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Thread: women are nuts

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    zimmy's Avatar
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    women are nuts

    no need to post a story about's just true. Seriously don't know how men get the label as the insensitive ones.

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    Swifto's Avatar
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    Potty.... Insensitive nutters......

  3. #3
    Dukkit's Avatar
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    women get away with so much because of whats in between their legs

    they are more whorish, crazy and pain in the asses then men ever are

    but they cover it up with their feminine wiles

  4. #4
    D3m3nt3d's Avatar
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    Most are crazy no doubt.

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    calgarian's Avatar
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    Zimmy u had to create thread about it??? i thought we established it already?

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    paulzane's Avatar
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    Give us some examples zimmy!

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    Shol'va's Avatar
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    There are alternatives you know......

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    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dukkitdalaw View Post
    women get away with so much because of whats in between their legs
    I dont understand what my tongue has to do with any of this

  9. #9
    bodybuilder's Avatar
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    This is so true.

  10. #10
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    I dont understand what my tongue has to do with any of this
    Its always involved in a dirty crack....speaking of dirty is your ex G/F?

  11. #11
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    Brewster's Avatar
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    ^^ lol @ the rag

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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post

  15. #15
    D3m3nt3d's Avatar
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    They amaze me, so many beautiful girls....yet so many botches

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    zimmy's Avatar
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    4,225 i'ma post it up cus no male friends

    So every once in a while I don't get hard when we mess around...i'm talking once ever 8 months if not more. So we do it like about 2 x a week now (honey moon faze over). So when this happens ... my wife blows up talking about "I don't know why I even bother" acting like I'm the biggest POS ever. So of course...after that happens ...the next couple of attempts it's fresh in my mind and you know wha thappens when you over think. So I try to explain that it's not a problem...if she would just not blow it out of proportion that it would help it not re-occur immediately. BUT NOOOOO...she throws out "of course this is MY fault"...she's only apologized 2 times since we have been together and she seriously thinks that she doesn't "need to apologies for something that she doesn't mean". So anyway... this is my life...yay. Oh and this last time ...she kept up with the comments and talking with her face (you know how women are) so here it is like a month later of maybe 5 incidents and counting. And now she hasnt' talked to me for 2 days! Last incident I massaged her back and rubbed her feet for a good hour (do it all the time...nothing special)...played a game of scrabble with her (I hate that game but she loves it) and it happens and all she is reacting too is the incident. F*cking crazy...who could perform under that kind of stress. BTW...thsi isn't just a little mad....this is like I want a divorce mad. no solution...not expecting one since no problem can be fixed if only 1 person is willing to talk about it. But it feels good being able to post up here with a few logical peeps.

  18. #18
    zimmy's Avatar
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    Oh I got some liquid cia for placebo affect...but giving that mid day I get horny as hell ...i know it's not my labido.

  19. #19
    D3m3nt3d's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy View Post i'ma post it up cus no male friends

    So every once in a while I don't get hard when we mess around...i'm talking once ever 8 months if not more. So we do it like about 2 x a week now (honey moon faze over). So when this happens ... my wife blows up talking about "I don't know why I even bother" acting like I'm the biggest POS ever. So of course...after that happens ...the next couple of attempts it's fresh in my mind and you know wha thappens when you over think. So I try to explain that it's not a problem...if she would just not blow it out of proportion that it would help it not re-occur immediately. BUT NOOOOO...she throws out "of course this is MY fault"...she's only apologized 2 times since we have been together and she seriously thinks that she doesn't "need to apologies for something that she doesn't mean". So anyway... this is my life...yay. Oh and this last time ...she kept up with the comments and talking with her face (you know how women are) so here it is like a month later of maybe 5 incidents and counting. And now she hasnt' talked to me for 2 days! Last incident I massaged her back and rubbed her feet for a good hour (do it all the time...nothing special)...played a game of scrabble with her (I hate that game but she loves it) and it happens and all she is reacting too is the incident. F*cking crazy...who could perform under that kind of stress. BTW...thsi isn't just a little mad....this is like I want a divorce mad. no solution...not expecting one since no problem can be fixed if only 1 person is willing to talk about it. But it feels good being able to post up here with a few logical peeps.
    Bro honestly - my wife (separated) said some really hurtful shit to me that really affected me so I know what you mean. As a matter of fact, I still don't look at her the same. I was getting better before we split, but all the comments and mental abuse can certainly have an affect. I am in therapy now and I believe that's why I have made the progress that I have, because she hurt me to the point I had performance anxiety, which is what it sounds like you may be experiencing. Nowdays tho, I can screw other chicks, they all love it, and I know it was all bullshit. But, it does fukk with you worse than they know.

