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Thread: Iran woman who faced stoning death to be lashed

  1. #1
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Iran woman who faced stoning death to be lashed

    what kind of religion condones this behaviour!

    are these people in the stone age?

    Iran woman who faced stoning death to be lashed

    TEHRAN, Iran – An Iranian woman who had faced death by stoning for adultery has now received a new sentence of 99 lashes after a British newspaper ran a picture of an unveiled woman mistakenly identified as her, the woman's son said Monday.
    There was no official confirmation of the new sentence. The son, Sajjad Qaderzadeh, 22, said he did not know whether the new lashing sentence had been carried out yet, but heard about it from a prisoner who had recently left the detention facility where his mother is being held.
    The lawyer who once represented Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani in Iran said from Paris that the situation was not clear.
    "Publishing the photo provided a judge an excuse to sentence my poor mother to 99 lashes on the charge of taking a picture unveiled," Qaderzadeh told The Associated Press.
    The Times of London said in its Monday edition it had apologized for the photo, but added that the new sentence "is simply a pretext."
    "The regime's purpose is to make Ms. Ashtiani suffer for an international campaign to save her that has exposed so much iniquity," said the piece.
    Ashtiani was convicted in 2006 of having an "illicit relationship" with two men after the death of her husband a year earlier and was sentenced by a court back then to 99 lashes. Later that year, she was also convicted of adultery and sentenced to be stoned to death, even though she retracted a confession that she claims was made under duress.
    Iran suspended that sentence in July, but now says she has been convicted of involvement in her husband's killing and she could still be executed by hanging.
    Her former lawyer, Mohammad Mostafaei, said in a news conference in Paris that he said it was not at all certain if there really had been a new conviction and sentence over the photograph.
    "I have contacted my former colleagues at the court who told me nothing was clear on this situation," he said following a news conference with French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner. "There isn't any punishment for this act in our law."
    Kouchner called the sentence to death by stoning "the height of barbarism" and said her case has become a "personal cause," and he was "ready to do anything to save her. If I must go to Tehran to save her, I'll go to Tehran."
    Ashtiani's two children remain in Iran and her son is a ticket seller for a bus company in the northern Iranian city of Tabriz. He said he and his younger sister Farideh, 18, have not seen their mother since early August.
    "We have really missed her," he said. "We expect all influential bodies to help to save her."
    The stoning sentence for Ashtiani has prompted international outcry over the past months with both Brazil and Italy asking Iran to show flexibility in the case.
    The Vatican on Sunday raised the possibility of using behind-the-scenes diplomacy to try to save her life as well.

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    what kind of religion condones this behaviour!

    are these people in the stone age?

    Iran woman who faced stoning death to be lashed

    TEHRAN, Iran – An Iranian woman who had faced death by stoning for adultery has now received a new sentence of 99 lashes after a British newspaper ran a picture of an unveiled woman mistakenly identified as her, the woman's son said Monday.
    There was no official confirmation of the new sentence. The son, Sajjad Qaderzadeh, 22, said he did not know whether the new lashing sentence had been carried out yet, but heard about it from a prisoner who had recently left the detention facility where his mother is being held.
    The lawyer who once represented Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani in Iran said from Paris that the situation was not clear.
    "Publishing the photo provided a judge an excuse to sentence my poor mother to 99 lashes on the charge of taking a picture unveiled," Qaderzadeh told The Associated Press.
    The Times of London said in its Monday edition it had apologized for the photo, but added that the new sentence "is simply a pretext."
    "The regime's purpose is to make Ms. Ashtiani suffer for an international campaign to save her that has exposed so much iniquity," said the piece.
    Ashtiani was convicted in 2006 of having an "illicit relationship" with two men after the death of her husband a year earlier and was sentenced by a court back then to 99 lashes. Later that year, she was also convicted of adultery and sentenced to be stoned to death, even though she retracted a confession that she claims was made under duress.
    Iran suspended that sentence in July, but now says she has been convicted of involvement in her husband's killing and she could still be executed by hanging.
    Her former lawyer, Mohammad Mostafaei, said in a news conference in Paris that he said it was not at all certain if there really had been a new conviction and sentence over the photograph.
    "I have contacted my former colleagues at the court who told me nothing was clear on this situation," he said following a news conference with French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner. "There isn't any punishment for this act in our law."
    Kouchner called the sentence to death by stoning "the height of barbarism" and said her case has become a "personal cause," and he was "ready to do anything to save her. If I must go to Tehran to save her, I'll go to Tehran."
    Ashtiani's two children remain in Iran and her son is a ticket seller for a bus company in the northern Iranian city of Tabriz. He said he and his younger sister Farideh, 18, have not seen their mother since early August.
    "We have really missed her," he said. "We expect all influential bodies to help to save her."
    The stoning sentence for Ashtiani has prompted international outcry over the past months with both Brazil and Italy asking Iran to show flexibility in the case.
    The Vatican on Sunday raised the possibility of using behind-the-scenes diplomacy to try to save her life as well.
    The same one's that think it's ok to build a mosque 2 blocks from where 3000 people where killed in the name of there god.

