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Thread: Enough is Enough

  1. #1
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    Enough is Enough

    How many times have you gone to jail/prison before you decided that enough of the B.S. in your life. What was your inspiration to fly right?

    Mine was basically I got a reality check about 8 yrs ago as I sat in LA County serving 80% of a 285 day sentance.Which I happily took since i somehow skated on multiple violation while on a 3 year joint suspension with a new beef.As I sat there realizing I was going to once again lose everything I had as I had so many other times in my life.But this time was different because I should have went up state for 3 yrs..I decided that enough was enough with all the petty B.S. that always seemed like a good idea at the time but always seemed to land me in jail..So here I am a reformed man with wife & kids.luckily with no prison record .My inspiration was not wanting to carry a # and be labeled an ex con.
    What is your story?

  2. #2
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    I've stayed smart enough to stay out of jail

  3. #3
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    ^^ x 2, I know with my temper I have to be very careful how I deal with certain situations as I have no time to deal with going to prison. Not that Im too worried about being in there, I have several friends in each of the correctional facilities in Edmonton and Alberta, I just have to much going on to take time off for a vacation on the provinces money.

    Plus I would hate to lose my handgun licensing status... loves me a good gun

  4. #4
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    people take their liberties and freedom for granted...once you're forced to sleep, eat, shower, sh!t, play, ect on a schedual by some fukcers you don't even know it can put things into perspective...i only got busted for some grass years ago, but i happened to have my glock in the glovebox when it happened so a misdemeanor became a felony...i was only in there for a couple days (county lockup, not prison), but that was pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenty of time to realize what i had put in jeopardy.

  5. #5
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    Just once for me. Learned my lesson, well, for what I went in for at least. lol

  6. #6
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    ^^^i agree i was aressted and had be locked up for a few days and for me i felt like i was at rock bottom and i thought that i never would be here in my life. SO i just thought about the events that lead to this situation. and from then i have been carefull about the decisions that i make

  7. #7
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    I prefer to pick and choose who I have sex with and not be passed around for a pack of smokes in da joint. That is enough for me to walk the line. And even I dont want none of Bubba or his 100 friends.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by HitIt View Post
    people take their liberties and freedom for granted...once you're forced to sleep, eat, shower, sh!t, play, ect on a schedual by some fukcers you don't even know it can put things into perspective...
    Yeah the Army sucks

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyler View Post
    Yeah the Army sucks
    heh this has to be the first time Ive heard the army compared to prison... ouch

  10. #10
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    This is something me and my battles would do regularly when I was on active. We would compare every aspect of the Army and Prison and usually come to the conclusion that the Army was worse.

  11. #11
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    try it see if you like it better..seems they are always looking for new people but the pay sucks..

  12. #12
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    goodnite Bubba...

  13. #13
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    I've been locked up, along with most of the guys I know. So we have experience in both areas. I know people love to romanticize the life of a soldier, or the military in general, but in reality, it sucks. I might start a thread making all the comparisons...

  14. #14
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    I see jail as a paid vacation with free meal included.

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyler View Post
    I've been locked up, along with most of the guys I know. So we have experience in both areas. I know people love to romanticize the life of a soldier, or the military in general, but in reality, it sucks. I might start a thread making all the comparisons...
    lol how much ass raping have you gone through in the army? (not talking to you dsm)
    Last edited by HitIt; 11-08-2010 at 06:38 AM.

  16. #16
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    I didn't go through any of it in the Army or in jail. Because there is always the tough ****er that doesn't take any shit, and the bitch in both jail and the army, and I was never the bitch in either place. But whether you care to realize it or not, rape DOES take place in the Army, and more often than you might care to admit.

  17. #17
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    yeah i know...i was joking...but seriously...i'm sure you'd rather spend a couple years in the mil. than any prison. besides, in prison you can't haul ass (go awol)'re stuck inside walls and bars...and it doesn't matter how tough you are when it's 5 or 10 on 1

  18. #18
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    In the army you have to pay to wear the same thing as everyone else, you have to pay to eat crap food every day, you are intentionally sent to areas where people are trying to kill you, there is no possibility of early release, and if you do try to run, they catch you and either put you back in the army and keep you confined to the barracks, or they send you to military prison, which is WAY worse than civilian prison. And if you run during war times, they can actually give you the death sentence.

