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    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    Summer Class Discussions

    So Im taking this class and there seems to be daily questions and weekly discussions. Topics such that cover gay/lesbian, drugs, assisted suicide, etc, etc..

    So, I will be posting them here because I thought it would be interesting to hear everybody's two cents on the subject matter. Also, it will help me out having many more perspectives for the class as a whole.

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    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    how you been? havent seen you on in a while

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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    So Im taking this class and there seems to be daily questions and weekly discussions. Topics such that cover gay/lesbian, drugs, assisted suicide, etc, etc..

    So, I will be posting them here because I thought it would be interesting to hear everybody's two cents on the subject matter. Also, it will help me out having many more perspectives for the class as a whole.

    Fvck bro where have you been, i thought you had left us....

    As always my input here will be vital...
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    gettingthere's Avatar
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    Sounds good man, welcome back!!! when i wasnt posting as much i used to check out some of your posts, good stuff

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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    how you been? havent seen you on in a while
    I've been pretty good I guess. Could be better, but hey, what can you do. I've been busy busy busy. Constantly school and work, school and work hahaha I've been lurking around here and there though
    I see you're a mod now huh? This place is going downhill....
    Congrats man!

    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    Fvck bro where have you been, i thought you had left us....

    As always my input here will be vital...
    You're alive?!?! haha I thought I saw you around here. Its been awhile man. Whats up frenchy?

    Quote Originally Posted by gettingthere View Post
    Sounds good man, welcome back!!! when i wasnt posting as much i used to check out some of your posts, good stuff
    Oh you must be talking about my work in the cleavage thread! yay!!!

  6. #6
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    wth...madd matt is a mod too?

    What is the world coming to these days?

    I should've been a mod 13,000 posts ago....

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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    wth...madd matt is a mod too?

    What is the world coming to these days?

    I should've been a mod 13,000 posts ago....

    Lol i agree, infact we had a vote, it was between you and seriousmass, i think their still unable to contact seriousmass but it was close..

    No seriouly bro its good to see you on, and i had to pay admin alot of money to become a mod...
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    Lol i agree, infact we had a vote, it was between you and seriousmass, i think their still unable to contact seriousmass but it was close..

    No seriouly bro its good to see you on, and i had to pay admin alot of money to become a mod...

    LOL, is that guy still around here? I bet he is the Admin now huh?

    Its good to see you back around here too. I'll be popping in and out as much as my schedule allows me

  9. #9
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    Alright ladies and gents, go!

    1. Are Boys and Men Disadvantaged Relative to Girls and Women?

    2. Can Lesbian and Gay Couples be Appropriate Parents for Children?

    3. Should Abstinence-Until-Marriage be the Only Message for Teens?

    4. Is it Ever Appropriate to Spank a Child?

    When putting in your thoughts, keep in mind: How do the issues relate to a larger picture? What is the effect on society as a whole? How is it related to current events?

  10. #10
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
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    5. Should Doctor-Assisted Suicide be Legalized for the Terminally Ill?

    6. Should Race be Included Among the Many Factors Considered for Admission to Selective Colleges?

    7. Should Drug Use be Decriminalized?

    8. Do Consumers Benefit When Prescription Drugs are Advertised?

  11. #11
    Older lifter is offline Anabolic Member
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    Are you asking for short or long answers?? never mind, working on the questions and will post them to you
    Last edited by Older lifter; 06-07-2010 at 09:12 PM.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Older lifter View Post
    Are you asking for short or long answers?? never mind, working on the questions and will post them to you
    You can post whatever length you want. How ever long it takes you to get your point across. haha

    I just figured these questions could bring some nice little debates, as long as everyone stays civil.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    Alright ladies and gents, go!

    1. Are Boys and Men Disadvantaged Relative to Girls and Women? all jobs have stereotypes

    2. Can Lesbian and Gay Couples be Appropriate Parents for Children? sure

    3. Should Abstinence-Until-Marriage be the Only Message for Teens? no

    4. Is it Ever Appropriate to Spank a Child? yes

    When putting in your thoughts, keep in mind: How do the issues relate to a larger picture? What is the effect on society as a whole? How is it related to current events?
    very lengthy eh

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    Did you get the message i sent you, my comp is really playing up at the moment??

