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Thread: What does it mean?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Talking What does it mean?

    Hey guys, so what does it mean if a girl that has a boyfriend, with some relationship issues, meets you and gives you a number after a night out. Then she wants to go out more and more. Then jumps you while your sleeping in your bed. Then goes out with you some more... till finally she says that " are a great guy but I am in a complicated situation and don't want to make it more complicated and drag you into it"...

    Also, what would you say to her after all this?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    Women are crazy.. all of them are nuts.. some just less crazy then others.. I would say, thanks for the good times, please delete my number and move on.. A cheater is a cheater... just consider yourself lucky that this is ending before you have invested too much time/emotions into this

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids View Post
    till finally she says that " are a great guy but I am in a complicated situation and don't want to make it more complicated and drag you into it "
    that she told you this is a rare gift indeed. she's basically trying to save you from her own psychosis. run.

  4. #4
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    You guys are absolutely right. Thanks for throwing a different side of view on it as I won't lie... I did get attached to her a little. Especially that she looked amazing and it is rare that I meet someone that is dead on with what type of woman I would see myself with.

    Thanks a lot guys.

  5. #5
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    it think some kind of scientist needs to figure out an equation for the relationship between hotness and craziness.. the hottest chicks i have evr dated were always friggin fruit loops.. absolutly crazy.. like dilusional crazy...

    I will tell you a little story..

    About seven years ago i got out of jail after spending 6 months for selling drugs. I moved back home and went out to a bar about a week after getting out of jail.. when i was in the bar i met this beautiful chick sitting at the end of the bar playing the video poker machine.. when i went up to her i noticed she was playing strip poker and she seemed a bit upset.. She continued to tell me that her boyfriend just dumped her.. my reply was "thank you god.. i owe you one".. needless to say her and i hit it off and she came with me and my brother and my friends to another pub.. At this pub my older brother tried to start a fight with a group of guys and went out to try and pull me into it. (i have always been much larger than him).. The chick told my brother it was a bad idea and started getting a bit out of hand yelling at my bro and stuff.. he said to her "chill out babe" when she heard him call her babe she slapped him accross the face.. he flipped out but i told him to **** off as i had been locked up for half a year and i wanted to get laid.. she later told me that she slapped him because she was "raped" by a friend of hers and that the whole time he called her babe and that it just made her snap. She also had scars on her wrists that i chose to ignore. I played it off and continued to drink with her.. about an hour later she told me that i should go back with her to her place.. Once there, i asked if there was anything to eat.. she told me to make a sandwich.. i did and used a knife to cut it in half and then ate the sandwich.. we sat on the couch for a little while making out and i asked her if i could take a leak as i had to pee.. when i came out of the batheroom she was in her room.. butt naked laying spread eagle on her back on her bed.. i was like "jack pot".. She told me to strip and come over so i did.. after d"doing it" for about 45 seconds she started crying.. i stopped asked her if she was okay and she just said she was said about her BF but stopped crying and told me to carry on.. i came about a minute later (what do you want from me it had been a while) through the condom away and left shortly after.. three days later i get a call from the police rape squad.. She called the police and told them that me and my brother took turns gang raping her wit a knife held to her throat.. she had lacerations accross her neck and everything.. since i had used the knife for the sandwich my prints were on it.. i would have gotten ten years plus 5 years suspended sentence over this whole thing except for the fact that my brother was never there and she had a bunch of scars on her wrists from trying to kill herself before.. I have dozens of crazy stories about chicks, but this bi%ch would have put me away for decades with out batting an eye..

    moral of the story is, DON'T TRUST WOMEN

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    it think some kind of scientist needs to figure out an equation for the relationship between hotness and craziness.. the hottest chicks i have evr dated were always friggin fruit loops.. absolutly crazy.. like dilusional crazy...

    I will tell you a little story..

