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Thread: Ignorance about AAS in public

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2002

    Ignorance about AAS in public

    Yesterday I was at a little pre-party and one of the rushees of my frat was talking about how he had done steroids. His exact words were, "yeah i done that shit, it fucking works". So I'm thinking, ya know, he IS from compton, so who knows, plus he's an athelete and pretty big, so I inquired what he did. He said it was stanox which I've never heard of but he said that they were little tiny pills. I figured they were winny tabs. So I asked him how many did he take, he told me he did a cycle of them. At this point my bros were staring at me with suspicious glances. I continued, and asked him how many did he take a day, he said 2 a day, and it worked. I was thinking about an appropriate response, but I ended up telling him that it probably didn't do much but fuck with his liver, but if it worked that's great.

    I still don't know how to explain my knowledge of it without getting under suspicion.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    ahhhh rampster.... out bestowing your new knowledge on the world and not getting a warm reception huh?!? I think it was confuses that said “True wisdom is knowing silence” or some such shit… :china:

    at least you didn’t say… “I got some shit back at the apartment that’ll make ya buy a new wardrobe!” and then strike the double bicep pose….
    Last edited by ripped4fsu; 02-14-2003 at 12:57 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    HAHAHA, your one crazy bro! Actually, they were very interested in what I had to say, they just wanted me to tell them more. I stick to my excuse... well educated. hey ripp, what r u doing for valentines? don't tell me cheeseburgers and french fries! Sorry if my typing is messed up right now, I'm really hung over.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2002
    that's a good question... the girlfriend is being a royal biotch today so she's got me on stand by.... but thats ok,, I got a quart of Jack Daniels on "stand by" at the house,, so I won't be alone!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    HAHAHA, spending valentines with jack eh?? Me and jack conjured up a storm last night!!!! Whoa! I'm actually cooking my girl valentines dinner, got the wine chillin in the fridge, the chicken marinating, going to buy a pot and pasta and speggheti sauce in a little while. i'm just sooo hungover!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    i had an awkward conversation with some friends several days ago...we were driving in the car and somehow smuggling juice across the border was brought up because 2 of my friends are going to cancun for SB. anyway, one of them was acting like he knew everything about it because he said he had gotten some juice down there. i asked him what it was and he smugly said "clenbuterol." i couldn't help but laugh because clen is obviously not 'juice', and 2nd, it was oxy! when i told him how bunk that shit is i got some funny looks and a bunch of questions about how i knew it. i just told him i did a paper on AS use and got my knowledge there...they kept asking me questions that i answered but luckily one of my buddies was interrupted with a phone call and the subject was dropped. now all they can do is ask me questions because they assume that i juice (which is true.) one of these days i think ill tell them about AR if they continue to show interest, but i honestly don't think they are mature enough to make good decisions...we shall see.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2002
    Originally posted by Peter North
    Rampage did u just call your fraternity a "FRAT"??? SHAME SHAME

    You call yoursef Peter North? Are you a fan?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    "How lucky we are, we men of knowledge - that we know to keep silent long enough!"

    -Sigmund Froid

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    "Uhhh I dunno! Ask that guy with the red helmet over there..."
    - Red Ketchup, standardised answer usually accompanied by a blank stare.

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