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Thread: wtf really

  1. #41
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DOM6 View Post
    seems like there both hiding something and he fuked up his side
    just a thought
    i dont know what she would be hiding. she told me she is going to ny and did.

    also if there was something going on. why would he even say he talked to her.

  2. #42
    alexISthrowed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    she is def in ny. thanks guys my supposed to be friend is a d-bag and will be dealt with
    pm me, I'm a professional.

  3. #43
    Standby's Avatar
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    bad friend, he should be punished. DSM?

  4. #44
    DOM6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    ok so why wife went to ny last week to visit friends. I know she got on a plane to ny cause i brought her there. She forgot stuff here and i fedexed her stuff there and she got it tuesday. and she signed for it. she also has called from one of her friends home phone there.

    one of my friends who is also friends with my wife tell me my wife is in miami. He said he called her to say hi and she said she is there with the girls. That she flew to ny then they all flew there. now its thursday he said that was a couple days ago.

    i just looked at my wife's cell phone calls. my friend and my wife havent talked in weeks. THere wasnt even a text in a week or so. he said they talked like 2 days ago. and she hasnt made any calls to any number in fl.

    i cant really say anything to my wife. Cause it will start an issue. She already say i dont trust her enough.

    I really doubt she is there, for all the above reasons. but now my head is spinning. why would my friend make up that bullshit

    When a package arrives from fedex anyone can sign for it to recieve it, what did she leave? could she of forgot it on purpose so you would send it kinda convincing you shes still there and not in S.Florida
    and if ure friend knows something then she knows how to get around phone records if nothing is coming up.
    Im the best on figuring shit out cause i was "the guy" who wives cheated with
    Tell me this why is she in NY?
    for work or just to hang out?
    why didnt you go?

  5. #45
    DOM6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i dont know what she would be hiding. she told me she is going to ny and did.

    also if there was something going on. why would he even say he talked to her.
    Thinking about it, your friend might know from weeks ago when they did talk
    look this can go on and on as long as you let it,
    Ask her whats up, like a man above and beyond this not like a nut, when you have all the facts straight
    imo from exp i use to hear wives lying to there husbands that i wasnt there and they would actually believe them, dont ever second guess the situation, if you think it she put those cards there some way or another
    1st thing id do is confront your friend hes probaly telling the truth but hes leaving alot out, thats why it isnt lining up, start at him and line it up then work on her

  6. #46
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DOM6 View Post
    When a package arrives from fedex anyone can sign for it to recieve it, what did she leave? could she of forgot it on purpose so you would send it kinda convincing you shes still there and not in S.Florida
    and if ure friend knows something then she knows how to get around phone records if nothing is coming up.
    she forgot her cell phone charger and some little bs. she realised on the way to the airport and asked me to turn around. i told her i didnt think there was time.

    Im the best on figuring shit out cause i was "the guy" who wives cheated with
    Tell me this why is she in NY? we are from there so she was going to visit her girlfriends
    for work or just to hang out? just to hang out
    why didnt you go? i couldnt get off of work. and didnt really want to hang with her girls
    i dont know why she would lie about where she went. i had no problems with her going to NY for a vacation so why would i care about miami? even if she was going i dont see any reason she would lie about it. she could do something bad in either place. and its not like she knows anyone in miami at all. So that isnt a reason becasue i wouldnt want to hang out with someone
    Last edited by gixxerboy1; 06-18-2010 at 07:50 PM.

  7. #47
    warchild's Avatar
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    still sounds fishy

  8. #48
    DOM6's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i dont know why she would lie about where she went. i had no problems with her going to NY for a vacation so why would i care about miami? even if she was going i dont see any reason she would lie about it. she could do something bad in either place. and its not like she knows anyone in miami at all. So that isnt a reason becasue i wouldnt want to hang out with someone
    Well you can track anything back to NY thats why its out in the open, Miami might have/be something she doesnt want you to know even exists.
    who knows her girls might of dragged her down there and she didnt want you to know, who knows.

    what i would do is id call my wife and say look i stayed home to take care of business and i got home today to find out something thats caught my attention, then id say "is there something you need to say?" Im not jumping to any conclusions im asking you first as my wife to layout whatever i maybe asking" then id what to see her reaction, if she got defensive or started jumping around youll know whats up, then id leave it up to see what she says, if she keeps it short then say i gotta go ill call ya, then shell know youll know and freak the fuk outthen her story will be all over the place,

    my wife knows if i got a call about that or even thought that i probaly wouldnt even call, id grab my flat screens and be out, Period

  9. #49
    dec11's Avatar
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    id be asking fukn major questions mate.........