  3. #3
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    This image has haunted me for a long time .
    I was at the pharmacy and the guy next to me said look at this .
    I read the article after he left .
    The Taliban at it's finest .

  4. #4
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    They are totally barbaric,i dont do religion of any kind thank f,,k its about time these religious lunatics were wiped out,imo religion is good for people with no belief in themselves,people are alot more intelligent than in the days some old jews wrote some fairy stories,which was then adapted by various nutters wordwide to suit their own ideas and beliefs,the civilised countries of the world should use every means possible to stop these cave dwellers carrying out such acts,invade em nuke em but kick their stoneage asses into 2010

  5. #5
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    Im going to sound like such an asshole for saying this, but this kind of "barbaric ruling" is the opposite end of the spectrum from another thread we currently have going about "what the hell has happened to America". Here, we have all our rights to do whatever we want, say whatever we want, offend whoever we want, be as self entitled as we want and still we want more. Over there, they are controlled by a strict "religion" or "way of life" that leaves no room for error, no discretionary boundaries, no freedom of speech but a very organised set of rules in which to live by and when the smallest error occurs the punishment is severe....

    So honestly, whos more "wrong"?

  6. #6
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    Business as usual yeah?
    Im going to resist the urge to make an outlandish statement involving nukes

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    Im going to resist the urge to make an outlandish statement involving nukes
    go ahead, we';re all thinking it... you would just be the person we would all say was going overboard and unjustly cruel so we could make ourselves feel better about thinking the same thing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by cherrydrpepper View Post
    Im going to resist the urge to make an outlandish statement involving nukes
    I'm glad. A new nuke would do nothing, it is too late. The followers of this outrageous and fanatical religion are already living among us.

  9. #9
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    Where is Moose? My good ol' American brother. lol

  10. #10
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    Let me know when moose arrives, im going to go prepare the popcorn

  11. #11
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    I say (with great restraint) it's their country, let them do as they please. When it effect us, our life style, our lively hood then we need to get involved. If their people want to come here for refuge; to get away from that way of life that OK, I have no problem with it but they MUST accept our way of life then and not try to convert us to the life they choose to leave behind.

    No, I dont think what they are doing to their people is right, humane or acceptable but neither do I think we should police the world or make every country to be like ours. Thats not much better than what they want to do.

    We need diversity in the world or it would be boring. What would be the use of going to other countries if we could not experience THEIR culture also.

    Dont put words in my mouth please. I am not condoning what they do in any way but think the best solution is if their people rebel in their own way. All of the Super Power Nations have gone through our own form of revolution and will probably go through more.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dont wanna be old View Post
    This image has haunted me for a long time .
    I was at the pharmacy and the guy next to me said look at this .
    I read the article after he left .
    The Taliban at it's finest .

    She could rack one huge line of charlie

  13. #13
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    one of my best friends 15 years ago was iraqi, full blooded, pure iraqi, all his life in iraq.

    he was one of the four best friends i had. he educated himself so well. he escaped from iraq at like 20 to 25 years old. when we were friends he had not been in the states long. and was granted asylum and citizenship for personal safety. i cant remember how he escaped. but i will tell you again. he was one of my best friends ever. never ever thought of himself first, always put me ahead along with everyone else. i really miss this guy. but he hated iraq. he hated the ways and the customs. he loves america. then i moved away and never seen him again. i bet when saddam was ousted he finally got to see his mother and father and family again. id be happy for that for him. before i left, i called him once, he was married to an american girl and treated her like a queen.

    today because of my friend i dont judge anyone. i just never judge anyone in general. i had three enemies become my good friends. its so easy to misjudge.

    but i do one thing in particular.... i will ask an arab how he feels about stoning women and how he feels about treating a woman if they make a mistake, just general questions. if he gives me the wrong answer........ THEN he has an enemy
    Last edited by SuperBird; 09-07-2010 at 02:21 AM.