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    Alright ladies and gents, go!

    1. Are Boys and Men Disadvantaged Relative to Girls and Women?

    2. Can Lesbian and Gay Couples be Appropriate Parents for Children?

    3. Should Abstinence-Until-Marriage be the Only Message for Teens?

    4. Is it Ever Appropriate to Spank a Child?

    When putting in your thoughts, keep in mind: How do the issues relate to a larger picture? What is the effect on society as a whole? How is it related to current events?
    Yes. We (the gays) are helping clean up the mess that the hetero's created. Only problem is most loving gay/lebo couples can't always afford to adopt in the U.S. Adoptions can cost 10's of thousands of dollars which is insane. This is why most people adopt from out of the country even though we have so many abandoned children here.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    Alright ladies and gents, go!

    1. Are Boys and Men Disadvantaged Relative to Girls and Women?

    2. Can Lesbian and Gay Couples be Appropriate Parents for Children?

    3. Should Abstinence-Until-Marriage be the Only Message for Teens?

    4. Is it Ever Appropriate to Spank a Child?

    When putting in your thoughts, keep in mind: How do the issues relate to a larger picture? What is the effect on society as a whole? How is it related to current events?
    ok just my opinion no one has to agree with me....NO....its not natural, how u r going to explain the fact that his/her friend jimmy has mommy and daddy while he/she has 2 daddy or 2 mommy. What ppl do in their privacy I have no problem but adopting a child is a no no IMO. I am not going to argue on this its my opinion and no matter what u say I am not changing not arguing about it/

    spanking a child once in while its ok to scare them , my dad use to say things really loud u were scared just his voice he never lay a hand on me. but I still think spanking once in a while is ok as long as kid is young . If he is on his teen then No.....

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Yes. We (the gays) are helping clean up the mess that the hetero's created. Only problem is most loving gay/lebo couples can't always afford to adopt in the U.S. Adoptions can cost 10's of thousands of dollars which is insane. This is why most people adopt from out of the country even though we have so many abandoned children here.
    out of curiosity, what mess did heterosexual people create?

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    ok just my opinion no one has to agree with me....NO....its not natural, how u r going to explain the fact that his/her friend jimmy has mommy and daddy while he/she has 2 daddy or 2 mommy. What ppl do in their privacy I have no problem but adopting a child is a no no IMO. I am not going to argue on this its my opinion and no matter what u say I am not changing not arguing about it/

    spanking a child once in while its ok to scare them , my dad use to say things really loud u were scared just his voice he never lay a hand on me. but I still think spanking once in a while is ok as long as kid is young . If he is on his teen then No.....

    Although id of loved to have been adopted by two lesbians, i would have to agree with you here...

    I know that where im from if a kid had two dads/mums his life would be made a misery, he'd get nothing but shit all through his childhood...

    This has nothing to do with the gays/lesbians, i don't doubt they'd make great parents...
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    ok just my opinion no one has to agree with me....NO....its not natural, how u r going to explain the fact that his/her friend jimmy has mommy and daddy while he/she has 2 daddy or 2 mommy. What ppl do in their privacy I have no problem but adopting a child is a no no IMO. I am not going to argue on this its my opinion and no matter what u say I am not changing not arguing about it/

    spanking a child once in while its ok to scare them , my dad use to say things really loud u were scared just his voice he never lay a hand on me. but I still think spanking once in a while is ok as long as kid is young . If he is on his teen then No.....
    Living with one parent isn't "natural."
    living with no parents isn't "natural."

    Are you really going to argue on things being "natural" on a steroid forum?

    Just curious, what do you think we should do with all these children who have no parents ?

