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Thread: WHO HAS ANXIETY, and still Uses performance drugs???

  1. #1
    snowman's Avatar
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    Question WHO HAS ANXIETY, and still Uses performance drugs???

    Hi! All,
    Just wondering, who on this board has Anxiety, and still uses "performance drugs"... i haven't done a cycle in over 3 years ; 2 years ago started getting anxiety for some freaking reason, and still have it today, and take medication for it ; lately ( past couple of months) my energy is really down, and don't even feel like working out ( but i still go);thinking something is wrong, went to do blood test etc... everything is O.K.,but i still feel like crap ;so I'm thinking of doing a cycle with test E , and DECA OR EQ, so i can get my energy back.... but now that I have anxiety, every time I think of doing a cycle, i get anxiety...IF i work out a little harder at the GYM, my heart races ( and i know its because i have no energy) but i get Anxiety, because i think I'm having a heart attack...( I did exam's on my heart and its fine ; my doct says it all in my head)...
    Anyways.... enough about me, just wondering IF anyone of this site has Anxiety and still uses steroids .... i hope that you don't get anxiety by reading

  2. #2
    GymHero's Avatar
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    I have had GAD ( Generalized Anxiety Disorder) now for almost 1 year. I was put on fluoxetine an SSRI and it has helped me out a lot. The major thing that has helped me was realizing anxiety isnt real and is just a feeling and trying to keep busy and have my mind on other things. If you want to talk about how your feeling or anything pm me if you want ! As far as cycling I just started my 1st cycle 3 days ago of Test prop 70 mg ed.

  3. #3
    MaNiCC's Avatar
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    Could you be more specific with regards to your anxiety? Does this only occur in the gym? what specific symptoms do you experience? do you take anything to combat the anxiety?

  4. #4
    olderfella is offline Associate Member
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    I have had pretty bad anxiety and panic attacks for the last three years,Snowman you would be ill advised to use either deca or equipoise as both are known to heighten anxiety which when it reaches the right level quickly becomes a panic attack,you would be best sticking to test on its own,of course youre doctor is right it is all in our heads but when the adrenaline starts to race through your body to the point its making you panic try telling your brain its all in your head.Ask your doc for a mild betablocker like nebivolol try 2.5mg daily for starters,what meds are you on at the min?
    Last edited by olderfella; 11-25-2010 at 03:10 PM.

  5. #5
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    I do. I have pretty bad anxiety pretty constantly and just finished up some Test Cyp Sunday. I don't take any prescription drugs for the anxiety other than an anti-depressant which doesn't really help the anxiety anyway. The test makes me feel young and strong, if anything, my anxiety is LESS while on test.

    I've taken benzo's in the past to help with anxiety and more recently have taken clonodine (a beta blocker) which helped the physical symptoms of anxiety (although makes me tired unless taken on a full stomach while I am hydrated well).
    Last edited by 40plusnewbie; 11-25-2010 at 03:14 PM.

  6. #6
    snowman's Avatar
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    Well... as for the prescription i take its Alprazolan 0.5 mg ( 1 daily, sometimes 2 when needed) the symptoms are muscle tension, trembling, shortness of breath, fast heartbeat, dry mouth, dizziness, nausea, irritability, loss of sleep and not being able to concentrate...fear, fear, fear, so much so, that i'm starting to get afraid of working out, so that i dont get a fast heartbeat ( i know its in my head but i cant control it...everytime i say its in my head, my brain says " NO ITS NOT" i'm sure you guys know the feeling .

    OLDERFELLA... Did you say NOT to TAKE deca or Eq, or to take it?

    Gym here, whats an SSRI.

  7. #7
    olderfella is offline Associate Member
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    Do not take deca or equipoise snowman

  8. #8
    olderfella is offline Associate Member
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    Ssri is a Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor you could ask your doc for something different to the benzo you have as that particular one can have major anxiety rebound effects when you try to come off it

  9. #9
    MaNiCC's Avatar
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    Imo the symptoms you are experiencing are that of panic disorder, this condition would be better treated by a psychiatrist not a doctor. I would not go near benzo's as they are addictive and have a rebound effectlike Olderfella stated. However if you do feel you need to use benzo's make sure you reduce doses slowly when coming off. If you do not decide to get help from a professional it is highly likely that the condition will become worse.

