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Thread: Idiots in the gym

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Ireland Getting there!

    Idiots in the gym

    Ya, so i walk into the gym today to do its a bad enough feeling going into the gym doing legs on any day so your already pissed off that you have to do them!!

    So i walk in and the local secondary school seemed to have just invaded the place, normally its a good enough atmosphere down there, the guys who like to train know eachother and know eachothers ways and when to get outta the way etc!!

    But these young guys and girls iin big baggy t shirts and their so skinny are all over th shop, lifting weights with the worst form possible, now i mean lifting them in ways you cant describe!! thinking they are hard and whatever, so the im left there waiting for machines and whatever!!

    So im down to doing calves and load up some weights, do a set and go to get more weights, i come back to find fool has taken my weights off to a lower weight and is trying to do what i was doing, IDIOT!!

    Kinda a big enough rant, but do you ever get people like this in your gym etc? its so annoying

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2010
    That must be shitty! Sorry to hear but what can cheer you up is that if the guy is trying to make the same exercise you're doing is because he looks up to you! He will believe anything you say to him, so you can give him some serious advice and tell him to do another exercise because that one is not good for him.

  3. #3
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    I saw some kid with arms the size of my wrist (or smaller) doing curls with a straight bar yesterday swinging it SO damn hard his arms had to do nothing, seriously. He was also trying to tell someone else how to lift. LOL

    Where do these guys get idea like that. I remember when i was 14 I had MUCH better form than that and he was probably 19.

    Im lucky, my gym is big enough we have like 3 of everything if not 4 so as I rotate from one machine or weight area to another if someone is on what I want to use I usually have alternatives or just find something else to do for a set then as soon as they are done with a set I jump in. I usually ask and most of the time they go away lol

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Standing Above Weakness
    There are times I definetlely would like to stop people from what they're doing.. Like, "hey - please stop that before you hurt yourself".. but I never do.. I pretty much just mind my own business during workouts. I need to get in and out.. no time to help really. I'll spot people but I do get a little annoyed sometimes when someone asks for like three spots and then someone else asks for a couple more.. that's cutting into my time.

  5. #5
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    Im the same way. 99.9% of the time I say nothing and try to ignore it. I dont really want to get into a conversation with anyone either because I usually go about 1 1/2 hrs before closing and need to get my sh*t done. I dont like standing around talking.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    its pretty nice usually at my gym all the leg machines are open no matter how busy. losers just workin the arms over and over l see a lot of dudes just benching like everyday and others sticking to curling and bicep stuff so funny
    but its really annoying on bench or curl day.

  7. #7
    I laugh my ass off when I see people doing hip thruster curls and 1/8 of a squat because I know they go and tell their friends theyt just squatted 400 lbs. I figure I could get a better workout with one 35 dumbell than most people in my gym could with any weight they pleased. People just suck at life.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    some guy asked me how many more sets i had on the bench, i was so fn pissed i yelled at him and threw a weight at the mirror

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    wow, thats extreme, you still allowed at the gym
    l dont blame you though l get so mad at the gym sometimes.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    no so i burnt that gym down

  11. #11
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    Bay Area
    Quote Originally Posted by warchild View Post
    some guy asked me how many more sets i had on the bench, i was so fn pissed i yelled at him and threw a weight at the mirror
    did you seriously do that? lol

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by virk-- View Post
    did you seriously do that? lol
    yea b/c of two reasons...i had my head phones on and he started tapping me on the i lost it

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by warchild View Post
    yea b/c of two reasons...i had my head phones on and he started tapping me on the i lost it
    i get pissed off real easy like tht.

    my bros my worst nightmare in gym, on bench other day, pushing them out, i were doing 8reps, on my 7th i started to strugle, instead of spotting me and helping me up slightly, he grabed the bar and racked it!! i wanted 1 more rep...i nearly exploded.

  14. #14
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    Warchild bullcrapping ya :P

  15. #15
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    I have to look away sometimes.... especially when I'm looking at the movement the guy is doing and I'm thinking, what the eff is he even working, his elbow? wtf?

    It was crowded a few weeks ago and all the benches were taken.. this one dude was on his phone forever so I'm like, "hey, you using that?", he's like, "ya", I'm like, "then use it", he's like, "oh go ahead then man". Friggin moron.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by gettingthere View Post
    Ya, so i walk into the gym today to do its a bad enough feeling going into the gym doing legs on any day so your already pissed off that you have to do them!!

    So i walk in and the local secondary school seemed to have just invaded the place, normally its a good enough atmosphere down there, the guys who like to train know eachother and know eachothers ways and when to get outta the way etc!!

    But these young guys and girls iin big baggy t shirts and their so skinny are all over th shop, lifting weights with the worst form possible, now i mean lifting them in ways you cant describe!! thinking they are hard and whatever, so the im left there waiting for machines and whatever!!

    So im down to doing calves and load up some weights, do a set and go to get more weights, i come back to find fool has taken my weights off to a lower weight and is trying to do what i was doing, IDIOT!!

    Kinda a big enough rant, but do you ever get people like this in your gym etc? its so annoying
    Where did you go to get more weight china ?

