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  1. #1
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Why can't we delete our own posts?

    Either you read something wrong, or you're in a bad mood and overreact, or you find the answer and don't need a thread up about it anymore, but theres really a thousand reasons to have the function.
    Its prob the single most used feature I use at another forum I'm a member at. But even with double/triple posts like how stupid is it that those posts just have to stay deep in the ar abyss for eternity?

    Is there security reasons why we don't have this function? I just can't think of one good reason not to have it, and it would save the forum space as well as giving mods a break from time to time (like when someone realizes they were being a jackass they can delete a post themself rather than wait for a mod to do it). I know we can edit but deleting sometimes is more neccessary and useful.

    Is there an actual reason we don't have it or has the board just never thought about it before?

  2. #2
    Tigershark's Avatar
    Tigershark is offline "Who wants to be Clark Kent, when you can be Superman."
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    Just email admin and they will take care of it for you. Send a PM and all will be done.

  3. #3
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Take care of what did you even read my post?

    I KNOW they will take care of it when I wrote the "giving mods a break" part it should have been evident that I knew.
    I don't understand the point is the whole point.

    Why should that even be the admins responsibility? Theres like 50,000 people on this forum what if a mere 5% of those people needed all their posts deleted?
    It just doesn't make sense WHY people prefer it to be that way. Admin do you actually enjoy doing that crap? lol. I mean seriously it would drive me CRAZY
    if everytime someone wanted a post deleted they had to pm me to do it. In a matter of a week I would have implemented the delete function.

    My question is theres obviously some benefit to not having it and I'm curious what that is. Because I can't figure it out just by watching other forums.
    I also think JUST BECAUSE we have to pm someone, then wait, that 90% of the time that someone wants something deleted they likely just wind up saying "fvck it".

    Its the same thing I do. "Ah man thats dumb I shouldn't have wrote that... but damn I don't wanna pm admin and turn this into a whole big commotion just so
    I can sit around waiting for him to delete it". My point is its such a PITA. And its likely resulting in a good deal of wasted space on the forum.

    Maybe space is not a concern here and they just don't really give a damn in the larger scheme of things... but I think it would be a useful function to have is my point.
    A lot more useful than not having it.

  4. #4
    stack_it's Avatar
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    I have always wondered why there's no delete aswell. Seems completely logical and I don't see how it could be negative for the board. Especially now with the new update every thread gets double or triple posted.

  5. #5
    stack_it's Avatar
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    I was a member of a car forum once that didn't even offer an edit button. It was a great forum but had a horrible set up.

  6. #6
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    What's makes it even worse is mods are NOT allowed to edit/delete posts. All removal/editing requests have to go to admin.

  7. #7
    MACHINE5150's Avatar
    MACHINE5150 is offline "AR's Vanilla Gorilla"
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    i have been wondering this myself.. makes sense that you should be able to.. not sure about the logic of not allowing you to do this..

  8. #8
    D3m3nt3d's Avatar
    D3m3nt3d is offline AR's Whore D'Oeuvre
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    Perhaps the more posts we have, the more search results show up on sites such as Google, Yahoo etc , thus driving more traffic here.

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