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Thread: Pro bodybuilder's PB's

  1. #1
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    Pro bodybuilder's PB's

    Hey whores,

    I was trying to find the best lifts by Pro bodybuilders, but can't seem to find any. I want to compare them to pro power lifters and see the difference. Can anyone give me a hand?

  2. #2
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    in the kitchen
    coleman only lifts light weight

  3. #3
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    800lbs for a few reps is not light weight. Whats the world record suitless deadlift? 1000lbs?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Rose View Post
    Hey whores,

    I was trying to find the best lifts by Pro bodybuilders, but can't seem to find any. I want to compare them to pro power lifters and see the difference. Can anyone give me a hand?
    I think you'll have a hard time finding what most bb's lift because there is no record like there is with a power lifter. A few talk about their strength like Johnnie Jackson, Ron Coleman. But most don't want you to know what they lift. Jackson once challenged Coleman to a deadlifting contest but it never materialized.

    If we knew, would it be a fair comparison? Bb's lift to stimulate muscle cells while Pwr's are using as much technique as they can to move the most weight.

    Just MHO

  5. #5
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    Light weight baby, light weight..

  6. #6
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    probably a repost, i dunno.. i just love this video thought id share

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    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    I think you'll have a hard time finding what most bb's lift because there is no record like there is with a power lifter. A few talk about their strength like Johnnie Jackson, Ron Coleman. But most don't want you to know what they lift. Jackson once challenged Coleman to a deadlifting contest but it never materialized.

    If we knew, would it be a fair comparison? Bb's lift to stimulate muscle cells while Pwr's are using as much technique as they can to move the most weight.

    Just MHO
    I am just gathering material for a powerlifting friend of mine that keeps insulting professional bodybuilders. I mean i am no bodybuilder, i am a strength athlete, but it gets on my nerves when one person bags anothers chosen discipline. Each group has there own pro's and con's and each group should be respected based on their achievements.

    It would not be a fair comparison, but if a bodybuilder like Coleman can do a 800lb raw at 2-3 reps, then he can dam well near get to the world record which is ~940lb raw. It just proves that that large amount of muscle mass has more function then looks.

  8. #8
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    having competed in plifting for a long time i can safely say tht no bodybuilder tht entered our comps, as a dark horse, ever came close to any of us (no dis-respect), infact guys in lighter classes than some of the bb'ers were whippin their asses. some good benchers amoungst them but as for squats and d'lift, 4get it
    Last edited by dec11; 05-16-2010 at 08:36 PM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by awesome1 View Post
    coleman only lifts light weight
    im guessin your bein sarcastic, but thts no light d'lift

  10. #10
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    Ofcourse, don't get me wrong, i am not saying BB's are stronger then powerlifters. I am talking about the professionals, the top of the game, not the 200lb'ers. And no disrespect received, like i said i am not a BB'er.

    Im mainly interested in the lifting numbers if anyone can provide them. So i can compare it some some Powerlifters. Like hell a raw 800lb dead from Coleman is god dam impressive, better than 95% of powerlifters.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Rose View Post
    Ofcourse, don't get me wrong, i am not saying BB's are stronger then powerlifters. I am talking about the professionals, the top of the game, not the 200lb'ers. And no disrespect received, like i said i am not a BB'er.

    Im mainly interested in the lifting numbers if anyone can provide them. So i can compare it some some Powerlifters. Like hell a raw 800lb dead from Coleman is god dam impressive, better than 95% of powerlifters.
    ah yeah, i'd like to see the top guys from each disapline go head to head aswell. i was refering to a small regional competition circuit in n ireland lol, no big stage.
    i think anyone would find it hard to lift against andy bolton and im sure mariusz pud would be pullin a big big barbell lift also

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by cgb6810 View Post
    I think you'll have a hard time finding what most bb's lift because there is no record like there is with a power lifter. A few talk about their strength like Johnnie Jackson, Ron Coleman. But most don't want you to know what they lift. Jackson once challenged Coleman to a deadlifting contest but it never materialized.

    If we knew, would it be a fair comparison? Bb's lift to stimulate muscle cells while Pwr's are using as much technique as they can to move the most weight.
    Just MHO
    i wouldnt agree with tht, theres not much tec in pliftin, its more about range of movement and staying within the rules (squat depth etc) and raw power/strength

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by declan11 View Post
    i wouldnt agree with tht, theres not much tec in pliftin, its more about range of movement and staying within the rules (squat depth etc) and raw power/strength
    Some of those range of moments make me laugh, like 45 degree squats. Like common, i only squat to the floor, just like the olympic lifters have been fore almost a hundred years. Then the moved to parallel and now 45*, like common, i know everyone has their own opinions, but i personnel think that reducing your range of motion to lift more just makes you a bitch.
    Last edited by Mr.Rose; 05-16-2010 at 11:01 PM.

  14. #14
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    stan efferding is the strongest bodybuilder

    * Raw Bench press: 606.3 lbs (275 kg) [1]
    * Raw Squat (exercise): 821.2 lbs (372.5 kg)[1]
    * Raw Deadlift: 793.7 lbs (360 kg) [1]
    * Equipped Deadlift: 825lbs (374.21 kg) Equipped
    * Raw Total: 2,2221.2 lbs (1,007.52 kg) [1]

    theres videos of him doing more then ronnie like 225 pound dumbell presses

  15. #15
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    Interesting thread.You're going to be real hard pressed to find out what most pro body builders lift as it's not the name of their game. When they get on that stage, the numbers they lift don't matter. Ronnie Coleman is the only one I've seen moving real heavy weight. I know Arnold was pretty gnarly back in the day.

    When you get into the top tiers of powerlifting and strongman competitions it's just another world. There is a point where body builders' numbers will fall very short of the numbers some of these top level PL guys are doing.

    Check out this guy Konstantinovs on Youtube. He's a fking animal.

    Not to short body builders. They work just as hard as powerlifters do, just in a different direction. Your friend is a moron for running his mouth. Is this the same guy that said he didn't need to do anything but the 3 main lifts?

  16. #16
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    Stan Efferding inclined benches 210lbs DB's 9 times.

    Ronnie flat benches 200lb DB's 12 times and could do more.

    lb for lb Jonnie is one of, if not, the strongest bodybuilder IMHO.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr.Rose View Post
    Some of those range of moments make me laugh, like 45 degree squats. Like common, i only squat to the floor, just like the olympic lifters have been fore almost a hundred years. Then the moved to parallel and now 45*, like common, i know everyone has their own opinions, but i personnel think that reducing your range of motion to lift more just makes you a bitch.
    i competed under BAWLA regulations, in comp squats your hams must dip below parallel for a clean lift. i've seen comps from another federation which were shocking, walk out with 400kg, dip 2 bloody inches and hey presto, clean lift! absolute joke

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