  19. #19
    It was my last year of college. Judge William Ishee, will never forget that guy. Between him and a professor, Dr Kelly, they saved my life. I was spriraling out of control with some pretty bad behaviors. Rec drug use and a complete disregard for the law. I got six suspended drivers license tickets in two weeks and had a minor pot charge. The Judge happened to be a forest law professor of mine also. When I went in front of him he had all the charges put on one docket. I will never forget the look on his face. He wasn't mad, he was on a mission. He said to me "boy I am about to do you a favor". At that point he went into a rant that included reviewing all of the work I had turned into him the last semester. At the end he tells me "I have never read such good material, you are easily one of the smartest students to ever sit in my class, and if you think I am going to watch you waste this potential you are dead wrong." He then sentenced me to six months house arrest and thirty days in the county jail. I finished the semester on house arrest and went the first day of summer to turn myself in. For those thirty days I sat there not knowing what was going to happen to me. I had just graduated, from jail, and had no real plans other than getting drunk and high. The day I was released Judge Ishee was there. He told me to go see Dr. Kelly they had something I had to do. I thought it was going to be community service or something. I get to Kelly's office and he tells me to get in my car and head for the University of Southern MS, I had an appointment the next day with the head of the business grad school. When I got down there the guy I had the appointment with tells me I have been accepted to their grad program and had received an assistantship that would pay for it. I did not know what to say, the guy, Dr. King, tells me he has never seen anything like this and I better study my ass off. I walked out of his office and went outside and literally sat down and cried. A year later I graduated and went to work with a large corp, during which time my relationship with my family came back together. Those two really saved my life. There is no telling what ditch I would have turned up in if not for them.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyler View Post
    In the army you have to pay to wear the same thing as everyone else, you have to pay to eat crap food every day, you are intentionally sent to areas where people are trying to kill you, there is no possibility of early release, and if you do try to run, they catch you and either put you back in the army and keep you confined to the barracks, or they send you to military prison, which is WAY worse than civilian prison. And if you run during war times, they can actually give you the death sentence.
    right...but you chose this...personally, i don't know anyone who signed up for prison

  21. #21
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    If you break the law and are doing it in a way that can get you busted, then you basically signed up for jail. And yes, I did sign up for it, because it is a job that needs to be done, and I am good at it. It doesn't change that the day to day life sucks. Now to be honest, you are starting to offend me. I have been to jail, and I am currently in the army. Most of my friends have been to jail, and are currently in the army. We all must be coming to the same conclusion for a reason. So for you to come along and tell me that my life experience, along with the life experience of all my battle buddies isn't valid, and then imply that because I volunteered for this job, that I am not allowed to recognize the negative aspects of it, I feel is a bit disrespectful. The number one reason why people need to appreciate the people that serve is because serving in the military DOES suck, worse than jail, and yet we do it voluntarily for the good of our families and countries. So please don't tell me that I have to pretend that this is a dream job just because I wasn't drafted.

  22. #22
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    wtf are you talking about? if you can't handle other peoples opinion then....

  23. #23
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    My last stint in jail was what did it for me.

    After sitting there for 10 months, without ever feeling the sun on my skin, starving (lost 20lbs), no visits or calls from any friends or family the whole 10 months, losing my apt and most of my belongings, fighting ppl just for some scraps of food, locked in the cell for 22 hours a day, dealing with riots... where as our punishment they cut off our water and heat. so we couldnt flush the toilets, take showers, drink water, brush our teeth, etc.

    Yeah, I sat there, realizing... this is not who I want to be. Im better then this.

    So I got out finally and now Ive been out for over 3 years. Trying to be someone better then I was.

  24. #24
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    Very nice. Your opinion on army vs jail isn't valid because you have not done both. Mine is, because I have done both. Our opinions differ, so you start the classic "you signed up for this" speech. So since you obviously have run out of clever debate, and have resorted to that old argument, I remind you that I did in fact sign up for it, but my voluntary service doesn't change the aspects of my life in the Army. So now you are telling me that I can't handle others' opinions and that I should go jerk off? Yeah, you're the one coming out on top of this one, for sure.

