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    Times Roman's Avatar
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    Sitting here with a bottle of Tequila in front of me....

    feeling guilty. Progress has really been fukked lately. Also feeling kinda depressed.. all that friggin hard work. Was up to 230, now down to 220, and bf% has shifted noticeably. It's been a fukked 4 months of rehab.

    You mates ever get down in the dumps like this?

  2. #2
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    The only thing that lifts my mood when I'm down is hard butt sex.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    The only thing that lifts my mood when I'm down is hard butt sex.
    hhhmmmmm...... not sure that solution has any value for me. Not even bi curious. Although I did notice myself 'preciation another dudes tattoo once.

    Well, if that's all you got, I'll just grab this here glass of tequila in front of me and ......

  4. #4
    Skyler is offline I thought I knew it all...WRONG!
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    Muscle memory and knowledge of how to trigger it will bring you up higher than you ever were before the rehab. This too shall pass.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyler View Post
    Muscle memory and knowledge of how to trigger it will bring you up higher than you ever were before the rehab. This too shall pass.
    I have great faith in what you just said. There is definately something to this thing we call muscle memory. But the shirts that were tight just last june, are now baggy. the other issue is my age. I'm older than most here. And gains come slooooowly. I went too hard, too fast last time. I need to accept I aint 25 no more. But no matter the age, ALWAYS room for improvement. That part never stops.

  6. #6
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    Does it have a worm?

    JK - I get that way - and it is good for me to twist off every once in a whille -

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    In fact I am in the process right now - gonna be wounded in the a.m.

  8. #8
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    How old are you ?

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    I have great faith in what you just said. There is definately something to this thing we call muscle memory. But the shirts that were tight just last june, are now baggy. the other issue is my age. I'm older than most here. And gains come slooooowly. I went too hard, too fast last time. I need to accept I aint 25 no more. But no matter the age, ALWAYS room for improvement. That part never stops.
    I hear you. Injuries suck. As you know I have been dealing with the back issues for several years and a injured/torn rotator cuff. I opted for no surgery and almost 2 years. It's greatly improved but not 100%.

    Even though you/we are not 25 anymore I bet you, like me am in better shape now than MOST 25 yr old.
    I also feel the pain in not seeing gains or??? I dont think I have made much improvement over the last year except staying the same weight and getting a little leaner and toner.

    BTW most all my bottles of Tequila are empty now
    Last edited by lovbyts; 11-21-2010 at 05:42 AM.

  10. #10
    Swifto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    feeling guilty. Progress has really been fukked lately. Also feeling kinda depressed.. all that friggin hard work. Was up to 230, now down to 220, and bf% has shifted noticeably. It's been a fukked 4 months of rehab.

    You mates ever get down in the dumps like this?
    I got up to about 220lbs 12% 5-6 months back, was on top of the world.

    Then split with my girl and had a knee operation for torn meniscus. My knee is still f*cked, very light weights now and hard to do cardio.

    I lost about 2 stone because of everything. I was (still not perfect) in a very bad place indeed.

    However, I have been training hard and eating hard and I can tell you within 2-3 months you'll be back to where you were. Muscle memory is amazing, I had never really experienced it before. My strength is almost the same and I am 10-12lbs down on what I was 5-6 months ago...

    Dont worry, you'll be back, bigger, stronger than before in no time.

  11. #11
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    I have struggled with my wrist issues for the past year now, I was down in the dumps like yourself, i stopped training cause of the pain.

    I started to drink heavily most weekends, and diet i wont even get started on.

    I realise now i could of be really working on my legs, since my legs are not the best, and still kept my diet in tact. Unforunately it did not work out how i wanted it to, and i did lose alot of size and strength.

    Now i have gotten all mri xrays ultrasounds etc. Whilst all this happening i was recovering my wrist, now it is starting to feel fine (still have my days though where it is not 100%) Docotors claims there seemed to be no tear (TFC), so surgery was a option for only me to want, basically saying to me if im in that much pain, the surgery was an option. Also said surgery may not even be better or fix the problem i was having.

    I took my chances and here i am now, going to invest in some wrist wraps, harden up screw my head back on,eye of the tiger all the way baby ahah.

    Don't worry my friend you will pull through, the light at the end of your tunnel has not vanished.

