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Thread: Ask me Anything software / hardware if help is needed

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Ask me Anything software / hardware if help is needed

    hey guys i just saw this section on the board. i have been working on computers for 10 years heavily so if you guys need any help ask. I also can connect to your computer remotely and help you fix or show you whatever you want. i do this as side job/hobbie in my town , craigs list , fourms, all over the world when remote viewed. but i did not know this form had this. hope i can help i also mod 360's for whatever you need.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    bay area/ colfax
    can u fix ring of death on 360

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    ring of death is easlisy fixable , just have to buy the parts...

    Nice thread...we got a few sys admins on this board but it's always nice to see some one willing to help out.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    red ring, video problem , mode to play burned back ups can do it all

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    you guys can PM me if you want to send me a laptop or 360 to my PO BOX i will fix whatever is wrong send back a.s.a.p with software hardware changes as requested. o yea for all those who think i am just going to steal your stuff. trust me i dont want it my computer is better and i have beetween 5-10 360,s at a time so i do not want yours.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    PA, USA
    Leaded reball is the only real permanent fix for RRoD.

    -New Topic-
    Flashing the DVD drive firmware is good, but JTAGing is way more fun.
    Last edited by Spegs21; 08-10-2010 at 03:10 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    The red ring of death has nothing to do with flashing the 360 drive. The red ring is because of the CPU or GPU has broken a solder. Also the thermal gel has melted off the CPU or GPU causing the 360 to over heat. So ways to fix this get some rubbing alcohol clean both processors till mirror finish. Then get so thermal gel from radio shack cover evenly over both processors rebuild 360 "hope for the best" . Then if that does not work you need to take 360 apart. Take fans set on top of the heat sink of the CPU keeping it cool while the GPU over heats 45 min should be good. It will fix the solder itself worked 10 for 10 for me so it does work. This is basically how you do this there are more steps with drilling, new screws and washers so pm me if needed and mail 360 to me if you cant do it good luck all.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    PA, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by zabster151 View Post
    The red ring of death has nothing to do with flashing the 360 drive. The red ring is because of the CPU or GPU has broken a solder. Also the thermal gel has melted off the CPU or GPU causing the 360 to over heat. So ways to fix this get some rubbing alcohol clean both processors till mirror finish. Then get so thermal gel from radio shack cover evenly over both processors rebuild 360 "hope for the best" . Then if that does not work you need to take 360 apart. Take fans set on top of the heat sink of the CPU keeping it cool while the GPU over heats 45 min should be good. It will fix the solder itself worked 10 for 10 for me so it does work. This is basically how you do this there are more steps with drilling, new screws and washers so pm me if needed and mail 360 to me if you cant do it good luck all.
    I know RRoD has nothing to do with flashing the drive. You must have misunderstood my post. I was talking about two different things.

    Like I said the only permanent fix for RRoD is to reball the GPU with leaded solder. Google it. The fixes you are doing are only temporary. I know why it happens and I know how to fix it the right way. Also the removing the fan from the gpu and only cooloing the cpu in attempt to get the cpu to reflow itself does nothing. The GPU can not get hot enough to melt the solder balls by itself. Even it it did somehow work, RRoD will be back. The solder Microsoft used was not make to stand up to that much heat. Thanks for the offer but I can fix them myself, the right way.

    I'm not trying to crap on your thread, I was just putting the information out. I'm not going to sit here and argue. If the way you "fix" them works then that's great. Just maybe do some research as to the proper fix. Its not cheap though.
    Last edited by Spegs21; 08-10-2010 at 04:27 PM. Reason: Wrong Choice of Words

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    WTF. You know more then me F@$K you the way i fix them is very good like i said this is roughly what i do there is more to it. i was being helpful to someone who deos not know how to fix them at all i wasn't writing that for you at all. nobody has ever said they have had a problem with the way i fix. i have done over 50 360 all work great. i am typing things in this area to help ppl not fight with some doushbag. if anyone needs help hit me up. as for spegs. F%$k off

  10. #10
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    PA, USA
    Like I said I'm not here to argue and I admit that came off wrong. I didn't mean to attack you or the way you fix them. I do appreciate what you are doing here.

  11. #11
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    Apr 2010
    you came off strong man pissed me off, butt ill get over it. i like knowing ppl who mod 360 the more the better. there is no reason to say you know more then me i am very knowledgeable in this are. as you probably are as well. i have modded evrey drive on the market with LT. hit me up gamer tag xxzabawabaxx

    shoot ya between the eyes!!!

  12. #12
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    PA, USA
    I totally agree. That was the wrong way to go. Its no competition. I would get on Live with ya, but ever since they banned me back in Novermber I never renewed. I have a different 360 but its JTAGed so you get banned in a few hours. I'm not one of those MW2 hackers, I hate that. You ought to look into a JTAG they're tons of fun.

  13. #13
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    Apr 2010
    Yea i know JTAG its pretty cool, i play allot of games online so thats the only reason i do not JTAG. you should mod your box with LT i am sure you know about it. i have been playing Madden 11 online for 2 weeks now lol. comes out tomorrow!

  14. #14
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    PA, USA
    All my JTAGs have LT. I sell them over a Both my brothers like to play online as well, so I bought them some Arcades and flashed LT on them. My one brother got banned back in November as well. It was his 360 he bought and I talked him in to flashing the drive. Kind of felt bad he got banned so I bought him a new one.

    That's a dangerous move playing Madden that early. Do you run your games through ABGX360?

  15. #15
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    I play with allot of people who write reviews for games and some devlopers. they do not even care. lol i know its risky but i don't give a f#$k. lol F#$k Microsoft they ban me ill sell the system to someone who doesn't want to play online. and buy a red ringed one for $50 fix it mod it play it. but i have never been baned i have even flashed ppls 360 that have never been updated at all. the through on LT did every dashboard update all good. love it

  16. #16
    Join Date
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    PA, USA
    Quote Originally Posted by zabster151 View Post
    F#$k Microsoft
    I'm with you on that one. When my systems got banned I had a Samsung with iXtreme 1.61 and a Hitachi with iXtreme 1.51. It was before the days of LT. I read already that the new consoles trip a switch when you open the console. Instant ban even without modding the drive, not that you can anyway.

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    That seams illegal, just for the fact that pretty much there saying you cant even open the system to clean it. microsoft is such crap they already monopolized the market they steal every idea under the sun copy other people product then remake with a twist. and they still try to nickel and dime you on everything.

  18. #18
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    Microsoft is still a business and is ran as one with the thought of making money!

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    yes i agree, But...... They kinda over do it. i am not sure if you have Xbox live but they really give it to ya dry.

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    wow...that was one headed help thread...for the record... I have to agree with does have alot to do with it melting...everyone has their own styles or methods they follow...I just had to throw my 2 cents.

  21. #21
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    Do we overdue it at times? I think we all have! And why wouldn't you want to get more?

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    get more ?

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    Canada(Miss you Mom)
    More money,more power, more of everything.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    yes i always want more but not by ruining everyone els. but i guess being an Elite would be nice

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