  25. #25
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    And I agree... most men in my fam are in the service. And Army, marines etc, are all shittier then Jail in most aspects. Plus talking to many guys in jail who had also been in the service at some point. They all agreed

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    and i agree... Most men in my fam are in the service. And army, marines etc, are all shittier then jail in most aspects. Plus talking to many guys in jail who had also been in the service at some point. They all agreed

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyler View Post
    Very nice. Your opinion on army vs jail isn't valid because you have not done both. Mine is, because I have done both. Our opinions differ, so you start the classic "you signed up for this" speech. So since you obviously have run out of clever debate, and have resorted to that old argument, I remind you that I did in fact sign up for it, but my voluntary service doesn't change the aspects of my life in the Army. So now you are telling me that I can't handle others' opinions and that I should go jerk off? Yeah, you're the one coming out on top of this one, for sure.
    nope...i just think it's funny that you can't stay on topic...the topic is jail/prison...but feel free to spin it however you like ...coming out on top? funny you think this is a competition...

    how about're better than me...feel better?
    Last edited by HitIt; 11-08-2010 at 08:34 AM.

  28. #28
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    Wow, your logic is undeniable... I mean, I don't know what I was thinking trying to ever disagree with you. Obviously you have every aspect of every topic, every response to every topic, and every response to every response already figured out. I was a fool. Guess you win.

  29. #29
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    Took meeeting my wife at 28yrs old for me. My brother died at 22 and my family didnt expect me to make it past 25. With a lot of luck and a great family I made it. Family makes the diffence, or good friends/girl. It changes how you look at things.

    Disclaimer-BG is presenting fictitious opinions and does in no way encourage nor condone the use of any illegal substances.
    The information discussed is strictly for entertainment purposes only.

    Everything was impossible until somebody did it!

    I've got 99 problems......but my squat/dead ain't one !!

    It doesnt matter how good looking she is, some where, some one is tired of her shit.

    Light travels faster then sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

    Great place to start researching !

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyler View Post
    Wow, your logic is undeniable... I mean, I don't know what I was thinking trying to ever disagree with you. Obviously you have every aspect of every topic, every response to every topic, and every response to every response already figured out. I was a fool. Guess you win.
    I'll try one last time....

    OP: How many times have you gone to jail/prison before you decided that enough of the B.S. in your life. What was your inspiration to fly right?

    You: I'm in the army!

    Now, at the end, the only dif. between me and you is you hate me/my opinion, and I do not hate you or your opinion. Have a nice day Skyler.

    P.S. Thanks for your service, even though it's like prison to you and you signed up for it, and stay safe.
    Last edited by HitIt; 11-08-2010 at 08:43 AM.

  31. #31
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    Its cool how you go back and edit your posts after the fact, so that who ever reads this see's my responses to you as out of line.
    As far as the "You: I'm in the Army!"
    Yeah thats not how it went down.
    Someone mentioned a few things that sucked about being locked up, and I had a quiet laugh, and remembered when me and my battles would say those same things, but about the army. So I shared my our humorous comparisons by responding with "Yeah the Army sucks"

    Nice try though. Once again, guess you're just too quick for me.

    Though this post will probably look pretty foolish as soon as you're done reading it, and go back and edit your other post.

  32. #32
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    you do realize that the edits are time stamped?

  33. #33
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    I went to county once for like 6 hours. Never wanted to go back, and haven't.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    I see jail as a paid vacation with free meal included.
    I bet DSM.. Its like a bad boy candy store for you especially shower time... hehehheh