    About seven years ago i got out of jail after spending 6 months for selling drugs. I moved back home and went out to a bar about a week after getting out of jail.. when i was in the bar i met this beautiful chick sitting at the end of the bar playing the video poker machine.. when i went up to her i noticed she was playing strip poker and she seemed a bit upset.. She continued to tell me that her boyfriend just dumped her.. my reply was "thank you god.. i owe you one".. needless to say her and i hit it off and she came with me and my brother and my friends to another pub.. At this pub my older brother tried to start a fight with a group of guys and went out to try and pull me into it. (i have always been much larger than him).. The chick told my brother it was a bad idea and started getting a bit out of hand yelling at my bro and stuff.. he said to her "chill out babe" when she heard him call her babe she slapped him accross the face.. he flipped out but i told him to **** off as i had been locked up for half a year and i wanted to get laid.. she later told me that she slapped him because she was "raped" by a friend of hers and that the whole time he called her babe and that it just made her snap. She also had scars on her wrists that i chose to ignore. I played it off and continued to drink with her.. about an hour later she told me that i should go back with her to her place.. Once there, i asked if there was anything to eat.. she told me to make a sandwich.. i did and used a knife to cut it in half and then ate the sandwich.. we sat on the couch for a little while making out and i asked her if i could take a leak as i had to pee.. when i came out of the batheroom she was in her room.. butt naked laying spread eagle on her back on her bed.. i was like "jack pot".. She told me to strip and come over so i did.. after d"doing it" for about 45 seconds she started crying.. i stopped asked her if she was okay and she just said she was said about her BF but stopped crying and told me to carry on.. i came about a minute later (what do you want from me it had been a while) through the condom away and left shortly after.. three days later i get a call from the police rape squad.. She called the police and told them that me and my brother took turns gang raping her wit a knife held to her throat.. she had lacerations accross her neck and everything.. since i had used the knife for the sandwich my prints were on it.. i would have gotten ten years plus 5 years suspended sentence over this whole thing except for the fact that my brother was never there and she had a bunch of scars on her wrists from trying to kill herself before.. I have dozens of crazy stories about chicks, but this bi%ch would have put me away for decades with out batting an eye..

    moral of the story is, DON'T TRUST WOMEN
    OH MY FVCKING GAWD............

    Sir..... I will buy you a beer if you come out to jersey sometime..... you deserve it! I woulda killed the whore when I got out if she had me locked up.....


  7. #7
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    Jul 2010
    Dude, it was the most F*cked up thing i have ever heard of in my entire life.. let alone be accused of.. And the fact she cut her own throat and that my hands were on the knife and all that shit.. had she not said my brother was there i would be in prison right now, who would have believed a convicted drug dealer 7 days out of the joint compared to a beautiful blonde girl with blue eyes.. god she was gorgeous.. probably one of the top ten io have been with, i should have ran when i saw the scars on her wrists

  8. #8
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    Post some pics of her... I can't help without pics

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    The fvcked up thing is..... this can happen to ANYONE. She ought to be put away forever..... she's flat out fvckin looney


  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hoggage_54 View Post
    Post some pics of her... I can't help without pics
    the f?*cked up thing of it all was that she worked as a photographer for the company that took the photos of my highschool football team and did te year book and all.. i can't even remember her name now..

    She basically looked like this:Click image for larger version. 

Name:	images.jpg 
Views:	226 
Size:	4.9 KB 
ID:	111334

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids View Post
    Hey guys, so what does it mean if a girl that has a boyfriend, with some relationship issues, meets you and gives you a number after a night out. Then she wants to go out more and more. Then jumps you while your sleeping in your bed. Then goes out with you some more... till finally she says that " are a great guy but I am in a complicated situation and don't want to make it more complicated and drag you into it"...

    Also, what would you say to her after all this?

    I would say welcome to the real word my friend women are no different then men, some time's they got a man and want some on the side learn to enjoy it, take a hot shower call it a day. It happens more then you think.

  12. #12
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    she wanted to cheat on her man. end of story

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    she wanted to cheat on her man. end of story
    I feel like a piece of sh!t because of this. You know when she was taking my shirt of at first I grabbed her hand and asked what the hell she was doing because I know that she had a guy. She was saying something like I just want to see your body, make you more comfortable etc. Yeah right... but later I just could not resist.

    I knew what the hell was going on... next time, I will slap the b!tch and tell her to leave no matter how pretty she is... ok fine, I won't slap her but tell her to leave.

    Oh well, I learned the lesson.
    Last edited by UberSteroids; 09-26-2010 at 06:26 PM.

  14. #14
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    I've been in the same situation as you, and WORSE!!!!!!!!!!

    In the long run you will be ****ED BAD.

  15. #15
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    Got the message!

    BTW: Deus EX 3 fan? Haha!

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids View Post
    Got the message!

