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Thread: My new rescue dog.....

  1. #1
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    My new rescue dog.....

    I rescued a 5 month old pitbull yesterday..... poor little guy was being beaten by his owner and was forced to live outside with a full grown pig. The scumbag owner slit the throat of 2 of his ferrets and stabbed his pig. He did jail time but is now out and supposedly on medication.

    Anyways..... my little guys name is knuckles (name came with him) and he snorts like a fvckin pig cuz he doesn't know any better LOL

    Just thought I'd share him with yah

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    Last edited by Hazard; 05-03-2010 at 11:00 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    badass Haz. Good for you. How has he adjusted so far

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by NC600cbr View Post
    badass Haz. Good for you. How has he adjusted so far
    Really well..... he's 1/2 house broken LOL. He goes outside most of the time..... just has to start going to the door to let us know he's gotta go. It's only the 2nd day so he'll catch on.

    Our other dog (cocker spanial/wheaton terrier mix) doesn't seem to mind him..... long as he doesn't try to hump her.

    He's loving the human attention tho..... he followed me around last night and slept within a foot of me. He's also used to being locked in a crate because of the pound..... so i'm keeping him in there at night until i know he wont chew or piss all over the house.....


  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2006
    great looking dog, good for you

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    AWESOME bro!!!!!!! i have a rescue he'll be 2 on memorial day. best dog ive ever had. Eats a ton but hes well worth it. Congrats man, best of luck to ya both.


  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Scylla and Charybdis
    Sweet dog, Haz!

    And your arms are looking huge in that second pic!

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    Sweet dog, Haz!

    And your arms are looking huge in that second pic!
    LMFAO! ASS...... LOL I suppose my legs are lookin huge too LOL!?!?

    I'll post a pic of my lower leg that I took yesterday morning.....

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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    You might wanna think about keeping the crate - eventually dog treat it like their own little home. Our dog was crate trained, eventually we just left the door open all the time he just did with it what she pleased.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by NC600cbr View Post

    You might wanna think about keeping the crate - eventually dog treat it like their own little home. Our dog was crate trained, eventually we just left the door open all the time he just did with it what she pleased.
    Yeah we've left it up for our other dog..... she goes in it now and again but i'm suspecting she'll be glad to let him have it lol


  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Rescue dogs are probably the most loyal dogs you will get just for the fact that they were beaten before. I also have a rescue dog(Cocker Spanial mix with something else) and he is like mans best friend

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    snorts like a pig ...too funny...hope things work out for ya

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Miami, FL
    Awesome. I'm glad he found a good home. Congratulations to you both. I wish that dude you spoke of lived near me.

  13. #13
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    good for you

  14. #14
    Join Date
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    Standing Above Weakness
    good looking little dude.. glad you rescued him from the abuse.. good for you bro.


  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    lol im not telling :D
    omg.. i'd batter n' fry that thing in a heart beat.. add a lil honeymustard and you got a tastey lil morsel there

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa View Post
    omg.. i'd batter n' fry that thing in a heart beat.. add a lil honeymustard and you got a tastey lil morsel there
    you eat pit bulls?

  17. #17
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    New Joisey
    Anyway back on topic.

    I think its awesome you rescued that dog, and it urks me like nothing else to hear abuse stories involving animals, but I still don't understand why SO MANY g/damn people own pits.

    It seems too cliche a breed to own now, and I hate to say it, but when I worked at petsmart years and years ago, 90% of the pitbull owners I talked to were white trash.

    I'm NOT trying to insult anyone but I swear to god 9 out of every 10 people who came in with a pit either smelled bad, were dirty, cursed like dirt bags and had no class, just something about pitbulls seems to attract peasants for some reason. Same way you may tend to see rich people buying king cavaliers for some reason poor people flock to pits.
    I'm not going to NOT buy a dog just because I see them overpopulating the low income towns, but I never personally saw what was so appealing about the breed either.

    I've met hundreds and hundreds of breeds over the course of the 6 years I worked there, and pitbulls were one of the more bland breeds just to be honest. Labs being #1 imo (for blandness not #1 in general)

    The smaller terrier breeds are more what I'm into. They're always energetic, always moving/entertaining you in some way. And even though a certain breed may attract wealthier people, its still not guaranteed a rich persons going to get a cavalier, but with pits almost every owner I met, for some odd reason I just didn't like (well the reason being what I alread said)

    I'm not trying to rain on your parade or disrespect you in anyway, and I know enough about you to know you don't fit in that group, but I genuinely have always been puzzled by why pit owners always seem to be dirt bags. My cousin use to breed them, biggest dirt bag I know. His father, my uncle, owns 3, and is a drug addict.
    Those are the only 2 people in my immediate family who own pits, and I find it that much more shocking that its also the only 2 people in my family I don't like or get along with.

