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Thread: wtf really

  1. #1
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    wtf really

    ok so why wife went to ny last week to visit friends. I know she got on a plane to ny cause i brought her there. She forgot stuff here and i fedexed her stuff there and she got it tuesday. and she signed for it. she also has called from one of her friends home phone there.

    one of my friends who is also friends with my wife tell me my wife is in miami. He said he called her to say hi and she said she is there with the girls. That she flew to ny then they all flew there. now its thursday he said that was a couple days ago.

    i just looked at my wife's cell phone calls. my friend and my wife havent talked in weeks. THere wasnt even a text in a week or so. he said they talked like 2 days ago. and she hasnt made any calls to any number in fl.

    i cant really say anything to my wife. Cause it will start an issue. She already say i dont trust her enough.

    I really doubt she is there, for all the above reasons. but now my head is spinning. why would my friend make up that bullshit

  2. #2
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  3. #3
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    You need to say something bro

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by MaNiCC View Post
    You need to say something bro
    to who?

    my friend obviolsy lied about talking to her. And on tuesday i know for a fact she was in ny.

  5. #5
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    gixx.. lets figure this out. I need more detail. Some thoughts and questions for you:

    - When did she call from her friend's home phone in NY?
    - You know she was there Tuesday, when did your friend say she went to FL?
    - Do you know of any motivation your mutual friend would have to lie about this? What would he get out of it besides creating conflict? Is he straight or gay? (not being funny)
    - Wouldn't your wife understand you asking the questions considering that she hadn't mentioned she would be going to Miami and that you heard it through a friend instead of her? (Comment - I think its a pretty ligitament question)
    - Are you sure your friend called her on her cell? If not, the call wouldn't show up on there. Also, does the records show both incoming and outgoing calls? Perhaps your friend didn't call her from his cell phone.
    - Comment: BS you can't say anything to her, regardless of any past perception of trust or lackthereof.. you've just heard from a reliable source something that you have to address.. period. If she gets pissed and says its not true, call your friend up together and ask him wtf..

    Just my .02


  6. #6
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    does your records show outgoing and incoming calls?

    maybe she was talking to him on a friends phone also...

    I'm always suspicious as hell with women, it's impossible for me to trust them. I don't think your curiosity would at all be out of line, but I know the Mrs. will def think differently about that..

  7. #7
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    Just ask your wife bro, tell her that a friend said she was in miami and you need an explanation...

    Shit you have the right to ask your wife wheres she's been and if it turns out she was telling the truth which i suspect she is then just kill the friend...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  8. #8
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    the cell phone shows both incoming and out going calls. My friend said he called her. The only phone she has is her cell and he doesnt know any of her friends in ny to have called one of them. He said he doesnt remember what day it was. mon or tues. all my friend has is a cell. Also looking through the calls she hasnt talked to any texas phone number since she left.

    She signed for the pack around 3 on tuesday.

    my friend is straight. He was my friend first then meet her through me.
    Last edited by gixxerboy1; 06-17-2010 at 04:48 PM.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    Just ask your wife bro, tell her that a friend said she was in miami and you need an explanation...

    Shit you have the right to ask your wife wheres she's been and if it turns out she was telling the truth which i suspect she is then just kill the friend...
    honestly if she was there which i doubt i dont see her admiting it. she would know i would leave her for lieing to me. So no matter what she is going to say she is in ny and probably will get pissed i didnt trust her

  10. #10
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    Friend has a cell phone right? It should be in his outgoing calls in his cell. Why can't he show you that? Or have him send you a copy of his phone records. At least you will know if they actually talked...

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Apanda View Post
    Friend has a cell phone right? It should be in his outgoing calls in his cell. Why can't he show you that? Or have him send you a copy of his phone records. At least you will know if they actually talked...
    i have them from her phone online. we share a plan so i can see everynumber she talked or text. incoming and outgoing. his number wasnt on there

  12. #12
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    So does your friend know that you didn't know she supposedly went to Miami? I mean, did he tell you casually or was he "ratting her out"? What was his reaction when he realized you didn't know she was "in Miami"? (supposedly)

  13. #13
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    Are there any bros on here either in Miami or NY that you trust to go check it out?

