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  1. #1
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....

    Picking up a date....

    Unfortunately, i couldn't do two polls at once so here's my question...
    Where would you rather meet someone?
    Grocery Store?
    Those questions were for my heterosexual friends.
    Now, these questions are for my homosexual friends:
    Bath House?
    Art Gallery?
    Gay Bar?
    Hair Salon?

  2. #2
    Gaspari1255 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Sounds like you met her online?

  3. #3
    stpete is offline Banned
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    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    haha..No sir. Just wondering where everyone goes to pick their dates up...

    I prefer the grocery store or the library....I'm waiting to see results from the "other" side as well...

  4. #4
    stack_it's Avatar
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    It depends on what I'm looking for. For me I'm not looking for a wife or long term relationship so for me it's a bar. I'll be starting school back in January so that'll be a big one aswell.

    I can't help ya on where you can go looking for a boyfriend tho. Maybe h&m? Gay guys always work there. I didn't know you were testing out switch hitting...

  5. #5
    tdiddy is offline Junior Member
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    Last edited by tdiddy; 11-12-2010 at 11:07 AM.

  6. #6
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Why would some of these be for gays?

    I'm straight, and love to meet at an old fashioned hot tub establishment.

  7. #7
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    At crotch level.

  8. #8
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Try hanging out at Abercrombie&Fitch

  9. #9
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Try hanging out at Abercrombie&Fitch
    naw... I don't like to hang out... I keep my shit zipped up!

  10. #10
    LGM's Avatar
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    Last few have actually been at charity balls/galas/benefits. Weddings are good too.

  11. #11
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    So you don't think it's a good idea to look for the future Mrs.LGM over at the strip club?

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    So you don't think it's a good idea to look for the future Mrs.LGM over at the strip club?
    It's no worse an idea than me looking for a future Mr. Shol'va at a Chip and Dales strip club. No not chippendales, Chip and Dales is a gay strip club

  13. #13
    Sicko's Avatar
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    I used to like grocery stores and dog parks when I was single...Now I prefer topless bars since i cant take them home anymore..xcept in my head..heheheh

  14. #14
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    It's no worse an idea than me looking for a future Mr. Shol'va at a Chip and Dales strip club. No not chippendales, Chip and Dales is a gay strip club
    never been to a gay strip club before. See, here's the bummer thing. I'm too ugly to get guys to buy me free drinks, and there aint no women either. Really, I think it'd be cool to hand out at a lesbian club, but I'm sure some bull dyke would kick my ass for oogling her GF. Went to a tranny burlesque club in SF before, and that was a total blast! we laughed our asses off, not at the trannies, but at the guys not knowing they were trannies, and making passes at all these hot women, except, we both know they weren't women!!! ha ha ha!!!

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    So you don't think it's a good idea to look for the future Mrs.LGM over at the strip club?
    Dated a chick from hooters once. Total needy basket case. That's as far as I've traveled in that general direction. Plus, the women at my locations of choice usually have money. lol.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    naw... I don't like to hang out... I keep my shit zipped up!
    What about your c0ck?

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    never been to a gay strip club before. See, here's the bummer thing. I'm too ugly to get guys to buy me free drinks, and there aint no women either. Really, I think it'd be cool to hand out at a lesbian club, but I'm sure some bull dyke would kick my ass for oogling her GF. Went to a tranny burlesque club in SF before, and that was a total blast! we laughed our asses off, not at the trannies, but at the guys not knowing they were trannies, and making passes at all these hot women, except, we both know they weren't women!!! ha ha ha!!!

    No but you got a way with words and I'm sure you could sweet talk some gay boy/man into buying you a drink without having to worry you would be the object of his affection. Not everyone who goes there goes to hook up. some just go to BS with everyone. I have a feeling you would fit in with Wayne And Bruce and all their friends at the Chartreuse Moose.

  18. #18
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    I used to like meeting women in bars of course but I also liked the places that maximize opportunities based on ratio's of women to men.

