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  1. #1
    Skyler is offline I thought I knew it all...WRONG!
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    If everyone watches this and takes note, the world will improve

  2. #2
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Like I said, self-entitlement

  3. #3
    Skyler is offline I thought I knew it all...WRONG!
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    He actually has a great bit on people feeling entitled, I was going to post that, but I couldn't find it online. It's a good one though.

  4. #4
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    If he thinks the world is at its best right now I'd definitely like some of what he is smoking.
    I do believe there are a lot of spoiled fvcks in this world but I do not believe that has anything to do with where we are at.

  5. #5
    Skyler is offline I thought I knew it all...WRONG!
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    There is always bad in the world though, always something to complain about, with every generation. This generation definitely has the most advantages to outweigh the disadvantages though, and all anyone wants to do is bitch that it's still not good enough. Don't get me wrong, there is plenty wrong in the world that I am very aware of, but the number one thing in life that makes me want to lose it and go postal are the people in life i have to deal with, because of things just like this, everyone wants to be lazy and self entitled and no matter how much there is, it's never enough.

  6. #6
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    Just because I'm gay doesn't make me entitled to d*ck... I have to earn it.

  7. #7
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    I know what you're saying but one persons advantage can be considered another persons disadvantage.
    You might think its an advantage some of the technology we have while I think technology is sucking the life right out of the human race.
    One of the predicted benefits of the internet was to increase social awareness and studies are now showing it causes more social isolation
    and depression than we could of ever imagined.
    Some people think technology serves the human race while I believe many humans are serving technology. I think the real issue with me
    is history always just seems more appealing than the abolitionistic society we live in today. Victim mentalities and bitching are rewarded and
    encouraged. Theres too many people in the world and its diminishing the whole concept of individual identity. Noones special anymore,
    everything is ran by machines, we waste more time in traffic now then we do sleeping. I guess it really depends on how you choose to look at it
    but often times I feel like I would have done better in an ancient society of some sort than the mess we live in now. Medications and bs disorders,
    everyone has ADD, everyone needs an excuse to be stupid and a justification to not hate themselves over it. It makes us feel like we have an identity,
    but it also nurtures weakeness and social degradation.
    I really need to start thinking more positively lol. Maybe thats my real problem.

  8. #8
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    Good post. I think your on to something here. Just imagine what it was like about 150 years ago being out on a large farm or cattle spread. No hectic traffic, phones, tv, radio. There is something to be said for the simpler times when life wasn't such a rat race. I know theres a flip side to that but in general we are all(society in general) in a super fast paced lifestyle and I think we are burning out mentally, psychologically, and physically just as fast. We have reached a point where we have become extremely intelligent, but weaker for it.

  9. #9
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Good post. I think your on to something here. Just imagine what it was like about 150 years ago being out on a large farm or cattle spread. No hectic traffic, phones, tv, radio. There is something to be said for the simpler times when life wasn't such a rat race. I know theres a flip side to that but in general we are all(society in general) in a super fast paced lifestyle and I think we are burning out mentally, psychologically, and physically just as fast. We have reached a point where we have become extremely intelligent, but weaker for it.
    this is true... intelligence, or self perceived intelligence leads to arrogence, greed, laziness etc

  10. #10
    Bojangles69's Avatar
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    Couldn't agree more. I also love how the "American Dream" is largely based on material accruement. And I've never really understood how "independence"
    arises from slaving away 10 hours a day, 7 days a week so you can have the biggest house on your block. It seems more like a sophisticated form of slavery
    than an actual effort towards independence.
    Independence to me would be closer associated to rewriting the greedy moral code of present day america, and not really giving a shit how white your picket fence
    is. Independence is taking a stance against your government when they spend all your money and throw you and your family into a recession. Almost like the
    phrase "American Dream" was made to rob people of their independence. I have a house, a job, a dog, a nice green yard, but why is it that I still don't feel independent?
    Not trying to stir a political debate just trying to provoke some thoughts I guess.

  11. #11
    Knockout_Power's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojangles69 View Post
    Couldn't agree more. I also love how the "American Dream" is largely based on material accruement. And I've never really understood how "independence"
    arises from slaving away 10 hours a day, 7 days a week so you can have the biggest house on your block. It seems more like a sophisticated form of slavery
    than an actual effort towards independence.
    Independence to me would be closer associated to rewriting the greedy moral code of present day america, and not really giving a shit how white your picket fence
    is. Independence is taking a stance against your government when they spend all your money and throw you and your family into a recession. Almost like the
    phrase "American Dream" was made to rob people of their independence
    . I have a house, a job, a dog, a nice green yard, but why is it that I still don't feel independent?
    Not trying to stir a political debate just trying to provoke some thoughts I guess.
    Bingo, like you said, not trying to make this some philosophical or political discussion, but "the American Dream" is just a method of control. If you have a countrys mind set to focus on achieving this goal, then they become more docile and easier to control... I sound like such an idiot

  12. #12
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    In this society you never will be independent. For instance you own your home but have to pay for electricity, gas, water,etc. You paid taxes on your car and house when you bought them but every year you still have to pay taxes on them as real estate and personal property tax. You buy a car and if you want to drive it you have to buy gas. They will always make you dependent on them. Back in the old days you had a horse and buggy, raised your own cattle and garden and crops. Had a woodburning fireplace to heat your home with. Had a crank handle prime manual pump well to draw from,etc. You were pretty much independent, but not anymore...Those days are Gone With The Wind....and frankly my dear we do need to give a damn.

