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Anyway back on topic.
I think its awesome you rescued that dog, and it urks me like nothing else to hear abuse stories involving animals, but I still don't understand why SO MANY g/damn people own pits.
It seems too cliche a breed to own now, and I hate to say it, but when I worked at petsmart years and years ago, 90% of the pitbull owners I talked to were white trash.
I'm NOT trying to insult anyone but I swear to god 9 out of every 10 people who came in with a pit either smelled bad, were dirty, cursed like dirt bags and had no class, just something about pitbulls seems to attract peasants for some reason. Same way you may tend to see rich people buying king cavaliers for some reason poor people flock to pits.
I'm not going to NOT buy a dog just because I see them overpopulating the low income towns, but I never personally saw what was so appealing about the breed either.
I've met hundreds and hundreds of breeds over the course of the 6 years I worked there, and pitbulls were one of the more bland breeds just to be honest. Labs being #1 imo (for blandness not #1 in general)
The smaller terrier breeds are more what I'm into. They're always energetic, always moving/entertaining you in some way. And even though a certain breed may attract wealthier people, its still not guaranteed a rich persons going to get a cavalier, but with pits almost every owner I met, for some odd reason I just didn't like (well the reason being what I alread said)
I'm not trying to rain on your parade or disrespect you in anyway, and I know enough about you to know you don't fit in that group, but I genuinely have always been puzzled by why pit owners always seem to be dirt bags. My cousin use to breed them, biggest dirt bag I know. His father, my uncle, owns 3, and is a drug addict.
Those are the only 2 people in my immediate family who own pits, and I find it that much more shocking that its also the only 2 people in my family I don't like or get along with.
Again, the dog looks cute as hell and congrats, but if anyone has any further insight into this I'd like to know. I always assumed poor people got them for security/protection purposes, because they lived in broken down neighborhoods with high crime rates, and that would explain the trend I suppose. But I can't remember the last time I saw a dr. who owned a pit, or a lawyer, or a dentist, and I just find it pretty interesting I guess.