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Thread: Ignorant Teachers...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2006

    Ignorant Teachers...

    It's been a few years but I came across a pic that brought up the memory. A little over two years ago I was taking a college course, I believe it was Nutrition for Athletes... Well one of the teachers powerpoint presentations was on steroids and how dangerous they are (yah...). Well, one of the pictures she clicked to was the one I have attached. She began saying how this is the extreme some people go to to look good in their opinion. I raised my hand and said, "Um, that's not real..." She quickly replied that it was and she got it from a reliable internet source. I then said, "No... I know that guy, that's Marcus Ruhl a professional bodybuilder and that's photoshopped big time." She denied my claim again saying how it "was" real and continued on. Later she referenced how Roid Rage was a real thing because a football player was taking them, became angry in the gym, and started throwing weights around fighting anybody that got near him... Needless to say I'm just wondering how people go about teaching something they don't know shit about? She obviously hadn't done her homework at the time and was just filling these students heads full of bs that was anything but true. Had to share this with you guys to see what you'd all think of our lovely college professors teaching the next generation.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	steroids.jpg 
Views:	134 
Size:	15.6 KB 
ID:	106995  

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008
    i find it hard to believe that someone competent enough to function in society would believe that is a real photo and not a photoshop.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    New Joisey
    Cause whether is accurate or not shes taking a stance against steroids and most idiots are going to side with her regardless of how much she really knows.

    But thats when YOU come in and exploit her. Ask her specific questions about steroids then provide the answers when she can't do it. Walk to the front of the room, right in front of her computer (I've done this before successfully w/out getting kicked out, professors really aren't as quick to wanna be confrontational as you may think, most of them WILL actually become submissive if you're brash and aggressive enough) then googled Marcus Ruhl and showed the class some of his best real photos.

    I would have continued, how many people in this class actually believe this nonsense? I would have ripped on her for being so naive, questioned her "reliable INTERNET source", then basically just have kept on going till she asked me to leave, at which point I would have remarked "did you really think I planned on staying in a class that I can teach better than you?", left and switched to someone else.

    I had a fitness professor once and although his lesson plans on steroids were obviously bias and against them, he was very good as providing us accurate facts. He even admitted when he was younger that he contemplated using them because so many of his friends were already on steroids. But when he told me that guys were chasing him around the locker room squirting male breast milk from their nipples AT HIM I raised my hand and said "really?" - "squirting huh? like a water pistol?" hes like "YES exactly like a water pistol", I was just thinking "ok I'll just keep my mouth shut this 1 time".

    The rest of his lesson was relatively on point, it just sucks that your professor was #1 a female, and #2 obviously teaching something she knew NOTHING about. You either swallow your pride or you don't. I rarely ever swallow my pride, its a weakness, but its also a strength too.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    Cause whether is accurate or not shes taking a stance against steroids and most idiots are going to side with her regardless of how much she really knows.

    But thats when YOU come in and exploit her. Ask her specific questions about steroids then provide the answers when she can't do it. Walk to the front of the room, right in front of her computer (I've done this before successfully w/out getting kicked out, professors really aren't as quick to wanna be confrontational as you may think, most of them WILL actually become submissive if you're brash and aggressive enough) then googled Marcus Ruhl and showed the class some of his best real photos.

    I would have continued, how many people in this class actually believe this nonsense? I would have ripped on her for being so naive, questioned her "reliable INTERNET source", then basically just have kept on going till she asked me to leave, at which point I would have remarked "did you really think I planned on staying in a class that I can teach better than you?", left and switched to someone else.

    I had a fitness professor once and although his lesson plans on steroids were obviously bias and against them, he was very good as providing us accurate facts. He even admitted when he was younger that he contemplated using them because so many of his friends were already on steroids. But when he told me that guys were chasing him around the locker room squirting male breast milk from their nipples AT HIM I raised my hand and said "really?" - "squirting huh? like a water pistol?" hes like "YES exactly like a water pistol", I was just thinking "ok I'll just keep my mouth shut this 1 time".

    The rest of his lesson was relatively on point, it just sucks that your professor was #1 a female, and #2 obviously teaching something she knew NOTHING about. You either swallow your pride or you don't. I rarely ever swallow my pride, its a weakness, but its also a strength too.
    I actually ended up dropping the class, but the reason was I was going into the military.... And yeah, I've been more outspoken in recent years, but at that time I was just a bit shocked... Lol, thought you'd all get a laugh at that though.. It's been over 2 years and I think it's more funny to me now.

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