  20. #20
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy View Post i'ma post it up cus no male friends

    So every once in a while I don't get hard when we mess around...i'm talking once ever 8 months if not more. So we do it like about 2 x a week now (honey moon faze over). So when this happens ... my wife blows up talking about "I don't know why I even bother" acting like I'm the biggest POS ever. So of course...after that happens ...the next couple of attempts it's fresh in my mind and you know wha thappens when you over think. So I try to explain that it's not a problem...if she would just not blow it out of proportion that it would help it not re-occur immediately. BUT NOOOOO...she throws out "of course this is MY fault"...she's only apologized 2 times since we have been together and she seriously thinks that she doesn't "need to apologies for something that she doesn't mean". So anyway... this is my life...yay. Oh and this last time ...she kept up with the comments and talking with her face (you know how women are) so here it is like a month later of maybe 5 incidents and counting. And now she hasnt' talked to me for 2 days! Last incident I massaged her back and rubbed her feet for a good hour (do it all the time...nothing special)...played a game of scrabble with her (I hate that game but she loves it) and it happens and all she is reacting too is the incident. F*cking crazy...who could perform under that kind of stress. BTW...thsi isn't just a little mad....this is like I want a divorce mad. no solution...not expecting one since no problem can be fixed if only 1 person is willing to talk about it. But it feels good being able to post up here with a few logical peeps.
    in her mind she is doing you a favour by having sex with you and she is only doing it for you she got nothing to gain out of it. And when cant you finish she is blaming you for it and not that it could happen to any men. just like you saying its her fault she doesnt wanna have sex with you when she is on her rag instead of you realizing that its natural. if it happens again let it go but next time fvck her like no tomorrow. When she asks "what got into you" reply making u for the last time.

  21. #21
    calgarian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by D3m3nt3d View Post
    Bro honestly - my wife (separated) said some really hurtful shit to me that really affected me so I know what you mean. As a matter of fact, I still don't look at her the same. I was getting better before we split, but all the comments and mental abuse can certainly have an affect. I am in therapy now and I believe that's why I have made the progress that I have, because she hurt me to the point I had performance anxiety, which is what it sounds like you may be experiencing. Nowdays tho, I can screw other chicks, they all love it, and I know it was all bullshit. But, it does fukk with you worse than they know.
    Dude thats what hapened when u get woman into ur head.....i would have fvcked her brains out but its just me......we will talk someday and i will tell you what happened to me and why i know this shit and how to freaking handle it

  22. #22
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    lol...that's the thing...she has a very high sex it's really her wanting to do it for her. And we do it when she's on her period anyway. I don't mind a lil red if I can go without the condom.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
    lol...that's the thing...she has a very high sex it's really her wanting to do it for her. And we do it when she's on her period anyway. I don't mind a lil red if I can go without the condom.
    high sex drive and only twice a week??? there is something wrong with it...ask her if she want to do anal if she say no just blame it on her and dont apologize

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    Dude thats what hapened when u get woman into ur head.....i would have fvcked her brains out but its just me......we will talk someday and i will tell you what happened to me and why i know this shit and how to freaking handle it
    Who my wife? I did fukk her brains out, shit its the only time she loved me

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by D3m3nt3d View Post
    Who my wife? I did fukk her brains out, shit its the only time she loved me
    so now...u truly are a pvssy control u ....all a girl needs to do is spread her legs...