    SSRI = Anti depressant.

    Venlafaxine (SNRI) is proven to work well with panic disorder, as is escitalopram

  10. #10
    n00bs's Avatar
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    Hi thanks for sharing your situation..

    I suffer from panic disorder have for the last 12 years.

    Have been on alot of different meds... Only starting to come off them now once i treated the cause of the problem...

    There are 2 books i strongly reccomend you read for you to understand the basics of what is happening to you.

    Now for someone with no prior experience to this it can seem a little strange at first. Traditional knowledge in regards to medical body systems is a little backwards. People seem to forget the mind gut connection and how very real it is...

    Drugs help short term but do not address the real problem...

  11. #11
    snowman's Avatar
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    Thanks everyone....and thanks n00bs for recommending those books, i will get them for sure...

  12. #12
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    The only anxiety I get is when I was waiting to start my cycle... all my problems seem to go away when Im on... guess Im weird.

    Hopefully all goes well man

  13. #13
    olderfella is offline Associate Member
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    Hey noobs are you anxiety free now mate or have the books taught you how to control it?Am i right in assuming the gut and psychology book is about the effect of diet?

  14. #14
    bruary17 is offline Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by snowman View Post
    Hi! All,
    Just wondering, who on this board has Anxiety, and still uses "performance drugs"... i haven't done a cycle in over 3 years ; 2 years ago started getting anxiety for some freaking reason, and still have it today, and take medication for it ; lately ( past couple of months) my energy is really down, and don't even feel like working out ( but i still go);thinking something is wrong, went to do blood test etc... everything is O.K.,but i still feel like crap ;so I'm thinking of doing a cycle with test E , and DECA OR EQ, so i can get my energy back.... but now that I have anxiety, every time I think of doing a cycle, i get anxiety...IF i work out a little harder at the GYM, my heart races ( and i know its because i have no energy) but i get Anxiety, because i think I'm having a heart attack...( I did exam's on my heart and its fine ; my doct says it all in my head)...
    Anyways.... enough about me, just wondering IF anyone of this site has Anxiety and still uses steroids.... i hope that you don't get anxiety by reading
    Dude, we are the same person. I can totally relate to the way you feel. Lucinda Basset has a book out it savd my ass BIGTIME! can't think of the name of it ironically...but google'll find it.

  15. #15
    n00bs's Avatar
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    Yeah that's right..

    I'm not anxiety free yet but I am off benzos and down from 300mg of effexor to 75mg. I have been on These drugs since I was 12 ( 24 now) .. And this is the most promising step I have had.

    Look up leaky gut and food intolerences.. I was intolerant to all the food I was eating. Milk, eggs even whey.. I cut them out for 3 months did a gut heal program diet and felt amazing. I got cocky and recently drank ally of milk and started whey again, the insomnia and strange thoughts ( ocd like sort of)came back.

    This has prompted me to nutritional studies I am almost finished my advanced diploma and next year start my bachelors.

    If youwant to talk more pm me if you don't want to post publicly.

    Take care

  16. #16
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by n00bs View Post
    Yeah that's right..

    I'm not anxiety free yet but I am off benzos and down from 300mg of effexor to 75mg. I have been on These drugs since I was 12 ( 24 now) .. And this is the most promising step I have had.

    If youwant to talk more pm me if you don't want to post publicly.

    Take care
    seriously bro, thanks for opening up and sharing this kind of personal info with people. Theres a lot of people who share similar situations but dont know who to ask or worse yet, to embarassed to ask for help

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  17. #17
    Sicko's Avatar
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    I was diagnosed with anxiety disorder of some kind back in 1994,to long ago to remember actual name they gave it..Anyways I have suffered with it some 16 years now..At first I was rushed to the ER on three different occasions before I finally accepted and believed that I wasnt REALLY going to die!! I still get severe anxiety attacks several times a year (the ones where you lay down,checking your pulse all the while updating your will.) as well as regular insomnia and minor attacks that just make you feel like sh!t in general..I was once prescribed meds for it back then but never took them ..Some people will say that they are all in your head,That is not true..The feeling of elevated heart rate, weakness,nausea etc.. are the results of your body dealing with the endorphins that are have been released into your body..They are the same endorphines that your brain orders to release when it thinks or are dying..AKA death endorphins..Since you are not really dying your body is overloaded with un-needed adrenline among other endorphins.

