I was reading another thread on here about this dude who ordered an escort, and I got to thinking, I've had a lot of ****ed up experiences with chicks I've nailed in the past, some of them are just too funny. So I wanted to start a thread and tell my story. This is probably going to be a long, ongoing thing, b/ I've had a lot of ****ed up shit happen to me and been w/ a lot of bitches. Maybe, just maybe, someone will learn something or at least find some level of amusement from this;
Story #1- The Waffle House Whore
So my friend Brian and I were at this Techno club near the lake, we had been drinking Corona and hanging out at the club all night. I was 21 yrs old at the time, and I had this old broad drunk off her ass trying to talk to me. The night had went on, and she was drunker and drunker, to the point she is making out w/ me in front of 1000 people. She was probably in her mid 40's, not great, but it would do. Well, some fat, redhead **** shows up and he's cockblocking me major, tells me he knows her and all of this shit. I'm getting drunker and drunker, and I vaguely remember the next part. She grabs my arm and says "honey, take me home" I said "ok" then the fat redhead dude tells me "man, I need to get her home" I said to him "yeah me too!!" thats not going to happen, I guarantee thats not going to happen, he says to me. I told him that she could never be drunk enough to **** him, so it wasn't happening for him either. He had me up against the wall by my shirt collar, the guy was probably 50 yrs old. They broke it up and got me away from him. Well, I was asking people for condoms, and then listen to this shit...
the drunk redhead cockblocker hears me, and then meets this chick on her way to the bathroom and tells her that I'm asking for rubbers so I can bang her. She approaches me stumbling and pointing her finger at me "they say your out here looking for rubbers to bang me? " I said "yes, that right" she did not like that and started shouting obscenities at me. I dont remember much else, but what I do remember is my drunk ass pointing to her and saying quote on quote "Bitch, if you dont like it then go the **** home" Well after this the older guys that had met up with my friend (I just met this dude he was in his mid 30's, I was the young one) they held me up on some sort of God Damn pedistoole, "Holy ****, this kid is the man, did you hear what he just said to her?" So the rest of the night these guys kept buying me drinks and shouting "bitch if you dont like it GTF home!! Classic, this kid is the man!!"
But it was 3am, I was in my Honda w/ my friend Brian completely smashed, driving home w/ no *****, just another dick in the passenger seat. so no, I was not the man in my eyes. Now here is where the Waffle House Whore comes into the story. Brian asks me to pull into Waffle House b/ he was hungry. I said "Dude, WTF is Waffle House?" He says to me "everyone goes here after they drink, you can pick up chicks here!!" I was thinking yea right. So low and behold I get into the Waffle House and there is this drunk blonde chick w/ her fat friend. We start talking, I'm wasted, really wasted. She starts touching my arms and I tell her something like "if you want to see more of this then you should come home w/me. Well, she didnt come over that night, but she did follow me out to my car and I took my shirt off and just had my wifebeater on. I did some most muscular pose and she starts grabbing on my chest. But she had to go home she says.
Next morning my hung over ass is in the shower, phone rings at 9:00am. Its her. "Hey, I'm down here at Wal-mart shopping" Ok, we agree to "hang out" I drive down to Wal-mart still drunk and meet her in the parking lot. She follows me back. "I dont want you to think I'm a whore or anything" she says. No, I dont think that at all I say (yea right, any chick who says this, your in guys!!) so she takes off her clothes and says to me "you see all my stretch marks, yeah I had kids" this was the first time I saw stretch marks on a chick like this, oh well I nail it anyways. Well, I have never had a chick Queef this much the entire time I'm hitting it, I'm hitting it and the whole time this bitch is just saying "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!!" my dick continues going limp again and again. I'm trying like hell to finish, but I just cant. Finally I tell her I can't, I have a headache from drinking. She leaves feeling like shit. I walk back and look in my mirror. My chest is full, pumped, vascular!!! Trying to nut and not being able to gets you shredded let me tell ya. My most muscular looks better than the night b4. So anyways, that was Cindy the "Waffle House slut" 4th chick I ever nailed.
Moral of the story; ****ing a ***** farting chick w/ stretch marks that you met at the Waffle House, is a good routine for fullness in the chest and vascularity, 2000 strokes and not being able to finish really blows the pecs up!!
Stay tuned for my next story "Chick makes me stop b/ it hurts b/ she was raped with a knife before" in this story I manage to break my car stereo w/ my foot ****ing in the car, girl has to have me stop because she claims she was raped w/ knife before. Stay tuned