    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    out of curiosity, what mess did heterosexual people create?
    Get the numbers of children who's parents gave them up and get back to me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Get the numbers of children who's parents gave them up and get back to me.
    See, I wonder if that's a systemic problem that involves a complex matrix of sociological issues, rather than simply a question of sexual orientation.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Living with one parent isn't "natural."
    living with no parents isn't "natural."

    Are you really going to argue on things being "natural" on a steroid forum?

    Just curious, what do you think we should do with all these children who have no parents ?

    Get the numbers of children who's parents gave them up and get back to me.
    As i said I am not going to argue it is my opinion and thats where it ends.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    Alright ladies and gents, go!

    1. Are Boys and Men Disadvantaged Relative to Girls and Women?

    What a silly statement

    2. Can Lesbian and Gay Couples be Appropriate Parents for Children?

    I don't believe it would be in the child's best interest.

    3. Should Abstinence-Until-Marriage be the Only Message for Teens?

    Its worth a try, but lets not kid ourselves.. I'd sooner put more time and effort into contraception and disease prevention...

    4. Is it Ever Appropriate to Spank a Child?


    When putting in your thoughts, keep in mind: How do the issues relate to a larger picture? What is the effect on society as a whole? How is it related to current events?
    In red...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    As i said I am not going to argue it is my opinion and thats where it ends.
    And I 100% respect your opinion. I didn't mean to come at you but I have strong feelings on the subject since I will be having children myself in the future.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    Alright ladies and gents, go!

    1. Are Boys and Men Disadvantaged Relative to Girls and Women?

    I'm not sure i'd say disadvantaged...... sure there are things women can do that men cant..... like flaunt their beauty to get ahead (not saying all do) - generally this doesn't work for men..... however..... we are physically stronger..... don't get periods..... or have to bear children.

    2. Can Lesbian and Gay Couples be Appropriate Parents for Children?

    What exactly does appropriate mean? Can they be excellent parents..... I'm sure without a doubt. Would they love their adopted child like a hetero couple..... I certainly would hope so. The only issue I forsee is with the child entering school and getting made fun of. Kids will be kids..... hell.... a lot of adults are threatened by gays/lesbians...... kids will be cruel about it. Maybe not all..... but the vast majority i'm sure. Atleast.... thats how it would have been for me where I grew up. Does this mean we take away the right to adopt a kid from the gay/lesbian community..... no I don't think so.

    3. Should Abstinence-Until-Marriage be the Only Message for Teens?

    No kid listens to this message anymore..... I was bangin when I was 14...... my friends were bangin when they were 14....... that message is old and out dated. We need to send a message of safe sex practices and also the effects of smoking, chewing, and drug use.....

    4. Is it Ever Appropriate to Spank a Child?

    Yes.... I was spanked many a time and I turned out better for it i'm sure. How come there wasn't a show like "super nanny" or "Nanny 911" back in the 70's, 80, and 90's? Because kids were getting spanked..... Sometimes a good whack on the ass is all a kid needs. Me, however, needed a leather belt and then graduated to the switch used on mini blinds to get any point across LOL! Now those don't feel good across the back of your legs.....

    When putting in your thoughts, keep in mind: How do the issues relate to a larger picture? What is the effect on society as a whole? How is it related to current events?

    Answers in bold.....
    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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    This is my last argument on the topic as I have already given my opinion but for people who say they are protecting the children from being made fun of at school I ask you his:
    Should fat people not be allowed to have children? Children get picked on for that.
    Should redhead parents not be allowed? Children get picked on for that.
    Should short patents not be allowed? Children get picked on for that.
    Should interracial parents be allowed? Children get picked on for that.
    I'm sure you get my point. Done.
    Last edited by DSM4Life; 06-08-2010 at 09:14 AM.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by xlxBigSexyxlx View Post
    5. Should Doctor-Assisted Suicide be Legalized for the Terminally Ill?

    No..... but I saw a program on allowing terminally ill patients to use LSD and aparantly it had some really posotive results. This is a better route IMO.....

    6. Should Race be Included Among the Many Factors Considered for Admission to Selective Colleges?

    Absolutely not..... all the race issues should be fvcking dead.