    Again, the dog looks cute as hell and congrats, but if anyone has any further insight into this I'd like to know. I always assumed poor people got them for security/protection purposes, because they lived in broken down neighborhoods with high crime rates, and that would explain the trend I suppose. But I can't remember the last time I saw a dr. who owned a pit, or a lawyer, or a dentist, and I just find it pretty interesting I guess.
    Last edited by Bojangles69; 05-03-2010 at 11:52 PM.

  18. #18
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    Feb 2010
    I own a pit and I am far from white trash. The majority of people that I've seen with pits in my area (23 years living in Boston 6 in NH) were mostly African Americans (in Boston, def white trashy type in NH) and like you said not the best mannered, clean or social people i've met. Seemed to me they got pits for the gansta mindset. For me personally I love all bully breeds, had an English bulldog growing up and ever since then I have been in love with them (bulldogs & Pit Bull terriers mostly). Only reason I chose a pit over an English bulldog was the care involved with the bullies and since I work alot my wife didn't want the extra work of the dog and kids. So we ended up getting a pit instead, they are great dogs if treated/trained properly and make great guard dogs. My girl is awesome with my kids and wouldn't trade her in for anything! That is at least until she eats a neighbors kid and I'm forced to put her down and get a Chihuahua lol j/k

    Hazard, he's f^cking adorable man! gl with the little guy. Like the floppy ears to, I didn't crop my girls either. The crate is a wonderful thing, we keep ours in the bedroom (she doesn't like to sleep alone, spoiled little and before bed i just say "Roxie night night" and she goes in and lays down. Nice and easy.
    Last edited by InknSteel; 05-03-2010 at 11:51 PM.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    lol im not telling :D
    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    you eat pit bulls?
    if it fits on a grill.. i eats it

  20. #20
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    My pits lays the same way with his hind legs pushed out. Always thought that was funny.

  21. #21
    sweet dog, i hope that arm in the pic isn't yours by the way, because if it is, you better hit the gym.

    also its funny as shit that your dog snorts like a pig.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    Anyway back on topic.

    I think its awesome you rescued that dog, and it urks me like nothing else to hear abuse stories involving animals, but I still don't understand why SO MANY g/damn people own pits.

    It seems too cliche a breed to own now, and I hate to say it, but when I worked at petsmart years and years ago, 90% of the pitbull owners I talked to were white trash.

    I'm NOT trying to insult anyone but I swear to god 9 out of every 10 people who came in with a pit either smelled bad, were dirty, cursed like dirt bags and had no class, just something about pitbulls seems to attract peasants for some reason. Same way you may tend to see rich people buying king cavaliers for some reason poor people flock to pits.
    I'm not going to NOT buy a dog just because I see them overpopulating the low income towns, but I never personally saw what was so appealing about the breed either.

    I've met hundreds and hundreds of breeds over the course of the 6 years I worked there, and pitbulls were one of the more bland breeds just to be honest. Labs being #1 imo (for blandness not #1 in general)

    The smaller terrier breeds are more what I'm into. They're always energetic, always moving/entertaining you in some way. And even though a certain breed may attract wealthier people, its still not guaranteed a rich persons going to get a cavalier, but with pits almost every owner I met, for some odd reason I just didn't like (well the reason being what I alread said)

    I'm not trying to rain on your parade or disrespect you in anyway, and I know enough about you to know you don't fit in that group, but I genuinely have always been puzzled by why pit owners always seem to be dirt bags. My cousin use to breed them, biggest dirt bag I know. His father, my uncle, owns 3, and is a drug addict.
    Those are the only 2 people in my immediate family who own pits, and I find it that much more shocking that its also the only 2 people in my family I don't like or get along with.

    Again, the dog looks cute as hell and congrats, but if anyone has any further insight into this I'd like to know. I always assumed poor people got them for security/protection purposes, because they lived in broken down neighborhoods with high crime rates, and that would explain the trend I suppose. But I can't remember the last time I saw a dr. who owned a pit, or a lawyer, or a dentist, and I just find it pretty interesting I guess.

