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  1. #1
    Flagg's Avatar
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    So it's dawned on me recently, that I don't seem to have a current interest or hobby. Yeah, im interested in a lot of things but there's nothing I seem to do in my spare time that gives me joy. I dont really count the gym as a hobby. Part of my problem is I seem to get bored very, very easily. Last year at Uni I did a bit of Kick Boxing but it wasn't really with a qualified trainer so the standard wasn't that high. I mean you fill in a CV, and what does the Employer see "Interests: Reading, travelling, sociallising". The irony is, I have done extensive travelling (which I loved) and I am a avid reader, but I want something that will really engage me, something I'll always look forward to on a day off, etc.

    However i've been thinking about getting into photography. Does anyone else do anything like this? Anyone recommend anything to get me started, it doesn't have to be on photography but anything really.

    I need to find something to do in my spare time! Some of my younger peers seem to think going out and getting pissed off their tits on a Friday night is some sort of hobby, but im a bit old for that kinda crap now.

  2. #2
    MaNiCC's Avatar
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    You ever Considered Boxing?

  3. #3
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    Last edited by the big 1; 10-18-2010 at 04:44 PM.

  5. #5
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Building computers, sport bikes, online gaming, butt sex.

  6. #6
    Dont wanna be old's Avatar
    Dont wanna be old is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Going to play poker tonight .
    Once a month I like to try tournaments .
    I can't believe I watch poker on tv every once in awhile . Always looks intriguing , but I believe there is equal amount of skill and luck .
    Good thing I have nether or I would play more .

  7. #7
    D7M's Avatar
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    Flagg, why not try something that challenges you? Something out of the ordinary?

    Learn an instrument. Learn to paint. Learn a language. Learn a skill. Learn/play competitive chess.

  8. #8
    scorpion62's Avatar
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    Flagg the best hobbie in the world is scuba it just take you to a differant world

  9. #9
    xlxBigSexyxlx's Avatar
    xlxBigSexyxlx is offline CHEMICALLY ENGINEERED
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    I've always wanted to learn a second language.

    Aside from working out,
    Sports (playing and watching), kayaking, hiking, camping, fishing, rock climbing, playing the drums, video games, partying lol, and pretty anything along those lines.

  10. #10
    steroidsarebad's Avatar
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    Reading/Research. I don't read fiction or anything like that. But I will just look stuff up and research it. For instance I was looking at hcg info recently and I kept on seeing stuff on the "HCG Diet" so I started researching that for about 3 hours even though it's not something I want to try. I like to just find out why, when, where, and how on everything I come across. Pretty much I am a nerd.

  11. #11
    Friend's Avatar
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    I get tattoo'd

  12. #12
    MaNiCC's Avatar
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    ^^^ without pics it never happened

  13. #13
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    bjpennnn is offline American Psycho
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    play music

  14. #14
    Flagg's Avatar
    Flagg is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Hi guys.

    @Manicc, yeah for the longest time i've thought about boxing but I just havent gotten around to doing it yet...yeah I know, I suck like that sometimes.

    @Hoggage, yeah I have a porno cock and women with massive tits are my weakness, so im guessing im qualified now??

    @thebig1, yeah I was having a look round town yesterday at some cameras, like a good lil digital camera to get me started...cameras arent cheap, which is what I expected, but I figured I could get something small and humble, and once im done with Uni and working, I could work up to better stuff.

    @DSM, I play online gaming now, but I dont feel as if that is really a 'viable hobby'. You meet a girl in a pub, she asks "what do you do for fun", telling her im a "pro" at SSF IV or Dawn of War is not going to impress her. I'm not shitting on online gaming or wanting a hobby to impress some chick, but I just want something a bit more varied and interesting. Like, building computers and sports bikes. Im not technically minded enough for computers, but with the sports bikes, i take it you mean outside cycling over rough terrains? I'll pass on the buttsex you have in mind though.

    @Dont wanna be old, playing poker isn't really at the top of my list, though i do know a few card games and i think 3 card brag is a variation of poker? I also have a huge book on card games. I have a rather addictive personality and poker looks fun and cool but i wouldn't want to get drawn into a gambling world as such.

    @D7M, yeah this is what im really aiming for. Something pretty cool, challenging and beneficial. Spanish is a language ive been toying with. I've heard its relatively easy to learn, plus is it not the second widest spoken language in the West? I think learning another language can open up many other doors. I've toyed with the idea of an instrument for ages, but like boxing its something i havent gotten around to ever starting. Learning professional chess would be cool. I've played against those old guys you see sitting down on tables in parks, in Nepal and New York and I got destroyed. Still fun though. Learning a skill springs out as well, like a language, as it not only is it something useful and challenging, it's also opens up other doors.

    @Scorpion, a mate of mine is just going to start a diving course, so i'll ask him how he's getting on with that. If i did get into photography in a big way/conyinuing hobby, i'd love to have one of those underwater cameras. Wildlife and landscapes are the kind of pictures I like, and of course, underwater environments is abundant in both.

    @BigSexy, hiking and camping is the best! Unfortunately I don't really have any current friends into that sort of stuff. My really close friends that would have been into that sort of stuff, have all moved away now.

    @Steroidsarebad, actually I do this a lot! I much prefer doing it for fun or out of pure interest, but at the moment I have a huge reasearch project (the future of Intensive Cattle ranching in the IK) that im doing for Uni, so im up to my eyeballs in "research" at the moment.

    @Friend, does getting tatted up count as a hobby?? I suppose it is an interest, but I want something i want to look forward to at least 1-3 times a week!

    Thanks for the input so far guys!
    Last edited by Flagg; 10-17-2010 at 04:04 AM.

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