    BTW: Deus EX 3 fan? Haha!
    CANT FVCKING WAIT FOR DEUS EX 3!!! A month or so ago I posted a thread here with a link to the first E3 trailer and NO REPLIES! Can you believe it!?!?!? JC Denton would murder this whole forum!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    CANT FVCKING WAIT FOR DEUS EX 3!!! A month or so ago I posted a thread here with a link to the first E3 trailer and NO REPLIES! Can you believe it!?!?!? JC Denton would murder this whole forum!
    Oh yeah. The 1st and 2nd one were great, hopefully this one will hold the climate as good as the trailer does.

    Deus Ex 3 trailer just blew my mind, especially when he punches through a wall and twists guys neck... holy sh!t

  18. #18
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    R.I.P My friends
    Sounds like she just likes to hit and run... let it be that and let her go.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids View Post
    Oh yeah. The 1st and 2nd one were great, hopefully this one will hold the climate as good as the trailer does.

    Deus Ex 3 trailer just blew my mind, especially when he punches through a wall and twists guys neck... holy sh!t
    Seen the other 2 trailers since then?

    One gameplay trailer has been released. And about a week and a half ago they released another CGI trailer (most of the same footage as the 1st CGI one)., go see.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    Sounds like she just likes to hit and run... let it be that and let her go.
    Yes sir, that's what I did. All I said to her was "I understand".
    Thanks a lot man.

  21. #21
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    You got LUCKY. Women like that dong give a sh*t and Im sure in her mind you did rape her. Lucky for you she is screwed up enough to not have a good enough story and the police for once saw through it. Im sure it was scary for you especially with a record of any type. I have also been accused of things I wont go into but it's scary that someone could make something up that could put you away for life and/or put your life at risk.

    When men do it they usually do it for a reason and know what they are doing is to set you up. When women do it they convince themselves it's true and you are really guilty even if you are not. They really are wired differently than us no matter how well you think you know someone (woman) you just never know.

    To the OP,

    You where well on your way to being the fvck buddy or fall back guy but by being the NICE guy you blew it. She was hoping you would take advantage of the situation and she could tell her BF you fvcked her or she cheated on him but it was not her fault, you took advantage of her when she was vulnerable.

    If you get the chance with her again blow her off once. Just tell her you are busy and maybe next time. The next time make it clear. Do not say Do you want to.... or ask anything about her and her BF. Say lets go to my place or you will take her to some party or club but dont stay long then take her home and bang her. Remember, she is for fun. She will go back to her bf. Dont get serious in any way. have fun.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    To the OP,

    You where well on your way to being the fvck buddy or fall back guy but by being the NICE guy you blew it. She was hoping you would take advantage of the situation and she could tell her BF you fvcked her or she cheated on him but it was not her fault, you took advantage of her when she was vulnerable.

    If you get the chance with her again blow her off once. Just tell her you are busy and maybe next time. The next time make it clear. Do not say Do you want to.... or ask anything about her and her BF. Say lets go to my place or you will take her to some party or club but dont stay long then take her home and bang her. Remember, she is for fun. She will go back to her bf. Dont get serious in any way. have fun.
    Ha! Now that I think about how everything happened, you got it 100% correct. You're good at this, haha.

    In this case, my choice was to cut it off and let her go. I don't need trash.

    Thanks man!

  23. #23
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    Yea she just wanted to fvck.

    Stay away from females when they start to show their psychosis.

    Females have a different vocabulary as well as a completely different language. Basically whatever they say... they mean the opposite. They expect you to read minds as well.

    Just consider yourself lucky for not getting in too deep with her. If you can't get over her...just find another woman. They are everywhere

  24. #24
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    The "third person" is usually the one that gets shit on the most, and the one branded as the "bad person" at the end. It's not good.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    You got LUCKY. Women like that dong give a sh*t and Im sure in her mind you did rape her. Lucky for you she is screwed up enough to not have a good enough story and the police for once saw through it. Im sure it was scary for you especially with a record of any type. I have also been accused of things I wont go into but it's scary that someone could make something up that could put you away for life and/or put your life at risk.

    When men do it they usually do it for a reason and know what they are doing is to set you up. When women do it they convince themselves it's true and you are really guilty even if you are not. They really are wired differently than us no matter how well you think you know someone (woman) you just never know.

    To the OP,

    You where well on your way to being the fvck buddy or fall back guy but by being the NICE guy you blew it. She was hoping you would take advantage of the situation and she could tell her BF you fvcked her or she cheated on him but it was not her fault, you took advantage of her when she was vulnerable.

    If you get the chance with her again blow her off once. Just tell her you are busy and maybe next time. The next time make it clear. Do not say Do you want to.... or ask anything about her and her BF. Say lets go to my place or you will take her to some party or club but dont stay long then take her home and bang her. Remember, she is for fun. She will go back to her bf. Dont get serious in any way. have fun.
    We should really start an AR He-man woman haters club.....


