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That is why being a nice guy DOESN'T work pay off most of the time. You cant give the everything. They say they want a man who is always good to them but what they really want is a man who is a man who is a prick part of the time and willing to put them in their place, remind them HE is the man and in charge. Any woman who says different is lying, a dyke or just has no clue.
I have learned the hard way also but I got lucky in the divorce so to speak. I have one now and yes I have given her a lot of everything, support, emotional, financial, physical and every thing else but I have also put my foot down and put her in her place even VERY recently.
If you are married or even in a commited relationship dont be afraid to be a man, be in charge and to be a prick once in a while, say BS if you want to be that way or you wont do that then get the hell out. It works. If they leave then you are better off.