    7. Should Drug Use be Decriminalized?

    This is a tough one. Other countries have decriminalized all drugs and the ammount of drug users has dropped. It's just hard to believe that would happen here. We would probably be able to decriminalize the good ole ganja cabbage without too many reprocussions. Things like heroin and acid may actually get worse here in america if they were decriminalized.....

    8. Do Consumers Benefit When Prescription Drugs are Advertised?

    No..... People see these damn advertisements and schedual an appointment to go see their doctor because they have the symptoms they saw on TV. I believe these damn commercials are helping to further screw our healthcare system. If you have symptoms of something..... go see your friggin doctor and he'll prescribe what he thinks you need. Theres no reason why someone should go see a doctor because a TV commercial for a prescription drug told them they should.

    Answers in bold again.....

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  27. #27
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    #5Yes doctor assisted suicide to the termanally ill and or suffering should be aloud. Last month we had an old man hang himself from a local bridge because he was in so much pain and couldnt breath. We do this for animals, why not humans? Can you put yourself in that old mans shoes and have to go thru that? It happens every day in the us.

    #7 Yes drug use should be decriminalized. Our prision system is overcrouded from all the addicts that were caught with thier personal stash of heroin or whatever. As long as they arent robbing people for their habits they should be left alone. They will hit rock bottom on thier own, plus the ones that get thrown in prision just get out and piss dirty and go back due to probation violation, its a never ending cycle. Im not sure the exact numbers but the percentage of drug related prisioners is incredible.

    #2 I personally feel gays and lesbians can be good, loving parents but I dont think I would want to be raised by 2 gay men. I think if you weigh out the alternative to a parentless child, who might be raised in the system compared to a well off gay couple than could put the child thru college, I feel the child would be better off with the gay couple, as long as the couple kept their sexual exploits away from the child, for example the child should not be tought to eat the poo poo, (haha)but be tought to learn his or hers own sexuality without being pressured to be gay like their parents. Fair enough dsm?

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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    This is my last argument on the topic as I have already given my opinion but for people who say they are protecting the children from being made fun of at school I ask you his:
    Should fat people not be allowed to have children? Children get picked on for that.
    Should redhead parents not be allowed? Children get picked on for that.
    Should short patents not be allowed? Children get picked on for that.
    Should interracial parents be allowed? Children get picked on for that.
    I'm sure you get my point. Done.
    I actually agree with you on this.

    Prohibiting same sex adoption simply for protecting children from embarrassment or harassment from their peers is a terrible argument,

    but you never addressed my question above.....

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    This is my last argument on the topic as I have already given my opinion but for people who say they are protecting the children from being made fun of at school I ask you his:
    Should fat people not be allowed to have children? Children get picked on for that.
    Should redhead parents not be allowed? Children get picked on for that.
    Should short patents not be allowed? Children get picked on for that.
    Should interracial parents be allowed? Children get picked on for that.
    I'm sure you get my point. Done.
    I completely understand your point.....

    I'm not saying a gay/lesbian couple should not have a kid. I do think tho that they should be very aware of the harsh realities of school and growing up around ignorance. It's going to be something they have to deal with because it will more than likely be an issue for the child.

    Just like being a fatass is an issue in some places..... red hair..... being a midget..... or having interraacial parents...... all those parents have to potentially deal with more issues.

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    I actually agree with you on this.

    Prohibiting same sex adoption simply for protecting children from embarrassment or harassment from their peers is a terrible argument,

    but you never addressed my question above.....
    I figured that was a rhetorical question.
    We both know there are many factors involved.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    I figured that was a rhetorical question.
    We both know there are many factors involved.
    not rhetorical at all.

    you said heterosexuals created a mess that homosexuals are now cleaning up.

    made me think that otherwise.

    anyway, my other thought is that it's the "us vs. them" dichotomy that needs to end (on both sides) if we're ever going to move forward as a society...

  32. #32
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    I feel that DSM has made some great points and I agree with him. gay parents are better than no parents by a long shot.

