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Thread: Help me convince the wife to let me get my Harley...

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    the classic standoff!

    Mate. Same woman for 25+ years. Riding since 15... never even owned a car til I was 25. went about ten years once without a M/C. Never again.

    I used to ask my woman about whether or not I should get this or that. she would always say no.... didn't matter if it cost money or not. 1989 we had a new house. two living rooms. Buddy says i can have his pool table for free, he will even deliver. I ask my woman and she says NO, it would be too "tacky"?????? So no pool table. 5 years later, my buddy wants to sell me his harley for $1,500 (a steal).... I have the cash, so I ask my woman, and she says NO... we need the money for somehting else.. so i'm like wtf!!?? my buddy ends up selling that same week for $5k to someone off the street.

    My last harley, i saved my money for ten years, walked into mitchells hd in modesto, ca, and paid the guy cash for an Ultra Classic.

    Once a marriage gets to a certain point, you know she aint gonna leave ya if you make a decision.

    But, you need to take that POWER away from her when it comes to these types of decisions.

    Now, let me ask you a question you aint gonna like.
    You save any cash for this harley, or do you think you'll just buy it on credit?
    If on credit, that's money away from the family.
    If cash, that means you are really serious about this decision, and have been planning this for quite some time.

    I know in our society of instant gratification, people want to make big decisions about purchases on a dime.

    I would say (forget about ANY sporty) you will probably pay at least $15k for any used harley. I would also say if you could save about half, your woman won't have much leg to stand on.

    If you are going to buy on credit, she is going to be a big say in this matter.
    This is great advice.... however..... if my wife found out that I saved $15,000 on my own, without telling her, and then bought a bike with it - she'd be PIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSED! Also, If I tried telling her I was going to save money for a bike..... she'd find a shit ton of projects to do with that money.


  2. #42
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Maybe if you didn't want to get a piece of shat HD that you will have in the shop as much as you will have it on the road!!

    Honda VTX, MADE IN THE USA (more than HD is!)

  3. #43
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    Miami, FL
    Just get a Tomahawk...and if she complains just say "It has 500 much do you have?"

    The statement doesn't make any sense, but it will get her to keep quiet for a few minutes while she tries to figure it out.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    You wanna know how I get what I want? Simple.....

    "It's either I get (insert item) or you give me anal....." works everytime! Still havn't figured out how to get anal from her tho LOL


  5. #45
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    Still havn't figured out how to get anal from her tho LOL

    Diazepam works for me.

  6. #46
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    Diazepam works for me.
    when you say me...........

  7. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stigmata101 View Post
    when you say me...........
    Hahahahahha...for her I should say.

  8. #48
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    Just buy it like I did and if she bitches tell her to get a **** in job and buy her own shit.....

  9. #49
    ReX357's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MBMETC View Post
    Just buy it like I did and if she bitches tell her to get a **** in job and buy her own shit.....
    I like your style.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    You wanna know how I get what I want? Simple.....

    "It's either I get (insert item) or you give me anal....." works everytime! Still havn't figured out how to get anal from her tho LOL

    Ambien. It doesn't knock them out but they are VERY agreeable. It still makes me smile when I think about the 2nd wife asking WHY her xxx was sore the next day. After the 2nd or 3rd time she was g2g

  11. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    Ambien. It doesn't knock them out but they are VERY agreeable. It still makes me smile when I think about the 2nd wife asking WHY her xxx was sore the next day. After the 2nd or 3rd time she was g2g
    LMFAO! I'm going to have to try this.....


  12. #52
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    Jan 2005
    Do what i am going to do.
    I told BF i am getting a crotch rocket when we get a house.
    He said "no your not"
    When we get the house i am just coming home with it one day.

    Problem solved.

