.
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    Wow spot the elite hacker.

  20. #20
    Quote Originally Posted by ErectileTissue View Post
    I'm pretty experienced with hacking. I actually have my own website but I can't give a link to it here because everyone in my "real life" will know I'm on steroids.

    Step 1 of hacking a computer over a network connection is to perform a "port scan" on the victim computer. A port scan will give you a list of "open ports" on the computer being targeted.

    Typically, a port scan on a fresh install of Microsoft Windows will reveal about 3 open ports. That's 3 ways you have of f***ing around with the computer and trying to gain access to it.

    Once you've figured out which ports are open, you can run a piece of software such as "fast track" which automatically performs hacking attempts on the victim computer. When it has gained access, it will tell you, and you will have a choice of what way to control and interact with the victim computer.

    Now here's the thing... if you port scan a default installation of Linux or Mac OS (which are both derived from the original Unix operating system), then there will be no open ports. This is the most important thing in preventing hacking of your system.

    But let's say you need to have an open port on your computer because you have enabled something like File Sharing. On a Microsoft Windows computer, this leaves you WIDE OPEN for attack... and a diligent attacker will sooner or later gain access.

    There are other ways of hacking a computer across a network, such as "client side" attacks. One common strategy is to place yourself between the victim computer and the router so that all traffic gets passed through your own computer. You can alter the traffic and change it to say stuff like "Your Flash player is too old to play this YouTube video, you need to upgrade" and then you can let the poor user download a trojan horse program to their PC.

    Linux happens to be the operating system of choice for use by hackers... and who knows more about hacking than hackers? They are a close community who work together to ensure that their operating system is secure.

    When an operating system, (or even just a normal program), has a flaw in it that allows it to be taken control of, its known in hacking as a vulnerability.Microsoft Windows has had several thousand vulnerabilities over the years, and more are discovered daily. I'm not exaggerating, they are discovered DAILY.
    Linux, on the other hand, gets a vulnerability discovered about once a year, and it's Big Newswhen a vulnerability gets discovered because it happens so rarely.

    Also, zimmy, you make a good point about Linux being "less attacked" than Microsoft Windows. All the trojan horses bouncing around the internet are designed to manipulate a Microsoft Windows machine. These trojan horse programs won't even run on Linux, nor an Apple Mac.

    Linux is secure because it's secure, plain and simple, not simply because it hasn't been targeted as much by hackers.

    This is false, and I know it's false because I tested it out myself with my own hacking tools. When I installed Ubuntu onto my laptop about 6 months back, I got a friend to come around with this computer and I tried everything I could to hack my Linux machine. First thing I did was port scan my laptop... and my laptop didn't even reply... it didn't even reply to say that ports were closed... it simply sat there silently and refused to communicate.

    So let's say you want to hack my Linux laptop by using a "client side" attack... well you're gonna have to go find a trojan horse program that will actually run on Linux, and then you'll also have to be able to fool me into downloading and running an executable file.

    Microsoft Windows has proven itself over two decades to be an insecure operating system. This is why Linux is by far the dominant operating system in security-critical fields; most internet web servers are running Linux.

    I use Ubuntu and I love it. It's user-friendly, it's easy, and it's got everything I need and I want (I can type documents, do spreadsheets, burn DVD's, watch YouTube, download movies by BitTorrent).
    buddy first off your an idiot and dont know the first thing about hacking,

    The reason people port scan isnt to run a bullshit kiddie script you scan with Nmap to find open ports and see what services are running then you either A) go through the source of the service and see if you can segfault the it with a BOF - off bye one or download some 0day, and get root on the box. tcp session hijacking is also a huge issue, allot of linux unix hpux bsd sun solaris boxes get rooted because they are running a vuln version of SSH telenetd canot be exploited if you know anything about math your brain would be able to comprehend that services like that which are forwarded cant be exploited do to random sequence numbers, go look up sequences and series in math,
    2nd micro$haft is a bullshit OS i agree but insecure not so much, NULL SESSIONS are a big issue netbios - morons downloading trojans.
    A none server operating system like XP home is only going to be vuln is you have your NET USERS ****ed up or you have filesharing - remote access wide open. hes not going to be running a linux box if he cant figure out why his childs comp got wtf pwnd,

    Heres a quick tip to fix your issue
    go into cmd.exe type in format C:
    reinstall windows change all your passwords on facebook etc etc etc.

    tell your kid to stop downloading child porn off bittorrent and he wont have problems again
    Last edited by prodomino; 05-11-2010 at 01:11 AM.

  21. #21
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    I would first format the computer and start over again. There is malware that can go completely undetected on your (windows) even with the best firewall/malware/antivirus protection. Immediately after installing Windows, get a good Firewall / AV that will monitor outgoing connections as well as inbound (very important). I personally use ESET Smart Security, Malwarebytes and Zemana Anti-logger.

  22. #22
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    seriously anyone who has this happen to them this is very easy PM ME IF YOU NEED HELP! i can help fast. so 1st thing save important things "if you can" 2nd get a new copy of windows torrent or store bought "your choice" 3rd put new disc in pc. follow direction format hard drive when the option come up, follow instructions finish install. 4th install AVG anti virus buy or DL

    OK here is the best part for everyone on the site if anyone i mean anyone needs help DL anything i mean music movies software, ANYTHING i would say pm me but i want everyone to see how and were to get this stuff,

  23. #23
    D.Pump's Avatar
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    do what the other ppl said as far as reinstalling windows and getting a good antivirus program but another security issue your son prob has is that all his passwords are the same... literally the dumbest thing you can do

    oh and tell him to stop looking at porn this is the best way to get a virus nothing like a boner to make you download trojans

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    Best thing is format the pc, install windows and put a good antivirus on such as AVG or Bitdefender - keep it up to date with virus definitions too.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by prodomino View Post
    buddy first off your an idiot and dont know the first thing about hacking,

    The reason people port scan isnt to run a bullshit kiddie script you scan with Nmap to find open ports and see what services are running then you either A) go through the source of the service and see if you can segfault the it with a BOF - off bye one or download some 0day, and get root on the box. tcp session hijacking is also a huge issue, allot of linux unix hpux bsd sun solaris boxes get rooted because they are running a vuln version of SSH telenetd canot be exploited if you know anything about math your brain would be able to comprehend that services like that which are forwarded cant be exploited do to random sequence numbers, go look up sequences and series in math,
    2nd micro$haft is a bullshit OS i agree but insecure not so much, NULL SESSIONS are a big issue netbios - morons downloading trojans.
    A none server operating system like XP home is only going to be vuln is you have your NET USERS ****ed up or you have filesharing - remote access wide open. hes not going to be running a linux box if he cant figure out why his childs comp got wtf pwnd,

    Heres a quick tip to fix your issue
    go into cmd.exe type in format C:
    reinstall windows change all your passwords on facebook etc etc etc.

    tell your kid to stop downloading child porn off bittorrent and he wont have problems again
    I think that sums it up. Like he said, why would this guy care about running linux when he doesn't know how to simply reformat. If I get the slightest idea that I have any malware/spyware/ trojan ect.. I instantly reformat. I have had my new pc for 6 months now downloading cracked programs, music, movies and anything I want and have only got 2 virus's so far, both for some crappy rap music my gf downloaded when I wasn't there off kickasstorrents. He is obviously new to this and suggesting what IT pros use is like suggesting heart surgery for the janitor at the hospital.

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