What is the best way to get over a break up?
How do you guys move on?
What has helped you?
What is the best way to get over a break up?
How do you guys move on?
What has helped you?
Cut your ex out of your life. COMPLETELY. Do not contact them ever again. No 'just friends', no facebook friends, NOTHING. DONE.
This is the first step to moving on.
It usually (depending on your experience) stops hurting about a month into it. But you cannot keep talking to the person or keep them in your life at all.
For some people, and in some situations, finding someone else helps moving on, but be careful you don't end up rebounding. Big issues there if that happens. Another thing that helps is to just get out and meet new women. You don't have to start a relationship up right away, but just mingle and meet new people. And keep doing exciting things to keep the pain and person off your mind. Go out with friends, have a good time. Think positive. If you think negative, you'll feel like shit guaranteed. Think positive and positive things will happen.
And if all else fails, just think to yourself: there are people in WORSE situations than you. Not only are they in breakups, but their breakups involve child custody battles and massive losses of money. Would you rather be there? Or just in a simple breakup?
hobbies, other women, ect.
**** someone else quickly. But a month is about right.
stay busy and active. Exercise and workout.
Avoid sitting and moping.
Find another woman.
Nothing stops the hurting. Time will help mend the wound but it will be there for a while. Best thing you can do is distract yourself. Go out with family friends.
go out or do what ever you do and move one. Dont call or text them.
I have said it many times. Best way to get over a girl is to get on another one. Go bang some chicks. Really even if you where/are in LOVE it's better than sitting around moping all day/week/month.
My last HARD breakup was with a GF in Thailand. It was mutual due to distance and??? but suprisingly it was probably the hardest since High school days. Luckily since I was there at the time I had PLENTY of backup available for the asking. I banged 3 chicks the first night; Yes, at the same time.2nd day only 2 at the same time, next day 2 again, separate..... I think?
It still sucked afterward and she was all I could think about although I knew it was for the best. In the long run it was still the best thing I could have done. I did my shave of talking to friends, having a few drinks but I made sure to make some new memories to keep in my brain to keep me occupied. Also make sure you are around people/friends you know but DONT spend your time talking or focusing on the breakup, go do as much as possible.
If its for good whatever you do dont let her draw you back in, many girls will break up with a guy then start talking to them again a month or two later and the guy will have all the old feelings resurface and then she will go right back to hanging out with other girls. One of my best friends dated this girl for like 2 years and loved her with all his heart more than anything. One day she tells him she doesnt wanna be with him anymore, then a day or two later she says she will talk to him and she just meant for a break so he gets his hopes back up, that night she was supposed to call him to talk. He texts her around 1 in the morning because still no call and she says she is with some friends which turned out to be some other guys.
Blah blah it goes on and on with her dragging him on and on and building him up then crushing his feelings again. But he eventually got over it and tries to not talk to her anymore even though we all know he still loves her.
On the plus side of it all, he was overweight while they were dating had a small tire around his waste nothing crazy but still a good bit of fat. Well all this happened in May, as of August he had lost 50lbs, 30 of it was in the first month or so he basically quit eating. But now he looks like a whole new man and is actually a pretty good looking dude and I am pretty sure he can find a girl alot better than her now.
I know that was kind of a long rant but just remember if she dumped you then obviously she isnt for you and you can find somebody better out there. But I know if my girl dumped me right now I would honestly be crushed, I would be between just laying in my room crying like a bitch or getting in my truck and running off a bridge at 100
i think lovbyts said something really good. you got to make new memories in you rbrain that doesnt have to do with her so when you think back you see something else. iv been through this and i havent replaced my memories yet so when ever i think back to something i see her. its a pain in the ass
Well friend,
I've felt what your describing twice
I usually focus on the gym. Then both times I met someone better so it made it easy to move on. Just look for someone better.... and I don't believe inbeing friends or anything, cut off all contact with ur ex
i usualy get super motivated as soon as the anger phase of the mourning prosses surfaces...i always got the "ill show that bitch wats she's missing" attitude and years ago would start another rock band and start playing the clubs..id occasionaly see her there and it felt great to see me up there getting all the attention of the ladies while she was out back with her new wannaby rockstar boyfriend...rather then slip into deep depresion bro try getting motivated to get huge in the gym and when you see her next summer shell wish she never ended it but it will be too late cus by then you will have another smokin hot girl...goodluck bro...