    1.Endorphin levels are elevated even by relatively minor trauma. Alleviating the pain and stress of a person who has suffered a trauma can keep them functional enough to take life-saving actions, such as staunching the bleeding or seeking help. That endorphins are released also during fatal trauma is a side effect.

    2.Release of endorphins during trauma is not entirely merciful. If the person survives the trauma, the withdrawal from the endorphins can produce emotional distress that can contribute to post-traumatic stress disorder or alcohol addiction (Volpicelli et al. 1999).

    Those findings bring up a whole different subject for a new thread..
    What has helped me over the years cope with the attacks is the fact that no matter how bad you feel,YOU ARE NOT DYING it justs feels that way..Knowing this I just try and relax and go on with my daily activities..Eventually some thing will take your mind of it long enought that it will subside...
    I get them frequently when faced with unknown situations with an uncertian outcome....
    Anyways sorry about the short novel.heheheh
    Good thread...
    Last edited by Sicko; 11-26-2010 at 06:04 PM.
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  18. #18
    MaNiCC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by n00bs View Post
    Yeah that's right..

    I'm not anxiety free yet but I am off benzos and down from 300mg of effexor to 75mg. I have been on These drugs since I was 12 ( 24 now) .. And this is the most promising step I have had.

    Look up leaky gut and food intolerences.. I was intolerant to all the food I was eating. Milk, eggs even whey.. I cut them out for 3 months did a gut heal program diet and felt amazing. I got cocky and recently drank ally of milk and started whey again, the insomnia and strange thoughts ( ocd like sort of)came back.

    This has prompted me to nutritional studies I am almost finished my advanced diploma and next year start my bachelors.

    If youwant to talk more pm me if you don't want to post publicly.

    Take care
    Im down from 375 effexor (venlafaxine) to 150mg

  19. #19
    SomeRandomGuy's Avatar
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    This anxiety you speak of, what are it's characteristics? What are the symptoms? You just feel as though you're going to die? I'm taking 800mg of Deca right now with my stack...

    I don't really notice any effects from AS at all. But I get bad paranoia from stimulants. I wish I didn't take them, but they help me work out. I am reluctant to admit that I used rec. stims earlier in my life... I think there's some latent scarring of my psyche from this. Sometimes I have to look in the back seat and watch to make sure my shadow is my own, etc... Scary. Silence bothers me...

    If I don't take stims, or just like a cup of coffee, I'm just fine. I guess the word to use is not maybe I shouldn't use preworkout stims. The Jack3d works really well, but damn it gets me buzzed....

    How am I gonna handle my clen cutter... God, I hate clen. Headaches, cramps, fun!

  20. #20
    olderfella is offline Associate Member
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    All stims can heighten anxiety Random even caffeine,i have stopped using all stims,t3,t4 clen ,nitric oxide and caffiene and gone gluten free binned cows milk in favour of goats and feel hell of a lot better,as kp said loads of people have anxiety and panic symptoms but dont know who to turn to and some steroids and stims are a major contributing factor,i was realy pleased snowman started this post as far to many people suffer in silence and think the problem carries a social stigma as it is a form of mental illness.It would be good if the guys that do suffer put their hands up and we all tried to help each other even if its by pm,dont be afraid to ask for help or advice there are plenty of us sufferers out here.