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    Quote Originally Posted by D7M View Post
    not rhetorical at all.

    you said heterosexuals created a mess that homosexuals are now cleaning up.

    made me think that otherwise.

    anyway, my other thought is that it's the "us vs. them" dichotomy that needs to end (on both sides) if we're ever going to move forward as a society...
    I did say that but I did so more to poke fun. You have to know by now that I am not that closed minded ?

    I totally agree with you on the "us vs them" statement.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    This is my last argument on the topic as I have already given my opinion but for people who say they are protecting the children from being made fun of at school I ask you his:
    Should fat people not be allowed to have children? Children get picked on for that.
    Should redhead parents not be allowed? Children get picked on for that.
    Should short patents not be allowed? Children get picked on for that.
    Should interracial parents be allowed? Children get picked on for that.
    I'm sure you get my point. Done.

    Ok lets look at it from a different point..

    If you knew that by adopting a child you'd be the cause of him spending years and years of hell and torment going through the schooling system. Would you still be happy to adopt that child??
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    Ok lets look at it from a different point..

    If you knew that by adopting a child you'd be the cause of him spending years and years of hell and torment going through the schooling system. Would you still be happy to adopt that child??
    what if hes a really jacked kid who eveyone is really scared to pick on ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    Ok lets look at it from a different point..

    If you knew that by adopting a child you'd be the cause of him spending years and years of hell and torment going through the schooling system. Would you still be happy to adopt that child??
    Are you implying that being in foster care where most kids get abused on a daily basis are having the time of their lives?

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    And I 100% respect your opinion. I didn't mean to come at you but I have strong feelings on the subject since I will be having children myself in the future.
    I guess we agree to disagree on this issue.
    do you want to know what i think of parents who give up children to foster care cause they interfere with their lifestyle??? My opinion is we should cut their balls and d!ck so they cant have any more kids. I have seen lot of shit and will see more in my life but one thing I cant stand is child getting abused no matter who it is and where he is. This world should be candy land for a kid wishful thinking yes but remember dreams come true......

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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Are you implying that being in foster care where most kids get abused on a daily basis are having the time of their lives?
    Why are you answering my question with another question???

    Just answer and then ask a question..
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    I guess we agree to disagree on this issue.
    do you want to know what i think of parents who give up children to foster care cause they interfere with their lifestyle??? My opinion is we should cut their balls and d!ck so they cant have any more kids. I have seen lot of shit and will see more in my life but one thing I cant stand is child getting abused no matter who it is and where he is. This world should be candy land for a kid wishful thinking yes but remember dreams come true......
    I agree and the sad truth is I see neglected children everyday where I work (inner city). I go to jobs at 8am to find toddlers walking around the street all alone ! You grab them and yell for parents which come stubbling out of the house and say "oh , thank you."

    During the Christmas season I would have loved to hand out toys to at least my customers children just to give them a little joy for the day but it's not professional so I can't. All I need is a "ghetto" dad with a ego problem say "what you think I can take care of my child" and possibly shoot me or get physical. Not worth it but I still feel bad for them.
    Last edited by DSM4Life; 06-08-2010 at 11:14 AM.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    Why are you answering my question with another question???

    Just answer and then ask a question..
    I'm sorry but I am doing that because I think your asking stupid questions.

    Ask anyone what a child needs growing and I'm sure the words stability, security, structor and love will come up. How is a child getting any of that in foster care?
    You focusing on children getting picked on vs having what I said above is stupid. If the child has everything I listed above when the bullying comes along I would hope he would be able to handle himself with all the tools I provided to him over the years. If not then I will be there 100% to protect him even if that means putting him in a private school.

    Now for a child in foster care if he is getting bullied who does he go to? He has no one to turn to which for a child is the scariest thing in the world! You think half the people working at the center give a $hit? Nope most (not all) are there to collect a check and leave.

    Does that answer your question?
    Last edited by DSM4Life; 06-08-2010 at 11:30 AM.

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