    Bo's quote in my thread:
    "I fvckn HATE cats. When I was 11 or 12 I threw my cousins cat down a flight of stairs cause he clawed and broke my skin. I held that mfkr in the air for about 30 secs just dreaming about him flying in the air, and then I tossed that little fvcker as hard as I could."

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    Anyway back on topic.

    I think its awesome you rescued that dog, and it urks me like nothing else to hear abuse stories involving animals, but I still don't understand why SO MANY g/damn people own pits.

    It seems too cliche a breed to own now, and I hate to say it, but when I worked at petsmart years and years ago, 90% of the pitbull owners I talked to were white trash.

    I'm NOT trying to insult anyone but I swear to god 9 out of every 10 people who came in with a pit either smelled bad, were dirty, cursed like dirt bags and had no class, just something about pitbulls seems to attract peasants for some reason. Same way you may tend to see rich people buying king cavaliers for some reason poor people flock to pits.
    I'm not going to NOT buy a dog just because I see them overpopulating the low income towns, but I never personally saw what was so appealing about the breed either.

    I've met hundreds and hundreds of breeds over the course of the 6 years I worked there, and pitbulls were one of the more bland breeds just to be honest. Labs being #1 imo (for blandness not #1 in general)

    The smaller terrier breeds are more what I'm into. They're always energetic, always moving/entertaining you in some way. And even though a certain breed may attract wealthier people, its still not guaranteed a rich persons going to get a cavalier, but with pits almost every owner I met, for some odd reason I just didn't like (well the reason being what I alread said)

    I'm not trying to rain on your parade or disrespect you in anyway, and I know enough about you to know you don't fit in that group, but I genuinely have always been puzzled by why pit owners always seem to be dirt bags. My cousin use to breed them, biggest dirt bag I know. His father, my uncle, owns 3, and is a drug addict.
    Those are the only 2 people in my immediate family who own pits, and I find it that much more shocking that its also the only 2 people in my family I don't like or get along with.

    Again, the dog looks cute as hell and congrats, but if anyone has any further insight into this I'd like to know. I always assumed poor people got them for security/protection purposes, because they lived in broken down neighborhoods with high crime rates, and that would explain the trend I suppose. But I can't remember the last time I saw a dr. who owned a pit, or a lawyer, or a dentist, and I just find it pretty interesting I guess.

    It's pretty safe to say that i'm so attractive - you might turn gay if you saw me......

    I think a lot of the "white trash" people buy pitt's because of the stigma attached to them. They get a bad rap...... they're known to be viscious and nasty..... so ofcoarse the scumbags want something "tough" - something that will make them look cooler.

    Unfortunately tho..... these people just perpetuate the stigma and these dogs don't get a fair chance.

    I was walking my fathers pitt bull a few weeks ago and went by a park. theres weere a TON of gangster kids there..... blasting their hardcore rap..... and as I walked by them - they all stopped playing basketball and they walked closer to us. They were maybe 15 feet away and a few of them were saying shit like "Don't go near that thing..... look at him..... DAAAAYYYYUUUMMMM - bet he's nasty" "

    I understand they may look nasty with the ears cropped LOL but these are the people that keep circulating the bad information about them. My fathers pitt wouldn't hurt a fly.....


  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by taiboxa View Post
    omg.. i'd batter n' fry that thing in a heart beat.. add a lil honeymustard and you got a tastey lil morsel there
    I tell you what..... His ears look pretty good. I bet they'd be like potato skins if you fried em up...... lol


  25. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    That's essentially a pork rind isn't it Haz ?

    Maybe you should go back and "rescue" that pig....

  26. #26
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    My pit loves the family but if your a stranger watch out. My belief is you need to have a pit from a pup if not theres a good chance it will turn on you.

    When im walking the dog people come up to me and say "Aww he's so cute, can i pet him?" I say "No." They give me an odd look.

    Hey i know my dog and if he doesn't know you there is a good chance he is going to take off your hand off. I'd rather be safe than sorry.

  27. #27
    Join Date
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    The Murder Mitten
    Thats a real badass dog. I love dogs and cant understand how people can abuse them.

  28. #28
    Join Date
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    great save!!!

    if it's that attached and following you around already, it wont take long untill it forgets it's shitty life from before.