  14. #14
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Some interesting comments,

    So guys, what do you think the answer is?

    I know what alot of you are going to say "nuke" but lets look ahead of just wiping them all out (except if thats what you think the only answer is) and how do you think we could change this ruling/bullying ways they seem to have?

  15. #15
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    I wonder if there are Muslim forums where they discuss changes that need to be made to our laws and culture.

  16. #16
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    Islam is a hugely misogynistic religion and I really feel for these poor women over there. People that use the "nuke" retort are thick as two shits, jmo.

    What they need is a revolution. But when the ruling class are men that hate women, I don't see how women can affect any change.

    I hate religion for many different reasons. I hate how it stops any sort of lateral thinking or looking forward, I hate how it can be justified to get away with the shit that people get up to.

    But, sadly, it's not for us to change. The other Islamic States should be more vocal about this kind of stuff, they are not, and ultimately America and the UK will be resented for trying to force change.

    I can understand people wanting to escape this kind of nightmare, but if they come to our shores, they have to understand, its by our rules, which seem a Hell of a lot better than the options they have currently.

    What does religion get you? Men that think its okay to stone an unhappy woman to death and morons saying that the Haiti earthquake happened because of a pact made with the Devil.

    Seriously, its the 21st are some people so prehistoric and backward still?

    EDIT: Marcus, it was only 600 or so years ago that it was okay to drown or burn people at the stake in England because mental illnesses was attributed to demonic possession. Either there'll be change in Afghanistan or they'll just expire. Afghanistan is one of the poorest nations in the world...if they dont want change then they'll stagnate and die without any help from anyone else.
    Last edited by Flagg; 09-07-2010 at 04:50 AM.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    Islam is a hugely misogynistic religion and I really feel for these poor women over there. People that use the "nuke" retort are thick as two shits, jmo.

    What they need is a revolution. But when the ruling class are men that hate women, I don't see how women can affect any change.

    I hate religion for many different reasons. I hate how it stops any sort of lateral thinking or looking forward, I hate how it can be justified to get away with the shit that people get up to.

    But, sadly, it's not for us to change. The other Islamic States should be more vocal about this kind of stuff, they are not, and ultimately America and the UK will be resented for trying to force change.

    I can understand people wanting to escape this kind of nightmare, but if they come to our shores, they have to understand, its by our rules, which seem a Hell of a lot better than the options they have currently.

    What does religion get you? Men that think its okay to stone an unhappy woman to death and morons saying that the Haiti earthquake happened because of a pact made with the Devil.

    Seriously, its the 21st are some people so prehistoric and backward still?

    EDIT: Marcus, it was only 600 or so years ago that it was okay to drown or burn people at the stake in England because mental illnesses was attributed to demonic possession. Either there'll be change in Afghanistan or they'll just expire. Afghanistan is one of the poorest nations in the world...if they dont want change then they'll stagnate and die without any help from anyone else.
    Very true, if other Islamic States did more it may force change.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    what kind of religion condones this behaviour!

    are these people in the stone age?