Honest it will never go away if you really LOVE that person but you know what helped me was not just going out a fvcking a chick but going out and fvcking the kind of chick i know she hated... all women have a type of female they just cant stand, find out what kind it is go out and bang the hell out of it! GL
If he is really hurting, banging is the last thing on his mind. Takes time. Yes, friend its normal to feel that way.
Thanks for all of the support guys.
Honestly i don't feel like banging other chicks yet..
I'm finding training helps a whole lot, until the endorphins where off anyway.
Unfortunately.. i don't have the luxury of cutting this girl from my life completely. She works around the corner from where i do, and i see her just about everyday.
This whole experience has flipped my world upside down.
Ive been there a few times and its not easy no matter how many times you go through it. There's been some really good advice in this thread but one thing your going to have to do and that's give it time, dont contact her ever again and make sure you dont see her, things will get easier quicker if you do. Hang in there and do what ever makes you happy while your going through hell.
Join the military and go fight in a war.
Nothing like a good war to clear your head.
Woman's view: I wish someone would love me enough to hurt like this. She's not worth it if she can't see what she has in front of her. Yes it will hurt for a while but remember your too good of a man to get treated like that.
Only a woman can do this to a guy. Not many can admit it either.
They will fvck up your head more then you ever thought possible. They will rip out your beating heart and leave you on the side of the road for the rats to eat your rotting carcus.
These b!tches be crazy.
Like I said before just keep busy. Do some positive sh!t with your life.
Just keep focused and you'll bounce back.
(if you have to see her every day then that is going to be a problem. Maybe its time for a career change.)
Oh Yea, and watch the movie Forgetting Sarah Marshall. You will get a good laugh and probly make you feel better.
Last edited by Brewster; 11-23-2010 at 02:55 PM. Reason: forgot something
I know you don't feel like banging another chick. But it works. You've got too many guys here saying the same thing repeatedly for it not to have some validity. And yeah, it's still gonna hurt, and it still sucks. That part just takes time bro.
I wouldnt call it bs^^ he was in thailand, anything is possible over there
I didnt feel like it either but I knew from experience that it would help even if I didnt want to do it. They meant nothing to me, I still felt like crap after but it did get the brain/heart working and thinking about something else. I also ended up meeting a girl about a week later who ended up being great. Not as in a girlfriend replacement great but she helped 110% just because she ended up being really nice, sweet and a good person.
I'm glad I did what I did, to many times I have seen people mope around for far to long, I have had weeks of being sad, upset, angry about something like that and this helped. Like I said before, it just adding new memories.
^^^Long time, short time lol
Great days![]()
Alright I guess you win lovebyts......
It's OK, it wasnt a contest. I was just showing I dont BS. I know, it's easy to say/do/be anyone you want behind a keyboard but I'm TO honest most of the time. lol
I have a few more like those and many I didnt get pictures of. Visit Thailand, Philippines or a few of the other Asian countries. I know a lot of people (who have never been there) think everyone pays for ssx but if you are Foreign (Caucasian) not OLD like 60+ and in 1/2 way decent shape it's easy to find girls who will fall all over you even ones who are not looking to come to the US or???
I have said many times, I have never paid for sex. I have paid a few to leave the next day though or taxi fare.
If you are in GOOD shape especially in the Philippines the girls will be come to you in swarms... LOL I literally had girls stop in cars several times when I was walking around town to ask me where I was going? If I was with anyone and if I wanted to go with them... No, none of them who asked where ugly or fat.
OK sorry for the hijack. Back on topic..
LOL, no I dont have pictures of that one.... I sent that one home. Yes I have met several who have extra little bits I'm not interested in and that's all good and fine but they dont make it to the bedroom. As for the one in blue... no she had all the right parts including a 1yr old daughter and some little stretch marks on t*ties. lol
Sign up for a series of massages. Missing her touch will bother you the most more than likely so a great remedy is to get a series of massages to help fill the void.
Other thing: When we change our focus we look at something else. Fool proof.
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