  29. #29
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    LOL my little guy gets so excited he pee's a little..... I hope he stops that cuz that wont be good if he does it all the time.

    I took him out of his crate and brought him outside this morning..... he did his bathroom stuff and we came back inside. I layed on the floor and he ran over to me..... layed down next to my chest and sort of in my arm pit and layed his head right next to me. So far he's been great..... no chewing..... and really no bathroom stuff in the house.....


  30. #30
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    The Murder Mitten
    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    LOL my little guy gets so excited he pee's a little..... I hope he stops that cuz that wont be good if he does it all the time.

    I took him out of his crate and brought him outside this morning..... he did his bathroom stuff and we came back inside. I layed on the floor and he ran over to me..... layed down next to my chest and sort of in my arm pit and layed his head right next to me. So far he's been great..... no chewing..... and really no bathroom stuff in the house.....

    One of our dogs does this and its kind of annoying. I think it's a submissive thing. better call the dog whisperer

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    Killing Zombies
    Welcome to the pitbull club!

    They're the smartest, cutest, funniest, toughest, most loyal dogs.
    I have two, and rescued on for my inlaws 1 year ago

    No better animal ever. Total clowns

  32. #32
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    Oh, and I crate my dogs when I'm not home for their own safety
    Pitbulls are STRONG and can chew apart or get into anything you have, and their stomachs can flip relatively easy.
    It the safest thing for a pit, and they love it. Just make it their safe little cozy place. I give mine all their chew treats and cookies in their cages and the beg me to get inside when I'm leaving. Its a really good situation.

    I didn't read if this is your first or not, but if you ever have any pit questions, shoot me a pm

    Enjoy your new best friend

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by fattywarbucks View Post
    Oh, and I crate my dogs when I'm not home for their own safety
    Pitbulls are STRONG and can chew apart or get into anything you have, and their stomachs can flip relatively easy.
    It the safest thing for a pit, and they love it. Just make it their safe little cozy place. I give mine all their chew treats and cookies in their cages and the beg me to get inside when I'm leaving. Its a really good situation.

    I didn't read if this is your first or not, but if you ever have any pit questions, shoot me a pm

    Enjoy your new best friend
    I've helped raise my fatehrs pitt - he's almost 2 years old now - great dog. He no longer sleeps with my parents or the other dogs. He sleeps downstairs on the big chair in the living room..... just where my father wants him LMAO. Great guard dog..... no one is going to grab the door handle without him hearing it LOL

    My little guy is doing great..... he's actually getting neutered right now...... i'll be seeing him later this afternoon.


  34. #34
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    Killing Zombies
    Good thing you're taking the coins out of the old wrinkle purse

    I had to get my dog an emergency neutering when he was 2. I woke up one night to find him rocket pumping on my girl dogs head while she was fast asleep on my feet snoring. He spent the next 2 days running around in circles screaming at full mast.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by fattywarbucks View Post
    Good thing you're taking the coins out of the old wrinkle purse

    I had to get my dog an emergency neutering when he was 2. I woke up one night to find him rocket pumping on my girl dogs head while she was fast asleep on my feet snoring. He spent the next 2 days running around in circles screaming at full mast.

    The vet said normally dogs are tired and sleepy after surgery..... she said my little guy was zippin around the place..... not tired at all.... haha

    Had to put a collar on him yesterday..... wont leave the stitches alone....


  36. #36
    good looking dog haz

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    fcking adorable... if you give him some of your gear he can look like this lol

    Last edited by Shawn; 05-12-2010 at 10:30 AM.

  38. #38
    dec11's Avatar
    dec11 is offline 'everything louder than everything else'
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    *no sources i wont reply*
    pits were im frm are primarily used for fighting, i hate the majority of scum tht own them, they are always nearly scangers and 'im a hard man' thrash, and the breed unfortunatly gets a bad name. before pits it was rottweillers, dobermans and alsatians.

    good for you rescuing a dog tht needed a home, both my dalmatians are rescue dogs also, i dont see the point in buying pups when an unfortunate animal needs a loving home.

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shawn168 View Post
    fcking adorable... if you give him some of your gear he can look like this lol

    I've showed my father that pic before..... he almost fell off his chair when he saw it LOL....

    That thing is a monster.....


  40. #40
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    Pretty sure its a dog that has that myostatin gene fug'd up. Like some of those cows.

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