  13. #13
    Skyler is offline I thought I knew it all...WRONG!
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    Bo, I as far as my personal opinions and views go, I agree with everything you have posted so far.
    The only part of technology I take major advantage of is the internet. Mainly as a tool for education and research, and then I leave the AR window open on the side for some BS fun.
    I say often to friends and family though, and in all seriousness, that the world needs a new plague. Armageddon, Zombie Apocalypse, whatever, something needs to happen that will wipe out about 95% of the population and cripple the current way of life. I am about to move into a new house that has a lot of land, and almost no neighbors. I am going to hunt for or grow all of my own food, I am going to set up a wood burning system that will heat my house and my water, I am going to do as much as possible to live as much off the grid as possible. When I decide it's time to buy a house, I am going to move out west to the middle of nowhere, and have one of those dome houses built (look them up, they are 100% better than traditional structures in every way), and live completely off the grid and be 100% self sufficient.

    I could start rambling on this subject... but I don't think i would be able to stop....

  14. #14
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    I vote Zombie appocalypse... Ive got enough firearms and ammo to survive a while as long as the food supplies last, Im good

    So all those girls who said "not if you were the last man alive" will have to eat those words.

  15. #15
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    This thread has officially gotten deep lol.
    I've noticed that zombie/end of the world movies usually tend to get an incredible amount of social attention. Like look at "War of the Worlds", terrible movie,
    grossed a shit ton of money. People subconsciously realize the worst plague that could ever happen to this world is already here, humans. And maybe those
    movies appeal to so many people because we really want to see our own race fail, who knows?
    I'm not going to go suicide bomb times square over it I think exactly what you wrote is an excellent way to cope with it. Being self sufficient and living off the grid.
    Didn't really realize that till you wrote it either. It almost sounds more luxurious than owning my own tropical island where naked supermodels feed me shrimp while I drink beer all day. I'd much rather live like Tom Hanks in Cast Away and create my own fire, kill my own food, crack open my own coconuts. I like that idea a lot.
    Gives me something new to strive for in life lol =] and almost makes mormonism seem smarter than I originally thought haha....

  16. #16
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    This all comes down to the human race removing natural selection. The moment we decided to keep the weak alive longer and protect them, the greater our odds were for breeding the weakest next generation. The hardest working, intelligent, and self motivating people are too busy making something of the world that they live in... this leaves the weak, lazy members of society at home to fvck and populate the world.

  17. #17
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    /\ Thats a fvcking BRILLIANT comment. I've almost kinda thought that in my head already but just not as concisely as you just put it. Cloning genes and removing
    that element of natural selection will most likely be the downfall of our race.
    I mean think about it for like what 50million years we've lived under the code "only the strongest survive", things have always seemed to be improving and then some jackwagon scientist comes along and changes that. Couple that with the hedonistic imperative and abolitionism (which can basically be deduced to 'protecting the weak' like you said) and there goes any chance our race ever had. Whether or not what we're talking about is actually true though that one comment is definitely going to change the way I think about the world. Humans think they're so important that they have now created a deliberate system for protecting the weakest of the world, and in an effort to save all these fvcked up genes I'm sure at some point a true world war III will result where we all just hbomb each other into oblivion and get it over with.

  18. #18
    Skyler is offline I thought I knew it all...WRONG!
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    ^^^^And this is why I want to make sure I have a good bomb shelter, or maybe I can move into an old missile silo like that guy in the other video I posted. I can just "stay out of the way" while people wipe themselves out.

  19. #19
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    If the world comes close to ending and everyone else dies, I will officially have the worlds biggest penis!!!

  20. #20
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    Anyone ever thought that maybe gays were natures way of an attempt at population control? But then man started breeding at such an alarming rate we ended up with overpopulation, look at China. Even with all the abortions going on the population continues onward. So eventually something is going to have to give, ie, war, famine, disease, etc. I think our generation will be dead by then but who knows.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    If the world comes close to ending and everyone else dies, I will officially have the worlds biggest penis!!!
    You better hope all the hamsters die too then...

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    You better hope all the hamsters die too then...
    already got that covered, altering rat poison to kill those overly endowed mofo's... now if only I could eliminate the fruitfly population

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Knockout_Power View Post
    already got that covered, altering rat poison to kill those overly endowed mofo's... now if only I could eliminate the fruitfly population
    Hey leave my friends out of it.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    Hey leave my friends out of it.
    fruitFLY not fruitCUP

  25. #25
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    Yeah true we are very spoiled in terms of appreciating technology. But then again if we weren't spoiled and didn't always look for perfection we would have the mindset of just "if its not broken, don't fix it". The fact that we always want more and better contributes to all these amazing accomplishments. Imagine if we never invented better tv, clothing, electronics, medicine, machinery, etc because we were too satisfied with what we already made?

