Do you try and stay close to contest weight? Do you say **** it and just go all out for size? I'm taking at least 1 yr off competing, possibly 2 yrs. I am trying to make some gains but I'd like to stay somewhat conditioned at the same time. I dont mind letting the conditioning go a little (say 15-20 lbs over contest weight) do you guys have much success with staying under 8-9% bf in the off season? Its very hard for me to see all of my friends compete, I want to do one too, but at the same time I dont want to come to the show bringing the same thing each time. This is why I want to take some time off, and come back to do some damage next year. I did a bulking cycle of dbol, gram/wk test, and 600/wk EQ for 12 wks, got up to 255 lbs, dropped it back to a cruise of just 250 mg every 10-12 days test e and currently 234 lbs around 10-11% bf. I was going to do a cutting cycle for summer, but after much thought I've decided to cruise another 6-8 wks or so, and then go right back into another bulking cycle. My ultimate goal is to compete at the top of the heavyweights instead of in the middle, so I'm looking at probably having to gain another 10 lbs of muscle. I have used a little GH and IGF-1 in the past, but I do not want the look of a GH user w/ a distended gut. I'm trying to get a tight waist and look like one of the guys from the 60's/70's era. Reg Park/ Mike Mentzer is more of the look I'm going for. So I guess what I'm asking is how would you go about this? Would you just keep hitting bulking cycles in between cruising for the next year? Would you try and keep the bf% under 10%? I like hearing others input and suggestions, thanks