  12. #12
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    The Rocky movies motivate me. Nothing wrong with feeling shity for a couple days just set a limit on it. IE take a break then start out with some small goals.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by lovbyts View Post
    I hear you. Injuries suck. As you know I have been dealing with the back issues for several years and a injured/torn rotator cuff. I opted for no surgery and almost 2 years. It's greatly improved but not 100%.

    Even though you/we are not 25 anymore I bet you, like me am in better shape now than MOST 25 yr old.
    I also feel the pain in not seeing gains or??? I dont think I have made much improvement over the last year except staying the same weight and getting a little leaner and toner.

    BTW most all my bottles of Tequila are empty now
    this is true. MOST 25 year olds really aren't in great shape anyways.

    Dumb story. Last new years, we were lit, and there was a garage full of twenty somethings at my buddies house. The kids were smarting off to me, calling me pops, then gramps, blah blah blah. So I told the kids that they were ALL pussies and that none of em could fight. Well, maybe they could fight for air if I sat on em, but that's about it. So me being me, I walk up to one of the bigger kids, and challanged him to hit me in my gut as hard as he could. first NO, then after calling him a ***** a few times, then he did. I let him poke me several times, and then I told him it was my turn to return the favor. you should have seen this kids face. Never saw a white kid get whiter than white. Anyways, he claimed special priveledge due to his recently discovered v@gina and he backed out. So now when I go over there, and the garage is full of kids partying, they remember, and no more of this "gramps" crap. My son is 19, about 6'3" and 200lbs. He goes "I notice you didn't ask ME to hit you in the gut". I'm like... sure! But I get to return the favor. then he's like... fuk that!

    I may be old, but I'm a mean sunofabich

    and from the other thread regarding Kabul. That could actually work out great, just work, and work out. Three or four years of that would be cool. My back is so friggin bad I may come back in a wheel chair...

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    How old are you ?
    you already know, you just want me to repeat it so you can say....

    "Damm you OLD!"

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    you already know, you just want me to repeat it so you can say....

    "Damm you OLD!"
    Damn your old.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by DSM4Life View Post
    Damn your old.
    alright smarty! =)

    (but I've earned every year of it, and have done sh1t most others haven't)

  17. #17
    bruary17 is offline Member
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    Used to be 190 solid...this rotator cuff injury has put me out of commission since april....I'm about 175 now......I've never been so bummed and down. Lifting weights has been my outlet for stress since I was 17 and you don't realize how important it is till it's taken from you. without trying to sound like a cheezball's more then a's a way of life.

    However, I try to find the positive in everything. you got a great opportunity with the whole job thing...most guys would kill for that. you got your woman and your daughter...great foundation right there...keep your head up man. focus and I mean really focus on all thats positive in your life. it brings everything together. and if that doesnt work try the butt sex.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruary17 View Post
    Used to be 190 solid...this rotator cuff injury has put me out of commission since april....I'm about 175 now......I've never been so bummed and down. Lifting weights has been my outlet for stress since I was 17 and you don't realize how important it is till it's taken from you. without trying to sound like a cheezball's more then a's a way of life.

    However, I try to find the positive in everything. you got a great opportunity with the whole job thing...most guys would kill for that. you got your woman and your daughter...great foundation right there...keep your head up man. focus and I mean really focus on all thats positive in your life. it brings everything together. and if that doesnt work try the butt sex.
    ha ha ha! Naw... the woman told me 25 years ago when we first started dating she won't do that. I'm not into it either. But she is an absolute wizard when it comes to oral, and I'm mighty 'preciative about that!!!

    For me when I was younger, I always worked out.... didn't understand how to grow like I do now, but for me, running was always my thing. Imagine my horror when i blew my knee out in the middle of a race. so now all i've got left is my weights. The biggest I've ever been while working out is 240. and that was after 4 years. the only thing I took besides creatine was andro (remember andro?) and then that was only during the last year. andro is very mild, even less so than var.

  19. #19
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    tequila is great for injuries...heals them right up...makes depression better as well being as it's a depressant

  20. #20
    bruary17 is offline Member
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    Aww, yeah...I remember andro...remember 1-AD that stuff was the holy grail of pro hormones.. virtually no sides and awesome gains....i was just talking about that w somone on here..i wish they's make a clone of that.. instead of all the superdrol clones...that stuff is toxic!