  21. #21
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    These are some of my symptoms....muscle tension, trembling, shortness of breath, fast heartbeat, dry mouth, dizziness, nausea, irritability, loss of sleep and not being able to concentrate...i might be O.K. right now, and having a conversation with friends or having fun, THEN in SECONDS i get anxiety out of no where; i get dry mouth , fast heartbeat, dizziness etc... right away i want to leave where I'm at , and stop talking, and the more i try to control it, and say its nothing,but my brain is telling me otherwise; I try not to show that i have anxiety ( when I'm having it, around people),but IF my wife notices that i have it, and she tell me, THEN I FEEL worst, because my brain thinks, IF my wife notices it THEN i must be really bad (this is just one example)... another example is going to the gym ; sometimes i go to the gym, and on the way there I'm fine, as soon as i get my feet inside the GYM i get Anxiety, and i have to leave right away, i try to my work out but it gets worst so I'm forced to leave ( this does not happen to often, but it does happen, i know started taking my medication, 1 hour before i go work out, so that i can work out)... still remember the first time i went to the hospital thinking i was having a heart attack... the nurses kept telling me i was not having a heart attack ( you think i believe them ??? NO ) because they were not doctors they were just nurses, so i thought i was having a heart attack... after 1.5 hour a Doctor came and told me, i was not having a heart attack, it was just anxiety, and with in SECONDS i was O.K. (because it was a doctor telling me ).....

  22. #22
    olderfella is offline Associate Member
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    Snowman have you asked your doc for a betablocker?i have found that even when the craps hittin the fan in your head that the betablocker stops the heart racing and this in turn stops alot of the other sides happening as it shuts down the flow of adrenaline which i have found tends to make most of the symptoms stop very quickly,the other thing i learned in therapy is never leave the place where the anxiety or panic occurs as this becomes a trigger in your subconcience

  23. #23
    bruary17 is offline Member
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    Snowman. Read the book! it was the be all end all of my anxiety...i went from bed ridden to laughing in the face of anxiety.

  24. #24
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    Yep, good old fight or flight response. Yeah, I'm familiar with this. The worst is when you're by yourself. I have been able to for the last few years to tell myself to quit being a bitch and knock it off, though. It seems to work. I guess I reason with myself and tell myself there's no reason to feel this way, and it gets better. Kind of like telling myself; the only reason you feel this way is you, and no one else is caring, and neither should you. Just ride it out. Go with it. The way out is through. The less I think about how anxious I am, and start concentrating on something else, the better it seems to get. If I dwell on it, it gets worse. But bottom line, I will not defeat myself.
    Last edited by SomeRandomGuy; 11-27-2010 at 06:33 PM.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by olderfella View Post
    Snowman have you asked your doc for a betablocker?i have found that even when the craps hittin the fan in your head that the betablocker stops the heart racing and this in turn stops alot of the other sides happening as it shuts down the flow of adrenaline which i have found tends to make most of the symptoms stop very quickly,the other thing i learned in therapy is never leave the place where the anxiety or panic occurs as this becomes a trigger in your subconcience
    Not sure IF what i take is a betablocker, but i will ask my doctor; i do take alprozolan, and it gives me the same affect from what you are explaing, but maybe its not the same thing... i also know that leaving the place that give me anxiety is not a good thing, because it let it control me, but sometimes, i have too...

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruary17 View Post
    Snowman. Read the book! it was the be all end all of my anxiety...i went from bed ridden to laughing in the face of anxiety.
    I will, started looking for it... i now live in Portugal, and its hard to find books like that here and in English ; when i was in Canada, you will find anything... just like trying to explained to my doctor in Portuguese for a betablocker...need to search the net before i go to my doctor
    By the way, thanks everyone, for the support, and i'm starting to see this is more common then i thought...

  27. #27
    snowman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bruary17 View Post
    Snowman. Read the book! it was the be all end all of my anxiety...i went from bed ridden to laughing in the face of anxiety.
    I will, started looking for it... i now live in Portugal, and its hard to find books like that here and in English ; when i was in Canada, you will find anything... just like trying to explained to my doctor in Portuguese for a betablocker...need to search the net before i go to my doctor
    By the way, thanks everyone, for the support, and i'm starting to see this is more common then i thought...

  28. #28
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    Ive been diagnosed with both situational anxiety and being a generally anxious person (Im testing about equal on both accounts, so its a double wammy). I did a successful run of test and did several kinds of prohormones with no ill sides. Im treated with Xanax in situational necessity only. IMO you'll only increase your anxiety if you take a harsh steroid AND in the back of your mind think A. people know Im on steroids and that makes me uncomfortable or B. I could be damaging myself and not know it.

