16 yr brother determined to juice help!
Ok my brother is 16yr he is biger than most & i know his body is producing mass amounts of hormone (test) and he could use it to his advantage better than he could a cycle of any kind, but he is determined to use some type of steroid , so my plan is to find something that he can use to give him the fast results and mass he is looking for, & the mental motivation, but at the same time not suppress any of his natural occuring hormones or test. I mess mine up years ago and i know if i would have done this right i would be twice the size i am now. So if anyone can give me some helpful advice on some suplements that my brother can use please let me know. I Was considering SARM s4 but i dont know much about its sides. or how bad it supressess natural production. im trying to stay away from anything that requires PCT