  21. #21
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    if your depressed dont drink newb its a depressant will make thing work, go hit the **** gym and slam the weights like a man.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by F4iGuy View Post
    The Rocky movies motivate me. Nothing wrong with feeling shity for a couple days just set a limit on it. IE take a break then start out with some small goals.
    So ironic, i am the same.

  23. #23
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    I drank so much last night. Chasers helped keep the hangover mild today but it's still there.

  24. #24
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    I have been there too. Take the weekend and get back on track Monday. The way I keep myself motivated is I have 5 envelopes addressed to either someone or an orginization I can not stand. Inside each envelope is a $100 bill and my girlfriend has them hidden from me. I have a 5 month plan for my body and goals I need to meet each month. If I do not meet those goals my girlfriend will put an envelope in the mail. I have been doing this for 2 months now and it has completely changed my physique.

  25. #25
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    thanks mates! well, I'm not usually depressed, and last night was a short lived bump in the road for me. Nothing like crying into your tequila with your mates here!

  26. #26
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    I drank and gain 20 lbs fvck me FInally got back to my original weight of 220 after running DNP twice and I drank heavy so no more drinking now....

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    I drank and gain 20 lbs fvck me FInally got back to my original weight of 220 after running DNP twice and I drank heavy so no more drinking now....
    ouch! I'm actually losing weight since rehab

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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    ouch! I'm actually losing weight since rehab
    whenever u r down add test to your diet

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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    whenever u r down add test to your diet
    you mean MORE test?

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tigershark View Post
    I have been there too. Take the weekend and get back on track Monday. The way I keep myself motivated is I have 5 envelopes addressed to either someone or an orginization I can not stand. Inside each envelope is a $100 bill and my girlfriend has them hidden from me. I have a 5 month plan for my body and goals I need to meet each month. If I do not meet those goals my girlfriend will put an envelope in the mail. I have been doing this for 2 months now and it has completely changed my physique.
    i think your a cvnt

    will pm my address shortly

  31. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruary17 View Post
    Used to be 190 solid...this rotator cuff injury has put me out of commission since april....I'm about 175 now......I've never been so bummed and down. Lifting weights has been my outlet for stress since I was 17 and you don't realize how important it is till it's taken from you. without trying to sound like a cheezball's more then a's a way of life.

    However, I try to find the positive in everything. you got a great opportunity with the whole job thing...most guys would kill for that. you got your woman and your daughter...great foundation right there...keep your head up man. focus and I mean really focus on all thats positive in your life. it brings everything together. and if that doesnt work try the butt sex.
    ah shite, i hope im not headed the same way. my shoulder has been fookd for 2wks now and its unlike any other shoulder prob ive had. afraid to find out its a long termer. what were your symptoms?

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by bjpennnn View Post
    if your depressed dont drink newb its a depressant will make thing work, go hit the **** gym and slam the weights like a man.
    You calling an old bull like me a newb... haven't heard that in a while! thanks for the chuckle, and I'll take that as a compliment.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    you mean MORE test?
    yes New bie...more test

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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    yes New bie...more test
    well, not depressed anymore but that one moment. Was also thinking about the Kabul thing and maybe having to leave my daughter. Agave can make me a little emotional once in a while.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    well, not depressed anymore but that one moment. Was also thinking about the Kabul thing and maybe having to leave my daughter. Agave can make me a little emotional once in a while.
    Why dont u add more test...just for the hell of it......Its good for u

  36. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    Why dont u add more test...just for the hell of it......Its good for u
    If I go to Kabul, I probably will. If I stay here, then I'll just cruise with whatever my doc gives me.... I won't pin at home.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    If I go to Kabul, I probably will. If I stay here, then I'll just cruise with whatever my doc gives me.... I won't pin at home.
    go to Kabul make money when opportunity arrives.....careful in Dubai.......just sayin

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    go to Kabul make money when opportunity arrives.....careful in Dubai.......just sayin
    what do you mean? what have you heard?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Times Roman View Post
    what do you mean? what have you heard?
    I meant no screwing ard in hookers, sluts....I wouldnt...thats all I am saying

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    I meant no screwing ard in hookers, sluts....I wouldnt...thats all I am saying
    STD's or because of the law?

    or do you mean just stay true to my woman?

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