  26. #26
    Skyler is offline I thought I knew it all...WRONG!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Public Enemy View Post
    Yeah true we are very spoiled in terms of appreciating technology. But then again if we weren't spoiled and didn't always look for perfection we would have the mindset of just "if its not broken, don't fix it". The fact that we always want more and better contributes to all these amazing accomplishments. Imagine if we never invented better tv, clothing, electronics, medicine, machinery, etc because we were too satisfied with what we already made?
    I understand what you are saying, but on the other hand, if we were all satisfied, than I don't think it would matter if we advanced any more or not, because we would all be happy and satisfied, which would be a great change of pace.

  27. #27
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    Ignorance is bliss.

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    This thread is great, but are you guys serious? Just go live with the Amish if you think that is so great. The strong and brilliant still survive. They just allow (out of kindness of their heart) to let the rest of the dumbasses survive too. And by kindness of their heart, I mean to support them in doing things like going to space, building planes, living in huge mansions on the beach, traveling the world, building nuclear bombs, and basically doing everything that the rest of the population could never dream of. We should be careful what we wish for when it comes to natural selection... People on this site are so far behind the "naturally selected" individuals its a joke. The naturally selected are no longer the strongest/fastest whatever... Steroids and big muscles don't mean shit if it comes to Us vs. Them.

  29. #29
    Skyler is offline I thought I knew it all...WRONG!
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    I have been to Amish communities, and I prefer them. The lack of electricity and things like that are just stupid in my opinion, because since we have invented the light bulb and electricity, we now have the option to still live off the grid, but choose to run generators, use solar panels, etc. But as far as the rest of the Amish go, they have great food, great coffee, incredibly well built structures, well made clothing that last for damn ever, they don't pollute, etc.
    So when you say "try living with the Amish", I say "I have, and I loved it"

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyler View Post
    I understand what you are saying, but on the other hand, if we were all satisfied, than I don't think it would matter if we advanced any more or not, because we would all be happy and satisfied, which would be a great change of pace.
    Yeah, you can look at it from that perspective also because if we left some things the way there were in the past, we wouldn't know any better and it would seem like the height of technology. An example would be the advancement in these game consoles. I remember when I first played the Playstation 2 I was blown away and graphics seemed like they couldn't get much better but just the other day I played some war game on PS3 and the graphics made the PS2 stuff look foolish.
    Last edited by Public Enemy; 12-19-2010 at 11:34 AM.

  31. #31
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    There is this common belief that Natural Selection means this term:

    "Survival of the fittest/strongest"

    When it doesn't, and there are many, many factors. It basically comes down to this, you can have two types of sexual selection.

    Intrasexual selection, two males fighting for the right to mate with all the females or Intersexual selection, where the females will choose the "prettiest" looking male. Both are a reflection of strength in some ways, but you also have things like genetic drift, mutation, speciation and so on. Many, many things control how a species survives and keeps on.

    As for us. We are a complete anomally. We dont respect the planet, and we seem to have this notion that there is an infinite amount of resource for us to consume on this planet. We dont allow weaker genes to leave our genepool, we allow the sick, the weak, the disabled to survive and even reproduce. The result is a run away population, obsessed with the notion that dying is totally unacceptable. There's a reason no one species is 100% safe from predation, disease and so on, because it isn't sustainable.

    As for the video, we 100% take everything around us for granted. No one gives a fvck about anyone else and we worship money.

  32. #32
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    If everyone was happy we wouldn't advance and we wouldn't get better. But every other country would. We would be passed up very quickly and then taken over. The need to get better and general dissatisfaction with where we are is what keeps everyone progressing.

    Odd hearing that everyone should just be happy with where they are at coming from a bodybuilder. You should be like 50lbs lighter bro.

    I'm not trying to flame you or anyone else. I agree completely with the first post in this thread and the video is spot on. I'm half arguing my point of view, half playing devils advocate.

  33. #33
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    The Amish live in tight knit communities, grow their own organic friut and veggies, have limited exposure to the outside world such as selling their crops to the public. they build fantastic barns and other structures, are excellent fence builders and the list go on. they also have large families and everyone does their share of the work. Excellent ethics. the only downfall would be last names like Yoder...

    Last edited by Shol'va; 12-19-2010 at 12:05 PM.

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shol'va View Post
    The Amish live in tight knit communities, grow their own organic friut and veggies, have limited exposure to the outside world such as selling their crops to the public. they build fantastic barns and other structures, are excellent fence builders and the list go on. they also have large families and everyone does their share of the work. Excellent ethics. the only downfall would be last names like Yoder...
    lol there is a reason that their population is getting smaller and smaller. I don't think that anyone here is serious with saying that they would rather live like amish. Nothing is stopping you. Simply get off the computer, sell your car, take your money out of the bank and move to the middle of ****ing nowhere and learn to knit and farm. Terrible way of life if you ask me. Try bench pressing with fallen tree branches. Fun stuff...

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    The really bas A$$ ones bench press with the thorn tree branches.

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