    Iran woman who faced stoning death to be lashed

    TEHRAN, Iran – An Iranian woman who had faced death by stoning for adultery has now received a new sentence of 99 lashes after a British newspaper ran a picture of an unveiled woman mistakenly identified as her, the woman's son said Monday.
    There was no official confirmation of the new sentence. The son, Sajjad Qaderzadeh, 22, said he did not know whether the new lashing sentence had been carried out yet, but heard about it from a prisoner who had recently left the detention facility where his mother is being held.
    The lawyer who once represented Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani in Iran said from Paris that the situation was not clear.
    "Publishing the photo provided a judge an excuse to sentence my poor mother to 99 lashes on the charge of taking a picture unveiled," Qaderzadeh told The Associated Press.
    The Times of London said in its Monday edition it had apologized for the photo, but added that the new sentence "is simply a pretext."
    "The regime's purpose is to make Ms. Ashtiani suffer for an international campaign to save her that has exposed so much iniquity," said the piece.
    Ashtiani was convicted in 2006 of having an "illicit relationship" with two men after the death of her husband a year earlier and was sentenced by a court back then to 99 lashes. Later that year, she was also convicted of adultery and sentenced to be stoned to death, even though she retracted a confession that she claims was made under duress.
    Iran suspended that sentence in July, but now says she has been convicted of involvement in her husband's killing and she could still be executed by hanging.
    Her former lawyer, Mohammad Mostafaei, said in a news conference in Paris that he said it was not at all certain if there really had been a new conviction and sentence over the photograph.
    "I have contacted my former colleagues at the court who told me nothing was clear on this situation," he said following a news conference with French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner. "There isn't any punishment for this act in our law."
    Kouchner called the sentence to death by stoning "the height of barbarism" and said her case has become a "personal cause," and he was "ready to do anything to save her. If I must go to Tehran to save her, I'll go to Tehran."
    Ashtiani's two children remain in Iran and her son is a ticket seller for a bus company in the northern Iranian city of Tabriz. He said he and his younger sister Farideh, 18, have not seen their mother since early August.
    "We have really missed her," he said. "We expect all influential bodies to help to save her."
    The stoning sentence for Ashtiani has prompted international outcry over the past months with both Brazil and Italy asking Iran to show flexibility in the case.
    The Vatican on Sunday raised the possibility of using behind-the-scenes diplomacy to try to save her life as well.
    They never left the Stone Age.
    No brain evolution for them...

  19. #19
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    Afghans Protest U.S. Church's Plan to Burn Koran on 9/11

    Published September 06, 2010
    | Associated Press

    Sept. 6: Afghans burn an effigy of Dove World Outreach Center's pastor Terry Jones during a demonstration against the United States in Kabul, Afghanistan. Hundreds of Afghans railed against the U.S. and called for President Barack Obama's death at a rally in the capital Monday to denounce the American church's plans to burn the Islamic holy book on 9/11.

    KABUL, Afghanistan -- Hundreds of Afghans railed against the United States and called for President Barack Obama's death at a rally in the capital Monday to denounce an American church's plan to burn the Islamic holy book on Sept. 11.
    The crowd in Kabul, numbering as many as 500, chanted "Long live Islam" and "Death to America" as they listened to fiery speeches from members of parliament, provincial council deputies, and Islamic clerics who criticized the U.S. and demanded the withdrawal of foreign troops from the country. Some threw rocks when a U.S. military convoy passed, but speakers shouted at them to stop and told police to arrest anyone who disobeyed.
    The Gainesville, Florida-based Dove World Outreach Center announced plans to burn copies of the Koran on church grounds to mark the ninth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, but has been denied a permit to set a bonfire. The church, which made headlines last year after distributing T-shirts that said "Islam is of the Devil," has vowed to proceed with the burning.
    "We know this is not just the decision of a church. It is the decision of the president and the entire United States," said Abdul Shakoor, an 18-year-old high school student who said he joined the protest after hearing neighborhood gossip about the Koran burning.
    The U.S. Embassy in Kabul issued a statement condemning Dove World Outreach Center's plans, saying Washington was "deeply concerned about deliberate attempts to offend members of religious or ethnic groups."

    Protesters who had gathered in front of Kabul's Milad ul-Nabi mosque raised placards and flags emblazoned with slogans calling for the death of Obama, while police looked on. They burned American flags and a cardboard effigy of Dove World Outreach Center's pastor, Terry Jones, before dispersing peacefully.
    Muslims consider the Koran to be the word of God and demand it, along with any printed material containing its verses or the name of Allah or the Prophet Mohammad, be treated with the utmost respect. Any intentional damage or show of disrespect to the Koran is considered deeply offensive.
    In 2005, 15 people died and scores were wounded in riots in Afghanistan sparked by a story in Newsweek magazine alleging that interrogators at the U.S. detention center in Guantanamo Bay placed copies of the Koran in washrooms and had flushed one down the toilet to get inmates to talk. Newsweek later retracted the story.
    Police, meanwhile, said Monday they were investigating the stabbing death of well-known Afghan journalist Sayed Hamid Noori outside his Kabul home Sunday night.
    Afghan President Hamid Karzai issued a statement ordering authorities to spare no effort in bringing his killers to justice. Noori had been a former state television news anchor, as well as a member of Afghanistan's Association of Independent Journalists.
    Reporters in Afghanistan face pressure from the government, local politicians and Taliban insurgents, all of whom look askance at negative reporting. At least 20 Afghan journalists have been killed and 200 physically assaulted in the past decade, with scores more leaving the profession or fleeing the country amid threats to their safety.

