ohhh ok...wow i would definitely knock that fvcker out cold. and most likely shit/piss all over his unconcious body.
ohhh ok...wow i would definitely knock that fvcker out cold. and most likely shit/piss all over his unconcious body.
This is the exact opposite advice I gave the other day.. hate to see you get in trouble over this sh*thead.. but if you're gonna do it.. do it right and tear him up..
i jsut have to be carefull. im out on bail now for a previous fight.
and im starting tren this week
did she fan away from this guy after he tried to kiss her? like not take his calls from that time?, i dont want to sound harsh but seems like your taking care of biz while shes living in the fast lane, i have buddies wives that do that type of stuff like still up in the club or got to go out with the girls or still care what everyonethinks and my buddies all get shit on, if she wanted you to go so that guy wouldnt try anything then she knew whats up and still went,
Its not like she came to you bout him, you had to have it pushed outa her threw the guy starting shit
best of luck
it was supposed to be a "double date" that night. i decided not to go.
we normally goto clubs and stuff together. yes she has had girls night. ive also had guys night. But we mostly do stuff together. most of her girlfriends are married too. im friends with their husbands also
he had her ear telling her fake bad shit about me. so yes she answered the phone to hear i was cheating and other shit she thought she wanted to know. She never hung out with him again.
he was doing the same to me. telling me bullshit about her that wasnt true. there was other things before this miami comment.
either way we are getting along great right now. we both should have talked to each other earlier. he was making both of us promise not to say we heard from him and we both listened. i finally broke the silence about this miami thing. and it opened up a can of worms. we both had some resentment towards each other because of him and his lies. im ashamed to say we both got played
it is not worth going to jail for, best thing to do is be a grown cut all ties with this d-bag and move on with your life. I know you would get great satisfaction from kicking his ass but when you are sitting behind bars it will not be so rewarding.
DOM.... you are one paranoid fuk.... I thought I was bad and had trust issues. Sometimes you need to just take it for what it is, there is not always a deeper meaning.... wow I can't believe me of all people just said that. I don't trust anyone and that is how I was raised but you need to stop reaching on this one.... let it go.
Gixxer... be smart about it. Sometimes revenge is best served cold
Exactly..... As they say.... On Ice![]()
Either way... its served cold
If you dont want to go the whole petrol route, just throw some petrol over his nose/face (but it does burn left on long enough) and then throw a can of water over him. He'll obviously think its petrol becuase of the smell. That works and if you drop the match or cigerette you dont have to deal with a total f*cking mess.
Did I ever tell you about the story with the nail gun...?
mayeb your old friend is trying to get you back in jail so he can nail your girl??? he knows youll snap and go back. take a beating heal then go get the girl
I wouldnt be doing anything on bail. Thats pretty stupid, unless you have an aliby (more than 1) at the time if anything happend.
Or walk into a bar that has CCTV, go out the back (toilet) and leave through the fire exit, but make sure you can get back in. Just make it look like you were in the bar on CCTV all the time. If you can be on CCTV leaving well after whatever happens it would be a plus.
Or get a mate to use your CC/DB all night.
I actually had a friend that did an armed robbery one night and went to a childrens play. I know because I was in the f*cking play about 10 years old. He made sure everyone saw he arrived, left at the interval did the job, then made sure he was outside when everyone left. Unfortunately he got caught, but it was nothing to do with having aliby's that night. I cant remember how he got caught (think his DNA was at the scene), but he did 7 years for it, thats not 3.5 years, thats 7 years.
Not paronoid, just learned from exp. when i was 21-26 i slept with 18 married women and watched everyone of them lie thru there teeth to there husband when asked, in some cases i couldnt believe there husbands would even fall for excuses like that, sad imo
Im gald to see things worked out, id still lay out your buddy though
you should tell your wife you want to have a quiet dinner with her, then deploy the waterboard technique
why bump old threads, not to mention gixxerboy split from her
Man... obviously you don't trust your friend and you don't trust your woman.
Then why the F are you even dealing with them?
I am not telling you what to do but if it was me... I would drop both of them.
Have fun being a detective...
Good luck!
Old or not, this was an interesting read haha. Fun stuff here in the lounge. But for future reference, a camera phone is a great way to check up on your girl. Just say, "take a pic in front of xxxx." If she can't do it then....
(@twist) For the record if you need to run any sort of surveilance on your woman in the first place you're not doing it right.
I'm just saying that women usually don't even wanna be with a guy like that in the first place, unless they're really insecure themselves.
And people can hide things much better than you'd think. In a situation like that its would be farr to easy to just scream into the phone "you're an insecure loser" than hang up, you assume she wasn't doing anything and is now mad. My point being it takes a certain degree of insecurity to do something like that, and insecure people are the easiest people to fool.
"I love you so much honey I was mad I'm sorry". You take her back, still have no proof, and it just drives you that much crazier.
All I'm saying is surveilance is a trap you do not want to get invovled in.
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