My brother started acting sketchy out of no where the past few days. I just left college and am going for another degree somewhere else so instead of getting a lease for 5 months I just moved back home.
Caught him tonight selling pot (he's 17, in highschool, and has 7 scholarship offers so far for college). I beat him pretty good and my arm has a nicely inflamed lump.
I was supposed to start a cycle in 3 days, you think the swelling will go down by then or did I just screw myself? I put anti inflammatory cream on it, took ibuprofen, and some other anti inflammatory medication. Getting ready to ice it right now.
Those who say you should "talk it out" with your kids are dumb asses. Afterwords, he marched in his room, got me both of his scales, dumped the pot he had in the toilet, and promised he won't ever do it again.