    Also Monday, NATO said an American service member was killed in fighting in the country's turbulent east on Sunday.
    No other details were given in accordance with standard procedure. The death was the fifth among U.S. troops in Afghanistan in September, following the deaths of more than 220 American troops over the past three months.
    This year is already the bloodiest for American forces in Afghanistan since the 2001 invasion, with at least 321 killed so far.
    Violence is increasing with the infusion of 30,000 additional U.S. troops that brings the total number of foreign forces in Afghanistan to more than 140,000. Stepped-up operations ahead of next week's parliamentary elections and an ongoing campaign to drive the Taliban from its southern strongholds are also boosting the numbers of dead and wounded.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by jojomcgo View Post
    The same one's that think it's ok to build a mosque 2 blocks from where 3000 people where killed in the name of there god.
    Don't know which logic is more ignorant...the people who allow this sort of punishment or people who can't see the difference from attackers of 9/11 and the rest of the muslim population trying to put up a worship center.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by marcus300 View Post
    Some interesting comments,

    So guys, what do you think the answer is?

    I know what alot of you are going to say "nuke" but lets look ahead of just wiping them all out (except if thats what you think the only answer is) and how do you think we could change this ruling/bullying ways they seem to have?
    My answer, mind your (U.S.A) own business. If they want to cut their womens heads off so be it. Who the hell are we to go into their country and tell them how to run it. That would be the same as if China came into america and started bossing us around.

    On a side note: If it were up to me i would let them be but at the same time always have undercover intelligence just to make sure they aren't planning any attacks.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
    Don't know which logic is more ignorant...the people who allow this sort of punishment or people who can't see the difference from attackers of 9/11 and the rest of the muslim population trying to put up a worship center.

    Lets get this staight my towel headed friend they want to put up a mosque and pray to some one they think is going to give them 72 virgins cause they put some poor civilian to there death is even fine with me i have no problem with it bothers me not even the least what people beleave/worship more power to you but to say that they want to put it there and that they dont think of it as a trophy is lie and should not BE ALLOWED

    and to say who is more ignorant my self or them well lets just say i havn't cut any ones nose off today you ****ing loser!

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Friend View Post
    I wonder if there are Muslim forums where they discuss changes that need to be made to our laws and culture.
    everyday. they are changing our laws and customs everyday. what does your kids school day start out with now? know of anyone that receives certain privileges to cover their face? ive read in the news some pretty interesting things i wish i could recollect now.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    Islam is a hugely misogynistic religion and I really feel for these poor women over there. People that use the "nuke" retort are thick as two shits, jmo.

    What they need is a revolution. But when the ruling class are men that hate women, I don't see how women can affect any change.

    I hate religion for many different reasons. I hate how it stops any sort of lateral thinking or looking forward, I hate how it can be justified to get away with the shit that people get up to.

    But, sadly, it's not for us to change. The other Islamic States should be more vocal about this kind of stuff, they are not, and ultimately America and the UK will be resented for trying to force change.

    I can understand people wanting to escape this kind of nightmare, but if they come to our shores, they have to understand, its by our rules, which seem a Hell of a lot better than the options they have currently.

    What does religion get you? Men that think its okay to stone an unhappy woman to death and morons saying that the Haiti earthquake happened because of a pact made with the Devil.

    Seriously, its the 21st are some people so prehistoric and backward still?

    EDIT: Marcus, it was only 600 or so years ago that it was okay to drown or burn people at the stake in England because mental illnesses was attributed to demonic possession. Either there'll be change in Afghanistan or they'll just expire. Afghanistan is one of the poorest nations in the world...if they dont want change then they'll stagnate and die without any help from anyone else.
    good read

  25. #25
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    Honestly I think Afghanistan is f*cked and always will be. That place does need a nuke (or 10). Its a country thats almost always been at war, with itself or a foreign country.

    Its full of the Taliban who want to turn the world back to the stone age. . No radio's, Tv, stoning, hanging, etc... I dont think the world would miss Afghanistan one little bit.

    Its a mojor player in the production of Heroin and probably hiding Bin Laden.

    It offer's nothing... At all... Bar problem after problem.

    I feel sorry for the place and its inhabitants.

    As we'de say over here in the UK: Its a f*cking non-runner.

