I was looking up some shit last night for a report i have to do on New mexico.. and I stumbled across several Sites On the Dulce Underground Military Base... I started reading on this anomality and it started to freak me the fuck out..
I've never taken Aliens or UFO's seriously or anything.. but i started reading on all the Human genetic Experiments the US goverment is conducting down there and it freaked me the hell out..
I was curious as to if anyone has heard any info on this stuff or Peoples opinions concering foriegn life on earth?...
Another thing i read about was the New World order.. Some Facist attempt by the US Britian and Russia to Unite the world under on single goverment.. getting rid of nationalism and stuff...
all this shit sounds like something out of A James Bond Movie or a Sci-fi Film.. I know.. but it freaked me out nonetheless...
Go to this website and read a bit on the Dulce base and then come tell me what cha think..
...If You want more to read simply go to www.google.com and type Dulce base, new mexico.. You'll get TONS of info...