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    so now...u truly are a pvssy control u ....all a girl needs to do is spread her legs...
    No I'm saying I did kiss ass and do whatever to try and stay together, shit I didn't want to lose my family. As for her and I, sex only happened when she wanted to at the end, I was scared to make a move, it would get me divorced

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by D3m3nt3d View Post
    No I'm saying I did kiss ass and do whatever to try and stay together, shit I didn't want to lose my family. As for her and I, sex only happened when she wanted to at the end, I was scared to make a move, it would get me divorced
    pvssy whipped i stand corrected

  28. #28
    stack_it's Avatar
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    Tell her that you're getting so much ass the other 5 days of the week that you can't keep up.

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    pvssy whipped i stand corrected
    No it wasn't

    She didnt seem in to me anymore bro, so I didn't try shit. When I got it she loved it, but it never went back to fukkin like rabbits

  30. #30
    Shol'va's Avatar
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    Well since all she can do is pay lip service in your time of need, put those lips of hers to good use and have her give junior oral service till he stands back at attention, then pork her. Problem solved....You can send me my fee later.

  31. #31
    Luck Luciano's Avatar
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    women may be quite predictable...unfortunately it will NOT look that way when you are emotionally involved

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by D3m3nt3d View Post
    No I'm saying I did kiss ass and do whatever to try and stay together, shit I didn't want to lose my family. As for her and I, sex only happened when she wanted to at the end, I was scared to make a move, it would get me divorced
    really sux ...I'm scared to make a move too....hope I'm not heading that way...the big d that is

    Let me get this straight...other than her stubbornness and arogance which I don't mind usually since all women are...this is the only real issue we

  33. #33
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    get some coke and a viagra.(dangerous on your heart). or take some vicodin and a viagra.. the coke will turn you into an animal and prevents you from cumming, a couple vicodins will just prevent you from cumming... Cialis is garbage in my opinion.. although im 27 and don't need either, but the viagra was like "holy $hit" and cialis was like.. "hmmmm can't really tell the difference, but i have been walking around with a half chubby for 6 hours"

  34. #34
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    lol...i've used cialis before...worked the recreational drug use comments.

    and i'm's not about me.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
    lol...i've used cialis before...worked the recreational drug use comments.

    and i'm's not about me.
    hell no i am 35 and still hump like a bunny. i used cials only when i wanna fvck 5 times in 3 hrs......worked for me but without i can pull it off too...Zimmy i thought for some reason u were older

  36. #36
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    I was talking about Coca cola man.. tons of caffeine But back to the subject... crazy women.. thre is this funny website you can go to that you pay ten buxcks and this guy calls you GF and dumps her and puts it on youtube.. hilarious website is called

    here is a good one.. chick gets caught faking being pregnant.. all women are nuts

    Raise your hand if this has happened to you.. (raising hand)

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by calgarian View Post
    hell no i am 35 and still hump like a bunny. i used cials only when i wanna fvck 5 times in 3 hrs......worked for me but without i can pull it off too...Zimmy i thought for some reason u were older
    lol it's cus i'm an old fart at heart.

  38. #38
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    Come on Zimmy, you always seem like a good bloke. But after reading some of your post's about your wife, she has you whipped and seems like the "male" of your relationship. I think she wants to be treated like a woman, and I don't mean give her flowers and massage and kiss her ass. I mean when she least expects it, like doing the washing or cooking, (assuming you are not the one doing it all the time) grab her and fvck the shiiit out of her, finish, then walk to the lounge and tell her you want a sandwich. Hope all works out for you both.

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    I am the one doing it and making the sandwhich :P

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by stack_it View Post
    Tell her that you're getting so much ass the other 5 days of the week that you can't keep up.

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