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Ireland Getting there!
    HAHA ya something like that!! our gym they have a machine for working calves in such an arkward place that you keep having to go to the other side to get more weights

  18. #18
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    something similar. i go to the gym on base at 5 in the morning. there are 2 sergeant majors who lift at the same time as me that are in my unit. when the one guy benches he lifts his butt and lower back off the bench. when they squat they dont even go halfway down. when they do barbel shoulder press they do 1/4 of the rep.

    they suck

    i hate it when hamburgers are in the gym stealing your rightful space and air.

  19. #19
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    I try to avoid peak times in gyms thats why I love my gym, its 24hrs.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Need to start going first thing in the mornings again, anytime after 9am and the place gets filled up with twats hogging about 5 different sets of weights, using benches meant for the bar bell, standing around in groups chatting on their mobiles or curling at the squat rack.

    Now im sure someone is going to chime in with "hey, we were like this once" but wrong, most of these chumps look exactly the same as they did 12 months ago.


  21. #21
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    Ive always hated those guy's doing bicep curls in the squat rack but since ive been back theres a new one thats really pissing me off. Guy's using the decline benches to do their abbs.......

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    Ive always hated those guy's doing bicep curls in the squat rack but since ive been back theres a new one thats really pissing me off. Guy's using the decline benches to do their abbs.......

    Yes I know. I have had to wait to do my decline presses because some guy was holding a medicine ball and doing situps on the decline bench. Mine you, it was the smallest medicine ball

  23. #23
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    Well guys are afraid to talk to me cause the way i carry myself and girls are afraid to talk to me cause my stalker is a gym PT...

  24. #24
    Join Date
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    I must seem like a prick in my gym too for those who don't know me.. I'm not though..

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    I must seem like a prick in my gym too for those who don't know me.. I'm not though..

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post

    I know..

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post

    Now im sure someone is going to chime in with "hey, we were like this once" but wrong, most of these chumps look exactly the same as they did 12 months ago.

    I agree, I was NEVER like that. I still remember in Jr High and High school how our gym teachers would emphasize on FORM and I always took that to heart. I have always made sure my butt and shoulders are on the bench when I am benching. I dont swing doing curls (seated mostly or preacher bench) and do all my sets SLOW.

    I remember when I was 17, 18 noticing how so many people had lousy form. Not all of us when we where beginners did it wrong. Some of us where just beginners.

  28. #28
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    yea or people who say i did steroids and got huge! but as soon as i came off it all went away. yea fn rite

  29. #29
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    Times like these i wish i had a local that was open 24hrs or atleast opened around 5am so i could go before work.Otherwise i have to rush to get there after work to avoid the 5 o'clock social club that arrives.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by warchild View Post
    yea or people who say i did steroids and got huge! but as soon as i came off it all went away. yea fn rite
    Some do. It's because it was all water weight and they had a lousy work out routine, lousy diet.

    There are also a lot of those people/kids out there that pretty much only work out when they are on cycle otherwise they are busy going to parties and drinking.

    Read more in the Q/A area and you will find LOTs of kids who want to cycle after working out for only a couple months. LOL Most will never stick to a diet or working out. It is only a fad to them, not a life style.

    Im pretty lucky at my gym. I usually go first thing in the morning or the last 1 1/2 hrs they are open and most everyone is gone already before 8:30 pm. I would LOVE it if they would stay open to 11.

  31. #31
    Join Date
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    what gym?

  32. #32
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  33. #33
    Join Date
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    Oh my many funny idiot stories in this thread. None of this stuff ever happens in my gym lol

  34. #34
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  35. #35
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    when i do biceps curls i make sure to use my whole body and swing into it. i like to get alot of momentum going so i could use the most weight possible. after all thats the important part the weight. save the proper form and teqnuqie for the pussies that cant handle the swinging of the body. swinging your body when u curl is the best so you recruit the most muscle fiber possible all over the body! a cheat curl is using less weight rather than more and swinging ur arms. dont cheat yourself!

    So in summation weve learned 1. swinging your arms to complete a curl is good.
    2. momentum is the only way to go.
    3. precision and proper teqnuqie is for the weak.
    Last edited by AnimalJ; 05-16-2010 at 11:07 PM.

  36. #36
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    ANYWAY back to the topic, this is why I go at 9 pm, first of all too many people make me nervous because I constantly have to look around and make sure someone doesnt take my thing when I go drink water and the commotion and talking its just distracting.

    I go around 8:30 pm and its quiet with a few people there and its just tranquil everyone doing there own shit, no women to distract you

  37. #37
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    Fact: If you workout your arms/chest hard enough muscle will form in your legs.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Fact: If you workout your arms/chest hard enough muscle will form in your legs.
    hahaha not enough to write home about. I have been lucky and always had very good legs, not huge but nice shape. No chicken legs. Once i started doing legs for real a few months ago they have just taken off and you can see a world of difference.

    If You dont work legs on a regular routine with everything else START...

  39. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    hahaha not enough to write home about. I have been lucky and always had very good legs, not huge but nice shape. No chicken legs. Once i started doing legs for real a few months ago they have just taken off and you can see a world of difference.

    If You dont work legs on a regular routine with everything else START...
    i stopped working my legs and started extra bicep movements and my legs have gone from 20inches to 26inches.

    I am swole.

  40. #40
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Fact: If you workout your arms/chest hard enough muscle will form in your legs.
    Haha... and vice versa.. So just pick one and stick to it... you'll get huge!

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