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i have them from her phone online. we share a plan so i can see everynumber she talked or text. incoming and outgoing. his number wasnt on there
    Exactly, so call him out on it. Someone is lying to you, it's up to you to figure out who it is. why would he lie? get some sort of tangible proof from him I would say.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Igifuno View Post
    So does your friend know that you didn't know she supposedly went to Miami? I mean, did he tell you casually or was he "ratting her out"? What was his reaction when he realized you didn't know she was "in Miami"? (supposedly)
    no he was ratting her out. he asked how she was and i said good she was in NY. then he said i have to tell you something but you cant say i told you. i asked him if she said dont tell me she was in miami. he said no. he said he figured i knew until i said she was in ny

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    no he was ratting her out. he asked how she was and i said good she was in NY. then he said i have to tell you something but you cant say i told you. i asked him if she said dont tell me she was in miami. he said no. he said he figured i knew until i said she was in ny
    so she really went to FL?

  17. #17
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    Hmm.. so if she didn't tell him not to tell you then what's his problem with you telling her that he told you? I'm not really following what the issue is with letter her know thats what you've been told.

  18. #18
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    I would ask him to show me proof that he talked to her..... when he wont show you..... tell him you can't question your wife without having proof.


  19. #19
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    Business as usual yeah?
    gixxer why dont you drop a key logger on her comp while shes out of town

    I've never done it but theres probably some easy to get and use if you look at the right torrent sites

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    gixxer why dont you drop a key logger on her comp while shes out of town

    I've never done it but theres probably some easy to get and use if you look at the right torrent sites
    You can do the same thing with cell phones. It alerts your phone to txts, call, etc and you can listen in. You can turn the camera on as well and if the phones on. There was a huge story on yahoo about that. Some girls ex did it and stalked her for years.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Apanda View Post
    You can do the same thing with cell phones. It alerts your phone to txts, call, etc and you can listen in. You can turn the camera on as well and if the phones on. There was a huge story on yahoo about that. Some girls ex did it and stalked her for years.
    That guy had a chip installed inside her phone to do that

  22. #22
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    They were saying it was a program that you can download to someone's phone. You just need to plug it into a computer so you would need the phone for a little bit to do it. You may be right, just going off what I read....either way it was nuts

  23. #23
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    Maybe she's having an affair with Ruhlfreak...

  24. #24
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    Get her to call you on her cell then check which cell tower it connected to. Shows right up on your bill.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    Get her to call you on her cell then check which cell tower it connected to. Shows right up on your bill.
    Good call...or for that matter any recent call if she made any in the past day or so. I didn't know it shows the tower it came from on there.

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    Get her to call you on her cell then check which cell tower it connected to. Shows right up on your bill.
    im looking at the bill now. how do you tell. it just shows number called and how many minutes date and time.

  27. #27
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    i sent her a text that i fly to ny tomorrow to come up for fathers day. im wating to see what she says. if she is in miami she is going to have to tell me.

  28. #28
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    You could always just question your friend and say, "look I checked the cell log and she never spoke to her on your phone." Call him on his BS and see what he says. Either way youre kinda f'ed man. Sucks when a bro and a ho conflict with each other. Keep us posted...

  29. #29
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    Keep us updated bro, im keen to see the out come here..

    I hope its just a big misunderstanding...
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  30. #30
    You could check your credit card bills and bank statements to see where she has made any recent purchases.

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i sent her a text that i fly to ny tomorrow to come up for fathers day. im wating to see what she says. if she is in miami she is going to have to tell me.
    You should fly to NY anyways.....

    I'll pick you up in my tiny ford focus and we can look like two gorillas packed into a clown car......


  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    i sent her a text that i fly to ny tomorrow to come up for fathers day. im wating to see what she says. if she is in miami she is going to have to tell me.
    what if she says ok cant wait to see you, are you actually going there or just trying to trick her? lol

  33. #33
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    sounds fishy....

  34. #34
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    I'm ancy to see what happens...I hope she's not ****in around on you bro!

  35. #35
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    she is def in ny. thanks guys my supposed to be friend is a d-bag and will be dealt with

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    she is def in ny. thanks guys my supposed to be friend is a d-bag and will be dealt with
    Kill him bro.....
    Do not ask me for a source check.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    Kill him bro.....
    well said

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by 007 View Post
    Kill him bro.....
    +1 thats effed up

  39. #39
    l2elapse's Avatar
    l2elapse is offline That don't kill me, can only make me stronger
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    why would a friend make up something like that

  40. #40
    seems like there both hiding something and he fuked up his side
    just a thought

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