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Thread: Any IT professionals?

  1. #1

    Any IT professionals?

    I'm thinking about getting a tattoo on the inside of my forearm. I work as a developer and I don't think it would have prevented me from getting hired at either place I've worked so far...but my experience is limited.

    Does anyone have advise for or against visible tattoos in an IT profession?

  2. #2
    ReX357's Avatar
    ReX357 is offline "Toughest & Best Looking Guy Around Here"
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    Unless your getting a swastika, tattoos are socially accepted now. If you can hide it with long sleeves you're good to go.

  3. #3
    Quote Originally Posted by ReX357 View Post
    Unless your getting a swastika, tattoos are socially accepted now. If you can hide it with long sleeves you're good to go.
    Lol...nautical star.

    That is the feeling I've gotten from my few years in the real world.

  4. #4
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    Jan 2005
    I got mine higher up on the arm so i could easily hide it. So far i haven't had any problems.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by fig View Post
    I'm thinking about getting a tattoo on the inside of my forearm. I work as a developer and I don't think it would have prevented me from getting hired at either place I've worked so far...but my experience is limited.

    Does anyone have advise for or against visible tattoos in an IT profession?
    Sounds like your job requires proper attire. With that being said, a tattoo on your arm will certainly be easy to hide, especially upper arm. Even without a suit.

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    I got mine higher up on the arm so i could easily hide it. So far i haven't had any problems.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    Sounds like your job requires proper attire. With that being said, a tattoo on your arm will certainly be easy to hide, especially upper arm. Even without a suit.
    I should probably mention, I almost always wear short sleeve collar shirts...either polo or button up...even in the winter.

    Wouldn't be visible for an interview but definitely would be day to day.

  8. #8
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    I see. Well unless your dead set on a solid career you know you'll be with for a while and they are okay with visible ink, I suggest you hold off on getting it on the forearm. Perhaps another spot in the meantime to kill that urge, then later in life opt for more visible areas.

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by HawaiianPride. View Post
    I see. Well unless your dead set on a solid career you know you'll be with for a while and they are okay with visible ink, I suggest you hold off on getting it on the forearm. Perhaps another spot in the meantime to kill that urge, then later in life opt for more visible areas.
    Hmmmm...that is an option I hadn't thought about.

  10. #10
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    Mine comes from the shoulder blade down to the elbow. It's tribal, and when I wear my shirt you can see the bottom part sticking out, but no complaints and I work in a corporate environment as an IT Professional.

  11. #11
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    depends on the place yo...lots of folks with visible tat's and those big holes in the ears

    and noone seemed to care about my announcement of my apadravya Long as you can cover it for important's all good.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by fig View Post
    I should probably mention, I almost always wear short sleeve collar shirts...either polo or button up...even in the winter.

    Wouldn't be visible for an interview but definitely would be day to day.
    I hope not for the interview. Long sleeve dress shirt, Tie optional.

    Once you are hired most places you can let your hair down, literally. Mine use to be to the middle of my back. LOL Most places I have worked everyone is young and has at least one tat. I seem to be the exception most places.

    My work place now is very much different. We are a bunch of old fogies but there is no kid stuff going on here either, very professional setting (expect for us on nights LOL).

    Dress for success. Always dress up for interviews. Dont kid around unless the interview does but also keep it limited. Dont brag or come off arrogant but dont be unsure of yourself. Never talk $$$ until after the job is offered unless they ask and then be aware what the salary cap is there.

  13. #13
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    Jun 2010
    i love tattoos. especially the tribal stuff. but i have no interest in getting any myself. none. sometimes i really admire dudes with a righteous tribal map going on. but i just cant do it.

    anyhow, IT guys are expected to be eccentric and orbital. they are obsessive and compulsive and way out of the norm of things, thats how their brains work. they became IT because they think out of the norm. they have to be, the work requires constant obsession to evolve with the technology.

    who are you going to hire, a car salesman lookalike with an unsure look on his face? or a person with the mentally obsessive and socially eccentric need to be technologically omnipotent beyond all comprehension?

    thats just a unique if not inaccurate view on it. just traits that have certainly had an impact on my perspective more commonly than not.
    Last edited by SuperBird; 08-24-2010 at 07:48 AM.

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