  13. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hazard View Post
    This is great advice.... however..... if my wife found out that I saved $15,000 on my own, without telling her, and then bought a bike with it - she'd be PIIIIISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSED! Also, If I tried telling her I was going to save money for a bike..... she'd find a shit ton of projects to do with that money.

    saving money started off as a joke. one year, she asked what I wanted for xmas, and I said a harley. so she goes out and gets me one, cost about $3, bout the size of a hotwheels car, and puts it in my stocking. good laugh, right? we were VERY broke, still going to college, finishing up accounting degree.... blah blah blah. but my folks always gave me $100 for xmas. so I tell my woman it's going to be the start of my harley fund. she agreed. I was nickle and diming the fund, really not putting much into it until I finally got a job that paid, and so I'd stick my bonus money in there, any found money. One company lays me off and i get three months severence pay. but I find another job right away, so i put 90% of all that money in the harley fund. I never touched "family" money. Tax returns went to the woman. Finally, I had my money after about 10 years. Walk into mitchells HD, pick the first Ultra Classic as I walk in, cherry black. then, without ever starting the engine, i take it back to service, have them put in a stage 3 with a 103 stroker kit (and a bunch of other sh1t). there goes another $5k. A month later, it's ready.

    I was very clear about the harley fund, and had the woman understand this right from the get go that this was a dedicated fund for a sole purpose.

    She also knew I was grouchy as fuk every time i'd be in my friggin cage watchin others on their putts having a good time. It was like I had a hole in my sole and only one way to fix it.

    Anyways, that's how I did it. Obviously, won't work for everyone.

  14. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Do what i am going to do.
    I told BF i am getting a crotch rocket when we get a house.
    He said "no your not"
    When we get the house i am just coming home with it one day.

    Problem solved.
    the funny thing told him so it's not like you are lying or surprising him.

  15. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    saving money started off as a joke. one year, she asked what I wanted for xmas, and I said a harley. so she goes out and gets me one, cost about $3, bout the size of a hotwheels car, and puts it in my stocking. good laugh, right? we were VERY broke, still going to college, finishing up accounting degree.... blah blah blah. but my folks always gave me $100 for xmas. so I tell my woman it's going to be the start of my harley fund. she agreed. I was nickle and diming the fund, really not putting much into it until I finally got a job that paid, and so I'd stick my bonus money in there, any found money. One company lays me off and i get three months severence pay. but I find another job right away, so i put 90% of all that money in the harley fund. I never touched "family" money. Tax returns went to the woman. Finally, I had my money after about 10 years. Walk into mitchells HD, pick the first Ultra Classic as I walk in, cherry black. then, without ever starting the engine, i take it back to service, have them put in a stage 3 with a 103 stroker kit (and a bunch of other sh1t). there goes another $5k. A month later, it's ready.

    I was very clear about the harley fund, and had the woman understand this right from the get go that this was a dedicated fund for a sole purpose.

    She also knew I was grouchy as fuk every time i'd be in my friggin cage watchin others on their putts having a good time. It was like I had a hole in my sole and only one way to fix it.

    Anyways, that's how I did it. Obviously, won't work for everyone.

    That was a great idea..... i'm the same exact way except with mustangs. I sold mine when we purchased our house and i've felt "naked" ever since. She would probably be ok with me starting a mustang fund except after I had a few grand in there she would start dipping into it..... shes got no self control. If that happened..... i'd have to kill her.....


  16. #56
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    Jan 2006
    I wonder how many people here have a stripper fund :P

  17. #57
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
    I wonder how many people here have a stripper fund :P
    LMFAO! I'm sure many do.....

    I wont drop a dime on a stripper..... they should be paying me..... ahaha


  18. #58
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
    I wonder how many people here have a stripper fund :P
    I wouldn't call it a stripper fund, since I haven't paid a stripper since I was in the army ( bachleor parties don't count, right?)..... but I think most of us mates have a few tucked away here and there.....

    am I right?

  19. #59
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    I wouldn't call it a stripper fund, since I haven't paid a stripper since I was in the army ( bachleor parties don't count, right?)..... but I think most of us mates have a few tucked away here and there.....

    am I right?
    It's my vacation/travel funds. My travel just includes places where the women are VERY available.... Thailand/Philippines.

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