Ok, my buddy Greg Nesbit died a couple weeks ago, and I was going to mention something, but decided not to because I figured no one knew him. Well this morning I was using google to search for other stuff, and I came across Muscular Developement forums and a few others who were all mentioning him. I knew he got around and was kind of known in the underground, but I didn't know to what extent.
So I figured I would mention him today.
This guy was a beast. He was 37, 5'9"-5'10" and walked around at 325. Now trust me, he wasn't in contest shape, but he wasn't fat either. I have met many pro bodybuilders and powerlifters, and Greg was among the biggest people I have met.
He died of a heart attack, which people are trying to link to his AAS usage, but then again, if you knew Greg, you knew that he also drank every night of his life (to the point of passing out) and partied pretty hard on a regular basis. So it was probably a combination of things.
Anyway, this guy was a cool guy overall, he was huge, he helped me and my friend out alot, he was actually my first source (you may recall me saying that my first source would **** some people over by selling them vials of cooking oil, well that was Greg) etc. And now he has passed.
Just thought I would bring attention to it on the off chance that anyone here actually knew him.