    What's the one thing that women LOVE to do, that is also the thing that men HATE to do?..........
    Shopping!!! Malls are full of women. Men are few and far between... unless they are with their mate. My favorite way to meet a woman in a shopping plaza was to look for an attractive woman who also happened to be carrying one of those very small gift bags. You know, those little bags you get in stores to carry a small gift in, something very light and easy to carry. I used to like approaching women I found attractive who were carrying on of those light, tiny little bags and offering to "help her carry her bag" with a wry grin on my face while using a suggestive tone of voice to communicate in subtext what I was really interested in. Didn't always lead to anything and it wasn't used as 'a line' but I never got a bad reaction from a female using this approach. And I was never 'shut down' right off the bat using this approach either. It always allowed me the opportunity to keep talking to them trying to lead them into giving it up haha

  19. #19
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
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    [QUOTEI didn't know you were testing out switch hitting...[/QUOTE]


  20. #20
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    No but you got a way with words and I'm sure you could sweet talk some gay boy/man into buying you a drink without having to worry you would be the object of his affection. Not everyone who goes there goes to hook up. some just go to BS with everyone. I have a feeling you would fit in with Wayne And Bruce and all their friends at the Chartreuse Moose.
    I've had gay friends before.... no big deal. this dude named tracy was a case. he would come to work telling us about his exploits, and ripping into these hot young studs. even came to work one time with this huge monkey bite on his neck, and he told me that he got pissed when this pecker did that.... he said he told the guy... "not above the neck line...!" The issue wasn't the monkey bite, it was the placement of the monkey bite... Tracy was in sales, and it didn't look to professional.

    I've been hit on by gays about three times. Two were "strangers" meaning I only knew them for a short time, and the only reason they were being friendly was that I was young and they were hoping they could get me to switch teams. the third was someone I knew, and it wasn't a direct pass, more like a passive "i'm interested, but I'm not going to push it" kind of thing. It always feels real strange when you get blind sided when a guy makes a pass at you. Now that I'm older, and 100% comfortable with who I am, I'd probably just laugh at the situation, and tell him I'm on the wrong team... and it's his turn to buy the next round.

    My former barber was passionately gay, Marvin. he was a thin boned, nervous, twitchy type, fussing over a couple of strands of hair, and working it until he really got it right. And he cut hair fast. I used to go in there to see him about every 4 to 6 weeks. He would talk about his friends that fell to aids, his daughter (he switched teams later in life). He was also a pretty good cook, and would offer me little tidbits of stuff he made. Went in there one christmas holiday, and this fukker decorated the place up like a Macy's window display. the guy did a pro job on a shoe string budget. It was pretty amazing. Anyways, I went in there one time, and Marvin wasn't there. So I asked where's Marvin, and his (now) ex BF said he just left and no idea where he went. So I turned around and left.

  21. #21
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    Yeah some are great decorators, designers, stylists, etc. Unfortunately I never received any of the genes. I work on cars and trucks....go figure. Yep when it comes to lubricating your chassis,turning your crank, fixing your rear seal or boring your cylinder 20 over...I'm your guy.

  22. #22
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    I met a ton of chics when I was a traveling photographer... since 85% of what I did was in a KMart, mostly they were ALL single mothers (MiLF's)... damm, that was a great gig! paid like crap, but the bennies were mind blowing... I could tell stories for hours about that job.... even met the future Mrs. Times Roman that way (but she didn't have any kids)

  23. #23
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    You must have a hell of a lot of patience when dealing with the public TR. As I dont know if I could deal with all those screaming kids having to always calm them and keep them focused to take those pics. Whew. i remember when I was a kid I was wildfire back then ....But the belt always seemed to calm me down quickly lol

  24. #24
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Yeah some are great decorators, designers, stylists, etc. Unfortunately I never received any of the genes. I work on cars and trucks....go figure. Yep when it comes to lubricating your chassis,turning your crank, fixing your rear seal or boring your cylinder 20 over...I'm your guy.
    that doesnt sound right....oh wait u meant in its actual bad

  25. #25
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    No actually I figured it would be misconstrued as a um grey

  26. #26
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    dont ask for a source thx
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    i like to sit in sexual addics meetings....there always a shure thing there...hello my name is ghetto and im a sexaholic...

  27. #27
    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    You must have a hell of a lot of patience when dealing with the public TR. As I dont know if I could deal with all those screaming kids having to always calm them and keep them focused to take those pics. Whew. i remember when I was a kid I was wildfire back then ....But the belt always seemed to calm me down quickly lol
    at first, I didn't like the job too much... like being a performer that takes pictures... you really have to be a big goof, bouncing balls off your head, blah blah blah.... but then I started getting truckloads of pvssy, after that, it was all over.... I would have stripped down naked and poured baby oil all over if it meant hooking up with all those MiLF's!!

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