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Thread: screwed for valentine's day...(not literally...=(

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2002

    screwed for valentine's day...(not literally...=(

    why am i so stupid? finally, for once in my life, i have valentine's day plans with the girl of my dreams, and guess what...i'm too stupid to make reservations early enough. i figured a week in advance would be fine for the really nice places. umm, no. all of them were like, "uhh, we've been booked for over a month". and learn i guess...=(

    now what am i gunna do? my one chance and i freaking blew it...

    i guess i can attempt to make a nice homemade dinner...yeah right...=/

    or go to a shitty restaurant...blah...=/

    need ideas, please help me friends...=/

    -- clocky baby

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    FL to NY
    bro valentines is so over rated. it is double the money and so crowded. just go the day bf or day after, it will be much nicer and you won't be rushed at the place you go. think of something you are creative, after all you did kill someone and get away with it. lol i have to work sat night so that is my excuse. i can go on sun. good luck

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Shit man i have a date with a chic tonight for a second you had me thinking it was valentines day, THANK GOD IT iSNT!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Originally posted by H BOMB
    think of something you are creative, after all you did kill someone and get away with it. lol
    haha, right...

    -- clocky baby

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    FL to NY
    oh and for the feds on the board who should be fucking busting terrorists instead of fucking with us, that was a joke clocky has never killed anyone

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2001
    Why can't you make a homemade dinner? Something basic like chicken and pasta isn't hard at you'll get points for effort, and maybe you'll literally get screwed for Valentine's Day.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2002
    boom town
    heres some options..ive used #1,2,5...and they all work great...Madmax..

    1. pick a romantic place to eat dinner at, a single rose, go to the place yo are going to eat at later that night and drop off the rose...go pick her up and when you get to the resteraunt, when you are having drinks have the waitress bring out the rose for the girl...

    2. home cooked meals work great, but no average chicken, marinde it and buy some red wine, candles, some kind of potatoes with spices, salad, different types of dressings (if you buy more than one type she will think you went all out to make her happy)..and maybe some white cavatelli...

    3. heres some places you can stay the night around where you live..

    4. heres another idea....

    5. you could make a day of little suprises for her...for instance a valentine email in the morning, bring her up a lunch to work(not mcdonalds)..put a card on her car....

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    My girl lives out of town. I plan to drive seven hours up there and while she is working get into her apartment and leave several clues that take her to different places. Each place will have a gift waiting for her.
    I will send her to a store where there will be a dress and shoes waiting for her, then to a jewelry store well there will be a necklace, then to a florist for some flowers and then to a nice hotel where I will be waiting for her in the restaurant. After dinner I have a suite waiting upstairs which will have champagne and lingerie waiting on the bed. I have already arranged for her not to have to work on Saturday and for her parents to keep her daughter for the weekend.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    FL to NY
    yo rickson that is a killer plan. good luck

  10. #10
    Bro, you live in Austin. Home of Lake Travis, UT, and a few other sites. Find a place where you can watch the sunset off a hill over the lake or something. Bring a picnic dinner. Cook before. Bring wine - your choice.

    H BOMB - by the way, V-day is on Friday, not Saturday.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    FL to NY
    oh shit good lookin keymastur.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    seems like a homemade dinner is the most suggested...=) gunna try lasagna, but i'm scared its gunna turn out like crap. and yeah, i'm doing the letter thing. starting today, till friday, a new letter everyday with a little poem left somewhere for her.

    btw rickson, all i have to say is...well nothing, i'm speechless...i >wish< i could do something like that...=)

    i like the variety of salad dressings...wonder if she'll notice...

    oh yeah, the letters/poems are all anonymous...=) the last one (the one on vday) is gunna leave a clue in her mind, and when she comes to dinner, i'm gunna have that clue on the table and BAM, she'll know it was me all along...and then tell me i'm psyco...

    keymastur, yeah i know know, the lake the lake. my ex actually used to take me on picnics out on the lake. i wonder how she knew where these places are, cuz i sure as hell don't... its a moot point though, this girl gets off work after 8pm...=/

    -- clocky baby

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2002
    not where I want to be
    damn rickson thats 1 helluva plan. hats off to you bro

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Originally posted by Rickson
    My girl lives out of town. I plan to drive seven hours up there and while she is working get into her apartment and leave several clues that take her to different places. Each place will have a gift waiting for her.
    I will send her to a store where there will be a dress and shoes waiting for her, then to a jewelry store well there will be a necklace, then to a florist for some flowers and then to a nice hotel where I will be waiting for her in the restaurant. After dinner I have a suite waiting upstairs which will have champagne and lingerie waiting on the bed. I have already arranged for her not to have to work on Saturday and for her parents to keep her daughter for the weekend.

    Damn ... I mean DAMN! That's something INTENSE. I mean, most guys don't even go that far for a proposal. If this is not your wife, then I would really much like to know what kind of thing you'd pull off when you are going to propose to a girl

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2002
    Dirty South, TEXAS
    I think you should go for something creative, dinner at a nice restaurant is fine, but doing something out of the ordinary, and that will always be remembered is 100x better. (especially if it's the girl of your dreams)

    Good luck!!
    Wake chicks- We make your boat look good.

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