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    bjpennnn's Avatar
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    ya you guys would fail in my situation i got a probation officer rolling through here on a regular occasion, talk about being anxious that shit gets stressful. my buddy says just low doses of test keeps his chill with lots of jerking off. he said is he gets backed up his anxiety gets worse, i am not trolling just saying it works for him.
    Last edited by bjpennnn; 11-28-2010 at 04:36 PM.

  30. #30
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    I do not have anxiety but I can honestly say I would never touch deca again. I have never been so depressed in my life while on that stuff.

  31. #31
    n00bs's Avatar
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    Do not follow this advice,

    a side efect of beta blockers is anxiety!

  32. #32
    olderfella is offline Associate Member
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    Noobs have you had a bad experience on a beta blocker?i have been on beta blocker nevibolol for around 6weeks now and it certainly shuts down symptoms quickly i also know many people on anxiety and panic forums that have had the same results,side effects of many anti d,s is anxiety but they are presciribed for anxiety,no one claims they work for everyone as we are all different however millions of people get relief from them as they do with tca,s maoi inhibitors and anti d,s all which list in there side effects can cause anxiety.

  33. #33
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    Damn I thought I was alone lol. These are the symptoms I've been having ever since I got off a cycle of test eq deca bout six months ago. Bad combo, I now know. Should of just stuck with test. It's like my mind stuck on replay of what if's about like anxiety, or just my health in general. I keep thinking I'm about to have an aneurysm, heart attack, seizure, etc.. It makes it hard to workout like I get shaky and my heart rate increases. Sometimes turns into panic attacks if I'm alone. I've had ekg's and been to the ER a few times, all said it was stress and anxiety. I'm pretty sure it stems from just thinking about it so much, but it's hard not to. I was on xanax for a little while, but had horrible withdrawals. Wouldn't recommend for long term use. I've just started therapy, maybe that will help. Can gear have an effect like this even after six months of being off? It's starting to make me depressed, but it's a little better knowing other people are feeling the same way.

  34. #34
    olderfella is offline Associate Member
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    you can have flash backs but i wouldnt blame you anxiety n panic purely on gear,it can be caused by a multitude of things but certain steroids can enhance your symptoms,therapy can work well for some people but like everything in life one cap doesnt fit all,you could ask your doctor for a longer term medication there are lots of good ones but do not get amitriptyline (elavil) if you intend to use gear again as the two do not mix,you could also read the books the guys have recommended,there is lots of different treatments and help available.

  35. #35
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    If you want to buy a book but can't get it locally you can try buying it online and having it mailed to you.

    My anxiety is related to my childhood, post traumatic stress from a terrible environment I grew up in. When I started dealing with the root causes in therapy I started to have some weird sleep problems where I would lash out in my sleep, like fighting someone who was attacking me while dreaming. Once I knocked over a lamp, another time I almost broke a finger from hitting the metal headboard on my bed. Maybe I should wear boxing gloves when I go to bed lol I've had anxiety for so long it's become like part of who I am. I wish I dealt with it when I was a lot younger as it's become an ingrained part of who I am now.

  36. #36
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    Yeah it made me worse,

    I dont like them... It is just another bandaid in the grand scheme of things.

    Diazapam is a life saver for acute situations if used CORRECTLY!

    We need to address the issues though... How long were we fine before this "kicked in" randomly. If you were once fine then you must be able to return to that state something has changed.. and it needs to be fixed.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by n00bs View Post
    Do not follow this advice,

    a side efect of beta blockers is anxiety!
    Any medical evidence to prove this? I have used beta blockers many times and found they decrease my anxiety.

  38. #38
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    I'm on 150 mg of Venlafaxine (Effexor) a day for anxiety/depression. It's been a couple of years since I've cycled, but am planning on doing one this winter. Tren Acetate was the only cycle that really made it worse for me, and I think it was because it affected my sleep.

  39. #39
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    Yeah go find it...

    ED, anxiety, alot of people i have treated have less problems with AD then beta blockers...

  40. #40
    snowman's Avatar
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    O.k... some say to stay away from EQ and Deca ,because of my anxiety, and since i normally take people's advise , so what else should i use with Test? I figure, tren wont be any good either ; how about Winny ?

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