  26. #26
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    i dont do religion. but i also dont think people can fathom just how dangerous the muslim religion will be in the future. it cant be thought out. there is only time or destruction. those are the only two aspects for sure.

    with time, all races on earth will become one. its a guarantee. there is no stopping it.
    its like a cake mixing bowl, chocolate chips to one side, coconut on the other, in another corner egg, in another milk. mix as slowly as you possibly can, but in the end it will be only one cake. one race. there is nothing to prevent that. its our ultimate future.

    the problem is, that the muslim religion is so strong, that with its violent nature, it can only bring destruction. only a fool thinks 72 virgins is an ultimate reward. thats why only fools follow that religion. what child minded idiot believes a just and righteous god rewards a man with virgin sex? now thats a filthy minded god isnt? but then again, look where that story originates from.

  27. #27
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    We love death. The U.S. loves life. That is the difference between us two - Osama Bin Laden.

    How do you face an enemy who wishes to die? You cannot win.

    You can only face the enemy and begin to fathom winning, with another soldier that also wishes to die.

  28. #28
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    i try to tell women how good they have it over here....

  29. #29
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    I just hate how everyone says Muslims arent violent and we need to seperate the two. But, if bad shit happens here every muslim country has people dancing in the streets and burning American flags. Can you imagine how many hippie white folks would try to stop you from burning a Muslim countries flag?

    Also, stop blaming the Jews for starting war. They have 1/8th the country of most of you, and you aren't getting it back.

  30. #30
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    They are barbaric and will continue to be so.
    They don't value life, which is the scary part.

    They have been fighting and doing shit since the beginning of time, and will never stop. Then they punk us on the 9/11 shit. Should've just nuked the shit out of them and sent a message. Us over there has done nothing and its sad of all the lost lives, the money wasted, etc... for what? These dumb****s who don't give two shits about life. America needs to stop being such a push over.

    And when we do truly pull out all troops, its going to be one of those "all for nothing wars".

  31. #31
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    Business as usual yeah?
    This thread makes me happy that all i do is sauce deadlift and try to get my dik wet. What a great life we lead in the states

  32. #32
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    The thing is, Russia DIDN'T hold back in the 80's, and they couldn't get the job done, why does everyone think that American and UK forces going all out is going to be any different?

    Afghanistan is a lost cause, and the only interest anyone has in it is the vast amounts of heroin it supplies to the world.

    Leave the place to it's own device...the rest of the world is evolving, it is not. Leave it to stagnate and die.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flagg View Post
    The thing is, Russia DIDN'T hold back in the 80's, and they couldn't get the job done, why does everyone think that American and UK forces going all out is going to be any different?

    Afghanistan is a lost cause, and the only interest anyone has in it is the vast amounts of heroin it supplies to the world.

    Leave the place to it's own device...the rest of the world is evolving, it is not. Leave it to stagnate and die.
    Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake .

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dont wanna be old View Post
    Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake .
    the greatest wisdom always has an entertaining aspect.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dont wanna be old View Post
    Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake .
    I wouldnt say declaring war on the enemy, destroying the WTC, Pentagon and almost 3,000 people on its home soil a f*cking mistake pal.

  36. #36
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    Jan 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by jojomcgo View Post

    Lets get this staight my towel headed friend they want to put up a mosque and pray to some one they think is going to give them 72 virgins cause they put some poor civilian to there death is even fine with me i have no problem with it bothers me not even the least what people beleave/worship more power to you but to say that they want to put it there and that they dont think of it as a trophy is lie and should not BE ALLOWED

    and to say who is more ignorant my self or them well lets just say i havn't cut any ones nose off today you ****ing loser!
    Look up all the crazies who claim to be Christian and do atrocities...does that mean people should just hate all of us? UH no... Before you go quoting the Quoron, read the Old Testament. If you have read it, then re-read it so you can remember just how many quotes you twist from that. I would continue but anyone who has to resort to expletives and personal attacks does not have the mental fortitude to have a logical discussion.

  37. #37
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    East coast
    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
    Don't know which logic is more ignorant...the people who allow this sort of punishment or people who can't see the difference from attackers of 9/11 and the rest of the muslim population trying to put up a worship center.

    I would continue but anyone who has to resort to expletives and personal attacks does not have the mental fortitude to have a logical discussion.

    Refer to what you called me first buddy then get it staight your trying to sound
    sophisticated by saying im the dumb one cause i called you a ****ing loser,i
    stand by my quote.

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