This isn't like the olden days anymore, I could imagine back then there was a little more respect and appreciation for bodybuilders. Nowadays people are ****ing haters man, especially at the workplace!!
This isn't like the olden days anymore, I could imagine back then there was a little more respect and appreciation for bodybuilders. Nowadays people are ****ing haters man, especially at the workplace!!
oh definitely. In todays times everyone expects instant gratification and it pisses them off to see someone who has worked towards a goal over a long period of time and succeeded. Fvck the haters.
it's just jealousy.
they are the same people that cant lose a whopping 10lb at new yrs, and fail year after year.
u always want what u dont have. If you cant get it u will hate it same applies to looking good. How many ppl like to look Fit? but too lazy to do anything about it guess what they start to Hate all good looking ppl.
"Hey dont hate me if I am good looking and ur GF wants to spend night with me......yeah my nuts are smaller but I can still satisfy her more then u with my d!ck...."![]()
Yep..... theres no respect for hardwork anymore. Even though I was born in the 80's (84) - I believe all respect was lost with the kids from this time. My highschool class was still respectful to teachers and authority figures. Our principal retired after our class and said we were the last class he'd be able to leave with on a good note. Sure as shit...... 2 years after I graduated that senior class ahd something like 50 kids not graduate. They were caught up in drugs and alcohol.....
Anyways..... i notice kids today have no respect...... and it's jsut getting worse and worse every year.....
Its really bad where I live, in the south #1- I'm a bodybuilder #2- I'm from NY
The worst ones are the hardcore rednecks, first off they are afraid your going to steal their women or something. Like whenever you come around them they start hugging their girl and trying to kiss on her and get her to quit looking over at ya. It's pretty funny actually. The workplace is really bad, because some dumbass inbred who has been there longer loves to try and talk down to the bodybuilder. It makes them feel really good, trying to tell you what to do, its a power trip thing with them. I wish it was the olden days and you could just choke slam people and get away with it. Now the good old boys here that bodybuild I get along great with. Its the fat dumbasses who only know how to hunt, fish, and **** fat chicks I have a problem with. These dickwads with these 20' CB radio antennas on their trucks, and team Realtree stickers on them, these are the majority of ****faces around here. "I got something out in the truck that'll take care of you boy" thats when you wanna just pull out a ****ing Uzi and say "**** your double barrel, Im'a spray your ass bitch!!"
Well I will tell them that I will still be sexy after I am dead.......its like that when I go to small town I get funny looks. yeah it is funny how they hold on to their girls mostly i m with wife but if i m alone they react that way and most of the hilbillies girls r fat anyway unless i m on test i m not looking at them.
I bet people act the way they do because you make them insecure. You know damn well, if they had a choice to look like you, they would (I mean wish, you know they're not willing to go through the work). Shit, you probably scare half the people you meet. I have a small commercial roofing company and I not only work with my crew but I have to deal directly with the customer. I make sure I smile when Im dealing with the customers, and I wear a hat to cover my shaved head, just trying to look more pleasant. I never have a problem getting a check at the end of the project, though.
Last edited by Bossman; 05-05-2010 at 11:53 AM.
Had a friend who has been comparing himself/his life to me since grade school and anything I did or acquired that he didn't - he always got pissed. He went away to school and when he saw me next - I was 30lbs heavier than I was. Needless to say..... he told everyone we knew that I was on steroids...... including my teachers and coaches. Stupid fvcker asked me what I was taking and I told him M1T and lots of food. Aparantly he heard "I eat like shit..... oh and I take some steroids....."
Just remember
Your are never 2 big...Lol
people get jelous easily. When people see how dedicated you are at something it makes them uncomfortable.
Remember, you also get muscle worshippers too!! You know some chicks digg us freaks. Just watch out for the queer ones, unless you're into that kind of thing...
I had a small "amateur of the week" write up on another popular well known site. Scored $50 in free merchandise. But they listed my email. Never so saw many freaks come out of the woodwork.
i think alot of so called bodybuilders bring it on themselves.
I know lots of big guys who never have an issue at work or out. Because they are friendly and the last thing on their mind is I'm a bodybuilder.
you might get looks st work cause it seems like your obsessed so they give you looks like they give the star trek geeks looks.
I get dirty looks all the time. Then when I walk down the hallway, I hear comments. People mocking me saying stupid shit. These people are usually about 170lbs. I see them in the gym doing the dumbest fvcking exercises.
Little do they know..... that with this Tren going through my veins..... that I am an untamed BullMastiff waiting to break this chain. Yet I hold onto a passive reserve. They think that they are untouchable.
Eventually these haters will get a reality check. I do think that they are intimidated. I also know that envy is a strong motivator for hatred
I say **** 'em all...I don't like people anyway
Ruhl where you been?
i've never had a problem with haters...
All I get is the usual why do you go to the gym all the time and all the etc bullshit. I just don't bother with arguing with them.
Its true, even if your not huge or anything!! for example in college, in my class i would be by far the bggest and you get some of my friends saying crap a lot, they dont understand! then in my home town you get boys thinking oh look at him he thinks he's big and strong, when really all i want is to be a good size and feel good!! sometimes guys will try and start a fight with you....problem is....i usually dont back down haha
describe olden days
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