  10. #50
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    Maybe your friend isnt a friend.... just my .02

  11. #51
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DOM6 View Post
    Well you can track anything back to NY thats why its out in the open, Miami might have/be something she doesnt want you to know even exists.
    who knows her girls might of dragged her down there and she didnt want you to know, who knows.

    what i would do is id call my wife and say look i stayed home to take care of business and i got home today to find out something thats caught my attention, then id say "is there something you need to say?" Im not jumping to any conclusions im asking you first as my wife to layout whatever i maybe asking" then id what to see her reaction, if she got defensive or started jumping around youll know whats up, then id leave it up to see what she says, if she keeps it short then say i gotta go ill call ya, then shell know youll know and freak the fuk outthen her story will be all over the place,

    my wife knows if i got a call about that or even thought that i probaly wouldnt even call, id grab my flat screens and be out, Period

    she has been having problems with her cell phone. its sounds really bad when she talks on it. we ordered her a new one it just hasnt come yet. So anyway i called her and we were talking and i said i could barely hear her. which was bs. she hung up and called me from her friends house line in NJ.

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    she has been having problems with her cell phone. its sounds really bad when she talks on it. we ordered her a new one it just hasnt come yet. So anyway i called her and we were talking and i said i could barely hear her. which was bs. she hung up and called me from her friends house line in NJ.
    Good work,
    i dont know why your friend would say that, id find out what his motive is to get you thinking this, he needs to come clean if hes a real friends and tell you the part hes leaving out

  13. #53
    calgarian's Avatar
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    credit cards, debit cards? they all say which city money was spent, I am assuming here like most ppl she like to use her cc or debit card, can u go through statements gather evidence otherwise it will bite u in the ass.
    this friend character of urs is kinda shaddy to me, u think ur wife is dumb enough to tell ur friend she is in Miami and tell u something different? knowing he is ur friend first?

  14. #54
    C-MaN's Avatar
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    Seems to me like this "friend" is the type of person that likes to create drama.. He is probably trying to mess things up between you and your wife because he thinks he has something to gain from it. Seems to me your wife is telling the truth and your worrying because some liar told you some B.S. Kick his ass and now you know you cant trust him the D bag.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    she has been having problems with her cell phone. its sounds really bad when she talks on it. we ordered her a new one it just hasnt come yet. So anyway i called her and we were talking and i said i could barely hear her. which was bs. she hung up and called me from her friends house line in NJ.

    Hmmmmm New Jersey eh?

    Forward me that address - i'll go keep an eye on your wife

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
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  16. #56
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    BTW..... you SHOULD HAVE gone with her you fvcker......

    Not only would all this drama have been avoided..... but we would have killed shit at the beach this weekend......

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

    Think beyond yourselves and remember this forum is for educated members to help advise SAFE usage of AAS, not just tell you what you want to hear
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  17. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    credit cards, debit cards? they all say which city money was spent, I am assuming here like most ppl she like to use her cc or debit card, can u go through statements gather evidence otherwise it will bite u in the ass.
    this friend character of urs is kinda shaddy to me, u think ur wife is dumb enough to tell ur friend she is in Miami and tell u something different? knowing he is ur friend first?
    she had her own cards, so id have to wait till they come in the mail.

  18. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    she had her own cards, so id have to wait till they come in the mail.
    and i am pretty sure there will be nothing to worry about...... i would just wait.....

  19. #59
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    Gixxer.... let me ask you something.

    Has she ever given you a reason to not trust her??

    If the answer is yes, you have a problem. If the answer is no, you should be ok and can trust your heart.

    This is very important because what you're doing and how you're feeling and all the bullshit ideas being put in your head because of this thread is not healthy for you or your relationship. It will create resentment and ultimately lead to a fight that may or may not blow way out of proportion. I know from our conversations that you're a smart guy and can figure the rest of this out on your own. Trust me from experience.... my ex GF of 5.5yrs never cheated on me... that I know of but she was hiding a drug addiction for the last 2 years of our relationship.... I found out right away but thought I could help.... she kept relapsing and I kept trying to help but she would hide her relapses from me. That relationship had ruined me and I am struggling with trust in my current relationship for no fukin reason. Thank God my current GF is understanding and knows that its not that I don't trust her but I am just damaged goods and I am working on it.

    Anyways.... please take what I said to heart and don't do anything you'll regret for the rest of your life.


    If you are really concerned there is only one way to handle it properly. Hire a PI to follow her for a week or two.

  20. #60
    Older lifter is offline Anabolic Member
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    This was supposed to be a friend,,,,,,,, mate you need better friends than that

  21. #61
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    im so mad right now.

    just had a long talk with my wife. she was def in NY. me and her had problems and both of us have talked to our friend. apparently he was talking shit to her about me. telling her to leave me. And doing the same thing to me talking shit. and now the miami comment.

    anyway she just tells me know. about 2 months ago my wife, one of her girlfriends, me and my friend we supposed to goto dinner and go out. i didnt go. my wife annoyed me and i choose not to go. she still asked me to come. anyway apperently at the bar he was talking shit cause i didnt come and im an asshole. and then tried hitting on her. she said he tried to kiss her and then acted like he was drunk.

    she said she never told me cause she didnt want me to get mad.

    i'm going to kick the shit our of him. she said she would be proud if we see him out and i fvck him up. i must use one of swifto's ideas but follow through.

  22. #62
    Bertuzzi's Avatar
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    Glad to hear its all settled. Other than your friend being a complete piece of shit. Obviously you have a good woman.