  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids View Post
    Hey guys, so what does it mean if a girl that has a boyfriend, with some relationship issues, meets you and gives you a number after a night out. Then she wants to go out more and more. Then jumps you while your sleeping in your bed. Then goes out with you some more... till finally she says that " are a great guy but I am in a complicated situation and don't want to make it more complicated and drag you into it"...

    Also, what would you say to her after all this?

    It means she is a whore.

    If she is cheating on her current man then why wouldn't she cheat on you ? Guys can be so stupid sometimes.

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by dsm4life View Post
    it means she is a whore.

    If she is cheating on her current man then why wouldn't she cheat on you ? Guys can be so stupid sometimes.


    If she cheated WITH you, then she will cheat ON you. Make no mistake, you will be hurt bad and I am speaking from experience here as well. Usually even before they cheat on you, you'll notice and go through signs of disrespect towards you and your feelings and preferences, etc.

    My buddy's wife cheated on him recently (and I think has been doing it for quite a long time behind his back) and he is working on a divorce. When I talked to him, he was going on all about how he couldn't believe it and asking why and how this could have happened, etc. etc. so I asked him one question:

    "When you first met this woman, how long was it before you jumped in bed with her?"


    "28 minutes"

    My response: "well there is your mistake, you should have known better".

    Getting married is a bullshit idea in the first place, but if you ARE going to go for that gamble, make sure you don't marry a whore or a nympho, or a chick who flirts with everyone around her, etc. etc. Make sure sure it's a chick who is down to earth and normal (except these don't exist really, so fvck it all anyways!!).

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post

    Getting married is a bullshit idea in the first place, but if you ARE going to go for that gamble, make sure you don't marry a whore or a nympho, or a chick who flirts with everyone around her, etc. etc. Make sure sure it's a chick who is down to earth and normal (except these don't exist really, so fvck it all anyways!!).
    Unless you wanna be a swinger.. Then marry a whore

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by MACHINE5150 View Post
    Unless you wanna be a swinger.. Then marry a whore
    How about don't get married and you can fvck whoever you want whenever you want no strings attached?

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    How about don't get married and you can fvck whoever you want whenever you want no strings attached?
    Till you fall in love with one of the whores, hahaha!

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids View Post
    Till you fall in love with one of the whores, hahaha!
    What do you think i'm having to deal with? lol

    There is no escape.

    Just make sure feelings dont develop IN THE FIRST PLACE, because its a whole lot harder turning it off after its begun rather than stopping it from starting. And no matter what you do, dont develop feelings even if she starts falling in love.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Atomini View Post
    What do you think i'm having to deal with? lol

    There is no escape.

    Just make sure feelings dont develop IN THE FIRST PLACE, because its a whole lot harder turning it off after its begun rather than stopping it from starting. And no matter what you do, dont develop feelings even if she starts falling in love.
    Ha! I am just hoping that some kind of augumentation company will start some new projects. I will just have them remove the part of my system that has to do with empathy and such. Maybe implant couple of hi-res zoom cameras for my eyes, adrenaline amplifier and a nice set of tech arms. Make me a F machine, I will be so much better of, hahaha.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids View Post
    Ha! I am just hoping that some kind of augumentation company will start some new projects. I will just have them remove the part of my system that has to do with empathy and such. Maybe implant couple of hi-res zoom cameras for my eyes, adrenaline amplifier and a nice set of tech arms. Make me a F machine, I will be so much better of, hahaha.
    Shit man, screw that, I can't wait for nano-augs. That shit will make AAS look like stone-age science.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    It means she is a whore.

    If she is cheating on her current man then why wouldn't she cheat on you ? Guys can be so stupid sometimes.

  35. #35
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by UberSteroids View Post
    Hey guys, so what does it mean if a girl that has a boyfriend, with some relationship issues, meets you and gives you a number after a night out. Then she wants to go out more and more. Then jumps you while your sleeping in your bed. Then goes out with you some more... till finally she says that " are a great guy but I am in a complicated situation and don't want to make it more complicated and drag you into it"...

    Also, what would you say to her after all this?

    it means she's immature
    it means she doesn't know what she wants
    and it means she is looking at you like you are her boy toy.
    finally, it means you should steer clear of this crazy b1tch.

    you need to say good bye to her and then leave.

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