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by V8Assassin View Post
    It was my last year of college. Judge William Ishee, will never forget that guy. Between him and a professor, Dr Kelly, they saved my life. I was spriraling out of control with some pretty bad behaviors. Rec drug use and a complete disregard for the law. I got six suspended drivers license tickets in two weeks and had a minor pot charge. The Judge happened to be a forest law professor of mine also. When I went in front of him he had all the charges put on one docket. I will never forget the look on his face. He wasn't mad, he was on a mission. He said to me "boy I am about to do you a favor". At that point he went into a rant that included reviewing all of the work I had turned into him the last semester. At the end he tells me "I have never read such good material, you are easily one of the smartest students to ever sit in my class, and if you think I am going to watch you waste this potential you are dead wrong." He then sentenced me to six months house arrest and thirty days in the county jail. I finished the semester on house arrest and went the first day of summer to turn myself in. For those thirty days I sat there not knowing what was going to happen to me. I had just graduated, from jail, and had no real plans other than getting drunk and high. The day I was released Judge Ishee was there. He told me to go see Dr. Kelly they had something I had to do. I thought it was going to be community service or something. I get to Kelly's office and he tells me to get in my car and head for the University of Southern MS, I had an appointment the next day with the head of the business grad school. When I got down there the guy I had the appointment with tells me I have been accepted to their grad program and had received an assistantship that would pay for it. I did not know what to say, the guy, Dr. King, tells me he has never seen anything like this and I better study my ass off. I walked out of his office and went outside and literally sat down and cried. A year later I graduated and went to work with a large corp, during which time my relationship with my family came back together. Those two really saved my life. There is no telling what ditch I would have turned up in if not for them.
    Good story..Do you still have contact with your Proffesor? Its amazing what events in our lives can make a direction change in our goals/direction..

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyler View Post
    In the army you have to pay to wear the same thing as everyone else, you have to pay to eat crap food every day, you are intentionally sent to areas where people are trying to kill you, there is no possibility of early release, and if you do try to run, they catch you and either put you back in the army and keep you confined to the barracks, or they send you to military prison, which is WAY worse than civilian prison. And if you run during war times, they can actually give you the death sentence.
    Funny when I was a kid that is where they sent all the screw ups.My folks tried on several occasions to send me to military school and juvi judges suggested military after I became emancipated..Maybe I should have gone. at least i would Have gotton paid for my time..heheheh

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    My last stint in jail was what did it for me.

    After sitting there for 10 months, without ever feeling the sun on my skin, starving (lost 20lbs), no visits or calls from any friends or family the whole 10 months, losing my apt and most of my belongings, fighting ppl just for some scraps of food, locked in the cell for 22 hours a day, dealing with riots... where as our punishment they cut off our water and heat. so we couldnt flush the toilets, take showers, drink water, brush our teeth, etc.

    Yeah, I sat there, realizing... this is not who I want to be. Im better then this.

    So I got out finally and now Ive been out for over 3 years. Trying to be someone better then I was.
    I have to laugh at that statement,only because no matter what I had done or how many times I have been locked up. I still sit there and look around and say to myself."what the hell are you doin here is this you?" I guess some sort of hypocritical self righteousness would fabricate in my head that I had a reason for what I did..These other inmates were just criminals..I guess that was my way of rationalizing away my crimes so I did not have to admit I was a convict like the rest of the people around me.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nooomoto View Post
    I went to county once for like 6 hours. Never wanted to go back, and haven't.
    Aaaww man, are you telling me u didnt get to clothes check, no shower,,damn you missed out on some of the fun stuff..Nuts to butts BOY!! heheheh

  39. #39
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    The first 3 months of my sentence was the worse...I was held up in county(2months) till i was sentenced then went to CRC(where they hold you till they find you a pen that you'll spend the remainder of your sentence). I served another 18 months in the joint. Drove me freakin' nuts but it was a lot better than the county or crc. At least i got to go outside and communicate with people and smuggle honey buns, tobacco, hooch and other things into my cell.
    But once i walked out those doors i was a free man. No PRC or anything!! And knock on wood, i'll never be back again. But if so, i'm not scared. They can't hold me forever.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    The first 3 months of my sentence was the worse...I was held up in county(2months) till i was sentenced then went to CRC(where they hold you till they find you a pen that you'll spend the remainder of your sentence). I served another 18 months in the joint. Drove me freakin' nuts but it was a lot better than the county or crc. At least i got to go outside and communicate with people and smuggle honey buns, tobacco, hooch and other things into my cell.
    But once i walked out those doors i was a free man. No PRC or anything!! And knock on wood, i'll never be back again. But if so, i'm not scared. They can't hold me forever.
    I am one of only a few of my freinds that escaped prison,dont know how and dont care...Just glad I did always was worried if I went in I would end up in some shit and never come out..Not afraid just worried..

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