  23. #63
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    please don't hurt me

  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoggage_54 View Post
    please don't hurt me
    dsm's on the way to your house. i told him to leave the lub at home

  25. #65
    Igifuno's Avatar
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    No sh*t bro.. what a friggin tool. Sorry man.. damn your own friend. Don't get yourself arrested for this fuknut.. screw him..

  26. #66
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    straight up D bag

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    dsm's on the way to your house. i told him to leave the lub at home
    He never brings it anyways

  28. #68
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    had a feeling he was aiming for that, i think him trying to kiss her and her not telling isnt good on her side, you need to tell him she narked him out on it then he'll layout some truth also i bet.

  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by DOM6 View Post
    had a feeling he was aiming for that, i think him trying to kiss her and her not telling isnt good on her side, you need to tell him she narked him out on it then he'll layout some truth also i bet.
    i know my wife wouldnt hook up with him for a few reasons. Since she said know i think thats why he is trying to start drama.

    he always trys to hook up with girls out. i'm suprised he would do that to me. but not shocked it happen.

    I trust her.

    he told her i was cheating to.

  30. #70
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    WTF is with some guys? All the single women out there and they have to try to hit on women who are taken and happy? Every one has their weak moments and doubts but anyone who tries to make that happen and then capitalize on that I agree, needs his ass kicked.

    I HAD a freind YEARS ago that did that to me. He use to get girls left and right. I was not like that but I finally hooked up with one who was GREAT and had a good long term relationship with her. He wanted her of course and tried several times I finally found out.

    After she shoot him down she finally told me and next time I saw him it was not a good situation. I was cutting wood at the time and he walked up. I told him to just turn around a leave before I did what was going through my mind. He left. Haven't been friends since.

  31. #71
    Older lifter is offline Anabolic Member
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    Glad you and the missus sorted things out, sometimes you really need to talk more, it can stop things like this from going too far and messing with your head.....

    But have some fun with him, maybe you and the wife work some way out to get his hopes up and then you turn up..... could be a good surprise whan you start pounding his face

    But this is comming from a guy thats never been married and usually calls 4 weeks a long relationship

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    credit cards, debit cards? they all say which city money was spent, I am assuming here like most ppl she like to use her cc or debit card, can u go through statements gather evidence otherwise it will bite u in the ass.
    this friend character of urs is kinda shaddy to me, u think ur wife is dumb enough to tell ur friend she is in Miami and tell u something different? knowing he is ur friend first?
    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    and i am pretty sure there will be nothing to worry about...... i would just wait.....
    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    im so mad right now.

    just had a long talk with my wife. she was def in NY. me and her had problems and both of us have talked to our friend. apparently he was talking shit to her about me. telling her to leave me. And doing the same thing to me talking shit. and now the miami comment.

    anyway she just tells me know. about 2 months ago my wife, one of her girlfriends, me and my friend we supposed to goto dinner and go out. i didnt go. my wife annoyed me and i choose not to go. she still asked me to come. anyway apperently at the bar he was talking shit cause i didnt come and im an asshole. and then tried hitting on her. she said he tried to kiss her and then acted like he was drunk.

    she said she never told me cause she didnt want me to get mad.

    i'm going to kick the shit our of him. she said she would be proud if we see him out and i fvck him up. i must use one of swifto's ideas but follow through.
    I told u soo......

  33. #73
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    Gix...believe it or not this came to me randomly at work today...

    if there was no recent contact between your friend and her via cell or dd he know when to call and say she was in miami?

    He knew exactly when she had gone to NY to visit friends and family...

    thats kinda strange

  34. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by vanduhl View Post
    Gix...believe it or not this came to me randomly at work today...

    if there was no recent contact between your friend and her via cell or dd he know when to call and say she was in miami?

    He knew exactly when she had gone to NY to visit friends and family...

    thats kinda strange
    your over thinking it! its good she is in NY and they will fvck like rabbits to make up for all the trouble when she gets home

  35. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by vanduhl View Post
    Gix...believe it or not this came to me randomly at work today...

    if there was no recent contact between your friend and her via cell or dd he know when to call and say she was in miami?

    He knew exactly when she had gone to NY to visit friends and family...

    thats kinda strange
    me and him talk. I told him last week she went to NY.

    Then the other day he asked how she was i said good she is in NY. and thats when he said no she is in miami.

  36. #76
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    Please punch him out. Thanks.

  37. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    me and him talk. I told him last week she went to NY.

    Then the other day he asked how she was i said good she is in NY. and thats when he said no she is in miami.

    Me and 007 are for hire..... we'll negotiate prices via secure mail....

    Failure is not and option..... ONLY beyond failure is - Haz

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  38. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Me and 007 are for hire..... we'll negotiate prices via secure mail....

    Yep, as soon as we are done in Ireland...

    We dont do this for everyone, that means you J. Dogg, there'd be no women or men left if we had to sort your issues out....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  39. #79
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    Punch the fcuker HARD!

  40. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Me and 007 are for hire..... we'll negotiate prices via secure mail....

    thanks but im so mad im going the swifto route

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